
This data notebook contains the analysis that generated facts in the story LINK. For each sentence in the story generated by original data analysis, we have provided the corresponding code and results.

Load Libraries

Code to load necessary libraries. Click “Code” button to view.

# For general data science
# For data cleaning
# For loading Excel files
# For working with date
# For pretty tables
# For census data
# For aws buckets

# Define API Key for Tidycensus

Load and Clean Data

For this project, we examined evictions by local public housing authorities in several cities.

Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the Eviction Lab at Princeton University, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and local court records, we identified nearly two dozen communities that scored high on more than one of the following dimensions: high historical eviction-filing rates, high rents relative to income, high homeless rates, ease of access to eviction court records and a public-housing authority that was among the leading evictors. Through reporting and research, we narrowed our focus to those five places described in the story.

The cities were:

  • Charleston, South Carolina
  • Crisfield, Maryland
  • Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
  • Richmond, Virginia

To analyze evictions, we acquired several different data sources in each of these locations.

  • Court records obtained from online court record management systems using custom web scraping software written in Python. We cleaned the data using R and Open Refine.
  • Internal public housing authority documents and spreadsheets that detailed evictions. For records that were provided as PDFs, we used Adobe Acrobat, Tabula and other software tools to extract data.
    • Charleston: The Housing Authority of the City of Charleston sent a spreadsheet with yearly breakdowns of all tenant moveouts from 2015-2020. The sheets included an entity identifier for each tenant, street address, unit number and number of bedrooms. It also included the move-in and move-out dates, as well as the reason for moving out, which included evictions.
    • Crisfield: While we did not receive documents directly from the Housing Authority of Crisfield, we obtained records from an attorney representing the housing authority that showed cases filed by eWrit Filings, an outside contractor the housing authority uses to file evictions. The eWrit documents included case numbers, tenant names, tenant address, the tenants’ rent, late fee, amount due, suit month and trial date. The records are from 2018-2020, as the housing authority started filing with eWrit in June 2018.
    • Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Public Housing Authority sent internal eviction records and a log of tenants who entered into payment agreements. The internal evictions records included tenant names, tenant dates of birth, entity IDs unique to tenants, unit IDs unique to the units, case numbers, street addresses, amount owed at filing, monthly rent, court fee and service fee. The payback agreements included the date filed, case number, who signed off on the agreement, and the amount owed at each payment installment, the day it was due and whether it was paid.
    • Oklahoma City: The Oklahoma City Housing Authority sent internal move out records that included the case number, tenant name, tenant race, property code, file date, settle date, move out reason, judgement and whether a writ was served. It also included the rent per month and amount owed.
    • Richmond: The Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority sent internal move out records. The records included move in date, move out date, number of days the tenant lived in the unit, move out reason, address and property name.

Code to load and clean necessary data. Click “Code” button to view.

# All data for Charleston analysis
charleston_pha_all <- read_csv("cha_cases_1205.csv") # scraped Charleston court data, filtered for housing authority cases
charleston_all <- read.csv("charleston_all_clean.csv") # all scraped Charleston court data for question about rank

# All data for Crisfield analysis
crisfield_ewrit <- read_csv("crisfield_ewrit_all_1204.csv") # records from eWrit Filings, an outside contractor that automates the process
# Crisfield ewrit cleaning
crisfield_ewrit<- crisfield_ewrit %>%
  mutate(case_number = tolower(case_number)) %>%
  mutate(case_number = str_remove_all(case_number,"absolute| absolute|-|none")) %>%
  mutate(case_number = str_trim(case_number, side="both")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "") %>%
  distinct(case_number, .keep_all = TRUE)
#Adding ryan somerset case rescrape from Sat Dec. 5
somerset <- read_csv("somerset-sequential-rescrape.csv") %>%
  bind_rows(read_csv("somerset-missing-rescrape.csv")) %>%
  mutate(filing_date = mdy(filing_date)) %>%
  mutate(year = year(filing_date)) %>%
  filter(str_detect(case_type,"failure to pay rent|tenant holding over|wrongful detainer|breach of lease")) %>%
  rename(plaintiff = landlord) 

#All data for OKC analysis
okc <- read.csv("okc_rescrape_nov_2015-2020.csv") %>% # scraped OKC court data
  filter(str_detect(case_type,"forcible entry")) %>%
  mutate(file_date = mdy(file_date)) %>%
  mutate(year = year(file_date)) 
okc_rent <- read.csv("okc_rent.csv") # OKC rent records from the housing authority
okc_records <- read.csv("okc_pha_final_1204.csv") # all records from the OKC housing authority
# cleaning OKC records
okc_records <- okc_records %>%
  mutate(short_case_number = case_number) %>%
  mutate(case_number = paste0('sc-', year, '-', short_case_number),
         pha_file_date = file_date,
         pha_judgment = judgement,
         pha_writ = writ
         ) %>%
  inner_join(okc, by="case_number")

#All data for Minneapolis analysis
minneapolis <- read.csv("hennepin_1202_pha.csv") # scraped Minneapolis court data, filtered for housing authority cases, updated 12/2
minneapolis_all_cases <- read.csv("minneapolis_all_cases.csv") %>% # all scraped Minneapolis court data for question about rank
  mutate(date_filed = mdy(date_filed)) %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed))
minneapolis_eviction_records <- read_xlsx("minn_rent_filings_FINAL.xlsx") %>% # records from Minneapolis PHA about nonpayment cases
  mutate(case_number = tolower(case_number))

#All data for Richmond analysis
richmond <- read.csv("richmond_ha_clean.csv") # scraped Richmond court data, filtered for housing authority cases, updated 12/2
richmond_records <- read.csv("df.final_richmond.csv") # all Richmond records from the housing authority

# Create list of CoCs 
coc_list <- c("MD-513","SC-500","MN-500","VA-500","OK-502")

# Read in Zillow inflection homeless study
coc_rate <- read_csv("") %>%
  clean_names() %>%
  mutate(nat_avg_homeless_rate = mean(estimated_homeless_rate_percent)) %>%
  filter(co_c_number %in% coc_list) %>%
  select(co_c_number, co_c_name, homeless_rate = estimated_homeless_rate_percent, nat_avg_homeless_rate)

# Create list of county fips codes
county_list <- c("45019","24039","27053","51760","40109")

# Get by income Median Gross Rent as Percent of Household Income

median_gross_rent_as_pct_household_income <- get_acs(geography = "county",
              variables = c("B25071_001"), geometry = FALSE, year=2018) %>%
              rename(median_gross_rent_as_pct_household_income = estimate) %>%
              select(-variable, -moe) %>%
              filter(! %>%
              mutate(nat_avg_median_gross_rent_as_pct_household_income = mean(median_gross_rent_as_pct_household_income)) %>%
              filter(GEOID %in% county_list)

# Crosswalk

crosswalk <- tribble(
  ~co_c_number, ~fips,

## Get eviction data 
state <- "US"
# Define path to S3 eviction lab bucket and get it
object_path <- paste0(state,"/counties.csv")
object <- get_object(object_path, bucket = "eviction-lab-data-downloads")
# Read in data from bucket and conenct 
to_character <- rawToChar(object)
connection <- textConnection(to_character)
evictions <- read.csv(connection)

# Filter to only get 2016 eviction filings and filing rate, plus additional cleaning
evictions_2016 <- evictions %>%
  filter(year == 2016) %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  mutate(GEOID = as.character(GEOID)) %>%
  mutate(GEOID = str_pad(GEOID, width=5, side="left", pad="0")) %>%
  select(county_fips = GEOID, cty_eviction_filings_2016 = eviction.filings, cty_evictions_2016 = evictions, cty_eviction_filing_rate_2016 = eviction.filing.rate, cty_eviction_rate_2016 = eviction.rate, cty_rent_burden_2016 = rent.burden, cty_pct_rent_occupied_2016 = pct.renter.occupied) %>%
  select(county_fips, cty_eviction_filing_rate_2016, cty_eviction_rate_2016) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(avg_eviction_filing_rate = mean(cty_eviction_filing_rate_2016),
         avg_eviction_rate = mean(cty_eviction_rate_2016)) %>%
  select(-avg_eviction_rate, -cty_eviction_rate_2016) %>%
  filter(county_fips %in% county_list)

# Bind homeless, rent burden and eviction data together

local_stats <- coc_rate %>%
  inner_join(crosswalk) %>%
  inner_join(median_gross_rent_as_pct_household_income, by=c("fips" = "GEOID")) %>%
  left_join(evictions_2016, by=c("fips"="county_fips")) %>%
  select(fips, name=NAME, homeless_rate, nat_avg_homeless_rate, median_gross_rent_as_pct_household_income, nat_avg_median_gross_rent_as_pct_household_income, eviction_filing_rate = cty_eviction_filing_rate_2016, nat_avg_eviction_filing_rate = avg_eviction_filing_rate)

Story Fact Check


Sentence: “But in Crisfield, a city of 2,600 on the Chesapeake Bay, the housing authority is one of the leading eviction filers.”

Discussion: The Housing Authority of Crisfield accounted for 1,756 of 8,335 filings in Somerset County Maryland between Jan. 1, 2017 and Nov. 30, 2020 – or about 1 in 5 filings. By that measure, they are among the most active in the county.

# count of Crisfield housing authority cases 

crisfield_housing_authority <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  group_by(plaintiff) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  summarise(total_cha = sum(total))

# Count of all cases 
somerset_all_cases <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  summarise(total_filings = n())

# All cases by plaintiffs
somerset_all_plaintiffs <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  group_by(plaintiff) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%

# print results

crisfield_housing_authority %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
somerset_all_cases %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
somerset_all_plaintiffs %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
plaintiff total
housing authority of crisfield 1483
umes blvd llc 489
umes blvd llc dba arden’s run 477
somerset reserve lllp/reserves at somerset 288
housing authority of crisfield/housing authority of crisfield 284
princess anne owner lp 268
enterprise homes/reserves at somerset 231
somerset commons lllp 189
queens grant llc 188
somerset reserve lllp 180
umes blvd llc dba ardens run 175
heritage estates inc 142
sommer place associates 125
talons village 123
enterprise homes/somerset commons 113
umes blvd., llc 108
northern chesapeake mgmt 100
oceans alliance llc 100
umes blvd iii llc dba ardens run iii 79
somerset commons lllp/somerset commons 75
talons village llc 73
acg princess anne llc 69
heritage estates inc. 69
shelter properties/somerset commons 64
crisfield, housing authority of 59
enterprise homes 59
heritage estates 56
johnson, janie t 54
klc llc 53
somerset commons 48
princess anne owner, lp 46
samuel chase associates 45
somerset reserve, lllp 44
northern chesapeake management 42
queens grant 42
a shore fit 41
university park apartments 39
thornton properties llc 36
cmr llc 32
mid-pine estates 32
princess anne townhouses 31
commons, somerset 28
lunnermon, jason 28
wilson landing mhp, llc 28
somerset, reserves at 27
butler, kenneth d 26
donohoe, david 26
goodman, alan 26
housing authority of crisfield housing 24
muir enterprises 23
oceans alliance , llc 22
grant, queens 20
somerset meadows 20
enterprise homes/ reserves at somerset 18
enterprise homes/ somerset commons 18
housing authority of crisfield/housing auority crisfield 18
janie t johnson 18
princess anne owner,lp 17
umes blvd, llc 17
university park apts/somerset property mgmt/deborah k farrow 16
village, talons 16
davis, eric 15
preen investment, llc 15
princess anne townhomes 15
somerset reserve lllp/reserve at somerset 15
somerset village 15
thornton properties, llc 15
wilson landing 15
winn companies llc 15
620 naylor mill rd llc 14
anchored property services 14
marshall, patricia 14
klc, llc 13
smith management group 13
thornton properties 13
somerset commons lllp/ somerset commons 12
somerset village apartments 12
umes blvd, llc dba ardens run 12
w.t.h. inc. 12
winncompanies llc 12
estates, heritage 11
frey, stephen 11
heritage estates, inc 11
run iii, ardens 11
somerset reserves lllp/reserves at somerset 11
university park apts 11
holland, christopher 10
johnson, janie 10
princess anne, acg 10
umes blvd iii, llc 10
umes blvd llc dba arden run 10
university inn 10
heritage estates/deborah farrow, agent 9
preen investment llc 9
somerset reserve lllp/ reserves at somerset 9
umes blvd iii llc dba arden’s run iii 9
university park apts/somerset property mgmt 9
heritage estates/deborah farrow,agent 8
housing auth of crisfield 8
oceans alliance 8
stewarts neck apartments 8
the myers group llc 8
620 naylor mill rd, llc 7
eden estates, inc. 7
nelson family trust 7
queens grant, llc 7
umes blvd 7
anchored property services 6
bn properties llc 6
enterprises homes/ somerset commons 6
llc, klc 6
priness anne owner lp 6
robert kirk corp 6
somerset commons, shelter properties 6
somerset property management 6
tawes, scott 6
the myers group, llc 6
umes blvd ucdba arden’s run 6
c.m.r. llc 5
delmarva management group llc 5
eden estates, inc 5
enterprise homes/ reserve at somerset 5
muir enterprises inc 5
oceans alliance ,llc 5
parker, uvonda 5
r miller properties llc 5
robinson, patricia 5
ume blvd llc dba ardens run 5
university park apts. 5
university park apts/som prop mgmt 5
value enterprises llc 5
30505 prince william llc 4
ace princess anne llc 4
arden’s run 4
butler, kenneth d.  4
caldwell banker for cq investments 4
cmr, llc 4
enterprises, muir 4
farrow, deborah 4
henon, thomas 4
hosuing authority of crisfield/housing authority of crisfield 4
jason lunnerman 4
llc, acg princess anne 4
loretta village apartments 4
pruitt, jonathan 4
r&a financial enterprises llc 4
robert kirk corporation 4
rtp properties, llc 4
run i, ardens 4
somerset reserve, lllp/ reserves at somerset 4
sp rentals llc 4
tm-somerset meadows 4
umes blvd llcdba arden’s run 4
umes blvd llcdba ardens run 4
umes blvd,llc dba ardens run 4
umes blvd. ii llc 4
value enterprises, llc 4
wilson landing mhp 4
wilson realty inc. 4
11825 hytche llc 3
adams, stephanie 3
alaniz, ira l 3
ames, maurice l 3
blue hedge group inc 3
blue hedge group inc. 3
catalla, leovelito t 3
coiro, charles 3
collins, livingston a 3
david donohoe 3
dba arden run iii, umes blvd llc 3
deas, aaemanuel f 3
decatur property management llc 3
eden estates inc 3
enterprises homes/ reserves at somerset 3
evans, stephen 3
fit, a shore 3
francis, dwight 3
hall, donald 3
heritage estates inc/deborah farrow agent 3
housing authoirty of crisfield 3
independence hall llc 3
jason linnermon 3
johnson, janie t. 3
kenneth d butler landlord / uvonda parker property mgmt 3
kenneth d butler, landlord 3
marshall, patricia t 3
maryland hawk corporation 3
messenger, joseph 3
mt. vernon group, llc 3
our house properties, llc 3
princes anne llc, acg 3
properties, thornton 3
pyles, r michael 3
robert-kirk corp 3
stewart neck 3
stewart neck apartments 3
thaxton, cyrano 3
townhouses, princess anne 3
umes blvd ii, llc 3
umes blvd llc dba ardens run 3
umes blvd llc dba arden’s run 3
umes blvd, llc dba arden’s run 3
univ park apts/ som prop mgmt 3
university park/apts/som prop mgmt/deborah farrow 3
wilgus rentals llc 3
winn companies, llc 3
wth, inc. 3
yazdani, shawn 3
11825 hytche, llc 2
620 naylor mill rd , llc 2
a shore fit llc 2
acg princess anne, llc 2
apts, stewarts neck 2
azam rentals inc 2
ballard, kenneth 2
ballard, kenneth e 2
benton, andrew 2
benton, arthur 2
bloom, gary e 2
blosveren, sheila 2
blue claw props/deborah farrow,agent 2
blue hedge group, inc 2
blue hedge group, inc. 2
bn properties, llc 2
brady, wendell 2
brown, iva j 2
butler, kenneth 2
butler(landlord uvonna park), kenneth d 2
caldwell banker for ryt rentals 2
carter, rudy 2
chase, samuel 2
cochran, thomas 2
david donohue 2
davis strategic development 2
davis, roger 2
dba ardens run iii, umes blvd llc 2
decatur property mgt, llc 2
delmarva management group, llc 2
dennis, karen 2
dixon, clarence 2
enterprises homes/reserves at somerset 2
fairwinds apartments 2
farrow, deborah k 2
gonzalez rentals llc 2
gpl llc 2
group, delmarva mgmnt 2
harbour properties, inc. 2
heritage estate inc/deborah k farrow agent 2
heritage estates, inc. 2
hosuign authority of crisfield 2
hosuing authority of crisfield housing 2
housign authority of crisfield 2
housing authoirty of crisfield housing 2
housing authority of crisfield authority of crisfield 2
housing authority of crisfield/housing authority crisfield 2
inv., northern chesapeake 2
johnson, bascil 2
johnson, richard j sr. 2
kenneth d bulter (landlord) 2
lane, christopher 2
leudemann, david 2
llc, cmr 2
lundegard, brinson 2
lunnerman, jason 2
lynch, donna 2
maurice cotton/the roop group pa 2
meryton, llc 2
moore, william 2
moyer, patrick d 2
mt. vernon group llc 2
murphy, robert 2
  1. chesapeake mgmt.
nagle, bill 2
nelson, danny 2
northern chesapeake investments lll 2
ocean alliance , llc 2
oceans alleance llc 2
oceans alliance, llc 2
palmer, kerry 2
pamela latmer/the roop group pa 2
peake bay properties llc 2
preen investments, llc 2
princess anne owners, lp 2
pyles, r. michael sr. 2
queens grant iii 2
  1. miller properties, llc
r&a financial enterprises, llc 2
r&a throncial ent. llc 2
raab, stephen 2
raab, steve 2
rosenberg & associates, llc 2
rtp properties llc 2
somerset commons lllp/someset commons 2
somerset commons, lllp/ somerset commons 2
somerset reserve lll/reserves at somerset 2
somerset reserve lllp/ reserve at somerset 2
somerset reserve lllp/reservers at somerset 2
somerset revers lllp/reverse at somerset 2
somerset reverse lllp/reserves at somerset 2
sommer place associates, 2
sp rentals 2
stephen frey 2
stewarts neck apts 2
talons village , llc 2
talons village, llc 2
tenant buyer options, llc 2
timmons, patricia a 2
tri-county rentals llc 2
tuthill, rachel carlton 2
umes blvd i llc dba arden’s run i 2
umes blvd iii llc/dba ardens run iii 2
umes blvd ll dba arden’s run 2
umes blvd llc dba ardens’s run 2
umes blvd llc iii dba ardens run iii 2
university inn, inc 2
university inn, llc 2
university park apt/som prop mgmt 2
university park apts / somerset property mgmt 2
university park apts/deborah farrow 2
village llc, talons 2
w.t.h. inc 2
willey, william 2
wilson realty inc 2
wolf, debbie 2
yazdani ( long foster agent), shawn 2
1620 naylor mill rd, llc 1
30369 pine st llc 1
620 naylor mill rd, llc 1
a & a realty inc. 1
a shore ft 1
ace prince anne llc 1
ace princess anne, llc 1
acg princess anne llc. 1
addison court apartments 1
adkins, victoria l 1
ag solutions / somerset property mgmt / deborah farrow 1
alan goodman 1
alaniz, reymundo 1
alec enterprises llc 1
allen, william 1
annapolis specialty houses 1
aravanis, joseph 1
assoc., samuel chase 1
associates, samuel chase 1
austin, shanette 1
azalu rentals llc 1
azam rentals llc 1
b n properties, llc 1
bailey, katherine 1
baker, joseph 1
baldwin land holdings, llc 1
barbara slvia/deborah farrow,agent 1
barker, ruth 1
barkley, tramika n 1
barrett, virginia 1
basail johnson/somerset property mgmt/deborah farrow 1
bascil johnson 1
bascil johnson/som prop mgmt/deborah farrow,agent 1
bascil johnson/somerset property management 1
bascil johnson/somerset property mgmt 1
bennett, ruth 1
bivens, charles 1
blue claw props 1
blue claw props/deborah farrow/agent 1
bn properties 1
booze, patricia l 1
borden, eugene q 1
brady, wendell e 1
bretthouer, joy 1
briddell, karen 1
bridell, karen 1
butkler(landlord uvonna park), kenneth d 1
butler (landlord uvonna park), kenneth d 1
butler(landlord uvonda park), kenneth d 1
campbell, barbara 1
catalla, leovelito 1
catalla, leovelito t. 1
cathell, jason 1
caz rentals inc 1
caz rentals inc. 1
cfen holdings 1
chatham, daphne f 1
christopher holland 1
coates, renee 1
collins, lois 1
connor, marcellus l 1
constance davis 1
cunnerman, jason 1
cyrano thaxton 1
dallas lewis, ipm for 1
damen, peter 1
damon, peter 1
daniel & lisa nagley c/o j garrett sheller esq 1
david wheatley/deborah farrow-prop mgt 1
davis & mcdermott holdings 1
davon jones 1
dba arden run i, umes blvd llc 1
dba arden run iii, umes blvd llv 1
dba ardens ram, umes blvd llc 1
dba ardens run i, umes blvd llc 1
dba ardens run i, umes blvd llc 1
dba ardens run iii, umes blvd llc 1
dc watkins properties llc - david c. watkins 1
deas, aaemanuel f.  1
debard, emmett 1
debold, zimmah 1
debord, emmett 1
decatur property mgt llc 1
dees, aaemanieel f 1
denise walls and vicky rhoades/deborah farrou agent 1
dohohue, david 1
donahue, david d 1
donohoe, david d 1
donohog, david 1
donohue, david 1
donophan, walter 1
donuoio (winson realty inc. agent), lawrence 1
dryden, demettris 1
eaddy, michael 1
eastern shore judgment recovery 1
eby, michael lowell 1
eden estates inc. 1
eden states inc. 1
emmett debord 1
enterprise home/ somerset commons 1
enterprise homes./reserve at somerset 1
enterprise homes/reserve at somerset 1
enterprise, homes/ somerset commons 1
enterprises homes/ somerset commons 1
enterprises homes. reserve at somerset 1
enterprises homes/ somerset crossing 1
enterprises homes/ somerset gardens 1
enterprises homes/ somserset commons 1
enterprises homes/reserve at somerset 1
entrprises homes/reserve at somerset 1
equity & help, inc. 1
erika castro 1
estate inc, heritage 1
estate of betty jane langenfelder 1
estates inc, heritage 1
estates inc., heritage 1
estates, inc, heritage 1
evans, michele 1
evans, stephen c 1
fair winds lp 1
fetzer, mark 1
finazzo, thomas 1
gary d williams 1
george test 1
george test and donna test/ somerset property mgmt 1
george test/ som prop mgmt 1
george test/somerset property management 1
georgie&donna test/deborah farrow(agent 1
giancerlo orozco/wilson realty inc, agent 1
glovier, george 1
gonzalez rentals, llc 1
gousing authority of crisfield 1
gpl llc alkerson properties 1
grant llc, queen 1
grant iii, queen 1
grant, frederick 1
grant, frederick sr. 1
greenspring home buiders llc 1
greg plaskon 1
group inc., bluehedge 1
group, blue hedge 1
hamilton, irene l 1
haouing authority of crisfield 1
harbour properties inc 1
hardester, kathy 1
harford property services 1
hartford property services 1
hayward, deandre v 1
hayward, j 1
hayward, lucille 1
heritage estate, inc 1
heritage estate/deborah farrow 1
heritage estate/deborah farrow agent 1
heritage estate/deborah farrow, agent 1
heritage estates inc, 1
heritage estates, inc 1
heritage estates,inc 1
heritage estates/deborah farrow agent 1
heritage estates/deborah farrow/agent 1
hiousing authority of crisfield 1
hochberg, karen j 1
hoffman, robin 1
houisng authority of crisfield 1
housing auhority of crisfield 1
housing authority crisfield housing 1
housing authority of crisfield hosuing 1
housing authority of crisfield housing authority of crisfield 1
housing authority of crisfield/houisn authority of crisfield 1
housing authority of crisfield/houisng authority of crisfield 1
housing authority of crisfield/house authority of crisfield 1
housing authority of crisfield/housing 1
housing authority of crisfield/housing athority of crisfield 1
housing authority of crisfield/housing auority of crisfield 1
housing authority of crisfield/housing authority ford 1
housing authority of crisfield/housing of authority of crisfield 1
housing authority of crisfield` 1
housing authority of crisfields 1
housing authorty of crisfield 1
housing authrity of crisfield 1
housing authroity of crisfield 1
housong authority of crissfield/housing authority crisfield 1
hunter, florence 1
huosing authority of crisfield 1
inn, university 1
ira l alaniz 1
iva i brown 1
iva j brown 1
iva j brown “jenny” 1
jackson, kevin 1
jamarp llc 1
james a briddell 1
james blvd llc dba arden’s run 1
jason cumenuth 1
jason lonnermon 1
jason lunnermon 1
jbg realty 1
jeffrey seiler 1
jesse watson 1
john price 1
johnson, vicki 1
jones, chris 1
jones, george 1
joseph, dorling 1
kaja holdings llc, c/o vision property management llc 1
kane, tracy 1
kauffman, russell a. 1
kenneth butler landlord/uvonda parker 1
kenneth butler landlord/vonda parker 1
kenneth butler, landlord uvonda parker 1
kenneth d butler (landlord)uvavda parker mgtm office 1
kenneth d butler (landlord/uvonda mgnt office 1
kenneth d butler (landlord/uvonda parker mgmt 1
kenneth d butler landlord/uvonda park ofice mgmt 1
kenneth d butler landlord/uvonda parker asst prop manager 1
kenneth d butler,prop,/uvinda parker, prop mgr 1
kenneth d butler/ uvanda parker 1
kenneth d butler/ uvonda parker 1
kenney, jacquelin 1
kingston properties - everett jackson 1
klc llc 1
klc,llc 1
knell, wayne j 1
kurt d hohman sr 1
labo, mary 1
lamb, michael 1
lane, chris 1
lewis, latoya 1
linda windsor 1
livingston a collins 1
livingston collins 1
llc, iklc 1
llc, sp rentals 1
loretta village 1
loretta village apts 1
lrc, value enterprises 1
lumerman, jason 1
lunnermon, mary 1
lusby, mark jr. 1
maggitti, peter 1
malcolm l stonnell, iii 1
maple shade/wilson realty inc 1
maple shade/wilson realty inc. agent 1
mariner, paul w 1
marlene adkins 1
marshall, david 1
marshall, david s. 1
marshall, patricia t. 1
martin ndumu/the roop group 1
martin ndunu/ the roop group pa 1
maurice cotton / the roop grap 1
maurice l ames 1
mayo, charlotte 1
mccray, joseph 1
mcgee, janell 1
md, princess anne 1
meryton llc 1
meryton, llc. 1
mesfwo, genet 1
mgmnt, northern chesapeake 1
michael corbin / wilson realty inc. 1
michael corbin/wilson realty inc agent 1
michael lamb/wilson realty inc 1
michael lamb/wilson realty inc agent 1
miles, jerry 1
miller, cheretha 1
miller, julie 1
mobley, william h 1
mohawk corporation 1
moore, gentry 1
morris, marissa 1
mt vernon group, llc 1
muir enterprises inc. 1
muir, wayne 1
murphey, robert 1
my trust llc 1
nawn yazdani agent of long & foster 1
nelson’s real estate 1
northern cheapeake mgmt 1
northern cheasapeake mgmt 1
northern chesapeak mgmt 1
northern chesapeake invest. 1
ocean alliance, llc 1
onceans alliance ,llc 1
oprincess anne owner, lp 1
orozco, giancereo 1
our house properties 1
our house properties llc 1
parks, keith 1
parkwood limited partnership lllp 1
patricia t marshall 1
patricia timmons 1
patrick and tanya jenson/debora 1
patrick jensen and tonya jensen 1
peter damen 1
piraevs realty 1
porter, lamont 1
preen investment 1
premier properties rental manor 1
premier properties rental mgmnt 1
prime properties llc / wilson realty inc. 1
princess anne owen, lp 1
princess anne owner 1
princess anne owner ,lp 1
princess anne properties 1
princess anne townhouse 1
princess estates/deborah farrow,agent 1
priness anne owner, lp 1
properties, rock point 1
properties, rtp 1
property frameework for cq investments 1
property framework for cq investments 1
property frameworker for leonard nimmerichter 1
property frameworks 1
pruitt, leslie grant 1
pyles, r michael sr. 1
queen grant iii 1
queen grant llc 1
r&a financial ent. llc 1
realty, wilson 1
renae coates 1
renee coates/deborah farrow,agent 1
rentals, b&l 1
rentals, caz 1
reserves at somerset 1
reserves at somerset, enterprise homes 1
reserves at somerset, somerset reserve lllp 1
richard walters/som prop mgmt/deborah farrow ,agent 1
rick russell/somerset park apts/deborah farrow 1
rick russell/somerset property mgmt/deborah farrow 1
riggen, james p 1
ring, roy 1
rlc, llc 1
rnth mgmnt, premier properties 1
robert kirk corp. 1
robert-kirk corp. 1
robinson, patricia m 1
rock point properties 1
rock point properties, llc 1
roop and miguel tapia 1
roop group property management 1
roop group property management p a 1
rosenberg associates, llc 1
s lee smith jr inc 1
  1. lee smith jr. inc.
samuel chase associates, 1
sanvi inc./somerset property mgmt 1
scarborough, preston iii 1
schultz locagno llc 1
schultz-locigno llc 1
schultz, john 1
schumer investments llc 1
selafani/wilson realty inc, agent, veinc 1
shajeb m chendihy 1
shawn yazdani ( long & foster) 1
shelter properties/ somerset commons 1
shumer investments llc 1
smigloski, frank j. 1
smith management group, llc 1
smith, james e 1
smith, lindi anne 1
snee brothers inc 1
so0merset commons lllp/somerset commons 1
someret commons lllp/somerest commons 1
someret reserve lllp/reservers at somerset 1
somerset sommons lllp/somerset commons 1
somerset comm lllp/somerset commons 1
somerset common lllp/somerset commons 1
somerset commons lllp/ somerset commmons 1
somerset commons lllp/ somserset commons 1
somerset commons lllp/someerset commons 1
somerset commons lllp/somerset comnnons 1
somerset commons lllp/somerset comons 1
somerset commons lllp/somerst commons 1
somerset property mgmt, university park apts 1
somerset property mgnt, university park apts 1
somerset reserve lll reserves at someret 1
somerset reserve lllp reserves at somerset 1
somerset reserve lllp/erserves at somerset 1
somerset reserve lllp/preserve at somerset 1
somerset reserve lllp/reserve at someset 1
somerset reserve lllp/reserves at comerset 1
somerset reserve lllp/reserves at someset 1
somerset reserve lllp/reservres at somerset 1
somerset reserve lllp/reverse at somerset 1
somerset reserve lllp/reverse/at somerset 1
somerset reserve, lllp/ reserve at somerset 1
somerset reserves lllp/ reserves at somerset 1
somerset reserves lllp/ reserves at somerset 1
somerset reseve lllp/reserves at somerset 1
somerset revers lllp/reserves at somerset 1
somerset reverse lllp/erwserves at somerset 1
somerset village apts 1
somerst commons lllp 1
somerst commons lllp/somerset commons 1
somerst reserve lllp/ preserve at somerset 1
somerst reserve lllp/reserve at somerset 1
somerst reserve lllp/reserves at so0merset 1
somerst reverse lllp/reserves at somerset 1
someset commons, lllp/ somerset commons 1
sommerset reserve lllp/reserves at somerset 1
sp rentals, llc 1
st james united methodist 1
steawrt neck 1
stephen evans 1
stephen raab 1
stephens frey 1
stewarts neck 1
stewarts neck apts. 1
sylvia, shawn 1
talon village llc 1
talon’s village 1
talons llc. 1
test, george 1
the meyers group,llc 1
the robert kirk corporation 1
the roop group pa 1
thomas cochran/ wilson realty inc, agent 1
thomas cochran/wilson realty inc. 1
thomas, emily marie 1
thompson, robert h sr. 1
thornes, larry 1
thornton properties llc. 1
tirado, devante 1
todman, marshall 1
tony golden/co / sheila blosveren 1
townhouse, princess anne 1
tpm rental properties, llc 1
tracy kane 1
tricounty rentals llc 1
tyler, virginia darlene 1
uems blvd llc dba arden’s run 1
ujmes blvd llc dba arden’s run 1
umbes blvd llc dba ardens run 1
umed blvd llc dba arden’s run 1
umed blvd llc dba ardens run 1
umes blvd llc dba ardens run 1
umes bl;vd, llc dba ardens run 1
umes bld llc dba ardens run 1
umes bldv llc dba arden’s run 1
umes blvd , llc dba ardens run 1
umes blvd b104 llcdba arden’s run 1
umes blvd blvd llc dba arden’s run 1
umes blvd dba arden’s run 1
umes blvd dba ardens run 1
umes blvd i llc 1
umes blvd i llc dba arden run i 1
umes blvd i llc/dba ardens runs ii 1
umes blvd ii llc dba arden’s run i 1
umes blvd iii llc 1
umes blvd iii llc dba arden’s run 1
umes blvd iii llc dba ardens run iii 1
umes blvd llc dba arden’s run 1
umes blvd llc adb arden run 1
umes blvd llc adb arden’s run 1
umes blvd llc dba arden’s run 1
umes blvd llc dba ardens’ run 1
umes blvd llc iii dba arden’s run 1
umes blvd llc, i. dba ardens run i 1
umes blvd llc,iii dba arden’s run iii 1
umes blvd llc. dba arden’s run 1
umes blvd llcdb ardens run 1
umes blvd llcdba ardnes run 1
umes blvd llci dba ardens run 1
umes blvd lll dba arden’s run 1
umes blvd v104 llcdba arden’s run 1
umes blvd, llc dba ardens run 1
umes blvd. 1
umes dba llc dba ardens run 1
umesb blvd, llc dba ardens run 1
univ park apts/ som prop mgt 1
university aprk apts/som prop mgmt 1
university park apt 1
university park apt/somerset property mgmt 1
university park apts/ som prop mgmt 1
university park apts/ som prop mgt 1
university park apts/ somerset property mgmt 1
university park apts/som prop mgnt 1
university park apts/somerset property managment 1
university park apts/somerset property mgmt/deborah farraw 1
universtiy park apts/somerset property mgmt/deborah farrow 1
univesity inn 1
uumes blvd llc dba arden’s run 1
uvonda parker mgt. asst prop, kenneth d butler (landover) 1
value enterprises 1
village llc, talons 1
walters, richard 1
walters, rick 1
ward, sarah l. 1
washburn properties llc 1
waters, frederick rolan 1
wells, clementine 1
wheatley, david 1
white jr., bernis 1
white, albert 1
white, bernis 1
white, diane 1
whitenmon, jasan 1
william & linda willey 1
william moore properties llc 1
willing, marl 1
willing, mary 1
wilson landing mhp llc c/o j garrett sheller,esq 1
wilson landing mhp mhp,llc c/o j garrett sheller esq 1
wilson landing mhp,llc c/o j garret sheller,esq 1
wilson landing mhp,llc c/o j garrett sheller esq 1
wilson landong mhp, servicesc/o j garrett sheller esq 1
wilson realty co. 1
wilsos rentals llc 1
winn campanies, llc 1
winn companies 1
winn companies , llc 1
winn companies,llc 1
winn companis, llc 1
wm moore property, llc 1
workman, jennifer 1
wright, lyndon 1
wth, inc 1

Sentence: “The agency owns just 330 units yet filed 718 times in 2019, all over late rent.”

cha_2019_filing_ct <- somerset %>%
  filter(year == 2019) %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%

cha_2019_filing_type <- somerset %>%
  filter(year == 2019) %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  group_by(case_type) %>%

cha_2019_filing_ct %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
cha_2019_filing_type %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
case_type n
failure to pay rent 718

Sentence: “In nearly 30% of those cases, records show, tenants owed less than $100.”

