This data notebook contains the analysis that generated facts in the story US deems migrant seafood workers ‘essential’ but limits their COVID-19 protections. For each sentence in the story generated by original data analysis, we have provided the corresponding code and results.
# For general data science
# For Data Cleaning
# For loading Excel Files
# For working with datetime
# For pulling Bureau of Labor Statistics data
# For pretty Tables
## Function for formatted table output
output_formatted_table = function(table, text){
table %>%
kable(caption = text) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
scroll_box(width = "100%")
We examined H-2B data published by the Department of Labor. We looked at H-2B performance data from fiscal year 2017 to fiscal year 2020. The dataset provides information about employers’ H-2B applications to the department’s Office of Foreign Labor Certification. Each fiscal year covers applications from Oct. 1 of the year prior through Sept. 30 of the year reported. For example, FY 2020 covers Oct. 1, 2019 to Sept. 30, 2020. The data can be downloaded from the Department of Labor’s website.
## Load 2017-2020 H2-B data
# Data for 2020
h2b_federal <- read_excel("data/H2B_Disclosure_Data_FY2020.xlsx")%>%
# Data for 2019
H2B_2019 <- read_excel("data/H2B_2019.xlsx")%>%
# Data for 2018
H2B_2018 <- read_excel("data/H2B_2018.xlsx")%>%
# Data for 2017
H2B_2017 <- read_excel("data/H2B_2017.xlsx")%>%
## All years, joined
# Create truncated h2b 2017 dataframe
h2b_2017_select_columns<- H2B_2017%>%
select(total_workers_certified = nbr_workers_certified, naics_code)%>%
mutate(fy = "2017")
# Create truncated h2b 2018 dataframe
h2b_2018_select_columns<- H2B_2018%>%
select(total_workers_certified = nbr_workers_certified, naics_code)%>%
mutate(fy = "2018")
# Create truncated h2b 2019 dataframe
h2b_2019_select_columns<- H2B_2019%>%
select(total_workers_certified = nbr_workers_certified, naics_code)%>%
mutate(fy = "2019")
# Create truncated h2b 2020 dataframe
h2b_2020_select_columns<- h2b_federal%>%
select(total_workers_certified, naics_code)%>%
mutate(fy = "2020")
# Bind new dataframes
h2b_federal_all_years<- h2b_2017_select_columns%>%
We examined COVID-19 complaints published by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The data includes all valid complaints received by OSHA since the start of the pandemic. Federal and state OSHA offices submit their data to the federal database. However, certain data may be unique to the state’s operating system or may not be transferred to federal OSHA. This means that, while state OSHA complaints are accessible via the federal OSHA website, totals may not always be comprehensive. OSHA updates the complaints data weekly.Variable names involving “OIS,” which stands for OSHA Information System, indicate the federal database. The data can be downloaded from OSHA’s website.