# Filter 2019 cases and join to ewrit dat
cha_2019_case_less_100_pct <- somerset %>%
  filter(year == 2019) %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  select(case_number) %>%
  left_join(crisfield_ewrit) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(amount_due_category = case_when(
    amount_due < 100 ~ "less_than_100",
    TRUE ~ "greater_than_or_equal_to_100"
  )) %>%
  group_by(amount_due_category) %>%
  summarise(total_cases = n()) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from=amount_due_category, values_from=total_cases) %>%
  mutate(total_cases=less_than_100+greater_than_or_equal_to_100) %>%
  mutate(pct_less_than_100 = round(less_than_100/total_cases*100,2)) %>%

cha_2019_case_less_100_pct %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")

Sentence: “The Housing Authority of Crisfield has filed 1,756 evictions since 2017, all for failure to pay rent.”

crisfield_housing_authority_all <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  group_by(plaintiff) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  summarise(total_cha = sum(total))

cha_filing_type_all <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  mutate(case_type = str_remove_all(case_type," - mobile home")) %>%
  group_by(case_type) %>%
crisfield_housing_authority_all %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
cha_filing_type_all %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
case_type n
failure to pay rent 1765

Sentence: “The annual count more than tripled from 207 in 2017 to 718 last year…”

# group by file year to compare annual filing numbers

cha_by_year <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  group_by(year) %>%

cha_by_year %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
year n
2017 207
2018 506
2019 718
2020 325

Sentence: “Although the records are not clear on all of the outcomes, it appears most settled up or left on their own. However, records indicate that approximately 50 households were forcibly removed — with about half occurring since the beginning of 2019.”

crisfield_households_removed <- somerset %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  filter(warrant_outcome == "evicted") %>%
  select(case_number, warrant_outcome, year) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%

crisfield_households_removed %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
year n
2017 16
2018 7
2019 23
2020 4

Sentence: “In Crisfield, Tawna Renee Thomas, 26, received her first eviction filing in March 2018…In total, Thomas received five eviction filings in an 18-month period, according to court records…She hasn’t been served an eviction notice so far in 2020…”

tawna_thomas <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  filter(str_detect(tenant, "tawna")) %>%

tawna_thomas %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
case_number filing_date case_status court_system case_type court_location tenant tenant_address_total plaintiff landlord_address_total disposition dismissal warrant_petition warrant_ordered warrant_executed warrant_outcome warrant_comment title year
d022lt18000370 2018-03-29 closed district court for somerset county-civil failure to pay rent somerset thomas, tawna 252 somers cove crisfield none none housing authority of crisfield p o box 26 crisfield md 21601 04/09/2018 none none none none none none housing authority of crisfield vs. tawna thomas 2018
d022lt18000769 2018-06-07 closed district court for somerset county-civil failure to pay rent somerset thomas, tawna 252 somers cove crisfield none none housing authority of crisfield 115 south 7th street princess anne md 21601 06/18/2018 none none none none none none housing authority of crisfield vs. tawna thomas 2018
d022lt18002213 2018-12-06 closed district court for somerset county-civil failure to pay rent somerset thomas, tawna 252 somers cove crisfield none none housing authority of crisfield 115 south 7th st. crisfield md 21601 none 12/17/2018 none none none none none housing authority of crisfield vs. tawna thomas 2018
d022lt19001886 2019-08-01 closed district court for somerset county-civil failure to pay rent somerset thomas, tawna 252 somers cove crisfield none none housing authority of crisfield 115 south 7th st. crisfield md 21601 08/19/2019 none none none none none none housing authority of crisfield vs. tawna thomas 2019
d022lt19002080 2019-08-21 closed district court for somerset county-civil failure to pay rent somerset thomas, tawna 252 somers cove crisfield none none housing authority of crisfield 115 south 7th st. crisfield md 21601 none 09/09/2019 none none none none none housing authority of crisfield vs. tawna thomas 2019


Sentence: “The Housing Authority of the City of Charleston manages 1,753 units and averages nearly 1,200 eviction filings each year, making it one of the county’s leading eviction filers.”

# create a year column from the date_filed column

charleston_pha_year <- charleston_pha_all %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed)) %>%
  filter(!year %in% c("2015","2016","2020")) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  summarise(yearly_average = mean(total))

# use charleston_all to find rank of housing authority in terms of all plaintiffs -- also note that Magnolia Downs is a property owned by the housing authority

charleston_rank <- charleston_all %>%
  group_by(plaintiff_one_name) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%

# print results

charleston_pha_year %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
charleston_rank  %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
plaintiff_one_name total
the housing authority of the city of charleston 5723
magnolia downs apartments 2110
ashley oaks apartments 2070
planters crossing 1735
magnolia downs 1071
the space company 1046
peppertree apartments 837
pine crest - vtt charleston, llc 811
springhouse apartments 755
waters at magnolia bay 630
amberwood townhomes 597
port city properties & rentals llc 573
colonial grand at commerce park 568
fairwind and oakfield 557
brackenbrook apartments 485
tommy broach property magnt inc. 473
village square apartments 470
avian place apartments 469
the palms apartments 445
greenwood at ashley river llc d/b/a greenwood at ashley rive 437
trubild 421
cooper’s pointe 367
the charleston property company 366
palmetto rental properties 350
palmetto rental properties, inc. 348
southwood sabal palms inc. dba sabal palms 342
north bluff 338
myriam ellis / magnolia downs 307
strebor properties 291
fairwind & oakfield apts 290
sandover apartments 288
tommy broach jr property management inc 273
bradley square 270
ashley village llc 266
chester place apartments 261
reserve at ashley river 260
space company 260
anchorage apartments 253
colonial village at westchase 253
dorchester village apts 248
west village apartments 248
kwm enterprises 245
thomas daniels agency 239
ashley village 238
collins park villas 231
oasis at west ashley 231
the housing authority of the city eastside 230
colonial village at hampton pointe 229
larry a singletary dba sing realty 229
west yard lofts 223
alta shores 220
vtt charleston llc dba pine crest apartments 218
spanish oaks 211
lake ashley park 209
northwoods townhomes 205
dorchester gardens apartments 199
bmw of north charleston 198
843 real estate 196
willow lake apartments 196
psms llc 193
bees ferry charleston, llc dba shadowmoss pointe 192
plantation flats 192
adalease property management 189
1735 ashley grove, llc & bonaparte marseilles dba latitude 187
bolton landing apartments llc dba bolton’s landing apartment 185
jamison park 182
lake oakridge townhomes 182
dorchester village apartments 180
1735 ashley hall llc dba ashley grove apartments 179
charleston home rentals 170
jamison park apartments 169
fairwind and oakfield apts 167
palmilla apartments 167
reef properties llc 167
brackenbrook 165
harbour station 164
psms 2 llc 162
psms 3 llc 161
windjammer apartments 160
avenues at verdier pointe llc dba the avenues at verdier 159
tommy broach jr property management 157
ashton woods 156
castlewood townhouses 156
palmetto grove apts 156
hawthorne city mhc 154
heron reserve apartments 154
harbor pointe 151
donaree village apartments 150
radius at west ashley llc dba radius at west ashley 148
willow ridge town homes llc 147
port city properties 143
wedgewood townhomes 143
bolton landing apartments llc dba bolton’s landing apts. 141
james towne village apartments 141
scott, henry sr 141
tri-county apartments 140
reef properties 139
property management of charleston 137
yes companies dba sweetgrass estates 135
harbor pointe apartments 133
burbage brothers mhp 129
passco 1000 west mt, llc dba 1000 west apartments 126
townhouse village apartments 126
monument plantation flats llc 125
sterling campus center 124
just rentals inc 122
total properties llc 122
hampton oaks apartments 121
krc wedgewood townhomes 121
clemons realty llc 120
gardens at montague 120
middleton cove apartments 120
peppertree 120
2245 greenridge road d/b/a jamison park 118
bridgeview village apartments 118
mulberry place apartments 118
northlake townhomes 116
aster owner 1, aster owner 2, aster owner 3 dba aster place 115
bridgeview village apts 115
cchra 114
the space co 114
palmetto creek townhomes 113
alston lake apts 112
derrick, george 111
krc chester place 111
peppertree sc llc 110
planters trace apartments 110
bell, ruby 109
jac dar realty inc 109
the housing authority of the city (oshn) 109
j warren sloane dba sloane realty 108
brown, frederick h 107
charleston home investment 105
paul adare llc 105
comline properties llc 103
cypress cove apartments 102
elder, tommy 101
mtb properties 100
port properties llc 100
sc property management experts, llc 100
ashford riverview llc dba ashford riverview 99
bradford apartments 99
north area homes llc 99
riverland llc dba riverland woods 99
gardens at ashley river 98
simmons, f.w. 98
plantation flats apartments 97
planters property llc 97
ingleside plantation 96
ridgeway properties 96
twenty-four seven rentals llc 96
1751 dogwood llc dba oasis at west ashley 95
chester place 95
gallery homes llc 95
bees ferry fca llc dba bees ferry apartment homes 94
port properties 92
summerfield townhouses 92
the gardens at ashley river 92
latitude georgetown charleston llc, dba the carlyle 91
ashford palmetto square llc dba ashford palmetto square 90
willow lake apts 90
dorchester village mhc llc 89
parish place 89
gardens at montague intermark management 88
hampton oaks apartments, llc d/b/a hampton oaks apartments 88
westchase apartments 88
carroll uspf vi charleston iii springhouse owner 86
sam dom charleston equity llc 85
hibben ferry 82
sea island apartments 81
simmons, bill 81
plantation acres mhp, llc 80
mundys trailer park 78
nc trailer park, llc 78
tri-county apt 78
barber, russell 77
mmc investments llc 77
sam dom charleston 77
singletary, larry a. 76
dcpms llc 75
shree ganpati llc 75
birchwood apts 74
lowe v sanders llc 74
twenty four seven rental llc 74
colonial village at westchase apartments 73
cooper pointe apts 73
gladden, james p 73
mrs management 73
oak terrace community 73
the palace apartments 73
wilson, bobby 73
1751 dogwood llc dba oasis at west ashely 72
arium saint ives 72
summerfield town homes l l c 72
bmw of north charleston, llc 71
ellis, myriam 71
yes communities, llc 71
abberly at west ashley apartments 70
ashley grove apartments 70
charleston carolina bay llc dba element carolina bay 70
parish place apartments 70
ridgeway properties llc 70
thomas daniels agency, inc 70
4791 apartment llc d/b/a wedgewood townhomes 69
crickentree apartments 69
gardens of ashley river 69
orleans gardens apartments 69
filbin creek apartments 68
charleston palmetto property llc 67
lurin real estate holdings v llc 67
pyramid properties and mgnt, llc 67
tideland commercial svn 66
doug shorter prop mgmnt 65
hibben ferry apartments 65
yes companies exp llc dba sweetgrass estates 65
yes companies, l l c, exp d/b/a sweetgrass estates 65
carroll uspf vi charleston iii springhouse ow 64
charleston islands llc dba the islands apts & town homes 64
the agent owned realty company 64
alta shores apts 62
mrw limited partnership 62
palmetto grove apartment 62
burbage mhp 61
forestdale llc 61
hicks, norman 61
krc chester place llc 61 dba 61
the shires apartments 60
charleston village mhp 59
island properties management, llc 59
sterling campus center apts 59
tommy broach property management inc. 59
agent owned realty 58
tbr ingleside owner llc, dba ingleside plantation apartments 58
17 south apartments, llc dba 17 south apartments 57
arium north charleston 57
charleston islands llc & charleston islands ii llc 57
cooper’s pointe apartment 57
donaree village 57
j & c properties llc 57
johnson, as agent, curt 57
northwoods townhomes, llc 57
oak hill mobile village llc 57
sk charleston jamison 57
charleston home investments llc 56
greenwood at ashley river 56
palace apartments 56
palmetto exchange apartment llc 56
whittaker, howard 56
catalina 5043 llc 55
loebsack & brownlee, pllc 55
brk ashley river l.p. 54
property concepts inc. 54
windward longpoint 54
janiga, ivan 53
pyramid properties llc 53
bluewater horizons llc 52
bulwinkle, t. d.  52
derrick, barbara 52
property solution providers 52
atlantic on the avenue 51
edgewater plantation 51
sam dom charleston borrower llc 51
strive communities llc dba deerhaven 51
bmw of north charleston d/b/a atlantic palms 50
mosby ingleside 50
moss creek apartments 50
summerfield townhomes 50
fred holland realty 49
woodbridge apartments 49
ashley crossing apartments llc dba hawthorne westside apartm 48
bean, sherril 48
herron properties 48
jac dar realty 48
sterling campus center apartments 48
vaughan properties llc 48
bradley square apartments, inc 47
bridgepoint property management 47
carroll uspf vi charleston ii coopers pointe 47
franklin, kyle 47
gray property 5001, llc dba alta shores apartments 47
latitude at west ashley 47
sherwood community llc 47
shree ganpait llc 47
tommy broach property management 47
brk st ives lp d/b/a palmetto grove 1 46
charlestowne village mhp 46
the boulevard 46
timms, mark 46
windward longpoint apartment 46
bell, steve 45
cypress river apts. 45
dove creek 45
eme apartments 45
fairwind and oakfiled 45
gray property 5001 llc 45
oak terrace village llc 45
residences at proximity, llc 45
alta shores apartments 44
barony place apartments 44
charleston property company 44
greenwood at ashley river, llc 44
ivy ridge apartments 44
jayspen properties 44
melette, corwyn j 44
north area homes 44
thickett apartments 44
tricounty apts 44
avr msp charleston llc dba atlantic at grand oaks 43
gallery homes 43
rivers edge townhomes 43
ankajo properties, llc 42
bean, garrett 42
conroy, shawn 42
doug shorter property management 42
doug shorter property management inc 42
taylor, calvin 42
tommy broach jr. property mangement 42
belle hall apartments 41
da silva, roberto r 41
georgetown apartments 41
hosseini, jaffar 41
nm palm pointe llc 41
quarterdeck at james island 41
arig 3340 shipley investor lp 40
bartlett enterprises 40
remax pro realty 40
shipley street owners, l.l.c. 40
palmetto creek 39
palmetto property management 39
paramount group sc 39
readen mhp, llc 39
tideland commercial 39
ashley arbor 1 38
charleston ingleside ii 38
corwyn j melette and associates llc 38
deer run apts 38
doug shorter management 38
harmon, cheryl 38
westarel llc dba hawthorne westside apartments 38
whitfield properties 38
young, steve 38
ashley crossing apartments llc dba hawthorne westside apts. 37
dasag ashley west, llc dba 1800 ashley west 37
kings crossing 37
ncha liberty hill place 37
readen mobile home park llc 37
summerfield 37
the agent owned realty co 37
wando east townhomes 37
abbott arms associates dba palmilla apartments 36
adkinson, randy 36
ashley river owner llc dba ashley river apartments 36
greentree north apartment 36 36
rivarel llc dba ashley river apartments 36
thomas connor llc 36
west ashley apartments llc dba woodfield south point apts. 36
chester place apts 35
msp rivers mf, llc 35
twenty four seven rentals inc 35
vaughn properties 35
king, samuel b jr 34
oak trust properties 34
rikard, martin 34
the apartments at shade tree 34
windjammer apartments lp 34
broach, tommy jr 33
harbor pointe apts 33
riviera at seaside apartments 33
the sage 33
butler, james 32
charleston rental properties 32
collins park villas, llc 32
factor properties llc 32
highland park llc 32
island properties management 32
north village 32
planters trace 32
readen mobile homes llc 32
sloane realty 32
tommy broach jr property mgmt, inc 32
vincent, linda 32
ashley arms apartments 31
boneworks llc 31
j & c properties 31
jm & j properties 31
kre ch heyward owner llc dba the heyward 31
m r s management/megan boulton 31
sam dom charleston borrower 31
adalease property mgm, llc 30
dorchester investment group, llc 30
fairwind apartment 30
indigo apartments llc 30
marshview place apartments 30
morris, jerry 30
t&r apartments llc 30
willow ridge 30
alston arms 29
bell, james 29
braekenbrook apts 29
brown, jeffery 29
centre pointe charleston llc dba centre pointe apt homes 29
elite palmetto rentals 29
fitzhenry, mark 29
hall, keel 29
island companies of charleston llc 29
lerhman, michael 29
morris, george 29
oak hollow, l.p. 29
palm pointe 29
pc peppertree sc, llc 29
avr charleston riviera llc, dba riviera at seaside 28
dabit, abraham 28
deer run apartments 28
doug shorter prop. management 28
krc wedgewood llc 28
oak terrace village 28
runaway bay apartments 28
spiveys mobile home park 28
american asian investments 27
corwyn j melette and assoc. 27
foley, patrick 27
forest at fenwick 27
haddon hall apartments 27
horizon village/dba barony place apartment 27
ideal rentals 27
oak trust property management 27
parsonage point dev, llc 27
remount townhouse/christopher simmons 27
thomas daniel agency, inc. 27
yes companies llc 27
access trailer park 26
av charleston investco, llc 26
charleston ingleside ii llc d/b/a cypress river apartments 26
cypress river apartments 26
evanston properties 26
harbour station apartment 26
highland park 26
lord, sho chen 26
riverwood apartments 26
russelldale apartments 26
sam dom charleston llc 26
simmons, gary 26
the watch on shem creek 26
craig & co real estate, inc 25
ingleside plantation apt 25
just rentals 25
latitude georgetown charleston, llc dba georgetown apts 25
mid america apartments lp dba colonial village at westchase 25
the space company, inc 25
total properties 25
windward long point apartments, llc dba windward long point 25
1000 west apartments 24
abbott arms associates dba palmilla parkside apartments 24
amaris llc 24
conrex property management 24
corwyn j melette & associates,llc 24
fuerte, juan 24
indigo apts llc 24
msp rivers mf, llc dba atlantic on the avenue 24
paramount management group 24
pinecrest apartments 24
pyramid properties 24
radcliffe manor 24
raia sc spe tx-1 llc & raia sc sp shot 1 llc dba spyglass 24
sweetgrass landing 24
the shires 24
woodfield south point apartments 24
arthur ravenel jr company 23
bridgeside at patriot point 23
conrex property management llc 23
harborstone, llc 23
james towne village llc 23
meach llc c/o southeastern management group, inc. 23
ncr liberty hill llc 23
oakfield apartments 23
oakridge townhouses 23
raia properties montville llc dba spyglass seaside 23
southeastern property group 23
w.a burbage mhp 23
agent owned 22
alston lakes lp 22
arthur ravenel jr co 22
atlantic palms apartments 22
barber, russell a 22
charleston arms apartments 22
crowne at live oak square 22
forestdale 22
joseph paul apartments 22 22
new heights property management 22
new lo, llc 22
palmilla parkside 22
pine forest properties 22
plantation oaks apartments 22
sc property management experts 22
smith, leroy 22
suaifan, maher 22
summit lane capital llc 22
thorp properties 22
tr boulevard corp dba the boulevard 22
trubuild 22
carroll uspf vi charleston iii coopers pointe owner lp 21
dobbins, agnes mccrackin 21
fyall, leroy 21
gonzales, james e 21
hampton, clay 21
jamison park apts 21
king, randall 21
mabrouk, abdel 21
marion heyward sr 21
matson mh 21
middleton, kenneth 21
palmetto park estates llc 21
pc sandover llc dba sandover apartments 21
swope thompson, alice 21
trubild llc 21
wando east townhouses 21
1201 midtown 20
ankajo properties 20
charleston county housing & redevelopment authority 20
doug shorter 20
ebenezer social action community development enterprises 20
gary rental llc 20
holland realty 20
hosey, robert 20
ingleside plantation apartments 20
island realty 20
moss creek sixteen llc dba 1800 ashley west 20
peterson, james 20
riverplace holdings 20
russelldale properties 20
sherwood 20
southeastern property 20
t & r apartments 20
the factory at garco park llc 20
1807 dogwood, llc c/o southeastern management group, inc. 19
arium mount pleasant 19
cope, art 19
goff, bill 19
hosey, desiree 19
iri properties llc 19
leclaire, paul 19
matthew ryan company llc 19
niagara investments llc 19
oak mhp llc 19
otranto investment company llc 19
ritter, frank j 19
s k charleston paces 19
sabal palms apartments 19
the grove at fenwick plantation 19
thomas daniels 19
tommy broach property mgmt 19
washington, moses 19
ansley commons 18
bob glover real estate 18
carolina one property 18
deer run 18
dorchester village 18
element at carolina bay 18
goose creek property management 18
johnson, candy 18
k & g properties 18
lor rec sc llc dba the ashley 18
monko llc 18
omax real estate service 18
palmilla apts. 18
sawgrass apartments 18
the agent owned realty 18
the haven at indigo square 18
17 south apartments, llc 17
abberly at west ashley apts 17
ah4r management sc, llc 17
butler, james l 17
couch, donal 17
dwell south 17
grasso, tony 17
graybul gardens lp dba the gardens at ashley river 17
hartnett properties llc 17
intermark management harbour station 17
j&b enterprises of charleston, llc 17
lenoir realty 17
makar, dee 17
meeting street realty commpany llc dba elan midtown 17
monroy, cecilio 17
morris, steven 17
north charleston housing authority 17
oak hollow 17
plumer, scott 17
sk charleston paces, llc dba the watch on shem creek 17
south vest group llc 17
summit place 17
tipson road apartments dba birchwood apts 17
vw spe i dba haddon hall apartments 17
wilson rentals 17
alpha management partners 16
amberwood townhouses 16
b squared of charleston llc 16
boris, e 16
brown, emory o. 16
castlewood townhomes 16
colonial village - hampton pointe 16
conrex property management, llc c/o c. elizabeth weston esq. 16
elite palmetto real estate 16
greenridge road (jamison park) 16
greenridge road d/b/a jamison park 16
hart, charles 16
heron reserve apartments lp 16
horizon village/dba barony place apts 16
kf & ij properties llc 16
marion burbage mhp 16
north charleston housing authority/liberty hill place 16
parsonage point development llc 16
pc sandover llc 16
r & b properties 16
ravenel rental group 16
rivers walk 16
shady oaks 2 llc 16
spanish oaks apartments 16
spring street property management llc 16
strive communities management llc 16
yes companies d/b/a ashley arbor ii 16
1735 ashley grove llc, & bonaparte marseilles dba latitude, at west ashley 15
andrew speakman llc 15
birchwood apartments 15
bluewater property management llc 15
burbage bro’s mobile home park 15
cabcock llc 15
cig bradley square apartments llc 15
coker, william 15
grand oak apartment 15
hyde ave llc 15
island property management 15
johnston, lyle 15
kings crossing apartments 15
mullins, scott 15
omax real estate services llc 15
osprey place apartments 15
oyster park 15
pace, christine 15
palmetto parks holdings 15
sherwood community 15
the avenues at verdier pointe 15
the william olasov company llc 15
truluck properties 15
urowsky, eric 15
ws rhett llc 15
alta shore apts. 14
ashley arbor i 14
bailey, neil 14
burns, arthur 14
c & m llc 14
carolina one property management 14
colonial grand at quarterdeck 14
daniels, jack 14
dattilo, thomas 14
gary rental property llc 14
jm&j properties llc 14
latitude charleston arms llc dba monument square 14
leasing and management 14
lenoir realty & property management inc 14
mosby ingleside boulevard 14
mundy’s trailor park 14
old dominion realtors 14
otranto acres/bob peebles 14
oyster creek properties 14
russell dale apts 14
s & l properties,, steve droze 14
si holdings llc 14
spear, edward j 14
taylor, samuel 14
tmr holdings llc 14
wilkes, marshall 14
bees ferry apartments 13
birt, vernon sr 13
campsen properties 13
charleston chinese llc 13
cope, art & cindy 13
craig & co real estate 13
dasilva, roberto 13
dennis, c.l. 13
doug shorter property 13
dutton ave llc 13
family owned property management llc 13
housing authority 13
latitude charleston arms, llc dba charleston arms apartments 13
mckeever, keith 13
midland partners, llc 13
miler properties 13
mulberry place apts. 13
mullock, mason 13
p-a garco park owner llc 13
palmetto exchange apartment 13
palmetto properties management 13
springhouse apts 13
tompkins, carl 13
tow head properties llc 13
vincent, russ 13
wedgewood apartment 13
williams, dempsey 13
woda oak hollow, lp 13
woda pinecrest greene l.p. represented by simons & dean 13
young, william 13
alston arms apartment 12
american homes 4 rent properties ten, llc 12
arredondo, victor 12
basunia, mahmudunnabi 12
blackwell, john 12
bradley square apartments 12
central square holdings, llc dba central square at watermark 12
charles dillard / magnolia downs 12
charleston islands, llc 12
charleston real estate & law 12
colonial village at wetchase apts 12
continental 234 fund llc dba springs at essex farms apartmen 12
crankshaw, charles j 12
dennis fassuliotis co 12
dorchester village mobile home park 12
finnerty, ed 12
haynes, john 12
ivy ridge ap 12
montgomery, david 12
oak trust property management llc 12
omax real estate 12
p-a garco park owner llc dba factory at garco 12
prg proximity residences, llc dba proximity residences 12
richardson, alvin 12
rlb properties llc gary a. catterton, agent 12
roberts, joseph 12
rozier, harry 12
russelldale apartments llc 12
rutledge place apts 12
sadler group of charleston llc 12
sk charleston jamison dba jamison park 12
smalley, marvin 12
smith, peggy 12
southern shores 12
the palms 12
vox properties 12
williams, willie 12
adalease 11
american homes 4 rent properties three llc 11
amh 2015 - 2 borrower, llc 11
apartments at shade tree 11
arig 3340 shipley street 11
ashley crossing apartments, dba hawthrone westside apts 11
brackenbrook apt. 11
brown, tweedie 11
carolina property management 11
centre pointe apartment 11
charleston county housing & redev. auth 11
charleston properties i, llc d/b/a 930 nomo 11
cypress cove 11
daniel ravenel real estate 11
delaine carroll realty inc 11
dyson & associates 11
forsberg, stacy 11
grimes, melissa 11
hart, christopher 11
hawthrone city mhc 11
iri properties 11
j d wil real estate 11
james island apartments llc dba the standard at james island 11
johnson, curt 11
k & g properties llc 11
ladson wren apts, llc dba the mason 11
legacy mount pleasant 11
malone, jeremy 11
mcelveen holdings, llc 11
morris, jacob 11
oakleaf townhouses 11
passco 1000 west mt,llc 11
pate properties inc 11
prioleau, john r 11
quality mobile homes 11
ravenel group 11
ravenel, richard 11
reyworks llc 11
shady grove apartments 11
southern shores property management group 11
tgi property management 11
the realty company 11
tr boulevard corp d/b/a the boulevard apartments 11
wong, walter 11
1807 dogwood llc 10
2245 greenridge rd dba jamison pk 10
ab apartments spe llc dba atlanticon the boulevard 10
ah4r management- sc, llc as agent for ah4r properties, llc 10
ahcm properties llc 10
b r k st ives i i l p 10
back water properties llc 10
birch, leroy 10
bluewater property management 10
bowens, robert 10
bryan, juleanne judy 10
c level investments llc 10
carlton, cheryl 10
charleston ingelside dba cypress river 10
city of chas. housing authority 10
cole, kristina 10
drafts, john p 10
driftwood apartment 10
driftwood mhp 10
dubis, ronald 10
edgewater plantation, llc 10
elite palmetto real estate llc 10
erb, andrea bailey 10
evans and evans properties 10
florida avenue apartments llc 10
fludd, latisha 10
guarneri, marc 10
hawthorne city mobile 10
hayden jennings properties 10
henry burkes dba h.i.d, llc 10
ingerson, philip 10
jahg llc 10
jericho estates llc 10
johnson, cyrus 10
johnson, marty 10
la properties 10
mcguire, kevin 10
middleton, daniel 10
palm pointe apts 10
pinecrest greene l.p. represented by simons & dean 10
pinecrest greene limited partnership 10
pugh, claudia 10
quality care services 10
r & b properties inc 10
ritter, john h jr 10
riverland woods, l l c dba riverland woods 10
rivers place apartments 10
rogers, robert 10
sam domicillum charleston borrower llc 10
sheehan, peter 10
spanish oaks apts. 10
sterling charleston apartmentss llc dba bluewater at, bolton’s landing 10
summit place apartments 10
sundance property management 10
sweetgrass realty group 10
the gardens at montague 10
the sage at 1240 apartments 10
tommy breach jr property mgmt 10
village square apts 10
whited, russ 10
wicevic, patricia r 10
1735 ashley grove, llc & bonaparte marseilles dba lattidue 9
311 royal palm llc dba the palms apartments 9
35 folly llc dba 35 folly 9
400 meeting street apartments 9
agent owned realty company 9
alston arms apts 9
ashley arbor 1 communities 9
beck, charles 9
bell hall apartment 9
besco, michael 9
bolton’s landing apts 9
bradham, anthony 9
breit mf shipley street, llc dba ansley commons apartments 9
centre pointe charleston llc dba centre pointe apartment hom 9
charleston county housing authority 9
charleston management group llc 9
charleston property co. 9
charlestowne village mobile home park 9
clementia village llc 9
first choice real estate llc 9
frazier, cheryl 9
garcia, norma 9
german, robert allen 9
gladden, james 9
gregory, keith 9
hampstead st. andrews gardens partners lp dba palmilla 228 9
harbeson, george w 9
heyward, jacquelyn 9
holliday, david 9
houston crowder 9
ideal rental co llc 9
indigo apartments 9
j warren sloane 9
jd wil real est 9
kick properties, llc 9
king and society real estate 9
lacroix, emile 9
latitude charleston arms, llc dba montague square 9
lowcountry property management & sales, llc 9
mrs management, llc 9
mundy’s mobile home community 9
nirenblatt, nirenblatt, & hoffman, l.l.p. 9
northside llc 9
palmetto group agent owned property management 9
path properties 9
rogers, robert manning 9
sabine, erin 9
sc property services 9
scott, anishi 9
sefer, tunjay 9
seven mile land holdings llc 9
southern living llc 9
stony brook properties 9
the mcevoy family irrevocable trust 9
university place developers, llc dba the ashley 9
vandross, william 9
woa services llc 9
wood, geraldine 9
17 south commerce center 8
24/7 rentals llc 8
abbott arms associates llc dba palmilla apartments 8
ah4r management- sc, llc as agent for amh 2015-2 borrower 8
arthur ravenel 8
av charleston investco, llc d/b/a ashley village 8
avian place 8
b squares of charleston 8
bailey, andrea 8
bees ferry shopping center llc c/o lee & associates 8
bowens, marvin lamar 8
casey, deloris 8
charleston county housing & redevelopment auth. 8
christenson, william 8
christy, michael 8
clarke, barry 8
clement/reinier properties 8
colonial grand commerce park 8
condo, richard 8
crec property management llc 8
dpc enterprise co 8
elan midtown apartments 8
ellington, ligure 8
ellis, mary 8
essex farms-call, llc dba the preserve at essex farms 8
farmer, dolph 8
hamilton, william 8
hammond, lee 8
han, jim 8
holcombe fair & lane 8
hunsucker, james 8
ismail, walid 8
ismail, walid m 8
ivy ridge apts 8
johns island rural housing 8
johnston, joe 8
jones, benjamin 8
joyner, ivey h 8
khan, liaquat a 8
kindlewood mhp 8
leasingandmanagment .com dba 8
leonard brown realty 8
malaney, kathy 8
marvin rentals 8
mcabee, jeffrey l 8
midland place llc 8
mnk properties 8
moss creek sixteen llc 8
mundys mobile home com 8
nesbitt, edna w 8
ohear llc 8
parsons, renee 8
peach tree prop mgmt/michelle reilly 8
pope, geraldine lila 8
premier property management, llc 8
riverplace holdings llc 8
rivers place sc llc 8
roadstead management llc 8
salt grass investments 8
simmons, phillip 8
southern shores pmg 8
southern shores property 8
stevens, fred a 8
stone, nell 8
stroble, donnie 8
tow head properties 8
townhouse village 8
tr boulevard 8
tricounty weatherization group 8
wando east 8
wilson rentals & realty 8
woodfield south point apts 8
1000 king street apartments southern management group 7
abbott arms associates associates dba palmilla 228 7
ah4r management as agent for american homes 4 rent, properties ten 7
ancrum, joseph 7
avenues of oaks, llc represented by brush law firm, pa 7
bees ferry apartment homes 7
bees ferry apratment homes 7
bell, joanne 7
botie properties 7
brown, ernest 7
cochran, harriet 7
colonial grand @ cypress cove 7
couch, don 7
dabit, joe 7
dan max realty corp 7
dean, lauren 7
dee makar property management 7
dove, ernest 7
e c lofts llc d/b/a east central lofts 7
edwards, mike 7
estate of david montgomery jr 7
evanston prop 7
factor properties 7
fitz living properties 7
gardner, lynard v 7
gcb real estate & investments, llc 7
grandview apartments 7
grimes, delores 7
han’s development llc 7
hidden lake of mt pleasant llc 7
hnh, llc 7
jackson, angela doughty 7
jw jagg llc 7
kings crossing apts 7
landshark properties 7
lane properties of charleston 7
lbj’s llc 7
lowcountry property management 7
lowndes properties 7
m & m property management 7
mckelvey, terrance 7
mid america apartment lp dba colonial grand at commerce park 7
miles, tammy 7
miller property management of charleston llc d/b/a as agent 7
mitchum, craig 7
moneyline properties, llc 7
msp morris baker 7
mulberry place 7
nagel, michael g 7
nirenblatt, nirenblatt & hoffman, llp d/b/a/ north village s 7
paces watch 7
paces watch apts 7
palmetto grove 7
palmetto property llc 7
palmetto state properties 7
peterson, james e. 7
planters trace apts. 7
purinton, paige 7
ritter, john 7
rivers edge 7
sai investment group llc 7
salt grass investments, llc 7
saukas, john 7
scott, kevin 7
simmons, phillip sr 7
spanish oaks apartment homes 7
spring street properties llc 7
stardust lane, llc 7
sterling place properties 7
stuckey, pat 7
sullivan, britton 7
sullivan, john 7
summit lane capital 7
talbot management 7
the group llc 7
the pastime amusement company a south carolina corporation 7
tipson road lp 7
tri country apts 7
vuelta’s trailer park 7
westchase apartemnts 7
white, herbert wendell 7
ysrael properties llc 7
1102 hillside llc 6
1735 ashley grove llc, & bonaparte marseilles 6
3821/3811 st john llc (mccrackin) 6
7282 mazyck road llc 6
abberly at west ashley 6
access trailer park llc 6
admiral properties 6
american homes 4 rent properties six, llc 6
ancrum, joseph jr 6
angell, bernard 6
avr charleston riviera llc 6
birt, vernon 6
bolton’s landing apartments llc 6
boneworks 6
bouani, fouad mohammed 6
brisbane, freddie 6
burbage, linda 6
burgbacher, larry stephen 6
carlton, paul 6
cdp holdings llc dba 17 south commerce center 6
charleston island, llc & charleston islands ii d/b/a 6
charleston property management 6
charleston rental properties estate, llc 6
chisolm, michael 6
choice realty inc. 6
connor, kenneth 6
creekbend property management 6
dash, tyrone 6
delaine carroll realty 6
dld ii properties, llc 6
douglas, hillery p 6
dugan, daniel joseph 6
dyson & associates, inc 6
elsayed, waleed 6
extended stay america 6
fairfield paces watch d/b/a paces watch 6
fenwick apts 6
floramars, llc 6
florida avenue apartments 6
fuzz, marvin 6
galinato, noli dionisio 6
garcia, olga 6
garcia, sonia 6
gary’s rental properties llc 6
geechie south properties 6
gillens, jacob sr 6
graves, steve 6
green, antonio 6
greene, misty 6
greentree north apts 6
gregorie ferry landing 6
hendricks, sally 6
henry kuznik realty 6
horizon village/barony place 6
howard, mary 6
howard, sharon 6
howco llc 6
hutzler, harold 6
ingerson, phil 6
ingleside holdings, llc 6
  1. hancock real estate
james island apartments dba the standard at james island 6
jhw enterprises llc property management 6
john liberatos real estate co d/b/a 6
johnson, candy d.  6
knas properties, joe shaw 6
knight, richard 6
latitude 33 investments llc 6
le, bao 6
lesesne, gary 6
lighthouse real estate services llc 6
lir ladson property llc dba the lively indigo run 6
luz’s place 6
marsh view place apts 6
mathis ferry llc 6
matson mobile homes llc 6
mccoy, andra 6
mccrief, almia j 6
mid america apartments lp dba colonial village at hampton 6
mixson charleston apartments llc 6
mundys 6
northwoods real estate & rentals 6
northwoods real estate and rental 6
oliver, juliene 6
orleans gardens 6
palmetto point apartmants 6
park circle village apartments 6
pearson, dave 6
petters, jessica 6
property solution 6
psm, llc 6
rivers, marion tyrone 6
roberts, belinda 6
rodriguez, brittany 6
sago properties llc 6
sam domicilillum charleston borrower llc 6
sands, geraldine w. 6
shuler, anthony 6
simmons, benjamin 6
sip properties llc 6
sk charleston jamison, llc d/b/a jamison park 6
sk charleston paces, llc 6
smith, kareem 6
southern shores real estate 6
spring street property mangment llc 6
sterling charleston apartments llc dba bluewater 6
stony brook 6
strive communities llc 6
the courtyards 6
the housing auth of the city of chas 6
the sandlapper management group llc 6
tin roof properties 6
truluck resources llp 6
veloso, josephine 6
weeks, florence 6
weld associates inc 6
yes companies exp, llc 6
35 folly llc 5
alston arms 2017 llc 5
arthur ravenel company 5
b & o, llc 5
bennett, linda 5
bgre, llc 5
bishop, harry s 5
blanks brothers properties, llc 5
bouvette, john 5
bovell, claude 5
bowens mobile home rentals llc 5
breeland, floyd 5
brk st ives lp d/b/a palmetto grove ii 5
brk st. ives 11lp 5
butler capital investments 5
capital group 5
central square at watermark 5
central square holdings, llc 5
charleston island, llc & charleston island, ii llc 5
charleston metro homes, llc 5
charlestontowne village mhp 5
chucktown holding llc 5
clear covenant properties llc 5
clement 1819 llc 5
copper roof property management 5
corwyn j. melette & associates 5
cr mt. pleasant, llc 5
craig & company real estate, inc. 5
crawford, irvin allen 5
custom property management 5
dcr properties 5
deleston, rochelle 5
dennis fassuliotis company 5
dorchester investment group 5
drake, iv, louise 5
dyson & asso. inc 5
ec lofts dba meeting street lofts 5
element carolina bay 5
evergreen apartment and rentals 5
ex properties, llc 5
flats at mixson 5
florida ave apartments 5
gonzales, barbara 5
goodman, duane a 5
graybul planters trace llc dba planters trace 5
hampton oaks apts. 5
harbour station apts 5
harrison, scott 5
haselden, george 5
haselden, george jr 5
heritage property management co. 5
highlander holdings llc 5
holliday, david l 5
horizon village one, lp dba phoenix 5
hosey, robert l 5
hyde avenue llc 5
ibrahim, bassant m 5
innovative real estate investment 5
intermark/the gardens at montague 5
j d wil real estate tax inc. 5
jbs 5
johnson, corius 5
joseph paul apts 5
keitt, larry d 5
key, helene 5
kf & ij properties 5
king and society 5
king, sam 5
kinloch, johnny 5
landshark properties llc 5
langley, john 5
lattitude charleston arms, llc 5
lattitude charleston arms, llc dba charleston arms 5
lenoir realty and property management inc 5
lighthouse real estate 5
lively indigo run 5
lowcountry prof properties 5
manos family properties 5
mid america apartment lp dba colonial grand at cypraess cove 5
mixson charleston apartments llc dba link apartments mixson 5
mmc investment 5
mnk properties llc 5
moultrie, miriam 5
murray, clarence 5
murray, clarence lamont 5
new bethel r e church 5
newman, carol 5
nichols, chris 5
nirenblatt, nirenblatt & hoffman llp dba village square 5
north bluff apartments 5
north village apartment 5
ortega, sandro 5
owens, randolph 5
palmetto exchange apt 5
parks, troy 5
pc planters llc dba planters trace apartments 5
peach tree property 5
pinckney, ernest 5
pittman, victoria 5
pleasant properties 5
pleasant properties of mt pleasant 5
plyler realty 5
port city properties investments, llc 5
price, ashley 5
quality mobile homes, llc 5
reid, gelaine 5
riverwood apts 5
roberts, joseph m 5
rutledge place apartments 5
s & l properties llc 5
s k charleston pace d/b/a/ paces watch 5
sago properties 5
sam dom charleston msek llc 5
sam domicillium charleston borrower 5
sanders, joseph henry 5
schultz, david 5
scott street center 5
scott, carolyn 5
scott, henry jr 5
shahid row llc 5
shahid, c.j. jr 5
shahid, michelle 5
simmons, timothy r 5
southern shores property management 5
st johns ave one lp dba phoenix apartments 5
statewide properties 5
staubes, vernon 5
stono river stable, llc 5
sueverkruepp, deborah 5
sumner, charles 5
sweetgrass realty 5
swiantek, jason 5
tate, mary 5
the beach company 5
the housing authority of the city of charleston eastside 5
the oasis at west ashley 5
the william olasov co llc 5
tin roof properties llc 5
tocorp llc 5
top investments 5
trubild & john zarins 5
ulichnie, lisle a jr 5
us vet corps resources 5
valery neiman dba neiman holdings llc 5
vandross, harold 5
venning family partners llc 5
village square 5
vtt charleston llc 5
wa burbage mobile home park 5
we plantation oaks owner llc dba plantation oaks apartments 5
weisberger, adam 5
white, lynette 5
wicevic, pat 5
zarins, john 5
agnes mcmrackin dobbins 4
ah4r 4
ahf orleans gardens, llc dba orleans gardens apartments 4
aiello, tony 4
akinjobi, obafemi 4
amcs, inc 4
amh 2015 borrower, llc 4
ansley commons apts 4
arc cafeusa001, llc 4
armstrong, willie 4
atlantic coast life insurance company 4
b.r.k. st ives i, l.p. 4
barfield, charles r 4
beach quadrangle llc 4
beasley, john 4
bees ferry-fca llc 4
bell, laura 4
belle station company llc 4
besco, mike 4
birt, vernon e sr 4
blanton building llc 4
bluewater property managment, llc 4
bogatkevich, galina 4
bohicket marina 4
boris, emile 4
boroff, patricia 4
bradley, elizabeth 4
branham, pallie 4
brickyard shops investment group llc 4
broadstone folly beach llc dba broastone seaside 4
brown, emory 4
brown, patrina nicolle 4
bryant, bryan 4
buck investments llc 4
burns, arthur b sr 4
c.d.l. partners 4
cease, carroll m 4
charleston islands llc dba the islands phase 2 4
chau, kok kon 4
chayban, tony 4
chen real estate, llc 4
chicora opportunity 4
clinicians holdings, llc 4
coaxum, anthony 4
coaxum, rodney 4
colonial grand at cypress cove 4
connor, cordelia u 4
corwyn j. melette and associates 4
craig and company real estate inc 4
cusack, alex 4
derry, peter 4
dillard, charles 4
dimattia, chris 4
dojo rentals llc 4
drake, david 4
drolshagen, mark willy 4
droze, steve 4
dyson and associates inc. 4
eager, helen heather 4
eagle properties llc 4
ec lofts llc 4
evans, richard 4
families first 4
fields, helen w 4
fine housing inc 4
ford, norman 4
fuerte, sergio 4
gallashaw, victoria 4
gardens montague 4
garrett, roger 4
geddis, david 4
gibbs, gene 4
gillens, jacob jr 4
golden, johnaphen 4
golden, johnapher k 4
grace lawrence properties 4
grampus, william 4
grant, benjamin 4
green, wilhelmena l 4
greer, charles 4
hamilton, james 4
hampstead ashley arms partners lp dba ashley arms apartments 4
hampstead st. andrews gardens partners lp dba palmilla apart 4
hanna, emma f 4
hartnett boulevard, llc 4
hauge, glenda 4
haven at central mount pleasant, llc 4
hazel, arnold l 4
heron reserve apartments lp dba heron reserve 4
heyward, burgess & emma 4
heyward, charles c sr 4
holmes, darrell 4
holmes, vernon i. 4
horizon village one lp d/b/a barony place apartments 4
hosseini, mohammad 4
hph residential, llc 4
hyde avenue llc/s. conroy 4
ingelside plantation apartment 4
james island center llc 4
jennings, nannette 4
jhw enterprises, llc 4
john liberatos real estate co. llc d/b/a rent 4
johnson & wilson real estate 4
johnson, james 4
johnson, verna 4
jones, willie j 4
ketchem, barbara 4
khan, liaqua t 4
kick properties 4
kinloch, geneva 4
kmo investments 4
knight, nancy a 4
koger, ernest 4
lane properties of charleston llc 4
latitude investments llc 4
lawson, grippie 4
le management llc 4
liberty hill place 4
lineberry, attorney jessica 4
lowe sanders. llc 4
magnolia downs apartments / dottie harris 4
maple wood mhp 4
marolda enterprises 4
matthew ryan co llc 4
mcabee, jeffrey 4
mcclam, james 4
mcclellan, philip 4
mcglamery, howard 4
mcknight, ernest 4
mcteer, pedro dangelo 4
mid atlantic management llc. aster place 4
midland place 4
mizgireva, ekaterina 4
montgomery-dennis, ovetta 4
morris, chris 4
morris, george j. 4
msek charleston llc 4
mtg properties, llc 4
mundys park 4
my house on meeting 4
myers, zola 4
neiman holdings llc 4
nelson, john 4
new heights prop mgmt 4
new heights property mgmt 4
nguyen, thanh van 4
nicholson, michael 4
north central apartments 4
northwest properties of summerville, llc 4
olasov, william 4
otranto acres llc/bob peebles 4
otranto investment 4
ovetta montgomery dennis and carmen white 4
palmetto mud properties 4
path properties llc 4
patterson smith company inc 4
peach tree property management 4
peachtree property management/ michele reilly 4
pebble road apartments 4
perry, yvonne 4
proximity residences, llc 4
randolph, james l. 4
ravenel, susann 4
reid, alonzo 4
remi, mark 4
rent holy city 4
river walk apartments 4
riverland, llc 4
roberts, joe 4
rog coastal property management 4
rogers, jerry 4
rollins, frank 4
runnels, herbert l 4
s conroy hyde ave llc 4
sandover llc 4
sc mobile homes llc 4
sea island apts. 4
sezginalp, guven 4
shadetree associates 4
shady oaks 4
simmons, krystle mecarla 4
simon, nathaniel jr. 4
sing realty llc 4
singletary, helen 4
smalls, aaron 4
smith, jennings 4
spartan properties llc 4
spring st. property management, llc 4
sueverkruepp, debbie 4
sumner, charles f.  4
sweet carolina realty 4
swope, alice 4
tamsberg properties ii, llc c/o cbre inc. as agent 4
the legends at mt. pleasant 4
the lively indigo run 4
tipson road apartments lp 4
venning, maxine w 4
virgie c. simmons family, llc 4
vtt charleston, llc-pine crest 4
washington, peter 4
wf hwy 17 apartments llc dba the heyward 4
whitney, ruthmae m 4
williams, allison 4
williams, cornell 4
wilson real properties, lp 4
witherspoon, valarie 4
woodfield south point 4
woodruff, robert 4
worthy, cynthia 4
yankosky, sonya 4
yes communities, llc c/o ashley arbor i 4
yes companies, exp, llc dba ashley arbor i 4
yoder, john 4
young, william j 4
zahedi, morey 4
1000 monticello llc 3
1065 jenkins llc c/o southeastern management group 3
1102 hillside drive 3
2020 dalton street, llc 3
3 cordes street 3
400 meeting street 3
6945 orvin street llc 3
99 west edge developer llc 3
aa apartments spe, llc dba atlantic on the avenue 3
aanstoss, mary ann 3
affinity management 3
agent owened reality co 3
ahf- orleans gardens 3
ainsworth, kenneth 3
alexander, laura 3
anderson, donnie 3
ansonborough house 3
arbor square apartments 3
archdale development llc 3
armstrong, kenneth 3
ashley arbor ii 3
asset properties llc 3
atlantic coast life ins co. 3
atlantic coast life insurance co 3
atlantic on the boulevard 3
atlantic property management, llc 3
avr charleston riviera d/b/a riviera at seaside 3
azalea property management 3
b b f corporation 3
babich, raymond 3
bailey, sr., willie 3
bar investments llc 3
bartlett ent 3
barton, walter eugene 3
bell’s mobile home rental 3
benot, llc 3
berger, tracy l. 3
birch hollow mhp 3
blind, rick 3
bobo, sara 3
bolden, patricia 3
booker properties, llc by diane weeden 3
boroughs, m. l. 3
bowens, marvin 3
brahma, llc 3
breit mf shipley street llc 3
brennan, heather 3
brickyard shops investment group 3
bridgeside at patriots point apartment 3
brookland enterprises llc 3
brown, caroline 3
brown, edward 3
brown, john h 3
brown, leonard 3
brown, louis 3
bsc properties llc 3
buncher, elizabeth 3
butler capital investments llc, edwin butler 3
butler, kevin 3
bws enterprises 3
c level investments 3
cadden, benjamin allen 3
camillo properties 3
canal street properties, inc 3
capers, harry sr 3
capers, jacqueline w. 3
captree properties 3
carbajal, melissa 3
carolina girl real estate solutions 3
carolina property mgmt 3
carolina real estate connection 3
cashwell, harris 3
chandler, david 3
charleston ingleside 3
charleston island, llc & charleston islands ii, llc 3
charleston paradise rentals 3
charleston renovation group, inc 3
charleston renovation group, llc 3
charlestown property management llc 3
chavez, skarlet 3
choice realty 3
city of charleston housing authority- 183 president st 3
cobb gambrell, betty j 3
cobbs, jimmie 3
coffey, james 3
connor-richey, phyllis 3
corwyn melette and associates 3
craig, sonya 3
crowne at live oak 3
cth investments 3
cummings, jamie 3
d & g ventures inc 3
davis, michael 3
davis, robyn mixon 3
davis, velvet 3
dawson, george 3
denmark, jacob 3
dick luke company 3
dob, llc 3
dolphin cove marina 3
dorsey park llc 3
drake, david j 3
driftwood 3
duggan, sara 3
dunne, james 3
dutton ave business park 3
dyson and associates 3
dzedzej, gretchen 3
eads, harold 3
east bay company, ltd 3
easterling, betty 3
elan midtown apts 3
ellis, chris 3
embro llc 3
eric champ of charleston management group llc 3
erinn larkin of adalease property management the charthouse 3
evangelista, paige 3
farrar, barbara 3
fields, gwendolyn o 3
first choice real estate 3
firstkey homes, llc 3
fites, ryan 3
floyd, anthony c 3
floyd, bert 3
fonseca, glenda 3
ford, jodie 3
frasier, harry t 3
frazier, helen 3
future plaza, llc 3
gadsden, nicole m cohen 3
gainer, mark e 3
gary rental llc/gary simmons 3
garys rental properties 3
german, robert 3
gibbs, paul 3
gilbert, mark 3
goff, william j 3
golf coast realty inc 3
gordon, frank jr 3
gordon, lawrence 3
graham, david 3
grand oak apartments 3
grand oak apartments / magnolia 61 apartments 3
grant, elijah 3
gray, malcolm 3
gray, melvina 3
grayle properties 3
graziano, kristin 3
greater charleston homes 3
green, rochelle 3
greene, edward 3
greene, kimberly 3
greentree north 3
gregory, wendell 3
guarneri, richard & marc 3
gws rental properties 3
hacker, shateque nicole 3
haddon hall apts. 3
hamilton-gibbs, althea 3
hamilton, victor 3
hamolia, melvin & christie 3
harrelson, david thomas 3
hart, carnisea 3
hartley sr, richard e sr 3
harward, marion 3
hawkins, johnny 3
haynes, debra 3
haywood properties 3
heaton, douglas henry 3
hickory springs mh, llc 3
hickory springs mobile homes llc 3
hiott, aprile c.  3
hipp properties of charleston 3
holden, kristen 3
home finders real estate llc 3
hopkins, barbara 3
horizon village one lp 3
horres properties 3
horry, kenneth 3
howard, frederick ronald 3
huff, kevin 3
inabinette, joan myers 3
ingleside holdings, llc dba lively indigo run 3
inland 1544 l l c 3
iri property llc 3
island realty inc 3
jabbour, jane 3
jefferson, kenneth 3
jerusalem missionary baptist church 3
john liberatos real estate d/b/a 3
johnson, candy dozier 3
johnson, craig 3
johnson, eric 3
johnston, henry 3
johnston, teresa 3
jones, thomas 3
joy, derrick 3
jw homes, llc 3
jwre property management, shannon sharp 3
karen hightower d/b/a hemingway enterprises, llc 3
keizer, john 3
kennedy, james 3
kicklighter, jeanette 3
king, jason 3
king, nancy c 3
kings palace apratments, llc c/o southern management group 3
kinsella, hunter 3
knas properties llc 3
koltick, rhoda d 3
l and j properties, llc 3
la properties llc 3
ladson properties llc 3
lagasca, erlinda 3
leasing management 3
leasing dba 3
lent, lloyd 3
lewis, andrew 3
liberty national associates limited partnership 3
lima kilo i i, llc 3
liu, xiao z 3
livingston, philip iii 3
lombard, milton 3
lowcountry property managment, llc 3
lowndes, richard 3
lucas, linda 3
lurin real eastate holdings v, llc dba palmetto creek town 3
m and d p enterprises, llc 3
malone, theresa 3
mangelinks, betty 3
mantek properties 3
marolda enterprises, llc 3
mb development group llc 3
mcabee, jeffery 3
mccrackin, jeanne 3
mccrary, charles h 3
mcgee, sonny 3
mcneil, terrence 3
mdm realty, llc 3
mei thai wm llc 3
middleton, daniel a 3
midtowne real estate property management 3
miller property management of charleston llc d/b/a real prop 3
mims, alice 3
misciagna, gino 3
mitchum, debbie 3
ml bridgeside apartments llc, dba bridgeside at patriots poi 3
moore, robert 3
moss-pinckney, deidre 3
mosstree management 3
moultrie, james 3
msp morris baker dba atlantic on the boulevard 3
msp morris baker mf llc dba atlantic on the boulevard 3
mt pleasant square 3
mt. haven, inc. 3
mundys mobile home park 3
murray, earl lorenzo 3
ncha/oakleaf estates 3
ncr buskirk, llc 3
neiman-barkus holding llc 3
nelson, bruce a 3
nesbitt, maryann 3
new greater zion church 3
nf investments llc 3
nirenblatt, nirenblatt & hoffman, llp -dba 3
northside inc 3
nuttall, joe 3
o’malley, timothy 3
oakleaf townhomes 3
oakridge town house 3
oakwood capital llc 3
odonnell, tamzen 3
old georgetown apartments 3
palmetto property llc a 3
palmetto rental 3
peach tree prop mgmt 3
pebble apartments inc 3
penny place partners, llc 3
phyl-dor 4965, llc 3
phyl-dor 4965, llc c/o gary catterton 3
pinckney, ernest r 3
pinckney, lesean 3
poe, k w 3
potter, vinson g 3
pr properties of summerville 3
pr properties of summerville llc 3
prioleau, john rubin 3
qualls, jesse 3
quinn, patricia 3
r&d services 3
rabin real estate, llc 3
ramkhalawan, bhanwari 3
ramos, sallie 3
ramsey, james 3
randall king/king improvements 3
ravenel, frank 3
real property management 3
real property management charleston llc 3
reiss, david m. 3
remax pro 3
remax pro realty/jeff bowers 3
rent john liberatos re 3
rhett anderson investments inc. 3
richardson, douglas 3
richardson, leoncer albert 3
richardson, rose goodwater 3
riley, leonard jr 3
river oaks apartments 3
river place sc, llc 3
rivers, jacqueline 3
rivers, tamiko 3
roadstead mgmt, llc 3
roper, gloria 3
ross, kenneth 3
royal oak properties / joey henley 3
rozier, elbert m jr 3
rozier, elbert manning jr. 3
russell, maxine 3
s & k apartments i i i, l l c 3
s&k apartments 3
sadler group of charleston 3
sandlapper mgmt. group, llc 3
savage, michael 3
sc home 4 you inc 3
schauer, gerry 3
schuj, david 3
schultz, margaret 3
scott, george e 3
scurry, shelia 3
shuai, tu 3
silver moon property, llc 3
simmons, fary jr 3
simmons, lawrence 3
simpson, madison 3
singleton, orseanith 3
skipper, marvin 3
sky garden apartments 3
smith, kathy 3
southeastern management group 3
southern shores real estate group 3
spence, connie j 3
st. johns ave lp/dba phoenix apartments 3
sterling charleston apartments llc dba bluewater at bolton 3
stoeppler, teresa 3
strang, gary 3
stratos, lois e. 3
sullivan, amy 3
summerwood mhp 3
tahat, ghayth 3
taylor blanks properties, llc 3
taylor, peggy 3
taylor, trisha 3
tbr ingleside plantation apartments 3
the flats at mixson, lp 3
the grove at carolina park 3
the leto agency, llc 3
the sandlapper management group 3
the six apartments 3
therrien, patricia l 3
thompson, al 3
thompson, alfred d jr 3
titan home buyers 3
tmp sre 1, llc represented by cobb dill &hammett, llc 3
tobias, llc 3
tollerson, louis bernard 3
tran, marlissa 3
troy parks cdp holdings 3
truluck properties of charleston 3
truluck properties of charleston llc 3
trust of mary t gresssette 3
valery neiman greider dba neiman holdings llc 3
venning, gary 3
venning, raymond jr 3
vick, barbara & louis 3
vick, louis 3
w.a. burbage mhp #1 3
w.a. burbage mhp, #3 3
wa burbage 3
walker, ronald 3
walters, terry 3
wealth properties llc 3
weathers family llc 3
west ashley property management 3
west village apts 3
white, samuel 3
white, tynesha 3
whited 3
whlr folly road crossing, llc 3
wicevic, russell 3
wilder, william g 3
williams, charles 3
williams, diane 3
williamson, christopher 3
wilson, john 3
wilson, shirley ann davis 3
wilson, tyronne 3
woa services 3
wolter, shawn 3
wright, charles oliver 3
yes companies dba ashley arbor 1 3
ysrael properties 3
zobel, larry 3
1521 savannah hwy llc c/o gary catterton, agent 2
1735 ashley hall llc/dba/ashley grove apts. 2
2204 eleanor llc 2
23 bond owner 363-369 king llc 2
2652 bonds ave llc 2
2883 alabama llc 2
3 homel llc, s. conroy 2
3180 industry drive llc 2
349 folly road, llc c/o southeastern management group, inc. 2
3520 w. montague ave. suite 202 2
400 meeting street apts 2
414 king street, llc 2
756 st. andrews blvd llc 2
946 orleans road holdings, llc 2
a & v realty llc 2
abuhani, rami 2
adams, laina 2
adigo investments 2
agent own realty 2
agent owned palmetto group 2
agent owned reatly 2
agostinelli, ryan patrick 2
ah4r management 2
ahcm properties 2
aiello, anthony 2
aksomitas, allyn 2
alfredson, angela 2
allen, gloria annette 2
allen, jimmy lee 2
alp properties, llc, linda picciano 2
altman, randy 2
alvarez, skarlet 2
ameriland properties 2