# Load the complaints to OSHA
ois_closed_complaints_20210328 = read_excel("../../../etl/federal_osha_complaints/input_data/Closed_Federal_State_Plan_Valid_COVID-19_Complaints_Through_0328_2021.xlsx")
ois_open_complaints_20210328 = read_excel("../../../etl/federal_osha_complaints/input_data/Open_Federal_State_Plan_Valid_COVID-19_Complaints_Through_0328_2021.xlsx")
## Combine open and closed complaints
# Clean open complaints --------------------
open_complaints <- ois_open_complaints_20210328 %>%
# Format the data set — take out the first two rows because they aren't row headings
remove_empty() %>%
slice(-1) %>%
# Bring row headings to the first line of the data set
row_to_names(1) %>%
clean_names() %>%
# Create a new column to check the status of the complaint -- open or closed
mutate(complaint_status = "open_complaint")
# Clean closed complaints --------------------
closed_complaints <- ois_closed_complaints_20210328 %>%
# Same as part 1 -- take out the first two rows because they aren't row headings
remove_empty() %>%
slice(-1) %>%
# Bring row headings to the first line of the data set
row_to_names(1) %>%
clean_names() %>%
# Create a new column to check the status of the complaint -- open or closed
mutate(complaint_status = "closed_complaint")
# Combine open and closed complaints --------------------
federal_osha_complaints_data <- closed_complaints %>%
# Use bind_rows to join the two data sets
bind_rows(open_complaints) %>%
# Convert dates to a number
mutate(upa_receipt_date = as.numeric(upa_receipt_date)) %>%
# Use the "excel_numeric_to_date" function to return an actual date
mutate(upa_receipt_date = excel_numeric_to_date(upa_receipt_date)) %>%
# Separate the number of alleged hazards and number of employees exposed into two columns
separate(number_alleged_hazards_emp_exposed, sep = "/", into = c("number_alleged_hazards","number_employees_exposed"))%>%
# Remove spaces after alleged hazards using str_trim
mutate(number_alleged_hazards = str_trim(number_alleged_hazards, side = "right")) %>%
# Columns are stored as characters, so convert them to numbers
mutate(number_alleged_hazards = as.numeric(number_alleged_hazards)) %>%
mutate(number_employees_exposed = as.numeric(number_employees_exposed)) %>%
# Separate the two NAICS codes into two columns: primary_site_naics_1 and primary_site_naics_2
separate(primary_site_naics, sep = "/", into = c("primary_site_naics_1","primary_site_naics_2"))%>%
# Remove spaces before and after the codes using str_trim
mutate(primary_site_naics_1 = str_trim(primary_site_naics_1, side = "both"))%>%
mutate(primary_site_naics_2 = str_trim(primary_site_naics_2, side = "both"))%>%
# If/else statement: if primary_site_naics_1 equals primary_site_naics_2, return true in another column, else, return false
mutate(naics_check = case_when(
primary_site_naics_1 == primary_site_naics_2 ~ "true",
TRUE ~ "false"
)) %>%
# Break apart the RID to interpret: first two numbers are OSHA office region, if the 3rd digit is 5 it is a state_plan office, else its a federal plan office
mutate(osha_office_region = substr(rid, 1,2), office_type_number = substr(rid, 3,3), office_type = ifelse(office_type_number == "5", "state_plan_office", "federal_plan_office") ) %>%
# Create column to identify if an inspection occurred
mutate(inspection_occured = ifelse( == FALSE,'yes', 'no'))
We used the North American Industry Classification System classification codes to identify companies in the “seafood product preparation and packaging industries.” That industry’s NAICS codes begin with 3117.
# Load NAICS codes from blscraperR
naics_codes = naics
“Since January 2020, OSHA received 63,455 workplace complaints related to COVID-19 across the U.S. Of those complaints, 32 were against seafood-processing companies, which have more H-2B workers than any other industry except landscaping, a Howard Center analysis found.”
We examined open and closed COVID-19 complaints published by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration to find the total number of workplace complaints related to COVID-19 across the U.S. since January 2020. We identified complaints in the seafood product preparation and packaging sector. Finally, using the FY2020 H-2B data, we found the top five industries with the most H-2B workers workers certified between October 2019 and September 2020.