amh 2015-2 borrower, llc represented by jennifer williams 2
amh2015-1 borrower, llc 2
anderson, greg 2
anderson, karon 2
anderson, michelle 2
andrews, john 2
andrews, john mark 2
ansaldo, leslie 2
apostolova, youlia 2
applebee way. llc 2
arc nwchsc001, llc 2
arem, timothy 2
arig 3340 shipley investor lp dba palmetto exchange apt home 2
art cope and cindy cope 2
ascue, craig 2
ashley arbor i mobile home community 2
ashley crossing apartments, llc 2
ashton woods apartments 2
asserson, jr, bowen 2
atkinson, christopher l 2
atlantic palms 2
auben realty, llc 2
austin, kent 2
aydin, ali 2
azalea property max, llc 2
b & t solutions llc 2
baczewski, larry 2
bailey, benjamin franklin iii 2
bailey, dorothy 2
bailey, willie 2
baker, elissa 2
baldwin, thomas clark 2
bao le, llc 2
barber, willis mitchell 2
barfield, gladys 2
barko bros, llc c/o gary cartterton agent 2
bartlett rentals 2
bartlett, william 2
bastian, bernard h iv 2
batey, jamie lea 2
bauer, saundrea 2
baxter, calvin lamont 2
beckett, renee yvette 2
behrends, richard 2
bell services 2
bell, john 2
belle capital resources, llc 2
bethlehem st james u m c 2
beverlin, linda 2
bexley commons llc 2
birt, charles m. 2
blandin, hazella 2
blanton land development corp 2
blatchford, ryan 2
bohicket investors, llc 2
bolton landing apartments llc 2
bolton, sherry michelle cole 2
bond, cecelia 2
borsis, emile 2
botie properties llc 2
bourette, john 2
boyer, jerry lee 2
brandywine investment company llc 2
brenden pain agent for richard c. warren 2
brinkley, denard 2
brixmor ga apollo iv sub llc 2
bromell, ayesha 2
broomfield, rosa 2
brown, david 2
brown, donald 2
brown, helen 2
brown, joyce 2
brown, larry 2
brown, linda 2
brown, mariam tai lena 2
brown, martha c 2
brown, myra cynthia 2
brown, nathaniel 2
brown, thomas 2
bucholtz, elaine 2
buck, bill 2
buggs, charles 2
bukowsky, jason 2
burke, sarah 2
burkes dba hidllc 2
burkes dba hidllc, henry horace 2
butts, aaron t sr 2
c johnson, as agent 2
caldwell, mendel 2
campbell, devonte 2
campbell, fred 2
cantrell group llc 2
capstone realty 2
carlton, paul & cheryl 2
carolina one property mgmt 2
carolina property advisors c/o alex amos 2
carr, kevin r 2
carroll, terry 2
carter, magnus 2
carter, ralph 2
casey, benjamin 2
cashwell, harold 2
casual company of charleston, llc 2
catteron, gary 2
ccc mount pleasant llc, dba sweetgrass landing 1 2
ccc mount pleasant, llc 2
chambers, susan 2
chandelier llc 2
chandler, l. c.  2
chandler, lindberg 2
chapman, sonja 2
charleston capital corporation 2
charleston choice rpm 2
charleston housing company llc 2
charleston island, llc & charleston island, ii, llc dba the 2
charleston islands llc dba the islands phase 1 2
charleston islands, llc & charleston island, ii llc dba the 2
charleston real estate group 2
charleston renovation group 2
chas. co. housing & redevelopment authority 2
chas. co. housing authority 2
cheshire, carole a 2
childers, rex 2
chrise, glenn 2
chrise, glenn dale jr 2
claesen enterprises llc 2
clair, e r 2
clapp, richard sr. 2
clark, abe joseph iii 2
clarke, steven 2
classen, betty 2
clement, james a 2
coastalina realty 2
coastalina realty of charleston 2
coastline property management 2
coastline property management & leasing of remax advanced re 2
coaxum, anthony alfred 2
cobb, colleen 2
cochise llc 2
cochran, rudolph 2
coldren, david 2
collins, james 2
combs, roberta 2
comer, craig 2
commerce center 2
condon, ryan 2
conner, cory 2
cook, cory 2
corbin, margaret 2
corwyn j. melette & assoc 2
cr mount pleasant, llc 2
craig and co real estate 2
crawford, angela 2
crawford, angela & james 2
crawford, michael a 2
crickentree apt 2
cromwell, bruce 2
cromwell, francis 2
cross county plaza assoc 2
crowley, mark andrew 2
cruz, salvador santiago 2
cumbee, cheryl 2
d & c enterprise co llc 2
d’angelo, william & teresa 2
da silva, mercedes 2
dailey, cecelia 2
dan max realty 2
daniels, annette 2
datillo, t.j. 2
davis, brendan 2
davis, christopher m. 2
davis, horace 2
davis, john 2
davis, lori 2
dawson, robert jr 2
ddl operating co inc 2
de vito, pamela 2
deas, mary 2
deep south plantation llc 2
denikos, michael 2
dent, helen 2
derrick, george rodney 2
deveaux, paul 2
devito, peter c 2
dickerson, harold & melissa 2
dillard, connie 2
dilligard, emily 2
do jo rentals 2
doctor, vermell 2
doebler, brenda d 2
dogwood property management 2
dorchester gardens apartments/ avian place 2
doscher group llc 2
dove run management 2
drayton, tisha 2
driftwood equities llc 2
droze, travis 2
duffy, donella 2
duffy, donella l 2
dunn, kelly 2
dunning, paul g 2
dunworth property management 2
eads, harold c.  2
easterbrook, craig 2
easterling, clifford 2
easy way mhp 2
echavarria, mario jesus 2
edgewater plantation apts. 2
edison holdings, llc, courtenay n. brack; agent 2
edris, sharaf 2
edward, kenneth 2
edwards, randy 2
ellis, christopher 2
ellis/magnolia down, myriam 2
enclave at qc llc 2
enshallah llc 2
escoto, leslie 2
esparza, erika 2
essential property management 2
ewb properties 2
f.w.simmons 2
fab investments llc 2
failey, herman 2
falls financial group, llc 2
family owned property mgmt 2
fartash, zohreh 2
fashion, bridgette 2
fatty boys properties llc 2
fattyboys properties 2
feldman, susan shealy 2
fender, sarette 2
fewg, llc c/o lee & associates 2
fields, frederick 2
finnerty, edward joseph jr 2
finnerty, jr, ed 2
fitz living properties llc, scott plumer 2
florida ave apt. 2
fogle associates llc 2
ford, micheal 2
ford, shirley steplight 2
foreman, anne k 2
fox, kenneth h 2
foxbank freddy llc 2
frash, robert ellis jr 2
frolov, alex 2
frondorf, rick 2
g f j property inc 2
gallman investments llc 2
garcia, carlos 2
garris, larry 2
gary lesesne dba evergreen apartment & rental 2
gaskins, andrew 2
gcb real estate 2
gcb real estate & invest,emts, llc 2
gef properties 2
german, aubrey 2
gianelli, kimberly 2
gibson, benjamin harrison jr 2
gilardi, katelyn 2
gilbert, richard b 2
gilchrist, samuel 2
gilliard, sandra 2
golden mile properties 2
golden properties, llc 2
good homes, llc 2
goodale, gary s 2
gosnell, rebecca 2
gosselin, roberta 2
gr elite equities, llc 2
graham, floyd 2
graham, yvonne 2
graham, yvonne rutledge 2
granquist, linnea l 2
grant, cassandra 2
grant, felicia a 2
grant, lula 2
grayco properties 2
green, laval 2
grice, kathy 2
grimes, samuel 2
guilfoyle, barbara 2
h&b property management, llc 2
haddon hall 2
hamilton chase citadel llc 2
hamilton, james e 2
hamilton, jonathan maurice 2
hammond, stephanie t 2
hamolia, christine 2
hamolia, christine & mel 2
hamolia, melvin 2
hamrick-carter, llc 2
handsome homes inc. 2
harberson, george 2
harbor apartments 2
hardin, christopher thomas 2
hardin, james 2
harkness, richard 2
harold simmons family enterprises llc 2
harpia-usa, llc / koontz/mlynarczyk 2
harrison, james 2
hart, carnisea coaxum 2
hart, gene 2
harwell, heather s 2
havens, lisa gaultney 2
hawthorne city mobile home 2
hawthorne westside apartments 2
hazel, arnold 2
hazel, howard 2
helomer properties llc 2
henry burke dba hid llc 2
heritage property mgmt 2
heron properties llc 2
heyward, burgess 2
hicks, ivalee 2
high point associates 2
hilal, ziad 2
hilbourn, jacquelyn 2
hilbourn, joan h 2
hill, zachary 2
hindman family properties, llc 2
hiott, donald 2
hk investments 2
hoffler place 2
holcombe fair and lane 2
homegrown properties llc 2
honu management llc 2
hood (trust), james a. 2
hosseini, mohammad jafar 2
houston crowder spivey mobile home park 2
howe, william 2
hoy, stephen r 2
huckabee, paula 2
hughey, william kyle 2
hunter street 1002 llc 2
hutchinson, jason 2
hyman, eli 2
inabinett, robert 2
indigo village, llc 2
integra hospitality, llc 2
integra rental property management 2
irizarry, mara r acevedo 2
irving, retha mae 2
island connections realty 2
ismail real estate llc 2
j & j mobile home park 2
j m properties llc 2
j&j mobile home park llc 2
jackson, elmer e jr 2
jackson, james 2
jackson, joseph 2
jamerson, delores 2
james island aapartments, llc dba the standard at james isla 2
jamison, curtis 2
janis, toni 2
jbs properties 2
jean s clark llc 2
jeewan, rajendra 2
jefferson, lillie 2
jenkins, bernard i 2
jericho mobile home park inc 2
jmd investments 2
jmd investments, llc 2
johns, june 2
johnson, johnny 2
johnson, lois marie 2
johnson, montez 2
johnson, ruby b 2
jones living trust c/o southern management group 2
jones, darcy 2
jones, willie james 2
jordan, angela 2
jordan, nancy 2
jrj properties 2
judy, jr., marvin l 2
k&p investment group 2
kamini, cyrus 2
kane holdings inc 2
kane, johnathon ray 2
kaysi, kays 2
keitt rental property 2
keller, hubert 2
khamnei, sahar 2
kim, chun soo 2
king & society real estate 2
kings crossing apratments 2
kinney, bedie 2
koenig, jerry a 2
konner, katie 2
korbisch, jamie herbert 2
kramer, stanley l 2
kreinbrook, dustin 2
l wood associates inc 2
l&l real estate and rentals 2
lagasca, edlinda v 2
lake aire rv park llc 2
lapin, rodney 2
lavelle properties, llc 2
lawrence, sandra 2
lawson, grippe l 2
lbx north rivers, llc 2
le, phuong 2
leclaire, beth 2
lee, james h 2
lee, m travis 2
lee, travis 2
leeway holdings llc 2
legare, jennifer 2
lenior realty & property managment 2
leon, clara 2
lewis investment & management,llc 2
lewis, josephine 2
liggins, helen 2
lima kilo, llc 2
line 4 properties 2
line 4 properties llc 2
linen, troy 2
lingerfelt, barry 2
linville, carol 2
lipe, victor 2
lissa henderson, agent for hemingway enterprises, llc 2
lissa henderson, property manager for hemingway enterprises, 2
liu, tao chi 2
llanos, manuel 2
llewellyn, thomas 2
lnj, llc 2
lockwood, rodney 2
lockwood, rodney d 2
lord, sam 2
lowcohoco inc 2
lowcountry professional properties 2
lowcountry sc, llc 2
lwin, zaw 2
lyu, zong yang 2
magnolia 61 apartments 2
maltese, rand a 2
manigault, annabelle 2
manigault, bernice 2
manigault, sharon 2
marchant enterprises llc 2
marshland investments llc 2
marshside village apartments 2
martin, bruce 2
martin, lj (buddy) 2
martin, michael 2
martindale, george 2
mathews, korrey 2
matthew ryan co 2
matthew ryan company 2
maxwell, joseph 2
mccormack, deborah l doscher 2
mccoskey, tim 2
mccrief, almia 2
mcdew llc 2
mcdonald, paul 2
mcdowell, sidney 2
mcguire, ronald 2
mcw-rc sc-merchant’s village, llc 2
meacher, sue welch 2
meggett, katrina 2
mercury, shanoah 2
mestre, coral 2
metz, yvette 2
meyers, latisha 2
mid america apartments lp dba colonial village at hampton, pointe 2
middleton, sandra 2
middleton, tommy 2
milestone properties, llc 2
miller, albert 2
miller, danica 2
miller, sandra 2
mirman, robert s 2
mitchell-randall, gloria evette 2
mitchell, william 2
momeier, greta c 2
monarch at centre pointe, llc 2
monarch at north charleston, llc 2
monroy 2
moore, virginia 2
moran, thomas w. 2
moreland properties, llc;elh investments, llcc; kershaw farm 2
morris 2
morris, christopher 2
morris, lynette d.  2
morrison, marvin d 2
moses, myrtle 2
moss creek 2
moultrie, willie b 2
mt. pleasant square ass ii, llc, dba oyster park 2
mtre foreclosures llc 2
mtre, llc/ mark timms 2
mueller, anita 2
munzenmaier, john 2
murray, antonio d 2
musich, merrylee 2
my house on meeting, d/b/a alpha management partners 2
myers, nedra c.  2
needham, esmeralda 2
nelson, barry 2
nelson, luz 2
nesbit, jeffery 2
nesbitt, anna bell 2
nesbitt, marilyn f 2
nesbitt, mary ann j 2
new bethal r.e. church 2
new greater zion 2
new height property management represented by judith wolk 2
new york press llc 2
newman, carol rabicki 2
nguyen, phuong 2
nguyen, thanh 2
nhp properties llcby its agent real property management 2
niagara properties 2
niagara properties, llc 2
nicholson, alan 2
nirenblatt nirenblatt and hoff, hoffman dba north village ap 2
noll, michael a 2
norman, jarrod 2
north charleston rentals llc 2
north point station llc 2
northwoods mall c.m.b.s., l.l.c. 2
o’keefe, kyle 2
o’zer company 2
oak hill mobile home village, llc 2
oak trust prop mgmt 2
oak trust property 2
oakside apartments 2
ogren, danton 2
ohm garrett llc 2
oliver, kasey n 2
oliver, kasey norwood 2
om suite om, llc 2
ong, minh 2
onofrey, michael v 2
oree, walter 2
ortiz, mary r 2
oswald, lindsay 2
ouellette, ashley 2
owens, gail 2
owens, johnny 2
padgett, keith 2
painter, ida kidd 2
palmetto community church 2
palmetto park holding, l l c 2
palmetto parks holding llc 2
palmetto state properties & associates 2
paramount management group, llc 2
parker, audreyole 2
parkhurst, scott 2
parsonage point apartments 2
patel, kjay 2
patel, mitul 2
patel, mitul vipinbhai 2
pawlowski, john 2
pearson, david 2
peggy smith, dba pj management 2
pelletier, mary 2
pendley property managements llc 2
penny place partner llc 2
pepperdam industrial, llc 2
perlmutter, daniel p 2
petit, timothy russell 2
petters, john 2
pitco llc 2
pitco, llc c/o timothy ascue 2
plyler realty llc 2
poe, kenneth wayne 2
pope, terri 2
porcher, denetria 2
potter, vinson 2
prather, myron k 2
proctor 2
proctor, daisy 2
prosper, novelette 2
pure property management llc 2
purna purushottam llc 2
pyle, martin 2
r & d services, richard lowndes 2
ragains, michaela 2
ram equity 2
ram equity llc 2
ramirez, christine g 2
raz, jack s. 2
readen, patsy 2
redwood, robert 2
refined realty llc 2
reid, ellen t 2
remount townhouse 2
rhodan, junerese 2
richardson, tiffany 2
riggins, margaret e 2
rister, david 2
river oaks - hillside llc 2
rivergate, ii llc c/o buist, byars & taylor, llc 2
rivers walk, mma 2
roadstead mgmt 2
robert r dukes representing equity trust company fbo robert 2
roberts, dwain 2
robinson, annette 2
robinson, ernestine 2
robinson, joseph 2
rogers, francena w 2
roko, llc c/o gary catterton 2
rose, broadus 2
roswell-shaw, donna 2
rothwell, heather bernadette 2
rozier, elbert m 2
ruan, gang 2
rui, selene 2
rumph properties/ plaza 17 2
runey, george patrick iii 2
russ whited ltd 2
russo, andrew d 2
s&k apt 2
sabal palms 2
sadler group of charleston llc as agent for nolu, llc 2
salmonsen, charles 2
sam dom charleston equity 2
sanders, anita v 2
sanders, yvette 2
sandlapper management group 2
sands d/b/a gws rental properties, geraldine w. 2
sarver, gregory 2
satterfield, jay 2
sawgrass apartments office 2
sc north charleston tanger 2
schirduan, alfons j 2
schumacher, carmen 2
scm investment 2
scnc realty 2
scott builders, llc 2
seabrook, william 2
sexton, hasan 2
shade a plenty mobile home park 2
shadow moss pointe 2
shady tree associates, llc 2
shands, annabell 2
shannon, marilyn m 2
shaw, gabrielle 2
sherrill holland crec property management 2
shivers, nathaniel 2
shokes, jeffery warren 2
shokes, joyce darlene 2
shuler, andre 2
sills, denny b 2
simmons, arleen 2
simmons, cliff 2
simmons, clifford 2
simmons, lynard 2
simmons, nicole 2
simmons, ruthie 2
simplified properties llc 2
skyspot realty 2
smalls poa, calvin 2
smalls, david d 2
smalls, donzel 2
smalls, virginia 2
smith, bea 2
smith, vontella 2
snurr, nancy 2
south harbor properties 2
southern home ventures llc 2
southern living llc/faris shalash 2
southern shores property management group llc 2
spartan boulevard properties llc 2
spriggs, herlene r 2
springs at essex farms apartments 2
st johns yacht harbor 2
stanley, jeffrey 2
starks, queen elizabeth 2
starling, marsha 2
stevens, timothy l 2
stewart, gwendolyn 2
stoeppler, teresa l 2
stone, a marion 2
stone, patricia 2
store master funding vi, llc 2
strickland, austin 2
strott, elizabeth 2
stuckey, patricia 2
stuhr, frederick viohl 2
sullivan, timothy or amy 2
sumter, sharon 2
sunrise inn co llc 2
sup sweetgrass, llc 2
sweeny, hugh 2
swint, charles jr 2
swinton, lillie j 2
tamsberg properties iii, llc 2
tamsberg properties, llc 2
taylor, mark 2
tdg commercial row llc 2
tedder llc 2
the capstone enterprise, llc & the blackstone investment gro 2
the estate of george smith and pricilla cato 2
the forest at fenwick 2
the gardens 2
the grand at midtown 2
the oaks at sumner 2
the preserve at belle hall 2
the wando property group llc 2
thomas daneils agency, inc. 2
thomas, cathy stephens 2
thomas, ellis j iii 2
thomas, letishia a 2
thomas, monica 2
thomason, mary ann 2
thompson, alford dubose iii 2
thompson, alfred 2
thorp properties, llc 2
tidewater investments of chas, llc 2
tillman, wheeler 2
timms, mark owens 2
tinkey, carole 2
tipson road apt dba birchwood apts 2
total properties, inc 2
troy parks 17 south commerce center 2
ttbs investments, 2
tuckerville llc 2
u s highway 52 associates 2
us vet corps resources, tim taylor 2
vanderhorst, ulysses jr 2
venning family partners 2
venning, lennie 2
verdier investers llc dba the avenues at verdier pointe 2
vigilla-dowe, grace 2
vincent, russell alvin 2
walker, maurice 2
walker, reicka 2
wall to wall ventures 2
wallace, james 2
wallace, jim 2
walnut 1 llc 2
wamer, delphine 2
waring, john henry 2
warren, arthur 2
washington square properties, llc 2
washington-goodwin, rose m 2
washington, charles sr 2
washington, christopher 2
washington, elesha marie 2
washington, samuel 2
waters, michelle 2
watts park, inc 2
we plantation oaks owner, llc dba avenues of west ashley 2
weader enterprises, llc 2
weathers family, llc andrea weathers 2
welch, todd christopher 2
wells, charles 2
west ashley property mgt 2
westendorff, john o 2
wheeler, daniel ray 2
white, christalle 2
white, herbert 2
whited, don 2
wilcox, nate & jennifer 2
william olasov company llc 2
william, david 2
williams, george 2
williams, izetta 2
williams, jimmie 2
williams, wendy 2
willis, leize 2
willis, leize g 2
wilson real properties, llc c/o cbc, atlantic international, 2
wilson, christopher john 2
wilson, jacqueline 2
windmueller, armin 2
windwood longpoint apartment 2
witherspoon, robert mitchell iv 2
wmd investments llc 2
wolter development, llc 2
wong, victor 2
woodcock, cheryl 2
woodruff, robert joseph 2
woodstock investors llc 2
wurzelbacher, mike 2
xx capital, llc 2
yes communities, llc c/o ashley arbor ii 2
yess management llc 2
young, kevin 2
yutzy, clint 2
zen real estate, llc 2
zoucha, guy charles 2
zut properties, llc 2
1 eyed bagels llc 1
1000 king street apartments 1
1000 king street llc, c/o southeastern management group 1
1001 harborview, llc c/o cbc atlantic international inc. 1
1012 & 1014 st. andrews blvd, llc 1
1012 llc 1
102 line street llc 1
1033 wappoo road, llc 1
1102 hillside llc / river oaks apts 1
1111 bowman llc 1
1565 ashley llc 1
161 king street partners, llc 1
1735 ashley hall llc dba ashley grove apartments(inactive) 1
1834 summerville ave, llc 1
1852 mepkin property managements llc 1
2018 covey lane, llc 1
2070 sam rittenberg boulevard holdings, llc 1
21 enterprises 1
2189 discher ave, llc 1
220 calhoun st llc 1
220 calhoun street llc 1
2357 north seveteen, llc 1
24 line st 1
26 brockman llc 1
276 king street llc 1
2817 maybank, llc 1
285 king street company, llc 1
2914 lexinton llc 1
333 fleming llc 1
333 fleming road, llc 1
3362 navajo st., llc 1
363 bond st equities 1
3821/3811 mccrackin 1
3821/3811 st. john llc 1
3w investments llc 1
409 betsy road, llc c/o southeastern managment group 1
4524 holmes llc 1
4662 rivers ave llc 1
495 meeting street llc 1
50 pebble beach cove unit k116 llc 1
522 wando lane 1
539 king street llc c/o southeastern management group 1
5522 rivers avenue investment co 1
5522 rivers avenue investment company 1
5700 dorchester rd llc 1
6308 llc. 1
6601 dorchester investment group 1
680 associates, llc 1
7171, llc 1
7220 investment drive llc 1
7281 cross park drive llc c/o a. palmer owings sr 1
79-81 line st, llc 1
808 palms llc 1
815 folly road, llc 1
828 folly associates 1
832 coleman blvd., llc 1
835 savannah highway llc 1
935 pauline, llc and barry clarke 1
99 west edge developer llc dba caroline luxury apartments 1
a and v realty llc 1
a v s charleston riviera 1
a&d properties, llc 1
a+ auto service 1
aarons sales and lease 1
abbott arms associates llc dba ashley arms 1
abdallah, mohammed m 1
abrc investments llc 1
achm properties llc 1
ackerman, willie lee 1
acosta, carlos 1
acquired capital ii, 1
adams, clayton 1
adams, clayton jr 1
adams, marty 1
adamson, annela 1
adare, paul 1
addco llc 1
adelsflugel, norman bernardo 1
adrihan, virginia m. 1
agent owned premier 1
agrest, alexander 1
aguilar, charlene g 1
ah4r management as agent for american homes 4 rent 1
ah4r management- sc llc as agent for american homes 4 rent, properties ten 1
ah4r management- sc, llc as amh 2015-2 borrower, llc 1
ahadi, natalie seel 1
ahearn, catherine m 1
ahmed, kimberly 1
ahmed, kimberly naomi 1
ahrenholz, mary 1
ahrens, paul 1
aiken, jeffrey & deatrice 1
aikens, mercedes lavetta 1
aikens, viette 1
akery, matthew 1
albano, rosephil 1
albatross, voodoo 1
albayalde, eddie 1
alexander, julius dwayne 1
alexander, travis 1
alfaro, dalila leonor 1
alfred magruder dillard jr 1
allegood, constance e 1
allen, arthur 1
allen, jennifer 1
allen, jennifer or ocie c.  1
allen, john l 1
allen, lorie 1
allen, ocie 1
allen, randolph 1
allen, randolph c 1
allen, william 1
alston, cynthia 1
alston, leon arthur 1
alston, lillian 1
alston, william 1
altine, charlotte p.  1
altine, charlotte patricia 1
altisource 1
altisource residential, l.p. 1
altman, randy allen 1
altschul, nancy 1
amato, nancy a 1
ambrose, linda h 1
amcs 1
american homes 4 rent properties one, llc 1
american homes 4 rent prperties ten 1
american mobile home park rep by joey gillam 1
americana mobile home 1
amh 2015-2 borrower, llc represented by thomas i. howard, jr 1
amh roman two sc, llc 1
amherst 6, llc 1
anastacio, angelina 1
ancrum, carolyn iona 1
ancrum, john c 1
ancrum, tonia rivers 1
anderson, glen 1
anderson, michelle wern 1
anderson, shawn 1
anderson, smith 1
anderson, william j. 1
andrea silvernale represented by sean wilson 1
andrew mack property manager, steven hall 1
andriushkiavichus, yolanta 1
andrson, ylonda 1
animas, anthony 1
ankersen, judith 1
ankersen, judy 1
ansonborough housing group 1
anthony, benjamin 1
antley, barbara 1
appelt, brian 1
appelt, jason 1
arborl, ashley 1
arc ncchrnc001, llc 1
arc nwnchsc001, llc/dra-rcg north charleston spe, llc 1
ard, ellen r. 1
are property mgmt 1
arellano- gomez, sergio 1
aristegui, richard 1
armstrong, alonzo 1
armstrong, charles j jr 1
armstrong, minnie b 1
arnau, michael 1
arnold, cassie 1
around the house 1
around the house property management 1
around the house property mgnmt 1
arq properties, llc 1
arthur ravenel jr & wells fargo bank 1
arthur ravenel jr. comapny 1
ashbee-scott, barbara 1
ashe st, llc 1
ashley arbor 2 1
ashley oak partners llc 1
ashley orrs project, llc 1
ashley park retirement residence dba ashley park 1
ashley shopps, llc, c/o charleston green commercial, llc 1
ashley, rick 1
asic llc 1
aster place apts. 1
atg properties 1
atg property llc 1
athur ravenel jr. company 1
atkinson, carolyn 1
atlantic international for red top village 1
atlantic international inc. for 1001 harborview llc 1
atrium northwoods llc 1
attorney howard, jr., thomas i 1
atwood, mark 1
aucoin, frank k 1
aurthur ravenel jr wells fargo bank 1
austin, yvonne c 1
auto money inc of charleston 1
avant, larry utley 1
avenues at verdier pointe llc 1
avrahami, elie 1
avrahami, michelle waters 1
azalea holdings, llc 1
azalea property management, llc 1
azer, josh 1
b & l partners, llc 1
b & p gramling, llc 1
baber, richard 1
bacco,llc c/o cbc atlantic 1
back water properties 1
baczewski, larry v 1
bagwell, jeffrey blue 1
bailem, i v, henry 1
bailey personal rep. christopher bailey jr., sheeneque christel 1
bailey, craig 1
bailey, milton 1
bailey, neil wilson 1
bailey, sheeneque christel 1
bailey’s inc 1
baker properties 1
baker, brett rainsford 1
baker, jana 1
baker, max 1
baker, pearle e 1
baker, teresa mitchell 1
balderson, ryan 1
ball, constance 1
ball, mitzi 1
ballagh living trust 1
ballam, kelly 1
bamoza 1
bamoza, llc, c/o cbre, inc 1
banks, timothy 1
bannacheck llc 1
barbao, amanda 1
barber, robert a 1
barber, willis 1
barfield, charles 1
bargesser, karen r 1
barker, jennifer 1
barna, elizabeth 1
barnes, matthew 1
barnette, judy 1
barnhart, scott 1
barnwell, jane 1
barony place apartments c/o premier property management, llc 1
barret, william b 1
barrett, h russell 1
barrineau, maureen 1
barron-millan, shanta t 1
barrow, ruth 1
barrs, john d 1
barrs, john david 1
bartlett, valerie 1
bartolon, amanda 1
barton, kimberley 1
basher, amina 1
baskin property management, llc 1
basler, michele 1
bassetti, joseph james 1
bassetti, linda 1
bastian, bernard 1
basulto, daniel castillo 1
bates, l l c 1
bates, steven 1
batson, brad 1
battle, anna 1
baumgartner, tana s 1
baxley, amber 1
baxley, michael h 1
baxter, calvin 1
bazzle, wesley bryan 1
bbf corp- wando east 1
be coate, veronica 1
be local homes 1
beach brook green/kevin foote 1
beach, gloria 1
beall, samuel hunter 1
beard, lydia 1
beasley, amanda 1
beasley, mark joseph 1
becerra, antonio 1
beck, clinton allan 1
beck, suzanne 1
beckett, bernice 1
beckett, samuel b. 1
bednar, susan l 1
beers, keith(inactive) 1
bees ferry apt. homes 1
bees ferry shopping center llc 1
beiko, tatsiana 1
bel-air realty llc 1
bell, carl 1
bell, dale 1
bell, france 1
bell, margrette 1
bell, otto 1
bell, otto m 1
bellino, tom 1
belser thompson real estate 1
beltz, eric j 1
beltz, eric john 1
beltz, lynn s. 1
benchmark properties i, llc 1
bender, trish 1
benfarhat represented by brees law firm, raouf 1
benitez, humberto 1
benjamin colman 1
benke, daniel 1
benke, robert 1
bennett holdings, llc 1
bennett, agilda t 1
bennett, anjeanette 1
bennett, burnett 1
bennett, jack c 1
bennett, marian 1
bennett, robert 1
bennett, susan h 1
bennett, timothy 1
benot, llc/ walter brown 1
benson, chris 1
benson, wolletta 1
bentley, grant 1
benton, daniel 1
ber, mary-ellen 1
berry, hoang 1
berry, hoang dao 1
berry, linda 1
besler thompson re 1
bessie huckabee represented by jessica crowley, esq. 1
best solutions usa llc 1
bethany hill, leasing and 1
bethea, minthia 1
bethel, travis 1
better assets properties 1
betz, pauline 1
beverlin, linda darleen 1
bevon, johnny 1
bharani llc 1
bickerstaff, tammy 1
bielsky, moshe 1
big daddy on ashley ave, llc 1
biggers, eric l. jr 1
bingaman, maria 1
bingley, sebrina 1
bingley, sebrina c 1
binks properties, llc 1
birch hollow 1
birchin lane realty advisors,llc 1
bird, stephen 1
birt 1
birt, charles 1
birt, marion b 1
birt, patrick 1
birt, patrick s 1
birt, vernon e 1
bittner, renee 1
bivek, arun 1
bkd charleston south carolina llc dba brookdale charleston 1
black, melvina 1
black, ronald 1
blackburn, regina m 1
blackman, jeroline 1
blackwell, christi 1
blackwell, robin 1
blake, thomasina 1
blakeley, donald 1
blakeney, thomas 1
blanchard, ellen tindall 1
blanchard, ladonna 1
blanche, jennifer 1
bland, shanna 1
blandin, kayron 1
blanks, taylor 1
blasier, nelson edward 1
blatchford, ryan blake 1
blevins, lesley 1
blidy, kyle 1
bliss, eric 1
bloch investments, llc 1
blue home, llc 1
blue reo sc 1, llc 1
bluewater property mgmt, llc 1
blufton, kelvin sr 1
blunt, damon 1
boags, grippon a 1
bobby bryant real estate operations 1
bobby strickland dba bws enterprises 1
bobo, margaret 1
bobo, robert 1
bocanegra, elmer eulogio 1
bockenstedt, daphne 1
boggs & boggs, llc 1
boggs, arthur h iii 1
bohac, janice 1
boldoroz llc 1
bolton, michelle cole 1
boneworks property management 1
bonilla, marbin 1
bonner, alison 1
bonnette, robert 1
bonnoitt, elliott 1
boone, bradley william 1
border, sally 1
boring, dennis 1
boroughs, martin luther iii 1
botero, daren 1
boughton, daniel 1
boulevard corporation 1
bourguignon, toni frances 1
boutin, kendra lee 1
bowens, willie 1
bowers, glenny 1
bowick, clarence l 1
bowman, emily s 1
bowmen, llc 1
bowser, jesse 1
boyd, sarah jeanette 1
boyer, clarence ralph 1
boyer, kendra 1
boyer, kim 1
boyert, lawrence david 1
boyette, liston 1
boykin, christopher 1
bpg sr adults trust agreement 1
bracey, sylvia 1
bradley, philip 1
bradshaw, adam & kayce 1
bradshaw, carole 1
bradshaw, robert keith 1
brady, paula f 1
brahma llc formerly citadel crossing company llc 1
brainard, teresa ann 1
bramucci, mary 1
bran, judy 1
branan, charles b. iii 1
branch, mercedes j 1
brandt, myles 1
brandywine investment co llc dba heritage property mgt 1
brant, earl 1
brantley, barbara w 1
branton, william 1
braxton, catherine 1
brazil, carolyn 1
breeland, felicia s 1
breland, irene 1
breland, sarah 1
bridgepoint property management, llc 1
bridgepoint propetery managment 1
bridgeside at patriots 1
briggs, geraldine 1
briggs, william c 1
bright, treneko depree 1
brightman family, llc 1
brightman-kenlaw, arleen 1
brinson, janet 1
brinton, john 1
brisbane, lakeysha myshell 1
brisbane, patricia ann 1
broach, tommy 1
brock & brown ent llc 1
brock & scott, pllc representing altisource 1
brogdon, catherine 1
broms, gina 1
brooks, angela 1
brooks, anglea 1
broom, joseph allen 1
broomfield, rosa lee 1
brown esq., edward 1
brown-forrest, veronica e 1
brown, alicia 1
brown, annette louise 1
brown, annie w 1
brown, anthony 1
brown, brad 1
brown, cheryl 1
brown, donald l 1
brown, dorothy 1
brown, edward m 1
brown, edward m esq 1
brown, eliane 1
brown, evelyn elizabeth 1
brown, frank 1
brown, fred 1
brown, george 1
brown, george iv 1
brown, jeffrey 1
brown, jessica 1
brown, joseph 1
brown, karla 1
brown, katherine 1
brown, keith 1
brown, kendall ann 1
brown, kenneth 1
brown, latisha 1
brown, lolita 1
brown, marie 1
brown, marisa lee 1
brown, marvella d 1
brown, maryanne 1
brown, meredith 1
brown, michael 1
brown, octavia 1
brown, patricia 1
brown, patrina 1
brown, persephone ann 1
brown, quinton octavious 1
brown, randy 1
brown, randy terrell 1
brown, rena 1
brown, scott 1
brown, sr., darnell l. 1
brown, vera 1
brown, wilhelmena 1
brown, wilma and tom 1
browning, harold iii 1
browning, james sr 1
brownlee, clarence 1
brownlee, lewis 1
brugal, daniel 1
bruner, robert 1
bruno, stephen 1
brunson, carol 1
brunson, pearline 1
brusseau, michele 1
bryant brothers, llc 1
bryant, audrey 1
bryant, charles w 1
bryant, harold 1
bryant, john 1
bryant, stephanie 1
bsquarad of charleston, llc 1
buchanan, robin 1
buck investment, lc 1
buck, ryan 1
buckheister, cynthia b 1
buckney, jr., bernard p.  1
buehler, dawn 1
buford, cam t 1
bui, thai 1
bulwinkle, carson ii 1
bulwinkle, john 1
bulwinkle, thomas d 1
bunch, david 1
bunch, olin 1
buncher, beth 1
buncher, elissa 1
buncher, jeffrey 1
buncum, wilhemenia 1
burbage, ashley 1
burbage, l 1
burgess, reid 1
burghol, dia 1
burke, anthony e 1
burnell, harold 1
burnell, harold l 1
burnett, rosemary 1
burnett, rosemary lamb 1
burns, arthur s. 1
burns, cynthia 1
burns, lowell 1
burris, tyler 1
burroughs, chanel 1
bush, kevin allen 1
business doe 1
bussey, thomas evans jr 1
butler, kylend 1
byers, randall 1
byrne, kathy 1
byrum, john 1
bz 1117 properties llc 1
c & t sports 1
c a properties, inc 1
c c c mount pleasant 1
c c c mt pleasant 1
c o c corporation 1
c squared enterprises, llc 1
  1. gary rackley dba aaa property management
c.a rhodes/cross atlantic 1
c.d. forrest/ kerri forrest 1
c/o southeastern mgmt group, inc 1
cabera, joshua 1
cabrera, joshua mark 1
caddell, john p sr 1
cahn, benjamin miller 1
caldwell, justin walter 1
callaham, m.c. sr. 1
callahan and buehler, llc 1
callahan, margot l 1
callison, lynn 1
calloway, vonzella 1
calquhon, alison 1
calvary, harold jr 1
calvary, wanda 1
campbell, anthony 1
campbell, cameron 1
campbell, corona 1
campbell, ernest 1
campbell, leshaun 1
campbell, lucille marie 1
campbell, marva 1
campbell, thomas c 1
campbell, willie j 1
campos, anna 1
campos, jaime peralta 1
canady, elaine e 1
candler, carolyn 1
canfielo, paul 1
cannady, kaley 1
cannon & king llc 1
cantle, martin c 1
cantrell, latonya 1
cantrell, lionel b 1
canty, pearline ruby 1
capers, natalie 1
captree properties llc 1
carlisle, william d 1
carlson, ana 1
carol karesh poa for norma karesh 1
carol reiter, wilder property management 1
carolina cove horizontal property regime 1
carolina crescent investments, llc 1
carolina girl real estate 1
carolina one real estate 1
carolina one/new heights property mgmt 1
carolina prop mgmnt 1
carrigg, john sr 1
carroll uspf vi charleston iii springhouse owner lp 1
carroll, john 1
carroll, pandora 1
carson, james 1
carteng, sarah 1
carteng, sarah & guy 1
carter, charles lawson 1
carter, deborah b 1
carter, jared 1
carter, kevin 1
carter, ralph e 1
carter, robin 1
cartwright, marie 1
caswell, h 1
catterton general, llc 1
catterton, agent, gary 1
catterton, gary alan 1
cauble, rob 1
cauble, robert 1
cavadias, sandra 1
cavanagh, lilly 1
cbre, inc as agent for 1
cc land ia, llc 1
ccbg real estate group 1
ccbg real estate group, llc 1
ccc mt. pleasant, llc sweetgrass landing 1
cecil morgan llc 1
celentano, ralph 1
center pointe apartments 1
central investments llc 1
central square 1
central square llc 1
centre pointe apartment homes 1
cerberus sfr holdings ii, lp 1
cerberus sfr holdings, l.p. firstkey homess llc 1
chalmers realty, lp as successor in interest to a.g. holling 1
chan, yu 1
chaplin-brossy, cynthia 1
chaplin, cynthia 1
chaplin, donna 1
chappell, laban 1
charles gaston & seahorse investments 1
charles hipp c/o ann wallace 1
charleston 843 real estate 1
charleston asset managers 1
charleston callahan and buehler, llc 1
charleston cchra 1
charleston choice rpm a/a/f nihar patel 1
charleston comline properties 1
charleston county housing & redevlopment 1
charleston county housing and redevelopment authority 1
charleston county housing auth 1
charleston county park & recreation commission 1
charleston financial center, llc 1
charleston geraldine sand 1
charleston harbour station 1
charleston homes 1
charleston housing co llc 1
charleston housing company/ maybre hodges 1
charleston island, llc & charleston islands 11, llc dba the 1
charleston islands iii, llc 1
charleston jm & j properties, llc 1
charleston living real estate, llc 1
charleston lowcountry professional properties 1
charleston luz’s place 1
charleston paint and body, llc 1
charleston palm, llc 1
charleston place, llc 1
charleston place, llc, a delware limited liability company 1
charleston port properties 1
charleston properties i llc 1
charleston property brokers 1
charleston property holding, inc 1
charleston property mgt., wayne wiggins 1
charleston real estate & law, llc 1
charleston real estate and law, llc 1
charleston real estate cafe, llc 1
charleston renovation group ii, llc 1
charleston reyworks, llc 1
charleston tr-county apartments 1
charlton, lillie 1
charpia, darold 1
chas. county housing authority 1
chase, ben 1
chassereau, elaine 1
chatman, kierra 1
chau, khinh tu 1
chayban, anthony 1
chen, chunhe 1
cheng, sin 1
chesser, clarice o. 1
chestnut, robert c 1
chew, thomas 1
chicora community trust 1
chismar, kelly 1
chisolm investment prop llc 1
chisolm, arthur 1
chisolm, cedric 1
chivers, william 1
chochise, llc 1
christine pace owner of access trailer park 1
christodal, george 1
chs enterprises, llc 1
chuck dawley blvd investments,llc 1
chuck town living 1
chucktown holdings, llc 1
chukoian, bruce 1
church property, llc 1
ciappa, cathleen 1
circle m south 1
city of charleston housing auth 1
city of north charleston, a municipality 1
cl read llc 1
clack, tamora 1
clair, bob 1
clair, nancy smythe 1
clanton, chris k. 1
clark, adam william 1
clark, deidre 1
clark, thomas 1
clarke, steve 1
clarke, steve sr 1
clarkin, john 1
clayton, denver 1
clayton, denver and tracy 1
clayton, denver l. or tracy 1
cleary, carlie elvin 1
clemons, graffrea 1
clemons, jerome 1
clemons, milton 1
clifton, benny 1
clifton, gordon 1
coakley, james 1
coast, elijah 1
coastal townhomes llc 1
coastline properties solutions 1
coastline property solutions 1
coastline realty 1
coats, cameron 1
coaxum, alvin jerome ii 1
coaxum, anthony a. 1
cobb 1
cobb represented by bernetha eady, james w 1
cobb, brandon 1
cobb, paul robert 1
coc corportation 1
cochise investments llc, vinesh patel 1
cochran, harriet p 1
cochran, kelli 1
coen, allan 1
coen, dorothy 1
coffey, bonnie marie 1
cohen, henry russell 1
cohen, lawrence 1
cohen, thomas 1
coker, stephen 1
cole, kristina marie 1
cole, leondas vincent 1
coleman associates llc 1
coleman blvd llc 1
coleman boulevard, llc cbre, inc. as agent 1
coleman, allen 1
coleman, patsy 1
colkitt, dean 1
collette, richard & lillian 1
collington, marie 1
collins jr., james b 1
collins properties, lp 1
collins, alisha 1
collins, brian 1
collins, chis 1
collins, herman sr 1
collins, mark 1
collins, patricia 1
collins, takeem 1
collison, john 1
comline porpoerties, l.l.c. 1
commercial specialty group 1
commercial specialty group, llc dba charleston commercial sp 1
commodore, delores 1
companion associates inc 1
concentra health services, inc 1
condon, john r 1
connelley, william 1
conner, wayne dale 1
connor, cora 1
conoo, richaizo 1
conrex property management, llc c/o mary cothonneau elr esq. 1
conrex property management, llc dba 845 hitching post rd. 1
conroy hyde avenue llc 1
conroy, s 1
constantine, jane e. 1
container land assoc. c/o buist byars & taylor 1
conyers, jaqueline m 1
cook, beth 1
cook, lydia e 1
cook, majry jane 1
coons, robin 1
cooper, gary 1
cooper, sheila 1
cooper, sylathia darlene 1
cope, cindy 1
copeland, deborah simone 1
copeland, duwayne 1
corbett, suzanne 1
corey, robert 1
corley, kevin 1
corn, richard 1
cornelius husdon llc 1
cornerstone at king realty 1
cornwell, portia 1
corwyn j. melette & assocs. 1
corwyn melette and association 1
cosby, lloyd & linda 1
costanzo, lina 1
cota, joshua alan 1
cotton, lydia 1
coulter, laqetta 1
counes, adrienne 1
covington, margaret williamson 1
cox, j.d 1
cox, tina 1
cox, wanda l 1
coyle, mary anne 1
craft, thomas stanley 1
craig and co. real estate, inc. 1
cranwell, amarylis 1
craven, jr., paul j 1
craven, melissa 1
crawford, marvin 1
crawford, shawn anthony 1
creekbend property mgt 1
crestline family trust 1
crews, kathryn 1
crews, kathy 1
cribb, carolyn 1
crimmins, dorothy 1
crockett, william 1
cromwell, j. denise 1
cromwell, olive 1
crook, taylor eugene 1
crosby, bernice m 1
crosby, l t 1
crosby, l t & linda 1
crosby, linda 1
crosby, lisa 1
crosby, mindy 1
crosby, steve 1
cross atlantic, rhoades anthony 1
cross county plaza 2, llc 1
cross park drive, llc 1
crowley, john 1
crowley, steven m 1
crown at live oaks 1
crp real estate llc 1
crutchfield, cynthia suzanne 1
cruz, daniel 1
cruz, daniel j 1
csw properties llc 1
culler, connie lynn 1
cumbee, effie 1
cummings, carol m 1
cummings, ross 1
cunningham, shawn 1
curt johnson as agent for cfm trust 1
curtis, robert 1
cusack, kathy 1
cuthbert, barnwell 1
cutright, jacqueine 1
cuzmar, esthela del socogro 1
d b richardson llc 1
d l d, l l c 1
d m elite properties 1
d’damery, james 1
d&c enterprise llc 1
d&r realty 1
da silva, mercedes c 1
da silve, roberto 1
da sliva, roberto 1
dabbs, barbara t 1
dabbs, barbrara 1
dabit, g e 1
dabit, ibrahim 1
dale, clarence 1
dale, lisa 1
dall-gialloway, rebecca 1
dan max realty corporation 1
dana, rebecca 1
dane, jaye 1
dangerfield, james 1
daniel & diane ruegg c/o lee & assoc.chas. pm llc 1
daniel bates agent for rex snyder 1
daniel real estate 1
daniel, karen michelle 1
daniels, dwayne 1
daniels, jeffrey 1
daniels, john d 1
daniels, john e 1
daniels, tony 1
dantzler, stephanie 1
dao, hoa trong 1
darby, james 1
darhar associates, llc 1
darling, christina 1
davenport, sterling 1
david dingman c/o hellman yates & tisdale, pa 1
david vaughn: vision properties of the carolina’s llc 1
david, stephen b 1
davis, antoine 1
davis, brian 1
davis, cathy mack 1
davis, darby j 1
davis, devan 1
davis, edwin miley 1
davis, felicia 1
davis, fred s iii 1
davis, h. richard 1
davis, joan a 1
davis, johnny jr 1
davis, kenneth 1
davis, lisa b 1
davis, marie 1
davis, mike 1
davis, ronald 1
davis, sandra 1
dawn m green 1
dawson, george e 1
dawson, julia 1
dawson, vincent n jr 1
day, russell davis 1
dba anchor line realty, llc, gerri stanford 1
ddrtc wando crossing llc 1
de luna, cecil 1
de luna, eutiquio 1
deaton, lisa 1
deavers, chris 1
debruhl, dorothy 1
del porto, anthony 1
del rio, dina 1
delahoussaye, helen 1
delanie carroll realty inc, 1
delesline, vernon 1
deleston, alfreda 1
deleston, jerome leslie 1
deleston, randy romero 1
delo, llc 1
deloach, sheryl 1
delporto, fowler & anthony 1
delporto, fowler bernard 1
delux properties, llc 1
denicola, lori 1
denmark, dorothy hager 1
denmark, vernel jenkins 1
denmark, william 1
dennis, charles 1
dennis, d l 1
dennis, jr, charles 1
dent, nechia 1
derfner & altman, llc 1
derieux, michael 1
derrick, barbara s 1
derrick, trustee, barbara 1
devoll, steven 1
devore, sally 1
devries, becky 1
diaz, melissa 1
dicarlo, alan 1
dicarlo, alan donald 1
dickens, nicole opoulos 1
dickens, nikki 1
dickerson, enoch 1
dickerson, norm 1
dickinson, pauline 1
dickson, david & anne 1
dickson, doug 1
diebold, david 1
diggs, kimberly 1
dillard, margaret starke 1
dimitrios stamatopoulos dba egis, llc 1
dingle, wilson 1
dinh, lu 1
dinius, theresa p 1
dinkins, gearldine 1
disher, john 1
dix, addie 1
dix, charles a 1
dixon, elizabeth 1
dk group llc 1
dm elite properties, llc 1
dne properties 1
dochniak, deborah c 1
doctor, maurean 1
doctor, santonio 1
dodge, george 1
dolan property management, llc 1
doliveira, elena 1
domicilillium, sam 1
domin, tanya 1
dominion senior living of mount pleasant d/b/a somberby 1
donaree village apts 1
donato, robert 1
donna dordick personal rep of the estate of dorothy leon 1
doossche, wouter 1
dorchester crossing investors 1
dorchester crossing investors, llc 1
dorchester diner llc 1
dorchester village mhp 1
dority, barbara 1
doscher-mccormack, deborah 1
doscher-mccormack, deborah l 1
doszkocs, matthew j. 1
dottie harris / magnolia downs 1
doty, david ii 1
dougherty, lawrence 1
douglas, sharon 1
douzart, mary g 1
dover, elizabeth m 1
dowd, richard o 1
dowe, grace 1
down, sandra 1
doyle, kristopher 1
drabik, carolyn 1
drake, marian robeson 1
drama apartments llc 1
draper, eric 1
drayton, benjamin jr 1
drayton, david omar 1
drayton, harold w 1
drayton, henrietta 1
drayton, herbert lee 1
drayton, joshua 1
drayton, julie ann 1
drennan, paul f 1
droze, dolly 1
dubose, montye 1
duchock, james 1
duckworth, tracy 1
duffy, patrick 1
dugan, daniel 1
dugan, daniel j 1
duke, stephen c 1
dumin, alex 1
dumont, stephen e 1
duncan, jessica 1
dunmyer, john iii 1
dunn, timothy 1
dunning, shauntay v 1
durant, georgianna 1
durham, william s jr 1
duvet llc 1
dyke, donald jr 1
dyson, steven 1
e.j.m rentals 1
earnest, ryan 1
easler, summer 1
east finchley llc 1
east townhouses 1
eastside c d c 1
eastside community development corp 1
eastside community development corporation 1
eastside properties, llc and kit thrash properties, llc 1
eaton, rebecca 1
ebel, christine d 1
eberhard, william c jr 1
ebnezer social 1
ec lofts llc dba meeting street lofts 1
economy towing 1
ecovest east shed development, llc 1
eddington, tanyeka 1
edelson, elizabeth 1
edgewater plantation apartments 1
edison holdings, llc 1
edisto presbyterian church 1
edisto presbyterian church usa 1
edrada, oscar 1
edwards, amy 1
edwards, calvin 1
edwards, clayton l 1
edwards, ernest 1
edwards, hope ann 1
edwards, sarah 1
efc albemarle point spe llc & albemarle point center spe llc 1
efird, maris ann 1
eikmans, gj 1
eisenhart, john thomas 1
ej meadows dba ejm rentals llc 1
ej meadows jr dba ejm rentals, llc 1
elahmadie, issam 1
elaine brabham & associates, llc 1
elite palmetto rent 1
ellington, erica 1
elliott, james baker 1
elliott, kristin 1
ellis-hall, valery 1
elmore, stefan 1
elsesser, william 1
elsey, john robert 1
emanuel, emil 1
emanuel, larmont 1
embry, ray 1
emery, daniel ray 1
emery, sharon 1
emw holding , llc 1
emw holdings llc 1
enclave at qc 1
english, ivon a jr 1
english, lisa 1
ennis, terry h 1
enterprises, llc 1
erazo, wendy analia 1
erin larkin adalease property management 1
ervin, nathan l 1
eskay management 1
eskew-martin, jonathan charles 1
est. of leomia b. green 1
estate of helen louise phillips 1
estate of jeanne c. nimmich 1
estate of lanneau james martin 1
estrada, maria garcia 1
et al 1
etheridge, dayna 1
ettling, john f 1
evans, alaina 1
evans, debra 1
evans, edward 1
evans, larry 1
evans, margaret 1
evans, mary 1
evans, richard earl 1
evanston mhp 1
evergreen apt 9 rental 1
evitt, sally p.  1
ewb properties llc 1
exline, deborah honey 1
ezan, llc 1
ezell, kathy c.  1
f & e incorporated 1
fabor, nathaniel 1
facotr properties, llc 1
fair, bryan d 1
faircloth, clayton 1
fairfield paces watch llc 1
fairfield paces watch llc dba paces watch 1
faison, ronald 1
falitico, christopher 1
family owned property mgmt, llc 1
family services inc dba orgin sc as conservator for 1
family services, inc 1
fang, ji 1
fang, ji d 1
fartash, zohreh g 1
fassuliotis, dennis thomas 1
favored home buyers llc 1
favors, daniel 1
feathers, marisa 1
federal national mortgage association (fannie mae) 1
felder family properties 1
felkel, se 1
feran, charlotte c 1
ferebee, gracie j. 1
ference, scott 1
ferguson, joseph 1
ferguson, kyle 1
ferguson, princetta 1
ferguson, terryann 1
ferguson, timothy 1
fernandes, cheri 1
fernandez, may 1
ferndale properties llc 1
ferrara, lindsey baumann 1
ferrell, willie iii 1
fiall, delores 1
fielding, mark j 1
fields, hedy 1
fields, helen 1
fields, helen watson 1
fields, richard e 1
fields, ronnie james 1
fifty two associates 1
fimmerty, ed 1
fincher, patrick, weir, llc 1
fincher, patrick, weir, llc as successor to beach quadrangle 1
fincke, sharon 1
finklea, laura 1
finland llc 1
first baptist church of johns island 1
first credit 1
first palmetto, inc. 1
firzlaff, troy john 1
fishburne, felicia 1
fisher, mark 1
fites, ryan s. 1
fitzhenry, mark b 1
flagg, stephen lee 1
fleishman, audrey 1
fleming, dennis 1
fleming, dennis & mary 1
fleming, henry 1
flordia ave. apts. llc 1
flordia avenue apartments llc 1
flores, marcelo 1
florida ave. apts. llc 1
florida garden apt. llc 1
floyd, anthony 1
floyd, david 1
floyd, helen legare 1
floyd, todd 1
flynn, john 1
flynn, patrick t. 1
flyway management, llc 1
fogel family properties, llc 1
ford, eileen f 1
ford, james edward 1
ford, john 1
ford, lamar anton 1
fordham, clarence 1
fordham, fred jr 1
fordham, ralph 1
foreman, yvonne 1
forest city southern group, llc 1
forlaw, gerald t 1
forrest, nancy 1
forsythe, ed 1
foster, stacy r 1
fouche, michael lee 1
fowler & anthony del porto 1
fox, alexander 1
fox, daniel l 1
fox, laurel or kenneth 1
fox, sheryl dianne 1
fradella, john garland 1
francois, anton 1
franklin & associates, inc solo trust 1
frasier, monica l 1
frazier, emma 1
frazier, emma l 1
frazier, herbert l. 1
frazier, hessie 1
frazier, leon george 1
frazier, tiffany 1
fred holland 1
free four 1
freeman, arthur e 1
freeman, gary 1
freeman, h bernard 1
freeman, janet 1
freeman, richard 1
frewil apartments 1
friend, h. adam 1
friendly, gene ray 1
frondorf/roof top holdings llc, richard 1
frost, celestine ferrette 1
fudacz, richard e. 1
fuere, ryan 1
fuerte, juan jaime 1
fuller, lorrie may 1
fulton, brian & sheri 1
fulton, brian and sheri 1
fuquay, christopher t. 1
furer, elise 1
furer, ryan 1
futeral-gilmore, kelsey 1
future generation properties 1
fuzz, benjamin richard sr 1
fuzz, marvin terry 1
fuzz, nicholas 1
fuzz, wanda g 1
g w s rental/geraldine sands 1
g.f.j. rentals/gerhard jung 1
g.h. st. andrews 1
ga nikatos properties llc 1
gables of charleston 1
gadsden homes, llc 1
gadsden, christopher 1
gadsden, keith 1
gadson, luther jr 1
gailliard, georgetta webb 1
gailnato, noli d 1
galinato, doli 1
gallery 1
gallman % gallman investments llc, jeffery w 1
gallogly, gene 1
galutera, zenaida 1
ganesh garden llc 1
gant, dinell 1
gantt, lillian 1
garcia, celene 1
garcia, luis j. 1
gardner, laura l 1
gardner, michelle 1
garner, denise 1
garnett, viola 1
garrett grounds partnership 1
garrett, grant 1
garrett, grant ryan 1
garrett, louise 1
garrett, paula 1
garris, wendell 1
garritano, glenn 1
garvin, cheryl williams 1
garvin, larry moody 1
garvin, william 1
gary lesesne dba evergreen apartment rentals 1
gary property rentals 1
gary rackley dba aaa property 1
gary rental property 1
gary rentals llc, gary simmons 1
gary simmons dba gary rental, llc 1
gary’s rental llc 1
gary’s rental property 1
gas lite llc 1
gas lite shopping center venture, ii, llp 1
gaskin, e brandon 1
gaskins, mary 1
gasque, joseph 1
gateway property 1
gateway to the beach 1
gathers, anthony 1
gathers, carolyn 1
gathers, harry jr 1
gathers, sheldon 1
gawrych, connie h 1
geanuracos, joan m 1
gecco investments 1
geddis, helen 1
geddis, thomas 1
geemo, llc 1
geer, william gordon 1
geesey, maria 1
gef properties llc 1
gentile, kiera 1
gentilin, stephanie 1
gentis, toni marie 1
george derrick represented by billy gill 1
georgia g. burson d/b/a franke executive suites 1
gerena, adam 1
gerhard jung, gfj rentals, inc. 1
gerling, peter michael 1
germain, leo 1
german-jefferson, arlene 1
german, kiki 1
german, mary c.  1
german, roberts a 1
german, willaim 1
german, william 1
gethers, brenda 1
gethers, esther 1
gethers, joe 1
ggts, llc 1
gibbs, billie 1
gibbs, jeffery a 1
gibbs, kaytina 1
gibson, alphonso 1
giddens, chester 1
giddens, james c 1
giegher, marva 1
gietler, michael 1
gilbert, carmen b 1
gill, kevin 1
gill, william 1
gillet, courtney l 1
gilliard, ethel 1
gilliard, quinnie l. 1
gilliard, ruby a 1
gillins, bernard 1
ginetto, charles 1
ginger dowd personal representative of ivey henry joyner est 1
giordano, charles 1
givens, pearl 1
givens, shirletta matthews 1
gladden, joseph 1
glasgow, erica 1
glasson, tanya 1
glenn, sarah 1
glover, anthony 1
glover, brian 1
glover, kevin 1
glover, troy allan 1
glover, virginia ann 1
gmb, llc 1
gobel, albert jr. 1
gobel, jr., albert james 1
goer, alan b 1
gold shore investments, llc 1
golden dream 1
golden, charles 1
goldstein, marshall 1
golf coast realty, justin kronenwetter 1
good food properties, llc 1
goodale, steve 1
goodlett, kelley 1
goodman, clayton 1
goodman, duane 1
goodrich, angela 1
goodspeed, robin 1
goodwater-richardson, rose 1
goodwin, annette 1
goodwind, anna l 1
goodwine, anna 1
goodwine, hermenia p 1
goose creek property mgmt 1
gordon, frank 1
gordon, joyce 1
gordon, matt 1
gordon, melvin 1
gorruso, josephine casey 1
goss, rosita w 1
gottfried, katharine 1
gouin, jeffrey daniel 1
gould king charleston sc llc 1
gourdine, charmaine 1
govan, ethel 1
govender, brandon 1
gpf-south market, llc 1
grabman, andrea 1
grady, rodger e. 1
graham, carl 1
graham, john 1
graham, walter h 1
gramley, joseph 1
grand view apts 1
grant, albertha 1
grant, dontae 1
grant, george 1
grant, george a 1
grant, george leroy 1
grant, harry 1
grant, jacquelyn b 1
grant, jacquelyn e 1
grant, jashae 1
grant, lilli mae 1
grant, marilyn 1
grant, paul a 1
grant, rhonda 1
grant, robert 1
grant, safiya masani 1
grasso et al, tony 1
grassroot properties, llc 1
graves, alex jr 1
graves, robert h 1
gray, doyle 1
gray, loretta 1
gray, loretta kay 1
graybul spanish oaks llc 1
green law offices for john mabry 1
green, anthony l 1
green, barbara 1
green, christopher 1
green, colin james 1
green, ella 1
green, helen roberta 1
green, hezekiah jr. 1
green, jerome 1
green, lorie 1
green, muriel 1
green, paul 1
green, steve 1
green, tamika 1
greenawalt, shelcie 1
greenberg, jack 1
greene, calvin 1
greene, margaret 1
greenfield real estate llc 1
greenmore llc by nelson chase 1
greenwood at ashley river de llc 1
greer, sherri 1
gregg, michael douglas 1
gregory, richards 1
gressette, william 1
griffin, clayton 1
griffin, mary 1
griffin, mary s 1
griffin, meredith ann 1
griffith, leon 1
grimes, cara 1
grisillo, edward m 1
gromada, glenna m 1
grooms, jason 1
grossie, barbara 1
gruber, stephanie 1
guardia, pastor 1
gudel, ty 1
guercio, david 1
guerry, willias s 1
guirguis, amal 1
gulf coast realty, inc 1
gutherie, karen 1
guy, jamaal t 1
gwinn, richard 1
h & b prop mgmt 1
h m r better estate 1
h&b property mgt 1
habbick, cameron 1
habersham, richard 1
hadtstein, ralf 1
hagler, charles waterman jr 1
hairfield, kim 1
haithcock, homer 1
haley, darren 1
hall-moore, simonetta 1
hall, elexis 1
hall, kathleen 1
hall, vickie 1
halter, henry bruce 1
hamilton-myers, althea virginia 1
hamilton, alicestine l 1
hamilton, deborah f 1
hamilton, marvin 1
hamm, dannika 1
hamolia, mel & christie 1
hampstead st. andrews gardens parrtners lp dba palmilla apts 1
hanahan, ralph 1
hanan, jack nicholas 1
hance, arthur 1
hance, arthur joseph iii 1
hancock, rodney 1
hancock, rodney neil 1
hanesworth, caliph 1
haney, h. james 1
haney, herbert james 1
haney, jim 1
hanley, debra rae 1
hansen, charles 1
hanson, arthur 1
hansworth, caliph russell 1
hanzel, lauren 1
harbit, jeff 1
harbor view oaks, llc 1
harborside property management 1
harborside property mgmt 1
hardin, andrew j 1
hardin, christopher t 1
hardy, ian 1
hardy, ian alexander 1
hardy, lee 1
hargett, eva 1
harley, pamela 1
harmon, jeff 1
harmon, john j 1
harmon, melanie 1
harmon, shanelle monquie 1
harmony hall by the sea, llc 1
harnett properties, llc 1
harper, carolyn 1
harper, eddie 1
harrell, darren w. 1
harrelson, kim brown 1
harris, dennis 1
harris, scharleen m 1
harrison, eddie jerome 1
harrison, jeffery dean 1
harshbanger, roger 1
hart, charles e 1
hart, christopher d 1
hart, claudette 1
hartley, richard e 1
hartman, kathleen gay 1
hartnett, thomas 1
haselden jr., george l 1
haselden, jimmy 1
hasell, jessica 1
hassouneh, basim 1
hatcher, david 1
hateh, amer 1
hauck, patricia 1
haven at central 1
havens, linda 1
hawkins, brad 1
hawkins, daniel 1
hawkins, richard carl 1
hawthorne north rivers, llc 1
hayden jennings properties llc 1
hayes, kevin r. 1
hayes, patrick 1
hayes, patrick & jennifer 1
haynes, lillian 1
haynes, mike 1
haynie, tony 1
haynsworth sinkler boyd, p.a. c/o 3225 fortune drive llc 1
hays, karen 1
hayward, aronld 1
haywood homes llc 1
haywood-brown, wilma 1
hazel, mary 1
hazel, natayshia 1
hazel, virginia octavia 1
he, lin 1
he, ningji 1
head, clarence r 1
headden, judy r 1
heaton, douglas 1
heineman, clayton 1
heinsohn, betty 1
heinsohn, ernest 1
heiser, bill 1
heishman, audrey 1
henderson, dan jr. 1
henderson, devon 1
henderson, irene l. 1
henderson, leander 1
henderson, thomas 1
hendricks, lisa 1
hendricks, paul 1
hendricks, thomas a 1
hendry, cheryl 1
henninger, william 1
henry, patrick t 1
hernandez, nichole leanne 1
heron reserve, lp, represented by brownlee whitlow & pract 1
herrin, ruth 1
herring, anne 1
hewitt properties investment trust 1
heyward poa, john ward, april 1
heyward, curtis 1
heyward, isabell 1
heyward, jr., sam 1
heyward, margarita telephine 1
heyward, mason c 1
heyward, robert 1
heyward, sam 1
hicklin, robert 1
hickory spring mobile homes 1
hid llc 1
hidden properties 1
hiddleson, sandra 1
hiers, william riley 1
higgins, leonard a jr 1
high point assocate 1
highland exchange apartments, llc 1
hightower, tamaran 1
hilburn, kendall 1
hilburn, william iii 1
hilfrink, ricky 1
hill tires center 1
hill, willie b jr 1
hillis, robert w 1
hilse, candice 1
hilton trailer park 1
hilton, precious 1
hincks, kaylene 1
hines, james alan 1
hines, james l 1
hipwell, taylor 1
historic charleston maintenance 1
historic charleston maintenance, llc 1
historic charleston maintence, llc 1
hitopoulos, christine 1
hmlj properties llc 1
hoaas, amanda 1
hobbs, faith 1
hodges, maybre 1
hoefer, sarah 1
hoelzel, diana m. 1
hogg, jason 1
holcomb, fair and lane investment real estate 1
holcombe enterprises 1
holcombe, fair & lane (upstairs) 1
hollars, ralph iii 1
holler, barbara j 1
holliday, thomas h 1
hollingsworth, paula 1
holman, randall w 1
holmes, darrell keith 1
holmes, nathaniel 1
holmes, samuella w 1
holmes, thomas 1
holsapple, welby l 1
holscher, edward c iii 1
holscher, ted & laurie 1
holt, debra 1
holt, nathan e peterson 1
holzworth, john 1
homegrown propeties 1
hood, darrell 1
hooper, christopher 1
hooper, rebecca 1
hoover, william ii 1
hope plantation condominiums, llc 1
hopkins heights 9 1
hopkins, cole 1
horne, larry & virginia 1
horne, williams 1
horres, ramona b 1
horry, barbara 1
hospedale, peter edward 1
house, frankey 1
housing authority city 1
houston crowder spivey mhp 1
howard, sandra 1
howard, sharon e 1
howard, timothy r. 1
howell, roger 1
hph residentail 1
hs meden,llc 1
hsc 82, llc 1
hsmc llc 1
huddleston, mary 1
hudson, cornelius l 1
hudson, jennifer anne 1
hudson, nancy r 1
hudson, thomas patrick 1
hudson. llc, cornelius 1
huell, dwight n 1
huff, junius 1
huff, kevin l 1
huger, kelvin 1
huger, stacy 1
huggins, christine 1
huggins, scott 1
huggins, silas jacob 1
huggins, silas welch 1
huggins, terry jr 1
hughes, mabel 1
huguenot square llc 1
huguhly, john paul 1
hull, rose mary 1
humphreys, david 1
hunt poa for gerald forlaw, charlene forlaw 1
hunt southern group, llc 1
hunter, jennie 1
huntley, courtney 1
huss, diane 1
husted, jason 1
hutson, don a 1
huttemeyer, robert 1
hutzler, harold jr 1
i.m.i. mount pleasant, llc 1
iingleside holdings. llc 1
ikemoto, joan lee 1
increasing abundance 1
increasing abundance, llc 1
indigo investments, l l c 1
industrial ventures, llc c/o cbre, inc. 1
infinger, walter 1
ingerson, philip e 1
ingleson, phil 1
intermark managment gardens at montague 1
irby, augustus p 1
irick, brandi 1
isaacs, bronwyn heidi 1
isabella street partners, llc 1
iseman, patrick wells 1
island 1544 1
ivey, robin johnson 1
izzard, kevin 1
izzard, kevin zeval 1
j & d master co 1
j warren sloane jr 1
j&b enterprises of charleston, llc dba parkdale townholmes 1
jac dar(inactive) 1
jackson as pr for nathaniel rouse, jacquelyn 1
jackson-ellington, mary p.  1
jackson, claudine elizabeth 1
jackson, james d.  1
jackson, james dowling 1
jackson, jason & lindsay 1
jackson, louise g 1
jackson, rebecca 1
jackson, sabrina 1
jackson, terrie 1
jackson, william 1
jacobs, wesley 1
jaglal, ramnarine 1
jaimes, brenda 1
jalajel, abdul 1
james douglas thompson dba sc property pros, llc 1
james, cheryl 1
james, larry franklin jr 1
jameson, stephen a 1
jamison, dawnn 1
jamison, george 1
jamison, illya j 1
jane chen real estate investment llc 1
jar-dar realty inc. 1
jaridau, samuel 1
jason pee representing will hiley 1
jate iv trust 1
jay s. orvin revocable trust 1
jcl properties llc 1
jd wilson real estate 1
jdn realty corp., adams and reese, llp 1
jeanco real estate 1
jefferson, edward m 1
jefferson, geroge f 1
jefferson, karen e 1
jellyman, george 1
jellyman, stephanie 1
jenkins, ashley 1
jenkins, bernard 1
jenkins, bessie ann 1
jenkins, chivon j 1
jenkins, clyde r 1
jenkins, clyde raymond 1
jenkins, coleman jr 1
jenkins, donnie 1
jenkins, doris b 1
jenkins, geraldine roper 1
jenkins, irvin 1
jenkins, joni marie 1
jenkins, paulette c 1
jennings, chance michael 1
jennings, thomas e 1
jensen, sharon 1
jent, daniel 1
jermyn, thomas 1
jesco properties 1
jewell, michael 1
jfl iii, llc 1
jg towing 1
jhw enterprises property management inc. 1
jilote, victoria & john 1
jim han / han’s development llc 1
jkw holdings, llc 1
jnb investments, llc 1
joe wez, llc 1
john liberates real estate co. 1
john liberatos /dba/ rent 1
john liberatos real estate 1
john liberatos real estate co. d/b/a leasing management 1
john liberatos real estate co. d/b/a rent of 1
john liberatos real estate co. d/b/a rental 1
john p. kane & kathy j. kane agent the charleston property 1
johns island parish 1
johnson & wilson rental estate co, llc 1
johnson, angela 1
johnson, april d 1
johnson, chakara 1
johnson, gary 1
johnson, gary w 1
johnson, geona shaw 1
johnson, geraldine mallette 1
johnson, laura ann 1
johnson, leroy 1
johnson, matthew s 1
johnson, millicent e 1
johnson, patrick alan 1
johnson, phillip 1
johnson, rhonda r 1
johnson, ronnie 1
johnson, ryan 1
johnson, sarah monique 1
johnston properties 1
johnston, henry paul 1
johnston, james thomas iv 1
johnston, maureen gates 1
jones, darcy m 1
jones, george alexander 1
jones, jackie 1
jones, james 1
jones, james a 1
jones, james e 1
jones, jennifer 1
jones, karen 1
jones, kennon 1
jones, kim 1
jones, kimberly 1
jones, lila 1
jones, marie 1
jones, philip 1
jones, tom 1
jordan, gwen 1
jordon, robert 1
joseph, pamela umphrey 1
jotam enterprises 1
joyce dennis as poa for willie hampton, sr. 1
joye, john l iii 1
joyful properties, llc 1
joyner, kenneth g 1
js & ms partners 1
jtv land llc 1
judge, william joseph 1
judith drive llc 1
judy, wade wilson 1
julius, gerard anthony 1
juncu, michelle 1
june and silas llc 1
june johns dba vox properties 1
june, clifford 1
k.w. poe 1
k&p investment group, llc 1
kadlubkiewicz, michael 1
kakadia, parita 1
kallgren, rob 1
kallgren, robert 1
kancov investment united partnership 1
kane, johnathan 1
kane, timothy 1
kaos properties llc 1
kapetanakos, llc 1
kappel, viktor 1
kappler, margaret 1
karash, carol l. 1
karl h. h. kuester, c/o buist byars & taylor, llc 1
kasler, gloria 1
kathleen weatherford pr for mildred kennedy 1
kaviani, jason 1
kaysi, juliet 1
kb carter 1
keeling, jenise a 1
keever, jason 1
keith, sharon 1
keller, betty 1
keller, herbert w 1
keller, mary 1
keller, paul 1
kelly, clinton 1
kelly, joseph a 1
kelly, lisa d 1
kelly, maida l 1
kelly, naomi 1
kemmerlin, willie carlton 1
kennedy for a v salvo, teresa 1
kennedy, frankie v 1
kennedy, victoria 1
kenneth r. davenport ii, personal rep of the estate of kenne 1
kenzie equestrian l l c/kimberly schara-kenney 1
kephart, darlene 1
kerce, mark 1
kerns, randall 1
kerr maple properties - john kerr 1
kerr, peter-john 1
ketchen, sandra 1
kevlin & associates, llc 1
khamnei, chris 1
kiawah island golf resort, inc 1
kicklighter, thomas 1
kilduff, benjamin 1
kime, paul douglas 1
kinard, charles m 1
kinard, charles m sr. 1
kinard, tammy 1
kinard, teresa c 1
kindel, salmah 1
kindlewood mobile home park 1
king & calhoun llc 1
king and queen company, c/o chris staubes, esquire 1
king and society, llc 1
king at market lp 1
king improvements 1
king palace apartments llc 1
king street developers, llc 1
king, andrew ryan 1
king, emanuel 1
king, emma jean 1
king, jerome 1
king, nancy 1
king, naomi 1
king, samuel iii 1
king, willie jr 1
kinloch, ernie 1
kinloch, johnny jr 1
kinlock, darlene 1
kiphart, john 1
kirzhner, joseph 1
kit thrash properties 1
kit thrash properties, llc 1
kleckley, elle 1
kleinrock, martin 1
kline, jeffrey 1
klotz, robert jr. 1
knight, deja 1
knight, eleanor a 1
knight, laura 1
knight, peter 1
knight, peter & laura 1
knisley management 1
knothe, joseph 1
kocak, michael a 1
koch, brenda 1
koch, dan 1
koegler, heather begley 1
koeing, sheila 1
koenig, christine 1
koenig, jerry 1
koger, kimberly dawn 1
koger, robert ernest 1
kohler, elizabeth mallory 1
kolins, angel 1
korelitz, david 1
kornahrens, maria 1
kornahrens, pamela west 1
kornegay, steve 1
koulentianos, athanasios 1
kourageous home solutions, llc 1
kourcklas, desiree 1
kozloski, marie audrey 1
kramer, stanley 1
kramer, stanley leroy 1
krauss, john 1
krp llc 1
krugger, raymond anthony 1
kucklick, jeffrey 1
kuznik enterprises 1
l s b p family limited partnership 1
lad realty llc 1
ladson, estelle r. 1
ladson, john 1
lafalce, joshua loring 1
lafayette, john m 1
lagasca, parabor 1
lakeside mhp 1
lakeside rev ventures llc 1
lamar, paula h 1
lambrakos, dena 1
lammey, john 1
lamn, james 1
lamoreaux, charles 1
land under community trust 1
lane commercial llc, mark lane 1
lane prop of chars, llc 1
lane properties 1
lane, laura 1
langdale properties, inc 1
langley, deryl p 1
langley, deryl patrice 1
langley, rebecca 1
langley, rebecca r 1
lanier, suzanne 1
lannister llc dba saint johns place apartments i 1
lannister, llc/ dba saint johns place apts. 1
lapaz, garry martin 1
laquara, loretta 1
laqurra, michael 1
larijani, heideh m 1
larijani, rahha 1
laroche, dorothy 1
larock, dennis 1
larry a. singletary dba sing realty llc 1
larry a. singleton dba sing realty 1
lassiter, christopher lee 1
latitude 33 llc 1
latitude georgetown charleston llc 1
latitude investments 1
lattin, deborah 1
lauderdale, thomas 1
law, gwen 1
lawrence, cumpasee jr 1
lawrence, cynthia blazer 1
lawrence, dwayne 1
lawrence, john 1
lawrence, sam 1
lawson rentals 1
lawson, samuel 1
le brew, llc 1
le, phuong hong 1
leak, leah 1
leaphart, amy 1
leasing 1
leboeuf, elizabeth 1
lee, freddie maed 1
lee, julie ann 1
lee, linda m 1
lee, mary 1
lee, r. taylor 1
lee, rosa 1
lee, willie f 1
leeds park associates llc 1
leeward investment group, llc & scott waida 1
legado l l c 1
legare, rubin 1
legere, margarita 1
legmorr, llc 1
leiendecker, mark & cynthia 1
leilich, drew 1
lemacks, david 1
lemasters c/o southeastern management group, kimberley anne 1
lemon, anthony 1
lempesis, ann dana 1
lenich, william p 1
lenoir realty & property mana. 1
leone, andrew & lisa 1
leone, ray 1
lesane & son apt rentals 1
lesesne & son apt rentals 1
lesesne, clara 1
lewis, anikia 1
lewis, beverly 1
lewis, faye 1
lewis, ideesha 1
lewis, jack jr 1
lewis, rev jack jr. 1
lewis, william jr 1
lewis, willie lee jr 1
liang, aiye 1
liddell, margaret g 1
lightsey, bertha 1
limberg, dawn 1
limbert, timothy neal 1
lin, ching chen 1
lind, david r 1
lindsey, rodney b. 1
line street residential llc / c/o southern management group 1
lingle, eric j 1
lipe, victor l. 1
lipscomb, kathryn 1
lir ladson property llc 1
lisa, llc 1
litten, kate 1
little, fitzpatrick 1
liu, tao 1
live oak rental properties 1
livingston, david 1
livingston, philip h iii 1
lld holding, llc lance l. davis, manager 1
llewellyn, james 1
loba, llc 1
lockey, tabitha 1
lofton, elizabeth anne 1
logan, gloria 1
logan, lorraine 1
lohr- poa for faye f. lohr, diane 1
lois lane properties 1
lombard, linda s 1
long point holding, llc 1
lor rec sc llc dba the ashley(inactive) 1
lord, lili l 1
lori nolan as agent for william robinson 1
lovely mountain baptist church, inc 1
low, dixie 1
low, mary h 1
lowcountry home rentals 1
lowcountry oxford house 1
lowcountry palmetto properties 1
lowcountry properties. llc 1
lowcountry property management & sales 1
lowcountry property mgmt and sales 1
lowcountry realty investments, llc 1
lowe v snaders, llc 1
lowe, wayne 1
lowndes, rick 1
lowry, renee moluf 1
lowtide enterprises, llc 1
loyd, harry 1
loyd, harry lee david 1
lubov, mayra 1
lucarelli, david 1
lucas holding, llc 1
lucas, pam 1
lucas, quentin 1
ludwicki, andrew 1
luh, chang hao 1
lumb, charles a 1
lund, ben 1
lundy, david 1
luxor investments llc 1
luxury simplified retreats 1
lybrand family llc 1
lynch, julie 1
lynn and david llc 1
lyon, christopher 1
lyons, albert iii 1
m g riverview farms, l l c 1
  1. searing as trustee of the orchid ave trust
m.h. burbage mhp 1
m.t.b. 1
mac, diem 1
macdougall, gordon a 1
macgregor, john 1
mach, hunter lewis 1
macik, nicholas 1
mack-davis, cathy 1
mack-lee, sheila m 1
mack, arnold 1
mack, edward 1
mack, harold 1
mackey, abraham arthur 1
mackey, allison 1
mackin, thomas 1
macy, edward 1
maddray, ronnie 1
madeiro, rabecca 1
magmore, philip 1
magnolia downs apartments / tashina eltantawy 1
magwood, john 1
maher, ali 1
malcolm, alex 1
maldonado, carlos francisco valle 1
maldonado, carlos ortiz 1
maloof, susan e 1
malphrus, faye 1
manigault, ben 1
manigault, rushekia 1
manning, dibble r 1
manosaluas, susana 1
mansell, zachary 1
mantek properties llc 1
mantek properties represented by danielle mantek 1
manufactured housing outlet inc 1
manzanarez, elizabeth 1
maple wood m h p, l l c 1
mappus family associates, llc 1
marcey, angelo 1
marchant, sonja 1
marlowe, deborah c 1
marolda, kenneth 1
marrocco, debbie 1
marroquin, jessica 1
marsh, pamela 1
marshside village, inc. 1
mart, john 1
martell, wilfredo 1
martin, dan 1
martin, deborah 1
martin, jason david 1
martin, l.j 1
martin, lanneau 1
martin, lanneau (buddy) 1
martin, lanneau james jr 1
martin, ronald 1
martindale, teena w. 1
martinez, claudio 1
martinez, donna 1
martynuk, sergei 1
marvel plaintiff attorney, david bradley 1
marvin, frank 1
maschmeyer, joshua 1
masten, kaitlyn 1
masterline realty group llc 1
matson mobile homes 1
matthew palmer & komp realty, llc 1
matthews, reid 1
matthews, william 1
maxwell, heather 1
may, denise 1
may, stephen 1
maybank center llc 1
mayfield, oliver weston 1
maynard, leslie josiah 1
mazyck, donnell 1
mazyck, elijah 1
mazyck, gladys 1
mcallister, ernie 1
mcarthur, dagliesha 1
mccain, kiesha 1
mccall, kimm r 1
mccammon, orin 1
mccanick, shontair 1
mccanicks, antonio rashaad sr. 1
mccants law firm 1
mccants, jimmie h 1
mccants, roberts 1
mccarthy, robert j 1
mcclain, keisha 1
mcclam, james jr 1
mcclann, james 1
mccord, james h. 1
mccory, alicia 1
mccoy, brian 1
mccoy, brian and susan 1
mccoy, susan d.  1
mccoy, zelda gilliard 1
mccrackin flp 1 1
mccrackin flp one 1
mccullough khan llc represent cypress cove apartments 1
mccutcheon, donald 1
mcdonough, john 1
mcelveen, rebecca 1
mcevoy family trust 1
mcevoy, anne 1
mcgee, tim 1
mcgillis, scott 1
mcgrew, brock 1
mckee, michael bryant 1
mckee, thomas jr 1
mckenna, lara 1
mckinley, leonard 1
mclean, johnetta german 1
mclean, russell 1
mclemore, edith 1
mcleod, lisa 1
mcmillan, paul lee 1
mcqueary, sarah 1
mcquillan, anna 1
mcw-rc sc-merchant’s village, llc c/o regency centers corp 1
mcwhirter, annette 1
meacher, t a 1
meacher, tommy 1
mead, frederick 1
means jr., harratial a 1
meden llc 1
meek, dorothy 1
meeks, arthur & keisha 1
meeks, patricia 1
meeting st. realty, elan midtown 1
meeting street lofts 1
meeting street properties 1
meeting street realty commpany llc dba elan midtown, candice powell 1
meeting street realty company dba elan midtown 1
meeting street realty dba elan midtown 1
meeting street road llc 1
megan ham aka megan cross, represented by alana h. richey,po 1
mekarski, michael r 1
melissa etheridge representing doreen doo 1
member, inc c/o southeastern management group 1
memminger, celia m 1
memorial baptist church 1
mendelsohn, joseph s 1
mendez-guia, jorge 1
meree, margaret d 1
merrill, lynn 1
merritt, jill a. 1
messersmith, charles peter 1
messervy, sandra elaine 1
metts, gene leonard 1
metts, muriel 1
metz, melanie 1
mevers, roy 1
mfi properties, llc 1
mgb invest llc 1
michelle reilly peach tree property 1
michelle riser for palmetto group agent owned realty 1
michelle riser palmetto group 1
michi, jeanne marie 1
mid america apartments lp d/b/a 1201 midtown 1
mid america apartments lp dba colonial village at hampton po 1
mid america apartments lp/ d/b/a runaway bay 1
mid towne real estate 1
mid towne realty 1
middleton cove 1
middleton-wright, quintella 1
middleton, elizabeth 1
middleton, james 1
middleton, johnnie 1
middleton, kerri 1
midland place apts 1
miitchell, samuel 1
mikell, edward 1
mila auto sales, l l c 1
milano, michael 1
miles, anthony 1
miles, dianne t 1
miles, travis 1
miles, willie leroy 1
mileston properties 1
milestone properties, kristin graliano dba 1
miller, barbara 1
miller, carl lee 1
miller, doris 1
miller, edith cross 1
miller, herbert and lola 1
miller, iola 1
miller, james 1
miller, joe louis 1
miller, john a 1
miller, joshua lewis 1
miller, mary teresa 1
milligan, blundell 1
milligan, darryl 1
milligan, derrick 1
milroth, christine m 1
mims, alice f 1
mims, david 1
mims, schuyler k 1
minotti, matthew david 1
minter, heather 1
mintz, robert 1
mirman, robert 1
mitchell, charles e 1
mitchell, deadra w 1
mitchell, katisha 1
mitchell, raymond 1
mitchell, shondell 1
mitchum, lynette 1
mitchum, stella 1
mittelbronn, michele 1
mixon-davis, robyn 1
mixson avenue partnership, lp 1
mixson village homes llc, doug shorter 1
mnk properties/reicks walker 1
mogg, boonraun 1
moise, ben 1
momeier, greta 1
momeier, walter w iii 1
monroy, cecilio s 1
monroy, luz s 1
monroy, priscilla sotelo 1
montalvo, jose 1
montena, sheri 1
mood, lenora king 1
moore ii, blake 1
moore, derenda 1
moore, elsa v 1
moore, emily 1
moore, fred henderson 1
moore, fred henderson sr 1
moore, gerald e. 1
moore, gregory 1
moore, jackson 1
moore, jackson & elsa 1
moore, marilyn 1
moorebeachhomes llc 1
moorer, dolores 1
moose, james d 1
moran, gerard 1
morey, allison 1
morgan, david 1
morgan, robert h 1
morphew, amber 1
morris, aaron l 1
morris, james iii 1
morris, karen 1
morris, karen d 1
morris, ken 1
morris, maureen 1
morris, michael 1
morris, naomi t 1
morris, rhonda rene 1
morris, tara 1
morris, tyler 1
morrison, autumn 1
morrison, lucas p 1
morrison, melanie g. 1
morton, marion leonard 1
mosby ingleside llc dba mosby ingleside 1
moseley, howard 1
moss, barbara blake 1
moss, james 1
moten, michael 1
moultire, eric jr 1
moultrie, eric leonard 1
moultrie, james h sr. 1
moultrie, james howard 1
moultrie, lashawn 1
moultrie, mabelle l 1
moultrie, sandra e. 1
moultrie, willie 1
moultrie, willie jr 1
moultrieville partners, l.p. & historic camden property 1
mouzon, marcella 1
moxie properties 1
moxley, kayla 1
moya, jessica 1
moyles, julia b 1
mps investments llc 1
mrash view place apartments 1
mre/assistance property management 1
mrw l.p. 1
mtre, llc 1
mueller, denise 1
mundys trailer 1
mungin, arthur lee 1
mungin, yvonne 1
municipal tax investment 1
murphy, nicole sanders 1
murray, betty 1
murray, chardale 1
murray, christiana 1
murray, donna 1
murray, earl 1
murray, earl l sr 1
murray, michael 1
murray, roland r 1
murray, shelba 1
my moon properties 1
myers, debra 1
myers, george joseph jr 1
myers, joseph 1
myers, nedra chevelle 1
myrick, alan w 1
nancy longerbeam representing michael chase 1
napier, betty 1
napoles, david 1
nathan, jay 1
neal, nicholas 1
neiman barkus holdings, llc 1
nelson, annette 1
nelson, bruce 1
nelson, carolettia shellgene 1
nelson, chris 1
nelson, debra 1
nelson, dennis 1
nelson, donzella 1
nelson, jenneth miriam 1
nelson, john david jr 1
nelson, lucille 1
nelson, lucille s. 1
nelson, misty 1
nelson, patrice 1
nelson, quinton lamour 1
nelson, william 1
nestwood llc 1
netles, debra 1
new dimension real estate 1
new lo, llc c/o southeastern management group 1
new view realty group 1
new view realty group agents, llc 1
newkirk, lonnie 1
newman, diane 1
newman, renee c 1
nexsen, louis jacobs iii 1
nguyen, diem chi 1
nguyen, hoang 1
nguyen, mui 1
nguyen, tuan 1
niblack, ernestine s. 1
nicholas molnar represented by patrick j. townes, esq. 1
nickelson, jeffrey 1
niernblatt, niernblatt & hoffman, llp 1
nigel, michael 1
nikolov, maria 1
nimmich, parker 1
nimmons, issac 1
nishimura, keenan 1
nixon, nancy jean 1
nlp park west, llc 1
noguera, angel 1
nolan, hope 1
noman jr, john 1
norkett, kenneth 1
norris group 1
norris, glenda 1
norris, mary g 1
north ara homes, llc 1
north charleston tanger llc 1
north charleston united methodist church 1
north of broad rentals, llc 1
northbrook ltd 1
northside investments llc 1
northside manor llc 1
northside, lls 1
northup, patricia 1
northwoods properties 1
northwoods properties, l l c 1
northwoods realestate rental 1
nothnagle, nicholas 1
npng, llc/ gwen wilson 1
o & r realty 1
o’brien, bonnie 1
o’conner, alannah 1
o’donnell, daniel 1
o’donnell, john 1
o’neil, patricia 1
o’neil, patricia e 1
oakland properties, l l c c/o avtex commercial properties 1
oakleaf estates 1
oberg-olmi, maryilyn 1
odom, wanda 1
oh dorsey llc /steven olson 1
ohana management llc 1
ohlandt, cran 1
old dominion realtors inc. 1
old oak llc 1
olga garcia/palmera realty llc 1
oliver, juliene s 1
olson, donnajean 1
om one, llc 1
omax 1
omax real estate svs, llc 1
orange, travis 1
oree, clayton lee 1
oree, o’violet j 1
ormsbee, suzanne 1
orourk, daniel ryan 1
orr, brittany 1
ortega, rigoberto 1
ortiz, kaye 1
ortiz, mary 1
osborne, christopher 1
osborne, jon 1
oshen enterprises, llc 1
oshen enterprises/patricia anderson 1
ososki, kenneth 1
otranto plaza, llc c/o cbre, inc 1
ouellette, karen 1
outz, charles w jr 1
owens, caroline taylor 1
owens, jamie 1
owens, michael 1
owens, samuel d 1
owings, a palmer sr 1
oyster creek properties, llc 1
ozyck, paul 1
p c 3 boys l l c 1
p.d. homes llc 1
p& l ferderigos, llc 1
pace, chris 1
pad142 llc 1
padgett, janniffer h 1
paker, jordan 1
palace apts 1
palacino, william 1
palassis, nicholas j. 1
palm rentals, llc 1
palmer, michael 1
palmetto exchange apartment homes 1
palmetto home investments llc 1
palmetto rental companies 1
palmetto state prop & assoc 1
palmore, romona 1
panish, charles 1
panitt, kenneth 1
papadopoulos, demetrios 1
pappas, joseph 1
paragon associates, llc 1
paramid properties, llc 1
paramount group-sc, llc 1
parish, louise 1
parisoli, cynthia a. 1
park circle investors llc 1
parker, amian d 1
parker, cheryl 1
parker, cheryl m 1
parker, daniel d 1
parker, jerome gordon 1
parker, jordan harmon 1
parker, russell 1
parker, theresa 1
parklane court llc 1
parks, william t. 1
parks, william troy 1
parris, darryl e 1
parrish, charles 1
pars holdings #2 llc farzan soodavar represented by juan 1
parson, patty j 1
pasley, judy j 1
paspa, llc dba palmetto state properties 1
pasquin, donna 1
pasquino, angela 1
paster, sherrie 1
pastime amusement company 1
patel, amar 1
patel, minal v 1
patricio, nelia 1
patrick west as owner of kourageous home solutions, llc 1
patrick, l robert 1
patricola, chris 1
paul adara, llc 1
pavlisko, sue & joe 1
paw ii, llc 1
payne, brendon patrick 1
pcaan real estate, inc 1
pcaan realty 1
pd2 enterprises, llc 1
peach orchard plaza llc 1
peach tree property mgt 1
peachtree street residential, llc c/o southestern management 1
peagler, harold g 1
pearson, kim 1
pelzer, annette 1
pennick, jahbrisha marie ebony 1
pennington, jason 1
peppler, david 1
peresich, bret 1
perez, abner 1
perez, edward 1
perez, maria 1
perkins, emma carol 1
perlmutter, daniel 1
perrine, rodney & merilee 1
perritt, henry menson 1
perry enterprises 1
perry, issec 1
perserve at belle hall 1
peters, ashley 1
peters, john c 1
peters, kimberly 1
peterson, ester 1
peth, eric 1
petit, ashley dale 1
pettigrew, aletha 1
pettus, hunter r iii 1
petty, marlene 1
petzolt, charles 1
pgba enterprises inc 1
pham, tuan 1
phan, nguyes 1
phillips, audrey 1
phillips, kelly 1
phoenix apartments 1
picus, isabel mae 1
piedmont 5085 llc 1
pierce, edward 1
pierce, holly 1
pierce, sharon renee mims 1
piercy, tonya v 1
pigott, travis jr 1
pike, angela 1
pile, shanel 1
pimpariya, ajay 1
pincheon, james r 1
pinckney, gregory 1
pinckney, kiara 1
pinckney, levorn 1
pinckney, linda 1
pinckney, mary 1
pinckney, nellie ward 1
pinckney, terrence b. 1
pine forest apartments 1
pinecrest greene l.p. 1
pinecrest greene lp represented by simons & dean atty at law 1
pinepoint associates llc 1
pinepoint shops gp 1
pinkney, deidre moss 1
pinnacle bank 1
pinney, edward & janet 1
pirics, mary anne 1
pittman, philip 1
pitts, lindsey k. 1
pitts, sarah 1
plainview llc 1
plantalats apartment 1
plantation acres mobile home 1
plantation oaks apts 1
platt-chesser, lisa 1
plaza at river park, llc c/o justin j. price, esq 1
plimpton, maxwell robert 1
plow ground development, l l c 1
plowden, charles e jr 1
plowden, julia 1
pollak, michelle 1
pommer, margie 1
pooler, dametrice 1
porcher, joanne w 1
porcu, gian 1
porter, jeff 1
postell, donald 1
poston, beverly 1
potter, etal, vinson g 1
potts, lawrence j 1
poulnot enterprises llc 1
powell, david 1
powell, george earl 1
powers, thomas l 1
pr/gr guild subsidiary llc dba the guild 1
premier center, llc 1
price, bridget 1
price, james 1
price, john 1
price, russell 1
prime properties of charleston, llc 1
prioleau 1
prioleau-goodwine, hermenia 1
prioleau, remus 1
pritchett, lance g 1
promise land realty, llc represented by dennetta g. dawson 1
promiseland realty 1
property conceopts, inc. 1
property solution providers, l l c 1
proveaux, winston jr 1
pryor, theresa 1
ptoney, sandra 1
puig, roberto 1
purtland, michael 1
pyatt, marion 1
pye, dell rose 1
pyramid properties & mgmt, llc 1
qualls, shirley 1
quartermaster properties 1
quayside, l l c 1
quick, sandra l 1
quinn, david scott 1
r d neal property management 1
r&r properties of charleston llc 1
rachel bogan and karon fries-hannemann 1
rackely, gary 1
radius at west ashley llc dba radius at west ashley(inactive) 1
raia properties montville llc-6210 1
rains, robert oscar 1
ramirez, jose luis 1
ramkhalawan, davanan 1
ramlow, lisa 1
rammel, evelyn 1
ramona b. horres dba horres properties 1
ramos, jessica 1
ramsey, james andrew 1
randall j king/king improements 1
randolph, james lee 1
randolph, levine 1
ransom, hugh 1
rasmessen, timothy 1
ratte, ryan 1
rauton, george 1
ravenel, jennifer 1
ravenel, richard terence 1
ravenell, elaine s 1
ravnell, glenn 1
ray, betty 1
ray, jack 1
raynor, imogene 1
raynor, thomasa i 1
rea, gerald 1
read & read as managing agent 1
read & read inc. realtors 1
read & read, inc 1
read and read inc. realtors 1
readen mobile homes 1
real estate consultants, llc 1
reamx pro realty 1
reavis, paula 1
rechner, daniel 1
rector, john s 1
redney, llc 1
redwine, val 1
redwood, robert joseph 1
reed & associates 1
reed agent irene reed, michael 1
reed, becky 1
reed, james 1
reed, otis jr 1
reed, scott j 1
reeks, jessica 1
reeves, donnie 1
reeves, francis 1
reeves, hoap 1
reeves, richard h 1
rehm, lisa marie womble 1
reid, jessica 1
reid, larry donnell 1
reilly, michelle 1
reis, stuart 1
reitmeier, kyle 1
remax pro realty for evelyn falls 1
remax pro realty for scott tennison 1
remy industries represented by john brendan davis 1
renaud, ludivine 1
rentco,llc represented by christopher inglese 1
resendiz, tabathia 1
resi sfr sub, llc 1
resident ventures llc 1
respress, linda 1
restle, keith w 1
reubish, miranda 1
reynolds, jennifer 1
rhame, david 1
rhodan, andrea d 1
rhodes, c anthony 1
rhodes, jesse 1
riano, legare 1
rice, craig david 1
richard lowndes rand d services 1
richard, lawrence e 1
richard, marty 1
richards, phyllis 1
richardson, barbara 1
richardson, damita 1
richardson, diane 1
richardson, jennifer 1
richardson, juanita 1
richardson, leoncer 1
richardson, vanessa shevell 1
richey, james 1
ricks, reginald h 1
ricks, tamika 1
riddick, rick aka rickey 1
ridegway properties 1
rieck, john franklin 1
riegerix, sue 1
riehl, kathleen o’neill 1
rife, andrew jackson 1
rife, robert 1
rifle range road apts 1
riggs, carol r 1
rikard, marty keith 1
riley, james w 1
riley, kenneth 1
riley, kevin a & steffanie 1
riser, michelle 1
ritter, richard paul 1
river hawk properties llc 1
river oaks apartment homes 1
river place partment 1
rivera, jesse 1
rivera, lilia e 1
riverfront apartments 1
rivers, corey 1
rivers, henry 1
rivers, irene 1
rivers, james c.s. 1
rivers, luther 1
rivers, mamie 1
rivers, marion 1
rivers, ronald 1
rivers, rosemary 1
rivers, william e 1
rmd investments llc 1
rmw & associates llc, ryszard widelski 1
road street management 1
roadstead management/belinda daniels 1
roadstead mgmt, belinda daniels 1
robbins, alexander 1
robert dukes for equity trust co 1
robert jordan with jordan realty, llc 1
robert r dukes for equity trust co 1
roberts, mary a 1
roberts, randolph l 1
roberts, thomas 1
robertson howland properties llc 1
robertson, sarah 1
robetrs, joe 1
robinson river rd. apts 1
robinson-mcgee, denise 1
robinson, alice 1
robinson, anthony 1
robinson, blondell 1
robinson, brenda 1
robinson, carolyn 1
robinson, debra 1
robinson, holt 1
robinson, issac 1
robinson, kenneth lee jr 1
robinson, mary annie 1
robinson, mechelle 1
robinson, michael 1
robinson, roslyn 1
robinson, roslyn c.  1
robinson, vel anita 1
robinson, virginia 1
roche real estate & tax 1
rodier, andrew m 1
roe, michael 1
rogers, deborah 1
rogers, donald e 1
rogers, ezzate 1
rogers, randa 1
rogers, robert m 1
roif bridgewater llc 1
rojas, marcela 1
rombach, carol 1
romeo, martin 1
roof top holdings 1
rooke, thomas michael 1
roper, quentella lakeisha simmons 1
rosemont properties 1
rosenbalm, amanda 1
rosie, kirk cleverhouse 1
ross management llc 1
ross, paula 1
ross, robert 1
roth- represented by: trey hill rogerson, allison elana 1
roy, sandip 1
royer, sean 1
rrr holdings 1
rrr holdings llc 1
rubio, hilarion 1
rubio, silarion 1
ruby bell dba 1
rudich, leon 1
ruff, william 1
ruiz, ulises 1
runaway bay 1
runaway bay apt 1
runey, leon 1
runey, patrick 1
ruorolo, frideriki 1
rush, rodney 1
russell, robert 1
russell, tommie 1
russell, wanda 1
rust, leah 1
rutledge place 1
ryan davis llc 1
s & k apartments llc 1
s&k apartment iii, llc 1
saddlers group of chas llc 1
sadi, millicent 1
sadler, frances a 1
sadowski, bruce 1
safa llc 1
safa, llc wael abdulsalam 1
sager, stephen bowers jr 1
saint johns avenue one lp d/b/a phoenix apartments 1
saint johns llc dba saint johns place apartment ii 1
salas, antonio 1
salazar, maycal 1
salisbury, allen wayne 1
salley, elizabeth g 1
salt marsh management llc 1
salt properties llc 1
salters, quedellis 1
salvo, victor albert jr 1
sam dom equity llc 1
sam domicilium charleston equity llc 1
sam domicillium charleston 1
sam domicillium charleston equity 1
samarov, olga & arkadi 1
sample investment llc 1
san-marina, corina 1
sanchez, jose 1
sanchez, joseph frank jr. 1
sanctuary lakes, l l c 1
sanders, andrea d 1
sanders, janet 1
sanders, kiva 1
sanders, thomas 1
sandoz, thomas 1
sandpiper independent 1
sandpiper independent & assisted living 1
sandra davis & jannie holt/ estate: sarah singleton 1
sands, geraldine 1
sandy, theron w ii 1
sanford, william 1
santiago, edwin sanchez 1
santos, dominique 1
sauifan, maher 1
saulsberry, british 1
saulsberry, debra iona 1
sawyer, heather brennan 1
sawyer, sandra 1
saxton, shane 1
sayas, mary 1
saydam, peter y 1
saylors, julia 1
sc real estate solutions, llc 1
scarborough, kristin 1
schachte, david gunnar 1
schachte, joseph w 1
schafer, charles 1
schafer, robert & angela 1
schellinger, dan 1
schleizer, jason 1
schleizer, jason w 1
schlichter, megan ann 1
schlumbrecht, cathy 1
schnarrs, ariel 1
schnauthiel, daniel 1
schneider, neil 1
schreff, benjamin 1
schuehle, christie 1
schultz, david craig 1
schwab, gary w 1
schwab, james 1
schwacke, nancy 1
scott properties of charleston, llc 1
scott smith, carolyn 1
scott, derrick 1
scott, edna 1
scott, gerorge 1
scott, john d 1
scott, kerry randall 1
scott, muriel 1
scott, peter 1
scott, stephanie b 1
scott, tabitha 1
sdj development & management group, llc 1
sea mortgage reit 1
seabrook exclusives, inc 1
seabrook, charles nathaniel ii 1
seabrook, kisena 1
seabrook, robert 1
seabrook, shana 1
seacoast villas 1
seacoast villas llc 1
seafairing properties 1
seafaring properties i. llc 1
seafaring properties, llc 1
seahorse investments 1
sealink properties 1
sealy, meshelle 1
sears, shelvona 1
sease, ronnie m 1
seaview general contractor llc 1
sebestyen, richard anthony 1
secured debt investments #24, llc 1
sedalik, aj 1
see wee property management 1
seel, wanda b 1
seele, pernessa 1
sefer, tunjay m 1
self, erin 1
semanchuk, john 1
sempier, bonnie 1
sessoms, greylan brooke 1
seuffert, richard j. 1
sexton, hasan rashad 1
seymour, janice ruth 1
sgct group,llc 1
shade a plenty 1
shade tree park llc 1
shadid, jr., cj 1
shadowmoss property solutions, llc represented by thurmond,, kirchner & timbes 1
shady oaks llc 1
shady oaks mhp llc/ bob glover real estate llc 1
shaffer, belinda m 1
shahid properties 1
shahid, clarence j 1
shaw-vergeldt, teresa 1
shaw, lucinda 1
shaw, manning bennett jr 1
shaw, ronald lynn sr 1
shaw, sherman 1
shearer, sandra 1
sheikh, muhammad 1
shelbourne holdings llc 1
shelley, ethel 1
sheltraw, christine 1
shepherd, norman r jr. 1
sheppard, dolores p 1
sheppard, rose m 1
sherman, edwin 1
shierlock, timothy 1
sho c lord 1
short, elia 1
shorter, theresa c 1
showeler, rebecca 1
silva, adriana r 1
silva, fabio elioterio 1
silverman, norman 1
simmons, arthur 1
simmons, daniel 1
simmons, david r 1
simmons, edward charles 1
simmons, emily 1
simmons, ernestine 1
simmons, f w (bill) 1
simmons, fary w 1
simmons, fary willie 1
simmons, frank 1
simmons, jerome 1
simmons, karen 1
simmons, leroy sr 1
simmons, lewis 1
simmons, lorraine 1
simmons, rochelle 1
simmons, roosevelt 1
simmons, shelia moore 1
simmons, sherman l 1
simmons, timothy 1
simmons, yvette b 1
simms, dorothy theresa 1
simon, clinton willard 1
simons, charles 1
simpo, robert 1
simpson, holly 1
simpson, richard 1
simpson, susan 1
sineath, aj 1
singh, alexander 1
singletary, carla 1
singleton, cora 1
singleton, diamond 1
singleton, eagenia 1
singleton, elizabeth 1
singleton, karl 1
singleton, michael 1
singleton, richard 1
sinkler, allen v 1
sip properties, llc and 447 nassau st, llc 1
siraco, stephanie 1
sires, allen 1
sires, allen e 1
sires, nolan vincent 1
six eighty associates llc 1
skillman, james 1
skillman, vernell 1
skinner, patty 1
skipper, carleene 1
sky realty 1
slane, jeffrey 1
slc&mnc, llc 1
slingerland, mark 1
sloan, woodrow 1
slothower, ricky 1
small, betty 1
smalls, adrian 1
smalls, annabel j. 1
smalls, danielle patrice 1
smalls, donzle 1
smalls, iris 1
smalls, jeannine 1
smalls, john 1
smalls, marcus t 1
smalls, ruth virginia 1
smalls, shiquitta 1
smalls, tonia 1
smiley-brown, renee 1
smiley, vernado l 1
smith & smith inc 1
smith, alvin ray 1
smith, arthur 1
smith, barbara anne 1
smith, bradley richardson 1
smith, carolyn 1
smith, cody walker iii 1
smith, daria 1
smith, david 1
smith, david v 1
smith, debra 1
smith, diane 1
smith, donna 1
smith, florence 1
smith, glenda 1
smith, harold e 1
smith, helen 1
smith, irene f.  1
smith, irene fanning 1
smith, john 1
smith, keith & jeanne 1
smith, kirsty a 1
smith, kyle 1
smith, lafayette 1
smith, lillian 1
smith, maebelle m 1
smith, megan 1
smith, patterson s 1
smith, paul d 1
smith, raymond l ii 1
smith, richard jamie sr 1
smith, rick and kathy 1
smith, robert l 1
smith, sherri 1
smith, simplicia d 1
smith, thomas lafayette 1
smoak, joseph jr 1
snyder, billy 1
snyder, gina 1
snyder, rex 1
snype, fred 1
socorro partners. llc 1
solid properties, llc 1
solis, laurencio 1
solomon, robin 1
soodavar, farzan 1
sorenson, shawn sanders 1
sotelo, priscilla 1
south haven management corp 1
south windermere associates, lp. c/o chris staubes es 1
southeast group, llc 1
southeastern parking group 1
southeastern property & equity mgmt 1
southern hawk llc 1
southern home venuters llc 1
southern premier property management 1
southern premier prpt mgmt. 1
southern shores property association 1
southern skateways, inc 1
southern st llc 1
southern street llc 1
southvest group, llc, contact hue 1
soyoye, mariam o. 1
spandorfer, roxann 1
spann, mary 1
spe properties llc 1
speakman, l l c, andrew 1
speed, karen & larry 1
spencer, anna 1
spencer, onalie 1
spitler, jonathan 1
spivey’s mobile home 1
spring st. pproperty management 1
spring st. properties management, llc 1
spring street propert management 1
spring street properties 1
springs, john s 1
squires, teresa 1
srd properties, llc 1
st pauls fire department 1
st. andrews shopping center corporation of charleston, inc. 1
st. james place apartments 1
st. martin, devon 1
stafford, rosemary 1
stagg, bob & kim 1
staley, deon 1
stall road mobile home park 1
stallings, leonard 1
stanelle, gretta 1
stanton, david 1
stardust llc 1
starner, david 1
stavrinakis, leon 1
steadman, mable 1
steen, billy sr. 1
stelling, jacqueline 1
stern, alan 1
stern, dianna paviso 1
steve droze s&l properties 1
stevens, tenesha l 1
stewart, felicia 1
stewart, maxine 1
still, william riley jr 1
stinson realty partners, llc 1
stocks, steven 1
stokes, anna 1
stokes, taylor h 1
stone, marion 1
stone, mary patricia 1
stoots, leigh 1
storey, bert 1
strain, maria antonieta 1
straker llc 1
stratos, lois elizabeth 1
streetman- doing business as moss of charleston, james 1
strehle, elena 1
streisel, bobby 1
strickland, chasitee 1
strickland, melba 1
strobel, sondra m 1
stroble & joshua stroble, mary beth 1
stroble, colleen 1
stroble, richard sinclair jr 1
strouder, barbara 1
stuart resis c/o goldfinch winslow law firm 1
sturgis, karena robinson 1
stutts, sherri 1
suaifan, maher ahmad 1
sugarberry llc 1
suggs, cody 1
suggs, karen 1
suggs, nicholas dale 1
suishov, nikolai 1
sullivan, terry 1
summerwood mobile home park 1
sumner, toni 1
sumner, toni pamela 1
sun trust mortage, inc 1
sundance property mgmt 1
sundancer management 1
sushil das & somo das 1
sutton, hobert 1
swd, llc 1
sweetgum, llc 1
swider, catherine 1
swing, walter kenneth jr 1
swo, llc 1
synergy properties 1
synergy properties sc llc 1
t & c properties llc 1
t & g holdings, llc 1
t d bank 1
t r boulevard d/b/a the boulevard 1
t t f rental 1
t.m. taylor construction, inc 1
t&t investments 1
tabakian, john m 1
taleno, rosa margarita 1
tamberg properties i i, l l c 1
tan, dongli 1
tanglewood equitites 1
tarpley, charlsie 1
tarrant properties, llc 1
tate, beth 1
tavel, madeline 1
tax properties 2017, llc 1
taylor banks properties, l l c 1
taylor-veitch, madge 1
taylor, clayton 1
taylor, garrett 1
taylor, hugh giles i v 1
taylor, james 1
taylor, john claude 1
taylor, leona 1
taylor, marcia 1
taylor, nadia miyoko 1
taylor, sherry lee 1
taylor, steven 1
taylor, timothy 1
tdg martello llc 1
teague, george 1
teague, robert henry 1
teddler,llc 1
templetpm, jerome 1
terrell, jackie 1
terrell, joann briston 1
terry limehouse by re/max pro realty 1
terry, morris 1
teseniar, susan 1
thampy and deepa thomas living trust 1
the alexander company 1
the apartments of shade tree 1
the apts. at shade tree, llc 1
the capstone enterplrise, llc, & the blackstone investment g 1
the capstone enterprise, llc 1
the carlyle apartments 1
the charleston property 1
the chas. property company 1
the city of isle of palms 1
the executive group, llc 1
the finklea family (frances finklea) 1
the gables of charleston 1
the gardens at west ashley 1
the good king, l l c c/o hellman yates & tisdale, pa 1
the grove of fenwich plantation 1
the haven at midtown 1
the jones company 1
the legends/sweetgrass landing 1
the leto agency 1
the livley indigo run 1
the mcevoy family irrevocable trust, cathy stephens, trustee 1
the naws, l l c 1
the o’zer company, llc 1
the pastime amusement company 1
the pastine amusement company, llc 1
the prime south group, llc 1
the real estate information center llc 1
the realty company c/o sean wilson 1
the realty company llc c/o bostic law firm 1
the realty company, represented by sean wilson, esq 1
the steve austin facility and wayne fenderson 1
the two sisters of charleston, llc 1
the whitfield co 1
the whitfield company 1
the williams olasov co. llc 1
theron lesesne dba lesesne & son apt & rent 1
therrien, patricia 1
thigpen, suzanne 1
thode, ann 1
thom enterprises, inc 1
thomas brown, as personal rep. of the est. of mary j. brown 1
thomas, alda 1
thomas, cathy 1
thomas, charles a 1
thomas, ellis 1
thomas, george e. 1
thomas, loretta 1
thomas, natae diane 1
thomas, stephanie 1
thomaws connor, llc 1
thome, eric 1
thompson real estate llc 1
thompson, alfred dubose iii 1
thompson, alfred dubose jr 1
thompson, fred 1
thompson, inga 1
thompson, james d 1
thompson, richard r 1
thompson, susan b 1
three oaks mobile home park 1
thrift, michael 1
tichi, diane 1
tidalwave watersports 1
tide water investments 1
tidewater investments & acquisitions, llc 1
tidewater investments of charleston, llc 1
tidmore, gary 1
tighe, cynthia 1
tilden, tom 1
tilghman, raven symone 1
tillman, james 1
tillman, janet 1
tilman, thurman 1
tilson, haley 1
timmerman, heath 1
timmons, elijah 1
timms, mark o(inactive) 1
tin roof properties -mark johnson 1
tindall, marlies g 1
tipson road apts, lp 1
tisdale, cawana 1
tisdale, tameika 1
titian termite holdings 1
tjms llc 1
tmr holdings 1
tobias medical building, llc 1
tobias, q. elizabeth p.  1
tolbert, janis 1
tomkins, courtenay austin 1
tomlin, lewis 1
tommy broach jr. property mgmt, inc. & sterling palce prop 1
tompkins, gloria 1
ton, yen 1
toomer, ashania nelson 1
topson road apts, lp d/b/a birchwood apartments 1
torres, ellen 1
totin, stephen 1
tourtellot, peter 1
townes, esq., patrick 1
townsend, duncan 1
townsend, kevin a 1
trademark properties 1
trailmore park ii 1
travis kay, property mgr/ bic/ kay real estate group, llc 1
travis, patricia a 1
traywick, susan 1
treadway, william 1
tri county weatherization group llc 1
tricky properties, llc 1
trinh, cindy 1
tritt, raylene 1
trovato, samantha 1
true north solutions, llc, elizabeth g. taylor 1
truesdale, isaiah 1
tucker, ginger grey 1
tucker, karen widener 1
tucker, larry c 1
tucker, n. e. 1
tucker, twaria 1
tudder, john 1
tumbleston, lester carson 1
tumolo, carolyn m 1
tupelo holdings, llc 1
turner, david r 1
turner, gabriel s. 1
turner, wanda 1
twelve oaks at fenwick plantation 1
tyler, mindy & billy 1
tyler, rebecca 1
tyrell, todd 1
u r home property mangement 1
u s highway 52 associates/j p gaillard 1
uebelhoer, jason laurance 1
ulichnie, lisle a 1
unsworth, nandy 1
urowksy, eric 1
us 52 associates 1
ussery, amanda beasley 1
    1. properties, llc
vaigneur, erica 1
valdez, isidro 1
valentine, katherine 1
valrey neiman d/b/a neiman holdings llc 1
van trabert, llc, c/o buist byars & taylor, llc 1
vanbogart, justin 1
vance, george richard iii 1
vanderhorst realty, llc d/b/a 61 vandy 1
vanderhorst, jenifer e 1
vanderking 76, llc 1
vandross, william harold 1
varma, deepa 1
vasenda, bonnie 1
vaughan, w barnwell 1
vehorn, martha 1
veitch, madge t 1
velasquez-figueroa, luvio l 1
velasquez, antonio 1
veloso, regina 1
venning, lakesha w 1
vercel firestone ventures llc 1
verge, orestes 1
verge, orestes minoso 1
verlaque, andrea 1
verma & associates llc 1
verma, anthony 1
verrier, james 1
vertex inc/calvin baxter 1
vick, barbara 1
vick, louis v. jr. 1
vick, robert 1
vick, robert l 1
vicki scheibla dba wild indigo properties, llc 1
vieira, meredith 1
viette aikens as poa for marguerite grimes 1
village plaza llc 1
vincent, russell alvin jr 1
vinson, gloria jean 1
viohl, madelene 1
vm rentals of south carolina, llc, sean k. trundy 1
vos, john 1
vos, lynn 1
voss, carolyn 1
voss, jimmie 1
vowels, brenda 1
vujic, vladeta 1
  1. thomas rutledge, jr trustee of the anna barnwell revocabl
w.h. burbage mhp #1 1
wachsmuth, bret 1
wadford, wanda 1
wading heron, llc 1
wages, joyce h 1
waggoner, lonnie 1
wahrer, david 1
waldrop, annette 1
walker, andrew 1
walker, brooke 1
walker, crystal r 1
walker, danielle 1
walker, dwayne m 1
walker, judith w 1
walker, patricia 1
walker, sharif 1
walker, steven carroll 1
wallace, ann 1
wallace, gary 1
wallace, josie 1
wallace, katherine 1
walsh, debra 1
walter, howard glade 1
walters, david 1
wando river investments 1
wang, xin lin 1
ward, barbara 1
ward, benjamin jr 1
ward, chris & melissa 1
ward, christopher 1
ward, renee 1
ward, william 1
waring, shelia w 1
warren, darby 1
warren, delores g 1
warren, michael 1
washburn, eleanor rose 1
washburn, jason 1
washburn, jason patrick 1
washington, annette truesdale 1
washington, arnic 1
washington, arnold 1
washington, ashley 1
washington, elesha 1
washington, elgen 1
washington, elizabeth 1
washington, george 1
washington, harold 1
washington, inez 1
washington, julius 1
washington, maybelle 1
washington, melanie 1
washington, moses k 1
washington, rickley 1
washington, sylvia 1
watkins, aaron m. 1
watkins, margaret 1
watkins, ronald 1
watson, delores j 1
watson, helen 1
watson, james 1
watson, mary 1
watters, daniels 1
watts, collins 1
watts, eulalie 1
watts, jerry 1
watts, philip 1
watts, robert 1
wayman, richard 1
wealth returns, llc 1
weatherford, kelly 1
weathers, andrew 1
weatherspoon, monice 1
weaver, dorothy 1
weaver, ernest 1
weaver, joe louis 1
webb, perry j 1
webster, christopher 1
webster, dorothy k 1
wedderburn, peter 1
weddle, beth 1
weekly, e w 1
weeks trailer park 1
weeks, mark 1
weeks, mark w 1
weichert realtors - palmetto coast 1
weichert realty - palmetto coast 1
weil, michelle 1
weir, joyce marie 1
welch, croskeys r 1
wellman, zachary 1
wells, victor 1
wenger, stephen 1
weslyn llc 1
west ashley property management, inc. 1
west ashley property managemnet, inc. 1
west ashley property mgmnt inc 1
west yard lofts llc 1
west, glennis a 1
westbrook, edward 1
westendorff, john ott 1
westendorff, kevin e 1
westover apartments, inc. 1
whaley, joyce 1
whaley, thelma 1
wham, joe 1
wheeler, dana wesley 1
wheeler, michael 1
wheeler, nancy r 1
wheeler, nyesha 1
whisper one llc 1
white c/o christine howard, james 1
white, charles 1
white, christina 1
white, david 1
white, demarcus 1
white, donna 1
white, herbert w. 1
white, iven 1
white, jordan 1
white, joseph j 1
white, karen d 1
white, leola 1
white, lorenzo 1
white, marva 1
white, mary jean 1
white, mattie 1
white, norma jean 1
white, reginald & kindra 1
white, richard b 1
white, shalana 1
white, sharon a. 1
white, timeeka 1
whited, ross 1
whitley, brenda 1
whitlock, davina 1
whitney, darcel 1
whitt, nancy s 1
whittemore, michael john 1
whittle-shipp, gaynelle 1
whittle, jennifer 1
whlr-folly road crossing, llc c/o graybill lansche & vinzani 1
whlr-ladson crossing llc 1
wicevic, russ 1
widener rental 1
widener, jason 1
wiggins, alton g 1
wiggins, henry 1
wilbanks, joseph 1
wilder property management 1
wilder property management c/o carol reiter 1
wiley, william 1
wilkerson, rita 1
wilkes, david 1
wilkins, sheree 1
willard, steve 1
williams, albertha 1
williams, alexis 1
williams, alfred 1
williams, annette 1
williams, brian 1
williams, casey benjamin 1
williams, christopher 1
williams, debra lynn 1
williams, deloris 1
williams, dorothy king 1
williams, emanuel 1
williams, esther rose 1
williams, everne 1
williams, james 1
williams, josiah 1
williams, kenneth 1
williams, lazette e 1
williams, lewis jr 1
williams, marion dempsey 1
williams, otis 1
williams, patricia 1
williams, robert m. 1
williams, skila rayn 1
williams, thomas 1
williams, tolunda lee 1
williams, trina 1
williamson, catherine 1
williford, jon michael 1
willis, leize glover 1
willis, leize glover trust 1
wilmor properties 1
wilmor properties llc / jerry morris 1
wilson, barbara s. 1
wilson, bridgette 1
wilson, chelsea 1
wilson, david 1
wilson, gwendolyn 1
wilson, joshua 1
wilson, odessa m 1
wilson, robert 1
wilson, rodney t 1
wilson, trevor 1
wilson, zane 1
wilson, zane austin 1
win, thomas h 1
windjammer associates 1
windom, antwelle 1
windom, robert 1
windsor hill rcf, llc 1
wineglass, richard 1
winkler, edwin t. 1
wisby, margaret 1
wisteria holdings 1
witcher, thomas f 1
witten, michael 1
wittwer, kyle 1
wojcik, john 1
wollam, michael 1
wolter development 1
wong, suk fun 1
wood, joshua 1
wood, rudolph jr 1
woodard, harmon sr 1
woodard, melveenia 1
woodard, stephen 1
woodrow blizzard d/b/a thursday’s lunch, llc 1
woodrow, scipio 1
woodruff investing llc 1
woods, angela 1
woods, james 1
woods, lilly 1
woods, lily timothy 1
woolley, alice 1
woolley, alice l 1
world finance corp 1
worthy, marietta ascue 1
wright white, daisy 1
wright, anna 1
wright, daisy jones 1
wright, jenee’ 1
wright, jennifer ann 1
wright, lottie 1
wright, paul david 1
wright, rolandra 1
wrighten, mary 1
wt&d properties 1
wylder, lashonda monique 1
wyndham, paul alan 1
wynn, darius 1
xia, hai 1
yale, thelma jane 1
yancor, noe’ 1
yannacey, babette 1
yata-chavez, yimi samuel 1
yatagan, christy 1
yaun, linda 1
yeadon, edward 1
yes comminities, ashley arbor ii 1
yes company exp llc 1
yin, xinmin 1
ynot llc 1
yonce, kathleen k 1
yonce, ronda kay 1
youmans, james 1
youmans, james e 1
young 1
young, joseph leonard 1
young, ruby 1
young, russell owen 1
young, ruth e 1
young, stephen 1
youngblood, marvin 1
youngblood, marvin kendall 1
youngblood, williams 1
yount, michael 1
zaman, ayesha 1
zandri, joyce 1
zeigler, rose 1
zhang, chunbo 1
zhao, huajun 1
zut properties 1