# Find total federal OSHA complaints within the seafood product preparation and packaging industry
seafood_complaints <- federal_osha_complaints_data %>%
filter(str_detect(primary_site_naics_1, "^3117") | str_detect(primary_site_naics_2, "^3117") ) %>%
select(estab_name, primary_site_naics_1, primary_site_naics_2) %>%
# Find total federal OSHA complaints nationwide
total_complaints <- federal_osha_complaints_data %>%
# Results --------------------
output_formatted_table(seafood_complaints, "Since January 2020, OSHA received 32 workplace safety complaints related to seafood product preparation and packaging")
n |
32 |
output_formatted_table(total_complaints, "OSHA received 63,455 workplace safety complaints since January 2020")
n |
63455 |
# Find total H-2B workers certified by industry in FY2020
more_h2b_2020 <- h2b_federal_all_years%>%
mutate(naics_code = str_sub(naics_code, end=5))%>%
mutate(original_length = str_length(naics_code))%>%
mutate(naics_code = str_pad(naics_code, 5, "right", "1"))%>%
mutate(naics_code = case_when(
naics_code == "851" ~ "8510",
TRUE ~ naics_code))%>%
left_join(naics, by=c("naics_code"="industry_code"))%>%
mutate(length = str_length(naics_code))%>%
group_by(fy,naics_code, industry_title)%>%
summarize(total_workers_certified_by_naics = sum(total_workers_certified))%>%
arrange(fy, desc(total_workers_certified_by_naics))%>%
filter(fy == "2020")%>%
# Results --------------------
output_formatted_table(more_h2b_2020, "There were more H-2B workers in the seafood industry than any other industry except landscaping in FY2020")
fy | naics_code | industry_title | total_workers_certified_by_naics |
2020 | 56173 | NAICS 56173 Landscaping services | 72134 |
2020 | 31171 | NAICS 31171 Seafood product preparation and packaging | 12633 |
2020 | 72111 | NAICS 72111 Hotels and motels, except casino hotels | 12239 |
2020 | 11531 | NAICS 11531 Support activities for forestry | 11063 |
2020 | 71399 | NAICS 71399 All other amusement and recreation industries | 8108 |
“In August, North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat, considered an executive order that would have ensured COVID-safety precautions in migrant housing, transportation and worksites. It would have protected the 907 H-2B recipients certified to work in North Carolina seafood plants between January and August 2020.”
Using the FY2020 H-2B data between October 2019 and September 2020, we found the total number of H-2B recipients certified to work in the seafood industry in North Carolina. We limited the industry codes to four digits and searched for seafood product preparation and packaging and determined the earliest and latest certification date.
# Find total number of H-2B workers certified in the seafood product preparation and packaging industry in North Carolina in FY2020
nc_h2b <-h2b_federal %>%
clean_names() %>%
mutate(primary_naics_group = str_sub(naics_code, end=4))%>%
mutate(total_workers_certified=replace_na(total_workers_certified,0)) %>%
filter(employer_state == "NC") %>%
filter(str_detect(naics_code, "^3117")) %>%
summarise(total_workers_certified = sum(total_workers_certified),
min_cert_date = min(decision_date),
max_cert_date = max(decision_date))
# Results --------------------
output_formatted_table(nc_h2b, "H-2B workers certified in the seafood product preparation and packaging industry in North Carolina in FY2020")
total_workers_certified | min_cert_date | max_cert_date |
907 | 2020-01-24 | 2020-08-27 |
In the coastal town of Kinsale, Virginia, Ronald and Shirley Bevans received federal approval last year to hire 110 H-2B baitfish and shellfish packers, 130 H-2B oyster shuckers and 14 seafood processors at their seafood-wholesale businesses: Bevans Oyster Company and Bonums Oyster Company.
Using the FY2020 H-2B data, we found the number of H-2B workers certified to work for Bevans Oyster Company and Bonums Oyster Company.
# Find total H-2B workers certified to work in seafood product preparation and packaging in Virginia for Bevans Oyster Company and Bonums Oyster Company in FY2020
h2b_bevans <- h2b_federal %>%
clean_names() %>%
filter(employer_state == "VA") %>%
filter(str_detect(naics_code, "^3117")) %>%
filter(str_detect(employer_name, "Bevans|Bonums")) %>%
select(employer_name, total_workers_certified, case_status, received_date, job_title)
# Results --------------------
output_formatted_table(h2b_bevans, "Bevans Oyster Company and Bonums Oyster Company received federal approval to hire 110 H-2B baitfish and shellfish packers, 130 H-2B oyster shuckers and 14 seafood processors in FY2020")
employer_name | total_workers_certified | case_status | received_date | job_title |
Bonums Oyster Company, Inc. | 130 | Determination Issued - Certification | 2020-07-03 11:09:33 | Oyster Shucker |
Bevans Oyster Company, Inc. | 14 | Determination Issued - Certification | 2020-01-02 00:02:53 | Seafood Processor |
Bevans Oyster Company, Inc. | 110 | Determination Issued - Certification | 2020-01-02 00:07:19 | Baitfish/Shellfish Packer |
“In 2020, only 12 states had workers certified in seafood product preparation and packaging.”