Sentence: “It’s common for the housing authority to file multiple eviction cases against the same tenant year after year, and at times within months of each other. Three tenants each had 16 cases against them since 2017, with filings every few months.”

# using PHA case list, grouping by defendant name and arranging in descending order

charleston_pha_defendants <- charleston_pha_all %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed)) %>%
  filter(!year %in% c("2015","2016")) %>%
  group_by(defendant_one_name) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%
  arrange(desc(total)) %>%
  filter(total > 2) %>%
  summarise(total_multiple_defendants = n())

top_multiple_defendant <- charleston_pha_all %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed)) %>%
  filter(!year %in% c("2015","2016")) %>%
  group_by(defendant_one_name) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%
  arrange(desc(total)) %>%
  filter(total == max(total)) %>%
  inner_join(charleston_pha_all) %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed)) %>%
  filter(!year %in% c("2015","2016")) %>%
  arrange(defendant_one_name, date_filed) %>%
  group_by(defendant_one_name) %>%

charleston_pha_defendants %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
top_multiple_defendant %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
defendant_one_name n
german, christalynn 16
grant, kelada 16
manigault, april m 16


Sentence: The Minneapolis Public Housing Authority, which owns and operates nearly 6,000 low-income housing units, is its county’s largest landlord and a leading eviction filer.

# group all plaintiffs, summarise and arrange in descending order based on the total

minneapolis_rank <- minneapolis_all_cases %>%
  filter(!year %in% c("2015","2016")) %>%
  group_by(plaintiff_name_one) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%
  arrange(desc(total)) %>%

# print results

minneapolis_rank %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
plaintiff_name_one total
minneapolis public housing authority 977
none 605
brooklyn park -73rd leased housing associates lp 315
681 properties llp 199
brooklyn park -73rd leased housing associates lp 135
brooklyn park 73rd leased housing associates lp 119
sela investments ltd llp 108
real estate equities management llc 107
sela group llc 85
mimg xxxii eden park, llc 84

Sentence: “It initiated 1,087 evictions for nonpayment of rent, accounting for 87% of its filings.”

# filtering for cases after 2017

minneapolis_after_2017 <- minneapolis %>%
  mutate(date_filed = mdy(date_filed)) %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed)) %>%
  filter(year > 2016) 

# seeing which HA records are not in court records

not_in_court_records <- minneapolis_eviction_records %>%
  anti_join(minneapolis_after_2017, by=c("case_number")) %>%
  mutate(case_type = "non_payment_rent") %>%
  select(case_number, case_type)

# seeing which records are in both HA and court

in_both <- minneapolis_eviction_records %>%
  inner_join(minneapolis_after_2017, by=c("case_number")) %>%
  mutate(case_type = "non_payment_rent") %>%
  select(case_number, case_type)

# which court records are not in HA records

not_in_ha_data <- minneapolis_after_2017 %>%
  anti_join(minneapolis_eviction_records, by=c("case_number")) %>%
  mutate(case_type = "other") %>%
  select(case_number, case_type)

# adding total and finding percent

case_type_combined <- not_in_court_records %>%
  bind_rows(in_both) %>%
  bind_rows(not_in_ha_data) %>%
  group_by(case_type) %>%
  count() %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = case_type, values_from=n) %>%
  mutate(total = non_payment_rent+other) %>%
  mutate(pct_nonpayment = round(non_payment_rent/total*100,2))

case_type_combined %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
non_payment_rent other total pct_nonpayment
1087 163 1250 86.96

Oklahoma City

Sentence: “The Oklahoma City Housing Authority, with 2,913 public-housing units, filed more than 600 cases, resulting in more than 500 households being forced out.”

# create case number in okc records

okc_records_count <- okc_records %>%
  filter(year.x > 2016) %>%
  mutate(writ_executed = case_when(
    writ_executed == "none" ~ "writ_not_executed",
    TRUE ~ "writ_executed"
  )) %>%
  group_by(writ_executed) %>%
  count() %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = writ_executed, values_from=n) %>%
  mutate(total = writ_executed+writ_not_executed)

okcha_count <- okc %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff_one,"housing authority"))

okc_records_count %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
writ_executed writ_not_executed total
521 125 646

Sentence: “More than half were rent-related.”

# group by the "reason_type" column Bryan and Philip made from the OKC records, which categorized each case as "financial" or "other"

okc_reason_count <- okc_records %>%
  filter(year.x > 2016) %>%
  mutate(writ_executed = case_when(
    writ_executed == "none" ~ "writ_not_executed",
    TRUE ~ "writ_executed"
  )) %>%
  group_by(writ_executed, reason_type) %>%
  filter(writ_executed == "writ_executed") %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%

okc_reason_count %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
writ_executed reason_type total
writ_executed rent 296
writ_executed other 225


Sentence: “The Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority, with 3,572 public-housing units, took tenants to court more than 4,100 times.”

# total number of cases from Richmond, which is already filtered for PHA cases
richmond_count <- richmond %>%
  filter(file_year > 2016) %>%

richmond_count %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")

Sentence: “The housing authority won judgments in 2,075 of those cases — one in six of which was over debts of less than $100.”

richmond_judgments <- richmond  %>%
  filter(file_year > 2016) %>%
  group_by(judgment_for) %>%
  count() %>%

richmond_judgments %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
judgment_for n
plaintiff 2075
case dismissed 1746
non-suit 271
none 13
defendant 8
not found/unserved 6
other 2
# format amount_due column
richmond_under_pct <- richmond %>%
  filter(file_year > 2016) %>%
  filter(principal_amount > 0) %>%
  mutate(principal_amount_category = case_when(
    principal_amount < 100 ~ "less_than_100",
    TRUE ~ "greater_than_or_equal_to_100"
  )) %>%
  group_by(principal_amount_category) %>%
  count() %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from=principal_amount_category, values_from=n) %>%
  mutate(total = less_than_100+greater_than_or_equal_to_100) %>%
  mutate(pct_less_than_100 = round(less_than_100/total*100,2))

richmond_under_pct %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
greater_than_or_equal_to_100 less_than_100 total pct_less_than_100
1377 270 1647 16.39


Sentence: “The five housing authorities examined by the Howard Center are not the only ones with aggressive eviction policies. The center picked a handful to assess, where availability of court records made analysis possible. All are located in communities with high homeless rates, high historical eviction rates or high rents compared to average incomes.”

local_stats  %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
fips name homeless_rate nat_avg_homeless_rate median_gross_rent_as_pct_household_income nat_avg_median_gross_rent_as_pct_household_income eviction_filing_rate nat_avg_eviction_filing_rate
24039 Somerset County, Maryland 0.17 0.2061917 39.8 27.77949 NA NA
27053 Hennepin County, Minnesota 0.27 0.2061917 28.8 27.77949 3.00 3.312647
40109 Oklahoma County, Oklahoma 0.25 0.2061917 28.6 27.77949 11.18 3.312647
45019 Charleston County, South Carolina 0.05 0.2061917 31.5 27.77949 18.71 3.312647
51760 Richmond city, Virginia 0.07 0.2061917 33.3 27.77949 30.95 3.312647

Sentence: “Late rent payments were the leading reason they sought to evict their tenants, who are only living in public housing because they’re struggling to make ends meet. Those filings far exceeded evictions over criminal activity, which have received much more public attention.”


crisfield_late_rent <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  mutate(case_type = str_remove_all(case_type," - mobile home")) %>%
  group_by(case_type) %>%
  count() %>%
  mutate(location = "crisfield")

crisfield_late_rent  %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
case_type n location
failure to pay rent 1765 crisfield
okc_late_rent <- okc_records %>%
  filter(year.x > 2016) %>%
  group_by(reason_type) %>%
  count() %>%
  mutate(location = "okc") %>%

okc_late_rent %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
reason_type n location
rent 352 okc
other 293 okc
1 okc

richmond_late_rent <- richmond_records %>%
  filter(move_out_year > 2016) %>%
  group_by(reason_for_move_out) %>%
  count() %>%
  arrange(desc(n)) %>%
  mutate(location = "richmond")

richmond_late_rent %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
reason_for_move_out n location
Nonpayment of Rent 601 richmond
Moved to another program 300 richmond
Rented locally 256 richmond
Abandonment 228 richmond
Relocating 184 richmond
Unit Transfer-Mod, Revitalization, Rehab, Demo/Dispo 157 richmond
Unit Transfer- Emergency/Life Threatening 156 richmond
Unit Transfer-Over/Underhoused 143 richmond
Deceased 137 richmond
Unknown 89 richmond
HCVP 85 richmond
Reasonable Accommodation 85 richmond
Criminal Activity 47 richmond
Lease violation-other 43 richmond
Need more space 35 richmond
Nursing Home 35 richmond
Rent too hgh 33 richmond
Unit Transfer-Incentive Transfer 25 richmond
Drug-related Activity 22 richmond
Unit Transfer-Criminal/Hate Victim 16 richmond
Unit Transfer- Fire 15 richmond
Domestic Violence 11 richmond
Purchased Locally 11 richmond
Homeownership 10 richmond
Guns/Weapons 4 richmond
Vandalism 4 richmond
Unauthorized Guests/Illegal Occupants 2 richmond
Arson 1 richmond

Sentence: “Federal and state restrictions during the pandemic have temporarily slowed the pace of rent-related eviction filings, records show, but haven’t halted them.”

# Charleston

yearly_charleston <- charleston_pha_all %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed)) %>%
  filter(!year %in% c("2015","2016")) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%
  mutate(location = "charleston") %>%
  select(location, everything())

yearly_charleston %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
location year total
charleston 2017 1045
charleston 2018 1401
charleston 2019 1128
charleston 2020 300
# Crisfield

yearly_crisfield <- somerset %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%
  mutate(location = "crisfield") %>%
  select(location, everything())

yearly_crisfield %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
location year total
crisfield 2017 207
crisfield 2018 506
crisfield 2019 718
crisfield 2020 325
# Minneapolis

yearly_minneapolis <- minneapolis %>%
  mutate(date_filed = mdy(date_filed)) %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed)) %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%
  mutate(location = "minneapolis") %>%
  select(location, everything())

yearly_minneapolis %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
location year total
minneapolis 2017 323
minneapolis 2018 308
minneapolis 2019 296
minneapolis 2020 62

yearly_okc <- okcha_count %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%
  mutate(location = "okc") %>%
  select(location, everything())

yearly_okc %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
location year total
okc 2017 261
okc 2018 181
okc 2019 171
okc 2020 80
# Richmond

yearly_richmond <- richmond %>%
  filter(file_year > 2016) %>%
  group_by(file_year) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%
  mutate(location = "richmond") %>%
  select(location, everything())

yearly_richmond %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
location file_year total
richmond 2017 1504
richmond 2018 1921
richmond 2019 683
richmond 2020 13

Sentence: “The five, which manage more than 14,500 units in total – took tenants to eviction court more than 11,400 times from 2017 through 2020.”

# create dataframe with location name and count for each county

pha_count_charleston <- charleston_pha_all %>%
  mutate(date_filed = ymd(date_filed)) %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed)) %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  count() %>%
  mutate(location = "charleston") %>%
  rename("total_pha_cases" = "n") %>%
  select(location, total_pha_cases)
pha_count_crisfield <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  count() %>%
  mutate(location = "crisfield") %>%
  rename("total_pha_cases" = "n") %>%
  select(location, total_pha_cases)
pha_count_minneapolis <- minneapolis %>%
  mutate(date_filed = mdy(date_filed)) %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed)) %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  count() %>%
  mutate(location = "minneapolis") %>%
  rename("total_pha_cases" = "n") %>%
  select(location, total_pha_cases)
pha_count_okc <- okcha_count %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  count() %>%
  mutate(location = "okc") %>%
  rename("total_pha_cases" = "n") %>%
  select(location, total_pha_cases)
pha_count_richmond <- richmond %>%
  filter(file_year > 2016) %>%
  count() %>%
  mutate(location = "richmond") %>%
  rename("total_pha_cases" = "n") %>%
  select(location, total_pha_cases)

# bind all counties together and add total

total_pha_eviction_cases <- pha_count_charleston %>%
  bind_rows(pha_count_crisfield) %>%
  bind_rows(pha_count_minneapolis) %>%
  bind_rows(pha_count_okc) %>%
  bind_rows(pha_count_richmond) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = location, values_from=total_pha_cases) %>%
  mutate(total = charleston+crisfield+minneapolis+okc+richmond) 

total_pha_eviction_cases %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
charleston crisfield minneapolis okc richmond total
3874 1756 989 693 4121 11433

Sentence: “An eviction order allows physical removal of residents and their possessions by the sheriff’s office, but tenants may pay up or leave on their own before that happens. However, records indicated the courts authorized removal of at least 2,500 households.”

Discussion: The analysis identified at least 2,584 eviction cases in which the courts gave housing authorities permission to remove tenants.

# Charleston
# can use housing authority records
charleston_evictions <- charleston_pha_all %>%
  mutate(date_filed = ymd(date_filed)) %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed)) %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  filter(case_status == "Writ of Ejectment") %>%
  count() %>%
  rename("total_writs" = "n") %>%
  mutate(location = "charleston") %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(location, total_writs)

# Crisfield 
# can use warrant_outcome from court records
crisfield_evictions <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  mutate(writ_issued = case_when(
    warrant_ordered == "none" ~ "no",
    TRUE ~ "yes"
  )) %>%
  group_by(writ_issued) %>%
  count() %>%
  rename("total_writs" = "n") %>%
  mutate(location = "crisfield") %>%
  filter(writ_issued == "yes") %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(location, total_writs)

# Minneapolis
# can use writ_of_recovery from court records

minneapolis_evictions <- minneapolis %>%
  mutate(date_filed = mdy(date_filed)) %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed)) %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  mutate(writ_issued = case_when(
    writ_of_recovery == "none" ~ "no",
    TRUE ~ "yes"
  )) %>%
  group_by(writ_issued) %>%
  count() %>%
  filter(writ_issued == "yes") %>%
  rename("total_writs" = "n") %>%
  mutate(location = "minneapolis") %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(location, total_writs)

# can use writ_executed from court records

okc_evictions <- okcha_count %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  mutate(evicted = case_when(
    writ_to_marshall == "none" ~ "no",
    TRUE ~ "yes"
  )) %>%
  group_by(evicted) %>%
  count() %>%
  filter(evicted == "yes") %>%
  rename("total_writs" = "n") %>%
  mutate(location = "okc") %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(location, total_writs)

# Richmond
# using a combination of posession and writ_issued from court records

richmond_evictions <- richmond %>%
  filter(file_year > 2016) %>%
  mutate(evicted = case_when(
    writ_issued == "no" ~ "no",
    TRUE ~ "yes"
  )) %>%
  group_by(evicted) %>%
  count() %>%
  filter(evicted == "yes") %>%
  rename("total_writs" = "n") %>%
  mutate(location = "richmond") %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(location, total_writs)

# bind together

all_writs_issued <- charleston_evictions %>%
  bind_rows(crisfield_evictions) %>%
  bind_rows(minneapolis_evictions) %>%
  bind_rows(okc_evictions) %>%
  bind_rows(richmond_evictions) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = location, values_from=total_writs) %>%
  mutate(total = charleston+crisfield+minneapolis+okc+richmond) 

all_writs_issued %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
charleston crisfield minneapolis okc richmond total
294 592 287 565 846 2584

Sentence: “They place the onus on tenants, who typically lack legal representation, to prove they can’t pay due to COVID-19.”

# minneapolis
# need two conditions for this because it could say "none" or "pro se" in defendant_attorney_one
minneapolis_representation <- minneapolis %>%
  mutate(date_filed = mdy(date_filed)) %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed)) %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  mutate(defendant_has_rep = case_when(
    defendant_attorney_one == "none" ~ "no",
    defendant_attorney_one == "pro se" ~ "no",
    TRUE ~ "yes"
  )) %>%
  group_by(defendant_has_rep) %>%
  count() %>%
  mutate(location = "minneapolis") %>%
  select(location, everything())

minneapolis_representation %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
location defendant_has_rep n
minneapolis no 977
minneapolis yes 12
# okc
# attorney_two_rep only has two cases, and attorney_three_rep is only "none"

okcha_rep <- okcha_count %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  mutate(attorney_yes_no = case_when(
    str_detect(attorney_one_rep, "housing") ~ "no",
    attorney_one_rep == "none" ~ "no", ~ "no",
    TRUE ~ "yes"
  )) %>%
  group_by(attorney_yes_no) %>%
  count() %>%
  mutate(location = "okc") %>%
  select(location, everything())

okcha_rep %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
location attorney_yes_no n
okc no 691
okc yes 2
# richmond
richmond_rep <- richmond %>%
  filter(file_year > 2016) %>%
  mutate(defendant_has_rep = if_else(defendant_attorney_one == "none", "no", "yes")) %>%
  group_by(defendant_has_rep) %>%
  count() %>%
  mutate(location = "richmond") %>%
  select(location, everything())

richmond_rep %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
location defendant_has_rep n
richmond no 4100
richmond yes 21

Graphics Fact Check

Mainbar Slider

For the graphic in the mainbar, we asked the same questions of all four housing authorities to show in one place: How many cases were over nonpayment of rent? What percentage of all cases was that? Of those cases, how many fall into buckets of dollar amounts 0-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-400 and 401-500? What was the average amount owed? *What percent of defendants had attorneys?


#How many cases were over nonpayment of rent? 

cha_nonpayment_graphic <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  mutate(case_type = str_remove_all(case_type," - mobile home")) %>%
  group_by(case_type) %>%

cha_nonpayment_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
case_type n
failure to pay rent 1765
#what percentage of all cases was that? 
# all cases

#Of those cases, how many fall into buckets of dollar amounts?

crisfield_buckets_graphic <- crisfield_ewrit %>%
  mutate(amount_due_bucket = case_when(
    amount_due == 0 ~ "N/A",
    amount_due >= 1 & amount_due < 100 ~ 'under_100',
    amount_due >= 100 & amount_due < 200 ~ 'under_200',
    amount_due >= 200 & amount_due < 300 ~ 'under_300',
    amount_due >= 300 & amount_due < 400 ~ 'under_400',
    amount_due >= 400 & amount_due < 500 ~ 'under_500',
    TRUE ~ "500_plus"
  )) %>%
  group_by(amount_due_bucket) %>%

crisfield_buckets_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
amount_due_bucket n
500_plus 280
under_100 411
under_200 231
under_300 249
under_400 166
under_500 87
#What was the average amount owed?

crisfield_amt_owed_avg_graphic <- crisfield_ewrit %>%
  summarise(avg_owed = round(mean(amount_due)))

crisfield_amt_owed_avg_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
#What percent of defendants had attorneys?
# don't have this info for Crisfield


#How many cases were over nonpayment of rent? 

minn_nonpayment_total <- minneapolis_eviction_records %>%
  filter(!case_number == "n/a") %>%
  filter(!case_number == "deceased/no service")