We used the H-2B FY2020 data to identify certified H-2B seafood product preparation and packaging workers in each state.
# Find H-2B workers certified in the seafood product preparation and packaging in each state in FY2020
h2b_seafood_by_state <-h2b_federal %>%
clean_names() %>%
mutate(primary_naics_group = str_sub(naics_code, end=4))%>%
mutate(total_workers_certified=replace_na(total_workers_certified,0)) %>%
filter(str_detect(naics_code, "^3117")) %>%
summarise(total_workers_certified = sum(total_workers_certified))%>%
# Results --------------------
output_formatted_table(h2b_seafood_by_state, "Total H2B visa certifications by state in the seafood product preparation and packaging subsector by state in FY 2020")
employer_state | total_workers_certified |
WA | 6791 |
LA | 1829 |
NC | 907 |
OR | 846 |
MD | 678 |
VA | 647 |
TX | 548 |
MS | 205 |
AK | 91 |
AL | 69 |
FL | 18 |
ME | 4 |
"Landscaping services had the most H-2B workers certified across all industry subsectors across all years. Between 2017 and 2020, H-2B visa certifications nationwide in seafood product preparation and packaging increased by 84%.
For this graphic, used H-2B data from FY2017 through FY2020. Using NAICS industry codes, we extracted the top five industries with the most certified H-2B workers in each year. We also calculated the change in certified H-2B seafood workers between 2017 and 2020.
# Find the top five industry sectors with most H2-B certified workers
top_five_graphic <- h2b_federal_all_years%>%
mutate(naics_code = str_sub(naics_code, end=5))%>%
mutate(original_length = str_length(naics_code))%>%
mutate(naics_code = str_pad(naics_code, 5, "right", "1"))%>%
mutate(naics_code = case_when(
naics_code == "851" ~ "8510",
TRUE ~ naics_code))%>%
left_join(naics, by=c("naics_code"="industry_code"))%>%
mutate(length = str_length(naics_code))%>%
group_by(fy,naics_code, industry_title)%>%
summarize(total_workers_certified_by_naics = sum(total_workers_certified))%>%
arrange(fy, desc(total_workers_certified_by_naics))%>%
top_five_graphic_output <- top_five_graphic %>%
select(industry_title,fy,total_workers_certified_by_naics) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from=fy,values_from=total_workers_certified_by_naics) %>%
# Calculate percent change from FY2017 - FY2020
seafood_change_2017_2020 <- top_five_graphic%>%
filter(fy %in% c("2017", "2020") & str_detect(industry_title, "Seafood"))%>%
pivot_wider(names_from = fy, values_from = total_workers_certified_by_naics)%>%
mutate(percent_change = round(((`2020` - `2017`)/`2017`)*100,2)) %>%
# Results --------------------
output_formatted_table(top_five_graphic_output, "Top five industry sub-sectors with most H2B workers certified across four years.")
industry_title | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
NAICS 56173 Landscaping services | 50450 | 63388 | 63299 | 72134 |
NAICS 31171 Seafood product preparation and packaging | 6872 | 6592 | 8773 | 12633 |
NAICS 72111 Hotels and motels, except casino hotels | 11872 | 11718 | 12109 | 12239 |
NAICS 11531 Support activities for forestry | 10791 | 10372 | 10983 | 11063 |
NAICS 71399 All other amusement and recreation industries | 7210 | 7737 | 7936 | 8108 |
output_formatted_table(seafood_change_2017_2020, "Percentage change from FY2017 to FY 2020 in seafood product packaging")
industry_title | 2017 | 2020 | percent_change |
NAICS 31171 Seafood product preparation and packaging | 6872 | 12633 | 83.83 |