minn_nonpayment_total %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
year original_doc case_number rent_owed month_1_due month_2_due month_3_due month_4_due month_5_due month_6_due month_7_due month_8_due month_9_due
2020 01-2020-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-20-249 2818.0 1450.0 1368.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 01-2020-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-20-247 676.0 338.0 338.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 01-2020-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-20-252 1193.0 607.0 586.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 01-2020-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-20-251 2026.0 1013.0 1013.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 01-2020-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-20-255 1706.0 853.0 853.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 01-2020-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-20-243 600.0 300.0 300.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 01-2020-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-20-244 560.0 280.0 280.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 01-2020-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-20-246 318.0 222.0 96.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 01-2020-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-20-248 490.0 245.0 245.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 02-2020-glendale 27-cv-hc-20-720 539.0 269.0 269.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 02-2020-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-20-716 880.0 440.0 440.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 02-2020-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-20-717 465.0 275.0 190.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 02-2020-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-20-709 1480.0 $182 + $159 retro $182 + $159 retro $182 + $159 retro $182 + $159 retro $159 retro n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 02-2020-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-20-710 358.0 179.0 179.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 02-2020-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-20-712 476.0 239.0 237.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 02-2020-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-20-713 594.0 297.0 297.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 02-2020-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-20-714 337.0 185.0 152.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 02-2020-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-20-715 422.0 211.0 211.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 03-2020-glendale 27-cv-hc-20-1135 812.0 406.0 406.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 03-2020-glendale 27-cv-hc-20-1131 1216.01 610.0 606.01 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 03-2020-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-20-1130 3025.0 1183.0 1548.0 n/a n/a $72 retro $72 retro $72 retro $72 retro $6 retro
2020 03-2020-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-20-1132 980.0 449.0 531.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 03-2020-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-20-1133 1168.0 584.0 584.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 03-2020-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-20-1142 269.0 194.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 03-2020-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-20-1120 863.0 777.0 86.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 03-2020-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-20-1121 332.13 170.0 162.13 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 03-2020-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-20-1122 628.0 314.0 314.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 03-2020-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-20-1125 476.0 239.0 237.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2020 03-2020-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-20-1126 522.0 216.0 216.0 90.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 01-2019-glendale 27-cv-hc-19-313 456 152.0 152.0 152.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 01-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-302 1202 601.0 601.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 01-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-293 1194 597.0 597.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 01-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-297 1388 572.0 416.0 400.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 01-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-298 306 152.0 152.0 2.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 01-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-300 810 270.0 270.0 270.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 01-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-301 394 197.0 197.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 01-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-307 1732 866.0 866.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 01-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-309 1793.5 898.0 895.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 01-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-311 838 419.0 419.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 01-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-279 420 210.0 210.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 01-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-285 690 345.0 345.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 01-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-288 300 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 01-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-289 744 372.0 372.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 01-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-290 525 245.0 245.0 35.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 01-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-291 820 414.0 406.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-glendale 27-cv-hc-19-721 995 645.0 350.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-722 612.0 223.0 166.0 223.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-723 504.0 252.0 252.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-724 398.0 $174 + $25 retro $174 + $25 retro n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-726 478.0 239.0 239.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-741 1117.0 527.0 527.0 63.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-727 561.0 283.0 278.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-728 702.0 351.0 351.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-729 250.0 125.0 125.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-732 443.0 222.0 n/a 221.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-733 467.0 239.0 228.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-734 473.0 239.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-735 501.0 252.0 249.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-740 598.0 293.0 293.0 12.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-743 1232 383.0 383.0 383.0 83.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-745 1576 788.0 788.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-748 192 96.0 96.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-747 898 449.0 449.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-749 668 584.0 84.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-750 524 262.0 262.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-751 1228 614.0 614.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-730 420.0 210.0 210.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-737 430.0 215.0 215.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-739 432.0 216.0 216.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-742 430.0 215.0 215.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 02-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-746 498.0 $202 + $47 retro $155 + $47 retro $47 retro n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 03-2019-glendale 27-cv-hc-19-1143 862 542.0 320.0 n/a n/a NA n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 03-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-1134 384.3 196.0 188.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 03-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-1210 1228.31 620.0 608.31 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 03-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-1130 304.0 152.0 152.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 03-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-1131 766.0 383.0 383.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 03-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-1132 2474.0 1237.0 1237.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 03-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-1121 390.0 195.0 195.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 03-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-1122 630.0 323.0 307.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 03-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-1123 357.0 179.0 178.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 03-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-1124 470.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 03-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-1128 478.0 239.0 239.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-2019-glendale 27-cv-hc-19-1534 229.0 80.0 80.0 69.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-2019-glendale 27-cv-hc-19-1537 1884.0 373.0 73.0 n/a 373.0 655.0 410.0 n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-2019-glendale 27-cv-hc-19-1538 644.0 322.0 322.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-201-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-1539 716.0 358.0 358.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-201-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-1540 480.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-201-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-1541 1942.0 $178 + $89 retro $177 + $89 retro $177 + $89 retro $177 + $89 retro $788 + $89 retro n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-201-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-1542 188.0 94.0 94.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-201-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-1547 1196.25 312.0 312.0 312.0 260.25 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-201-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-1543 478.0 239.0 239.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-201-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-1544 498.0 246.0 6.0 246.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-201-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-1549 482.0 241.0 241.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-201-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-1545 692.0 346.0 346.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-201-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-1546 339.0 218.0 121.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-201-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-1548 2430.0 605.0 605.0 605.0 605.0 10.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-1515 930.0 463.0 463.0 4.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-1517 216.87 111.0 105.87 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-1518 1156.0 578.0 578.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-1519 1124.0 562.0 562.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-1520 755.0 379.0 376.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-1521 1782.27 894.0 888.27 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-1522 525 425.0 100.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-1586 225 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-1523 490 245.0 245.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-1524 376 188.0 188.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-1525 432 216.0 216.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 04-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-1527 590 295.0 295.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-2121 1194.0 597.0 597.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-2128 1146.0 573.0 573.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-2129 1572.0 786.0 786.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-2130 1140.0 570.0 570.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-2131 1576.0 788.0 788.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-2133 540.0 270.0 270.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-2135 2252.0 226.0 226.0 226.0 226.0 674.0 674.0 n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-2137 2316.0 1237.0 1079.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-2138 942.73 473.0 469.73 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-2140 1682.0 841.0 841.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-2099 705.0 615.0 90.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-2100 1382.0 691.0 691.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-2101 192.0 96.0 96.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-2102 383.75 268.0 115.75 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-2103 370.0 185.0 185.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-2104 300.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-2107 434.0 217.0 217.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-2108 430.0 215.0 215.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-2110 490.0 245.0 245.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 05-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-2117 394.0 199.0 195.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 06-2019-glendale 27-cv-hc-19-2558 160.0 80.0 80.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 06-2019-glendale 27-cv-hc-19-2560 748.0 388.0 360.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 06-2019-glendale 27-cv-hc-19-2563 976.0 488.0 488.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 06-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-2567 926 463.0 463.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 06-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-2569 1240 620.0 620.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 06-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-2570 898 449.0 449.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 06-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-2572 523 262.0 261.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 06-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-2578 1246 623.0 623.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 06-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-2538 670 335.0 335.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 06-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-2542 1382 691.0 691.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 06-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-2547 340 170.0 170.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 06-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-2544 1962 654.0 654.0 654.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 06-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-2552 225 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 06-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-2556 468 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 06-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-2559 912 456.0 456.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 06-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-2562 1382 691.0 691.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 07-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-3108 1202 601.0 601.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 07-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-3109 296 146.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 07-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-3111 690 345.0 345.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 07-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-3113 1430 715.0 715.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 07-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-3114 672 338.0 334.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 07-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-3104 385.0 230.0 155.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 07-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-3105 416.0 239.0 177.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 07-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-3106 430.0 215.0 215.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 07-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-3107 710.0 $280 + $75 retro $280 + $75 retro n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-3592 478.0 239.0 239.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-3594 547.0 216.0 291.0 40.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-3598 663.0 221.0 221.0 n/a 221.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-3599 1382.0 691.0 691.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-3607 650.0 309.0 309.0 32.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-3600 992.0 496.0 496.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-3601 608.0 304.0 304.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-3603 528.0 264.0 264.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-3608 398.0 199.0 199.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-3606 446.0 223.0 223.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-3605 382.0 191.0 191.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-3604 428.0 214.0 214.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-3602 681.0 341.0 340.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-3585 922.0 461.0 461.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-3588 1554.0 423.0 423.0 423.0 285.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-3589 1296.0 648.0 648.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-3579 430.0 215.0 215.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-3580 490.0 245.0 245.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-3581 711.59 375.0 336.59 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-3583 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 08-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-3584 1034.0 $442 + $75 retro $442 + $75 retro n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 09-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-4055 1054.0 527.0 527.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 09-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-4056 394.33 183.0 183.0 28.33 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 09-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-4057 1146.0 573.0 573.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 09-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-4058 1576.0 788.0 788.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 09-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-4060 316.0 158.0 158.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 09-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-4061 1306.0 683.0 623.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 09-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-4062 2723.0 882.0 882.0 882.0 77.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 09-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-4160 775.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 472.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 09-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-4063 1382 691.0 691.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 09-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-4065 742 371.0 371.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 10-2019-glendale 27-cv-hc-19-4693 1991.0 685.0 685.0 621.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 10-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-4696 1069 536.0 533.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 10-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-4698 1866 933.0 933.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 10-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-4700 2158 1079.0 1079.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 10-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-4701 1843.68 922.0 921.68 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 10-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-4703 1879 1013.0 866.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 10-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-4706 483.91 242.0 241.91 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 10-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-4709 523 262.0 261.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 10-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-4685 467 239.0 228.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 10-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-4686 215 140.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 10-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-4687 216 104.0 104.0 8.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 10-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-4688 225 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 10-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-4690 1382 691.0 691.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 10-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-4694 430 215.0 215.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 11-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-5160 1095.42 551.0 544.42 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 11-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-5158 366 183.0 183.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 11-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-5162 1962.82 1105.0 857.82 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 11-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-5168 2474 1237.0 1237.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 11-2019-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-19-5164 774.84 263.0 263.0 248.84 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 11-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-5146 478 239.0 239.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 11-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-5148 478 239.0 239.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 11-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-5150 1138 569.0 569.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 11-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-5153 298 75.0 75.0 75.0 73.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 11-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-5155 535 185.0 185.0 165.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 11-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-5159 490 245.0 245.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5625 562 281.0 281.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5630 656 328.0 328.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5631 984 246.0 246.0 246.0 246.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5633 1545 312.0 312.0 312.0 312.0 297.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5634 1224 612.0 612.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5635 620 192.0 192.0 192.0 44.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5636 336 168.0 168.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5637 1264 691.0 573.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5638 1382 691.0 691.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5639 1945 589.0 589.0 589.0 178.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5627 448 224.0 224.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5626 442 221.0 221.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5640 1326 663.0 663.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5624 492 246.0 246.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5615 1816.0 $809 + $123 retro 809.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5617 1132.0 136.0 136.0 136.0 136.0 136.0 136.0 136.0 180.0 n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5618 260.33 135.0 125.33 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5621 705.0 235.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5622 592.0 296.0 296.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-north-ne 27-cv-hc-19-5623 334.0 132.0 132.0 70.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2019 12-2019-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-19-5619 1308.0 654.0 654.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-glendale 27-cv-hc-18-135 300.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-153 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-154 481.13 241.0 240.13 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-155 480.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-157 657.0 302.0 302.0 53.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-159 276.0 138.0 138.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-160 744.0 372.0 372.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-162 490.0 245.0 245.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-163 584.0 292.0 292.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-164 473.0 239.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-165 464.0 232.0 232.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-166 175.0 75.0 75.0 25.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-146 710.0 355.0 355.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-147 782.0 391.0 391.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-151 1368.0 $717 + $72retro $651 + $17 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-148 807.63 404.0 403.63 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-132 235.0 235.0 235.0 -235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-134 526.0 260.0 260.0 6.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-137 566.0 283.0 283.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-138 443.0 241.0 202.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-150 1058.0 529.0 529.0 NA n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-139 1323.0 441.0 441.0 441.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-140 470.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-141 274.0 137.0 137.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-142 470.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-211 225.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-144 1292.0 646.0 646.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-145 478.0 241.0 237.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 01-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-210 225.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-glendale 27-cv-hc-18-799 1629.0 314.0 314.0 314.0 314.0 373.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-glendale 27-cv-hc-18-800 229.07999999999998 115.0 114.08 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-801 431.2 235.0 196.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-802 464.0 233.0 231.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-804 420.0 210.0 210.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-805 473.0 239.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-806 482.0 241.0 241.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-807 438.0 219.0 219.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-808 464.0 232.0 232.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-811 475.0 214.0 214.0 47.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-812 734.99 367.0 367.0 0.99 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-813 434.0 217.0 217.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-817 450.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 150.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-815 450.0 225.0 225.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-816 424.0 212.0 212.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-819 435.0 220.0 215.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-786 1063.0 620.0 443.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-787 832.0 416.0 416.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-788 1502.04 752.0 750.04 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-794 522.0 243.0 243.0 36.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 02-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-795 1364.0 $577 + $105 retro $577 + $105 retro NA n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-glendale 27-cv-hc-18-1307 2604.0 434.0 434.0 434.0 434.0 434.0 434.0 n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1216 480.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1217 398.0 199.0 199.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1220 470.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1221 732.0 366.0 366.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1222 2236.0 559.0 559.0 559.0 559.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1223 225.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1224 594.0 297.0 297.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1225 430.0 210.0 210.0 10.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1226 531.95 270.0 261.95 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1229 645.0 215.0 215.0 215.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1231 400.0 200.0 200.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1235 645.0 215.0 215.0 215.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1251 730.0 482.0 248.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1252 1210.0 690.0 520.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1253 493.0 246.0 246.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1254 597.0 188.0 188.0 221.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1255 1745.0 634.0 634.0 477.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1256 478.0 239.0 239.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1260 1144.0 572.0 572.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1263 645.0 215.0 215.0 215.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1305 504.0 252.0 252.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-1211 714.0 357.0 357.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-1213 300.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-1206 520.0 260.0 260.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-1207 2318.0 691.0 691.0 644.0 292.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-1208 1058.0 529.0 529.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-1209 474.0 238.0 236.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-1212 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 03-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-1210 1292.0 646.0 646.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-glendale 27-cv-hc-18-1548 1772.0 647.0 745.0 380.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1556 470.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1557 800.0 400.0 400.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1549 480.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1550 1054.0 527.0 527.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1551 320.0 160.0 160.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1559 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1567 1687.0 241.0 241.0 241.0 241.0 241.0 241.0 241.0 n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1552 960.0 240.0 240.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1558 717.0 359.0 358.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1553 1118.0 559.0 559.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1554 490.0 245.0 245.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-1555 300.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-1542 1156.0 578.0 578.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-1543 1240.0 620.0 620.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-1544 832.0 416.0 416.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-1547 540.0 270.0 270.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-1546 1586.0 $898 + $61 $566 + $61 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-1540 467.0 235.0 232.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-1541 470.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2050 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2052 470.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2053 504.0 252.0 252.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2065 308.0 154.0 154.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2066 1344.0 336.0 336.0 336.0 336.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2067 498.0 249.0 249.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2068 375.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2070 481.0 241.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2073 624.0 312.0 312.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2074 604.0 302.0 302.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2075 482.0 241.0 241.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2076 470.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2077 424.0 212.0 212.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2078 426.0 213.0 213.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 04-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2079 520.0 260.0 260.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 05-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2043 2038.0 1119.0 919.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 05-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2049 1194.0 597.0 597.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 05-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2046 1712.0 $784 + $72retro $784 + $72retro n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 05-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2047 704.0 352.0 352.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 05-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2051 1732.0 866.0 866.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 05-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2056 1388.0 694.0 694.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 05-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2057 613.97 307.0 306.97 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 05-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2058 364.0 182.0 182.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 05-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-2037 1382.0 691.0 691.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 05-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-2039 225.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 05-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-2040 486.0 243.0 243.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 05-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-2042 225.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 05-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-2044 206.0 131.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 06-2018-glendale 27-cv-hc-18-2459 1290.0 647.0 643.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 06-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2461 484.0 207.0 207.0 70.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 06-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2462 506.0 253.0 253.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 06-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2464 420.0 210.0 210.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 06-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2473 556.0 278.0 278.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 06-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2466 1366.0 683.0 683.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 06-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2470 734.0 367.0 367.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 06-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2468 376.0 188.0 188.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 06-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2471 238.0 95.0 95.0 48.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 06-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2561 1245.0 691.0 554.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 06-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2478 509.0 152.0 357.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 06-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2482 954.0 477.0 477.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 06-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2489 1682.0 841.0 841.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 06-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-2474 420.0 210.0 210.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 06-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-2475 430.0 215.0 215.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 06-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-2481 376.0 188.0 188.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2901 782.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 150.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2926 1168.0 210.0 210.0 210.0 206.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2904 766.0 217.0 217.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2903 680.0 174.0 174.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2923 1714.0 691.0 691.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2906 939.0 239.0 239.0 129.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2907 1223.0 297.0 297.0 297.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2911 926.0 297.0 297.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2912 810.0 239.0 239.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2913 876.13 $245 + $35 retro $229.13 + $35 retro n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2914 812.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2921 800.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2920 758.0 213.0 213.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2915 820.0 239.0 239.0 10.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2917 822.0 245.0 245.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2918 812.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-2919 557.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2895 1202.0 601.0 601.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2896 766.0 383.0 383.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2925 383.0 189.0 189.0 5.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2897 1231.0 620.0 611.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2898 936.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 330.0 156.0 n/a
2018 07-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2899 396.0 198.0 198.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2902 518.0 259.0 259.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2924 395.0 197.0 197.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-2922 474.0 237.0 237.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-2893 1382.0 691.0 691.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 07-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-2894 646.0 323.0 323.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-glendale 27-cv-hc-18-3563 600.0 300.0 300.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-3569 488.0 247.0 241.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-3573 645.0 215.0 215.0 215.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-3574 520.0 240.0 240.0 40.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-3577 935.0 312.0 312.0 311.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-3581 470.0 235.0 235.0 NA n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-3582 1272.0 424.0 424.0 424.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-3584 1224.0 612.0 612.0 NA n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-3586 879.0 440.0 439.0 NA n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-3585 328.0 164.0 164.0 NA n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-3590 530.0 215.0 215.0 100.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-3597 482.0 241.0 241.0 NA n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-3598 644.0 277.0 367.0 NA n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-3599 638.0 319.0 319.0 NA n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-3593 $1934 + $32 retro 634.0 634.0 634.0 n/a n/a 32.0 n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-3591 $487 + $55 216.0 216.0 n/a n/a n/a 55.0 n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-3592 520.0 260.0 260.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-3596 538.0 269.0 269.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-3554 714.0 357.0 357.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-3555 1126.0 714.0 412.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-3556 1576.0 788.0 788.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-3558 948.0 474.0 474.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-3562 1544.0 772.0 772.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-3565 1738.0 869.0 869.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-3567 245.0 170.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-3568 225.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-3566 580.0 290.0 290.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-3570 470.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-3572 325.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 25.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-3576 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 08-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-3578 294.0 131.0 131.0 32.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-glendale 27-cv-hc-18-4005 1981.0 572.0 572.0 611.0 226.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-glendale 27-cv-hc-18-4060 375.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4006 347.0 251.0 96.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4010 470.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4026 1961.0 464.0 464.0 464.0 464.0 105.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4009 473.0 232.0 232.0 9.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4014 442.0 221.0 221.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4017 526.0 242.0 242.0 42.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4018 496.0 248.0 248.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4019 460.0 230.0 230.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4020 492.0 246.0 246.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4021 1044.0 522.0 522.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4022 344.0 172.0 172.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4023 960.0 240.0 240.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-4001 925.0 466.0 459.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-4003 1248.0 597.0 597.0 54.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-4004 1238.0 620.0 618.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-4007 972.0 486.0 486.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-4008 2460.0 1230.0 1230.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-4011 1638.67 821.0 817.67 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-4013 760.0 380.0 380.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-4015 339.28999999999996 182.0 157.29 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 09-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-4016 624.0 323.0 301.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-glendale 27-cv-hc-18-4579 1266.0 211.0 211.0 211.0 211.0 422.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-glendale 27-cv-hc-18-4581 2467.0 1237.0 1230.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4593 536.0 297.0 239.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4589 473.0 239.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4599 735.0 245.0 245.0 245.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4610 478.0 239.0 239.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4619 546.0 273.0 273.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4573 300.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4611 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4615 1348.0 674.0 674.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4616 462.0 231.0 231.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4574 225.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4575 225.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4576 470.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4618 1195.0 241.0 241.0 241.0 241.0 231.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4617 386.0 261.0 75.0 50.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4586 374.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 74.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-4564 832.0 416.0 416.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-4565 574.0 287.0 287.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-4566 777.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 252.0 n/a
2018 10-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-4567 226.0 113.0 113.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-4568 1347.0 674.0 673.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-4569 1732.0 866.0 866.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-4570 2480.0 620.0 620.0 620.0 620.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-4571 1188.0 338.0 338.0 365.0 75.0 72.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-4560 2123.0 565.0 565.0 331.0 331.0 331.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-4561 470.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 10-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-4562 482.0 241.0 241.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-glendale 27-cv-hc-18-5004 1381.0 367.0 338.0 338.0 338.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-glendale 27-cv-hc-18-4977 1439.0 $277 + $221 retro $277 + $221 retro $1 + $221 retro $221 retro n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-glendale 27-cv-hc-18-4976 556.0 278.0 278.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4983 1382.0 691.0 691.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4986 960.0 240.0 240.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4987 430.0 215.0 115.0 100.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4990 730.0 365.0 365.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4991 498.0 249.0 249.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4984 445.0 215.0 215.0 15.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4988 424.0 212.0 212.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4989 426.0 213.0 213.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-4992 1509.9 $632 + $123 retro $631.90 + $123 retro n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-5006 270.0 135.0 135.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-5005 1879.0 $621 + $30retro $621 + $30retro $520 + $30 retro n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-5002 1030.0 515.0 515.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-5001 1719.63 866.0 853.63 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-5000 808.0 404.0 404.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-4999 730.0 365.0 365.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-4997 898.0 449.0 449.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-4996 1766.0 142.0 142.0 812.0 670.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-4995 1602.0 801.0 801.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-4993 403 195.0 205.0 3.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-4994 460 230.0 230.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-4998 1433 166.0 295.0 295.0 295.0 295.0 87.0 n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-5011 375 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-5010 310 235.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-5009 430 215.0 215.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 11-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-5008 584 384.0 200.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-glendale 27-cv-hc-18-5503 1965.0 655.0 655.0 655.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-glendale 27-cv-hc-18-5506 408.0 204.0 204.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-5509 456.0 228.0 228.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-5510 1658.0 343.0 343.0 n/a 279.0 693.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-5512 1829.0 366.0 366.0 365.0 366.0 366.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-5514 566.0 283.0 283.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-5515 404.0 202.0 202.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-5517 544.0 272.0 272.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-5518 594.0 297.0 297.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-5522 1380.0 568.0 568.0 244.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-5519 320.0 160.0 160.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-5520 430.0 215.0 215.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-5521 440.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 140.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-5530 492.0 246.0 246.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-5524 478.0 239.0 239.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-5525 632.0 316.0 316.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-5526 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-5527 538.0 269.0 269.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-5528 720.0 240.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-north-ne 27-cv-hc-18-5529 609.0 203.0 203.0 203.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-5496 280.0 140.0 140.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-5497 1396.0 698.0 698.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-18-5592 728.0 364.0 364.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-5498 3272.0 691.0 691.0 510.0 691.0 689.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-5499 1130.0 565.0 565.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-5500 490.0 245.0 245.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-5501 470.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-5502 840.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 480.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-5504 490.0 245.0 245.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-5505 464.0 216.0 216.0 32.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-5563 300.0 150.0 150.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-5511 478.0 239.0 239.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-5513 415.0 235.0 180.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2018 12-2018-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-18-5591 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-224 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-225 584.0 292.0 292.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-210 480.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-179 1459.0 398.0 398.0 398.0 265.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-226 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-229 1248.0 312.0 312.0 312.0 312.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-233 457.0 231.0 226.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-232 1060.0 530.0 530.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-236 429.0 217.0 212.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-243 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-242 594.0 297.0 297.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-173 1370.0 685.0 685.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-174 1548.0 774.0 774.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-175 1005.0 705.0 300.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-176 1154.0 577.0 577.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-177 952.0 476.0 476.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-178 464.0 234.0 230.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-182 450.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-183 702.0 234.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-184 560.0 371.0 189.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-185 1106.0 553.0 553.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-187 445.0 235.0 210.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 01-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-189 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-683 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-684 1215.0 622.0 593.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-685 616.0 308.0 308.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-686 356.0 178.0 178.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-682 465.0 240.0 225.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-687 478.0 241.0 237.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-688 1341.0 447.0 447.0 447.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-690 464.0 232.0 232.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-698 1629.0 731.0 731.0 167.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-699 1525.95 763.0 762.95 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-700 1435.0 719.0 716.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-703 340.0 170.0 170.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-704 682.0 341.0 341.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-705 274.0 137.0 137.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-706 354.0 177.0 177.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-707 1328.0 664.0 664.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-708 214.0 107.0 107.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-710 814.0 407.0 407.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-691 728.0 358.0 358.0 12.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-692 468.0 234.0 234.0 NA n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-693 464.0 216.0 216.0 32.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-694 490.0 245.0 245.0 NA n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-695 480.0 240.0 240.0 NA n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-696 225.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 02-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-697 470.0 $210 + $50 retro 210.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-glendale 27-cv-hc-17-1196 569.0 285.0 284.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-glendale 27-cv-hc-17-1197 180.0 90.0 90.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-glendale 27-cv-hc-17-1199 420.0 210.0 210.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-1202 1198.0 $519 + $80 retro $519 + $80 retro n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-1204 745.0 373.0 372.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-1207 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-1210 608.0 304.0 304.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-1212 658.0 329.0 329.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-1213 732.0 366.0 366.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-1217 462.0 231.0 231.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-1219 640.0 320.0 320.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-1221 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-1218 1708.0 854.0 854.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-1220 2488.0 1439.0 1049.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-1222 1774.0 887.0 887.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-1223 832.0 416.0 416.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-1224 838.0 419.0 419.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-1225 1350.0 675.0 675.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-1226 2310.0 1155.0 1155.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1198 868.0 434.0 434.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1200 360.0 180.0 180.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1201 1272.0 636.0 636.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1203 300.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1205 436.0 212.0 212.0 12.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1206 1106.0 553.0 553.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1209 461.0 235.0 226.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1211 420.0 210.0 210.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1214 488.0 244.0 244.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1215 400.0 200.0 200.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 03-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1216 420.0 210.0 210.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 04-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-1777 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 04-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-1779 358.0 180.0 178.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 04-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-1780 510.0 255.0 255.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 04-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-1790 936.0 234.0 234.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 04-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-1788 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 04-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-1789 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 04-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-1782 1336.0 668.0 668.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 04-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1769 669.0 114.0 114.0 114.0 114.0 210.0 3.0 n/a n/a n/a
2017 04-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1770 1380.0 690.0 690.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 04-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1772 462.0 231.0 231.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 04-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1773 432.0 216.0 216.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 04-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1774 432.0 216.0 216.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 04-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1775 471.0 240.0 231.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 04-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1776 380.0 231.0 149.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 04-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-1781 376.0 188.0 188.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-glendale 27-cv-hc-17-2216 420.0 210.0 210.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-glendale 27-cv-hc-17-2215 254.0 127.0 127.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2200 480.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2194 1079.0 216.0 216.0 216.0 216.0 215.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2217 1196.0 299.0 299.0 299.0 299.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2195 594.0 297.0 297.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2198 1320.0 684.0 636.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2199 482.0 241.0 241.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2201 286.0 143.0 143.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2213 980.0 490.0 490.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2207 1404.0 351.0 351.0 351.0 351.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2208 432.0 216.0 216.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2210 734.0 367.0 367.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2211 640.0 210.0 210.0 210.0 10.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2212 2682.0 447.0 447.0 447.0 447.0 447.0 447.0 n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2214 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-2186 1253.4 627.0 626.4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-2187 368.0 184.0 184.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-2188 2416.0 $1150 + $58 retro $1150 + $58 retro n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-2179 2306.0 690.0 690.0 690.0 236.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-2180 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-2182 376.0 188.0 188.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-2183 1106.0 553.0 553.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-2189 524.0 262.0 262.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 05-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-2185 424.0 212.0 212.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-glendale 27-cv-hc-17-2814 223.0 112.0 111.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2815 934.0 361.0 361.0 75.0 75.0 62.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2816 432.0 216.0 216.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2817 1098.0 549.0 549.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2818 420.0 210.0 210.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2819 654.0 327.0 327.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2820 594.0 297.0 297.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2821 452.0 226.0 226.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2822 424.0 212.0 212.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2823 320.0 160.0 160.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2824 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2825 699.0 233.0 233.0 233.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2826 426.0 213.0 213.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2827 596.0 298.0 298.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-2828 482.0 241.0 241.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-2802 1498.0 749.0 749.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-2803 340.0 170.0 170.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-2804 796.0 398.0 398.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-2805 1528.0 764.0 764.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-2806 1908.0 82.0 452.0 452.0 452.0 470.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-2807 1288.0 644.0 644.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-2808 315.0 159.0 156.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-2809 1910.0 617.0 617.0 617.0 59.0 NA n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-2810 1154.0 577.0 577.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-2811 728.0 354.0 374.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-2798 508.0 254.0 254.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-2800 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 06-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-2801 376.0 188.0 188.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3269 464.0 232.0 232.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3271 434.0 217.0 217.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3283 420.0 210.0 210.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3286 642.0 321.0 321.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3289 624.0 312.0 312.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3287 434.0 217.0 217.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3288 464.0 232.0 232.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3274 422.0 211.0 211.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3282 738.0 234.0 234.0 234.0 36.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3275 530.0 265.0 265.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3278 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-3295 756.0 378.0 378.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-3292 368.0 184.0 184.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-3293 545.0 113.0 216.0 216.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-3294 633.0 211.0 211.0 211.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3272 387.0 137.0 137.0 113.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3273 376.0 188.0 188.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3276 432.0 216.0 216.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3279 1580.0 584.0 584.0 412.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3280 480.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3281 438.0 234.0 204.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3284 730.0 365.0 365.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3285 360.0 163.0 197.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3290 1300.0 650.0 650.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3291 1653.5 $657 + $169.7 5retro $657 + $169.75 retro n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3524 225 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 07-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3525 470 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-glendale 27-cv-hc-17-3828 1099 314.0 314.0 314.0 157.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-glendale 27-cv-hc-17-3830 2460 1230.0 1230.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3786 1300.0 650.0 650.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3788 456.0 $155 + $73 retro $155 + $73 retro n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3790 460.0 230.0 230.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3794 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3796 470.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3798 977.0 489.0 488.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3831 462.0 241.0 221.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3801 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3804 1260.0 630.0 630.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3805 422.0 211.0 211.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3807 1118.0 559.0 559.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3808 448.0 224.0 224.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3810 376.0 188.0 188.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3811 480.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3814 386.0 193.0 193.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3815 480.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3818 424.0 212.0 212.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3819 981.0 327.0 327.0 327.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3822 420.0 210.0 210.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3825 786.0 240.0 240.0 240.0 66.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3823 440.0 220.0 220.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3824 520.0 260.0 260.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3826 372.0 186.0 186.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-3827 470.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-3802 1299.0 456.0 456.0 387.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-3803 1254.0 627.0 627.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-3806 1318.0 659.0 659.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-3809 1502.0 751.0 751.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-3812 1298.86 658.0 640.86 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-3813 1292.0 646.0 646.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-3816 1698.0 849.0 849.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3785 645.0 464.0 181.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3787 422.0 211.0 211.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3789 542.0 271.0 271.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3791 414.5 212.0 202.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3792 820.0 410.0 410.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3793 432.0 216.0 216.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3797 422.0 211.0 211.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3799 644.0 322.0 322.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 08-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-3800 482.0 241.0 241.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4373 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4374 440.0 210.0 210.0 20.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4375 558.0 279.0 279.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4376 464.0 232.0 232.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4377 666.0 222.0 222.0 222.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4387 432.0 216.0 216.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4388 940.0 244.0 244.0 244.0 208.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4378 831.0 453.0 378.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4379 594.0 297.0 297.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4380 1380.0 690.0 690.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4381 422.0 211.0 211.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4382 466.0 233.0 233.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4383 462.0 231.0 231.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4384 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4386 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-4392 250.0 125.0 125.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-4393 1708.0 854.0 854.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-4394 1498.0 749.0 749.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-4395 225.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-4396 1674.0 558.0 558.0 558.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-4397 1084.0 315.0 315.0 315.0 139.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-4398 747.0 672.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-4399 2310.0 1155.0 1155.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-4400 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-4401 468.0 238.0 230.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-4402 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-4404 430.0 216.0 214.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-4403 482.0 241.0 241.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-4405 480.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 09-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-4406 375.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4861 912.0 456.0 456.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4862 638.0 225.0 225.0 188.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4863 700.0 235.0 235.0 230.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4864 482.0 241.0 241.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4865 550.0 275.0 275.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4867 482.0 241.0 241.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4868 522.0 261.0 261.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4869 744.0 372.0 372.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4870 444.0 222.0 222.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4887 300.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-4871 445.0 222.0 222.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-4842 2514.0 552.0 552.0 552.0 552.0 306.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-4844 1550.0 775.0 775.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-4845 304.0 152.0 152.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-4846 284.95 205.0 79.95 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-4850 1197.0 644.0 $75 + $82 retro $75 + $82 retro $75 + $82 retro $82 retro n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-4851 521.0 243.0 243.0 35.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-4855 $ - Tenant owes rent for the months of Dec 2016 thru Oct 2017. NA NA NA n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-4856 497.0 212.0 212.0 73.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-4857 506.0 235.0 235.0 36.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-4858 1581.0 548.0 548.0 485.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 10-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-4859 349.0 211.0 138.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-glendale 27-cv-hc-17-5447 272.0 136.0 136.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-glendale 27-cv-hc-17-5467 665.0 393.0 138.0 134.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5468 480.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5469 424.0 212.0 212.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5470 1615.0 453.0 453.0 453.0 256.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5471 376.0 188.0 188.0 NA n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5472 981.0 327.0 327.0 327.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5473 520.0 235.0 235.0 50.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5474 734.0 367.0 367.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5475 470.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5476 420.0 210.0 210.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5477 1197.0 298.0 298.0 298.0 298.0 5.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5478 780.0 216.0 216.0 216.0 132.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5480 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5481 464.0 232.0 232.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5479 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-5455 1318.0 659.0 659.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-5456 624.0 312.0 312.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-5457 368.0 184.0 184.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-5458 164.0 82.0 82.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-5459 280.0 140.0 140.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-5460 797.96 263.0 263.0 263.0 8.96 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-5461 300.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-5462 1732.0 866.0 866.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-5463 286.0 143.0 143.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-5464 1763.0 $733 + $27 retro $733 + $27 retro $27 retro $27 retro $189 retro n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-5465 640.0 320.0 320.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-5448 488 234.0 234.0 20.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-5449 1254 627.0 627.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-5450 420 210.0 210.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-5451 580 290.0 290.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-5452 218 109.0 109.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 11-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-5454 468 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-glendale 27-cv-hc-17-5926 1716.0 828.0 828.0 60.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5924 912.0 456.0 456.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5925 940.0 235.0 235.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5907 450.0 225.0 225.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5908 518.0 259.0 259.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5923 822.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 522.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5927 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5910 326.0 218.0 108.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5911 964.0 241.0 241.0 241.0 241.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5912 480.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5913 550.0 275.0 275.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5914 470.0 235.0 235.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5915 2520.0 630.0 630.0 630.0 630.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5916 574.0 287.0 287.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5922 225.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5917 480.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5918 718.0 359.0 359.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5921 1244.0 399.0 399.0 399.0 47.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5920 225.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5919 960.0 240.0 240.0 240.0 240.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-north-ne 27-cv-hc-17-5958 1105.0 221.0 221.0 221.0 221.0 221.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-5929 348.0 174.0 174.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-scattered-sites 27-cv-hc-17-5930 1025.0 425.0 425.0 175.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-5931 1170.0 234.0 234.0 234.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-5932 643.75 $234 + $97.25 retro $234 + $78.50 retro n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-5933 434.0 217.0 217.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-5934 476.0 238.0 238.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-5935 468.0 234.0 234.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-5936 665.0 339.0 326.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-5937 1380.0 690.0 690.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2017 12-2017-south-highrise 27-cv-hc-17-5938 424.0 212.0 212.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
#what percentage of all cases was that? 

minneapolis_avg_all_graphic <- minneapolis %>%
  mutate(date_filed = mdy(date_filed)) %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed)) %>%
  filter(year > 2016) 

not_in_court_records <- minneapolis_eviction_records %>%
  anti_join(minneapolis_avg_all_graphic, by=c("case_number")) %>%
  mutate(case_type = "non_payment_rent") %>%
  select(case_number, case_type)

in_both <- minneapolis_eviction_records %>%
  inner_join(minneapolis_avg_all_graphic, by=c("case_number")) %>%
  mutate(case_type = "non_payment_rent") %>%
  select(case_number, case_type)

not_in_ha_data <- minneapolis_avg_all_graphic %>%
  anti_join(minneapolis_eviction_records, by=c("case_number")) %>%
  mutate(case_type = "other") %>%
  select(case_number, case_type)

case_type_combined <- not_in_court_records %>%
  bind_rows(in_both) %>%
  bind_rows(not_in_ha_data) %>%
  group_by(case_type) %>%
  count() %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = case_type, values_from=n) %>%
  mutate(total = non_payment_rent+other) %>%
  mutate(pct_nonpayment = round(non_payment_rent/total*100,2))

case_type_combined  %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
non_payment_rent other total pct_nonpayment
1087 163 1250 86.96
#Of those cases, how many fall into buckets of dollar amounts?

minneapolis_buckets_graphic <- minneapolis_eviction_records %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  mutate(rent_owed = case_when(
    case_number == "27-CV-HC-17-4855" ~ "0",
    case_number == "27-CV-HC-18-3593" ~ "1966",
    case_number == "27-CV-HC-18-3591" ~ "542",
    TRUE ~ rent_owed
  )) %>%
  mutate(rent_owed = as.numeric(rent_owed)) %>%
  mutate(amount_due_bucket = case_when(
    rent_owed == 0 ~ "N/A",
    rent_owed >= 1 & rent_owed < 100 ~ 'under_100',
    rent_owed >= 100 & rent_owed < 200 ~ 'under_200',
    rent_owed >= 200 & rent_owed < 300 ~ 'under_300',
    rent_owed >= 300 & rent_owed < 400 ~ 'under_400',
    rent_owed >= 400 & rent_owed < 500 ~ 'under_500',
    TRUE ~ "500_plus"
  )) %>%
  group_by(amount_due_bucket) %>%
## Warning: Problem with `mutate()` input `rent_owed`.
## ℹ NAs introduced by coercion
## ℹ Input `rent_owed` is `as.numeric(rent_owed)`.
## Warning in mask$eval_all_mutate(dots[[i]]): NAs introduced by coercion
minneapolis_buckets_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
amount_due_bucket n
500_plus 590
under_200 10
under_300 57
under_400 108
under_500 322
#What was the average amount owed?

minneapolis_avg_owed_graphic <- minneapolis_eviction_records %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  mutate(rent_owed = case_when(
    case_number == "27-cv-hc-17-4855" ~ "0",
    case_number == "27-cv-hc-18-3593" ~ "1966",
    case_number == "27-cv-hc-18-3591" ~ "542",
    TRUE ~ rent_owed
  )) %>%
  filter(!case_number == "n/a") %>%
  filter(!case_number == "deceased/no service") %>%
  mutate(rent_owed = as.numeric(rent_owed)) %>%
  mutate(avg_owed = round(mean(rent_owed))) %>%

minneapolis_avg_owed_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
#What percent of defendants had attorneys?

minneapolis_attorney_graphic <- minneapolis %>%
  mutate(date_filed = mdy(date_filed)) %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed)) %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  mutate(def_has_attorney = case_when(
    defendant_attorney_one == "none" ~ "no_rep",
    defendant_attorney_one == "pro se" ~ "no_rep",
    TRUE ~ "yes_rep"
  )) %>%
  group_by(def_has_attorney) %>%
  count() %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = def_has_attorney, values_from=n) %>%
  mutate(total = no_rep+yes_rep) %>%
  mutate(pct_attorney = round(yes_rep/total*100,2))

minneapolis_attorney_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
no_rep yes_rep total pct_attorney
977 12 989 1.21

Oklahoma City

#How many cases were over nonpayment of rent? 

okc_nonpayment_graphic <- okc_records %>%
  filter(year.x > 2016) %>%
  group_by(reason_type) %>%

okc_nonpayment_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
reason_type n
other 293
rent 352
#What percentage of all cases was that? 
# **Sentence:** Correct as written

okc_nonpayment_graphic <- okc_records %>%
  filter(year.x > 2016) %>%
  group_by(reason_type) %>%
  count() %>%
  filter(n > 1) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from=reason_type, values_from=n) %>%
  mutate(total = rent+other) %>%
  mutate(pct_rent = round(rent/total*100,2))

okc_nonpayment_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
other rent total pct_rent
293 352 645 54.57
#Of those cases, how many fall into buckets of dollar amounts?

okc_buckets_graphic <- okc_rent %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  mutate(default_amount = as.character(default_amount)) %>%
  mutate(default_amount = case_when(
    default_amount == "n/a" ~ "",
    TRUE ~ default_amount
  )) %>%
  filter(default_amount!= "") %>%
  mutate(default_amount = str_remove(default_amount, "\\$"))%>%
  mutate(default_amount = as.numeric(default_amount)) %>%
  mutate(amount_due_bucket = case_when(
    default_amount == 0 ~ "N/A",
    default_amount >= 1 & default_amount < 100 ~ 'under_100',
    default_amount >= 100 & default_amount < 200 ~ 'under_200',
    default_amount >= 200 & default_amount < 300 ~ 'under_300',
    default_amount >= 300 & default_amount < 400 ~ 'under_400',
    default_amount >= 400 & default_amount < 500 ~ 'under_500',
    TRUE ~ "500_plus"
  )) %>%
  group_by(amount_due_bucket) %>%
## Warning: Problem with `mutate()` input `default_amount`.
## ℹ NAs introduced by coercion
## ℹ Input `default_amount` is `as.numeric(default_amount)`.
## Warning in mask$eval_all_mutate(dots[[i]]): NAs introduced by coercion
okc_buckets_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
amount_due_bucket n
500_plus 154
under_100 8
under_200 59
under_300 53
under_400 37
under_500 41
#What was the average amount owed?

okc_amt_owed_avg_graphic <- okc_rent %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  mutate(default_amount = as.character(default_amount)) %>%
  mutate(default_amount = case_when(
    default_amount == "n/a" ~ "",
    TRUE ~ default_amount
  )) %>%
  filter(default_amount!= "") %>%
  mutate(default_amount = str_remove(default_amount, "\\$")) %>%
  mutate(default_amount = str_remove(default_amount, ",")) %>%
  mutate(default_amount = as.numeric(default_amount)) %>%
  summarise(avg_owed = round(mean(default_amount)))

okc_amt_owed_avg_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
#What percent of defendants had attorneys?

okc_attorney_graphic <- okcha_count %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  mutate(attorney_yes_no = case_when(
    str_detect(attorney_one_rep, "housing") ~ "no",
    attorney_one_rep == "none" ~ "no", ~ "no",
    TRUE ~ "yes"
  )) %>%
  group_by(attorney_yes_no) %>%
  count() %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = attorney_yes_no, values_from = n) %>%
  mutate(total = yes+no) %>%
  mutate(pct_attorney = yes/total*100)

okc_attorney_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
no yes total pct_attorney
691 2 693 0.2886003


#How many cases were over nonpayment of rent? 

richmond_nonpayment_graphic <- richmond_records %>%
  filter(move_out_year > 2016) %>%
  group_by(reason_for_move_out) %>%

richmond_nonpayment_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
reason_for_move_out n
Abandonment 228
Arson 1
Criminal Activity 47
Deceased 137
Domestic Violence 11
Drug-related Activity 22
Guns/Weapons 4
Homeownership 10
Lease violation-other 43
Moved to another program 300
Need more space 35
Nonpayment of Rent 601
Nursing Home 35
Purchased Locally 11
Reasonable Accommodation 85
Relocating 184
Rent too hgh 33
Rented locally 256
Unauthorized Guests/Illegal Occupants 2
Unit Transfer- Emergency/Life Threatening 156
Unit Transfer- Fire 15
Unit Transfer-Criminal/Hate Victim 16
Unit Transfer-Incentive Transfer 25
Unit Transfer-Mod, Revitalization, Rehab, Demo/Dispo 157
Unit Transfer-Over/Underhoused 143
Unknown 89
Vandalism 4
#what percentage of all cases was that? 
# filtering for previously established evict-able reasons
# confirm reasons with PHA
# **Sentence:** Of evictable moveout reasons documented by the Richmond Redevelopment & Housing Authority, 84% were for nonpayment of rent.

richmond_pct_nonpayment_graphic <- richmond_records %>%
  filter(move_out_year > 2016) %>%
  group_by(reason_for_move_out) %>%
   mutate(nonpayment_moveout = case_when(
    reason_for_move_out == "Nonpayment of Rent" ~ "yes",
    reason_for_move_out == "Fourth Late Notice" ~ "no",
    reason_for_move_out == "Lease violation-other" ~ "no",
    reason_for_move_out == "Criminal Activity" ~ "no",
    reason_for_move_out == "Drug-related Activity" ~ "no",
    reason_for_move_out == "Guns/Weapons" ~ "no",
    TRUE ~ "N/A"
  )) %>%
  group_by(nonpayment_moveout) %>%
  count() %>%
  filter(!nonpayment_moveout == "N/A") %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = nonpayment_moveout, values_from=n) %>%
  mutate(total = yes+no) %>%
  mutate(pct_executed = round(yes/total*100,2))

richmond_pct_nonpayment_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
no yes total pct_executed
116 601 717 83.82
#Of those cases, how many fall into buckets of dollar amounts?
# CHART TITLE: Judgement for Unpaid Rent

richmond_buckets_graphic <- richmond %>%
  filter(file_year > 2016) %>%
  mutate(principal_amount = as.numeric(principal_amount)) %>%
  mutate(amount_due_bucket = case_when(
    principal_amount == 0 ~ "N/A",
    principal_amount >= 1 & principal_amount < 100 ~ 'under_100',
    principal_amount >= 100 & principal_amount < 200 ~ 'under_200',
    principal_amount >= 200 & principal_amount < 300 ~ 'under_300',
    principal_amount >= 300 & principal_amount < 400 ~ 'under_400',
    principal_amount >= 400 & principal_amount < 500 ~ 'under_500',
    TRUE ~ "500_plus"
  )) %>%
  group_by(amount_due_bucket) %>%

richmond_buckets_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
amount_due_bucket n
500_plus 405
N/A 2474
under_100 269
under_200 386
under_300 240
under_400 188
under_500 159
#What was the average amount owed?
# CHART TITLE: Average Judgement for Unpaid Rent

richmond_amt_owed_avg_graphic <- richmond %>%
  filter(file_year > 2016) %>%
  mutate(principal_amount = as.numeric(principal_amount)) %>%
  filter(!principal_amount == 0) %>%
  summarise(avg_owed = round(mean(principal_amount)))

richmond_amt_owed_avg_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
#What percent of defendants had attorneys?

richmond_rep_graphic <- richmond %>%
  filter(file_year > 2016) %>%
  mutate(defendant_has_rep = if_else(defendant_attorney_one == "none", "no", "yes")) %>%
  group_by(defendant_has_rep) %>%
  count() %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = defendant_has_rep, values_from=n) %>%
  mutate(total = yes+no) %>%
  mutate(pct_rep = round(yes/total*100,2))

richmond_rep_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
no yes total pct_rep
4100 21 4121 0.51

OKC Writs Compared To Other Counties

The purpose of this graphic is to show how many more writs Oklahoma City served than other counties. We chose to highlight 2019 because it’s the most recent full year of data we have.

# Crisfield

writ_graphic_crisfield <- somerset %>%
  filter(year == 2019) %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  mutate(writ_executed = case_when(
    warrant_outcome == "evicted" ~ "writ_executed",
    TRUE ~ "writ_not_executed"
  )) %>%
  group_by(writ_executed) %>%
  count() %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = writ_executed, values_from=n) %>%
  mutate(total = writ_executed+writ_not_executed) %>%
  mutate(pct_executed = round(writ_executed/total*100,2))

writ_graphic_crisfield %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
writ_executed writ_not_executed total pct_executed
23 695 718 3.2

writ_graphic_okc <- okc_records %>%
  filter(year.x == 2019) %>%
  mutate(writ_executed = case_when(
    writ_executed == "none" ~ "writ_not_executed",
    TRUE ~ "writ_executed"
  )) %>%
  group_by(writ_executed) %>%
  count() %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = writ_executed, values_from=n) %>%
  mutate(total = writ_executed+writ_not_executed) %>%
  mutate(pct_executed = round(writ_executed/total*100,2))

writ_graphic_okc %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
writ_executed writ_not_executed total pct_executed
131 28 159 82.39

Crisfield Filing Rates

The purpose of this graphic is to show how much Crisfield’s filings varied every year.

crisfield_graphic <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  group_by(year) %>%

crisfield_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
year n
2017 207
2018 506
2019 718
2020 325

Charleston Multiple Filings

The purpose of this graphic is to highlight how many times the Housing Authority of the City of Charleston files against individual tenants. We cleaned the tenant names in Open Refine. We filtered for tenants who had at least 10 filings against them.

# number of tenants with 10 or more filings

charleston_defendants_graphic <- charleston_pha_all %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed)) %>%
  filter(!year %in% c("2015","2016")) %>%
  group_by(defendant_one_name) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%
  arrange(desc(total)) %>%
  filter(total > 9) %>%
  group_by(total) %>%

charleston_defendants_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
total n
10 16
11 13
12 5
13 6
14 1
15 4
16 3
# total number of tenants filed against

charleston_total_defendants_graphic <- charleston_pha_all %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed)) %>%
  filter(!year %in% c("2015","2016")) %>%
  group_by(defendant_one_name) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%
  arrange(desc(total)) %>%

charleston_total_defendants_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
# number of tenants with more than 2 filings

charleston_two_plus_defendants_graphic <- charleston_pha_all %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed)) %>%
  filter(!year %in% c("2015","2016")) %>%
  group_by(defendant_one_name) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%
  arrange(desc(total)) %>%
  filter(total > 2) %>%
  summarise(total_multiple = n()) 

charleston_two_plus_defendants_graphic %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")