
This data notebook contains the analysis that generated facts in the story LINK. For each sentence in the story generated by original data analysis, we have provided the corresponding code and results.

Load Libraries

Code to load necessary libraries. Click “Code” button to view.

# For general data science
# For data cleaning
# For loading Excel files
# For working with date
# For pretty tables
# For census data
# For aws buckets

# Define API Key for Tidycensus

Load and Clean Data

For this project, we examined evictions by local public housing authorities in several cities.

Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the Eviction Lab at Princeton University, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and local court records, we identified nearly two dozen communities that scored high on more than one of the following dimensions: high historical eviction-filing rates, high rents relative to income, high homeless rates, ease of access to eviction court records and a public-housing authority that was among the leading evictors. Through reporting and research, we narrowed our focus to those five places described in the story.

The cities were:

  • Charleston, South Carolina
  • Crisfield, Maryland
  • Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
  • Richmond, Virginia

To analyze evictions, we acquired several different data sources in each of these locations.

  • Court records obtained from online court record management systems using custom web scraping software written in Python. We cleaned the data using R and Open Refine.
  • Internal public housing authority documents and spreadsheets that detailed evictions. For records that were provided as PDFs, we used Adobe Acrobat, Tabula and other software tools to extract data.
    • Charleston: The Housing Authority of the City of Charleston sent a spreadsheet with yearly breakdowns of all tenant moveouts from 2015-2020. The sheets included an entity identifier for each tenant, street address, unit number and number of bedrooms. It also included the move-in and move-out dates, as well as the reason for moving out, which included evictions.
    • Crisfield: While we did not receive documents directly from the Housing Authority of Crisfield, we obtained records from an attorney representing the housing authority that showed cases filed by eWrit Filings, an outside contractor the housing authority uses to file evictions. The eWrit documents included case numbers, tenant names, tenant address, the tenants’ rent, late fee, amount due, suit month and trial date. The records are from 2018-2020, as the housing authority started filing with eWrit in June 2018.
    • Minneapolis: The Minneapolis Public Housing Authority sent internal eviction records and a log of tenants who entered into payment agreements. The internal evictions records included tenant names, tenant dates of birth, entity IDs unique to tenants, unit IDs unique to the units, case numbers, street addresses, amount owed at filing, monthly rent, court fee and service fee. The payback agreements included the date filed, case number, who signed off on the agreement, and the amount owed at each payment installment, the day it was due and whether it was paid.
    • Oklahoma City: The Oklahoma City Housing Authority sent internal move out records that included the case number, tenant name, tenant race, property code, file date, settle date, move out reason, judgement and whether a writ was served. It also included the rent per month and amount owed.
    • Richmond: The Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority sent internal move out records. The records included move in date, move out date, number of days the tenant lived in the unit, move out reason, address and property name.

Code to load and clean necessary data. Click “Code” button to view.

# All data for Charleston analysis
charleston_pha_all <- read_csv("cha_cases_1205.csv") # scraped Charleston court data, filtered for housing authority cases
charleston_all <- read.csv("charleston_all_clean.csv") # all scraped Charleston court data for question about rank

# All data for Crisfield analysis
crisfield_ewrit <- read_csv("crisfield_ewrit_all_1204.csv") # records from eWrit Filings, an outside contractor that automates the process
# Crisfield ewrit cleaning
crisfield_ewrit<- crisfield_ewrit %>%
  mutate(case_number = tolower(case_number)) %>%
  mutate(case_number = str_remove_all(case_number,"absolute| absolute|-|none")) %>%
  mutate(case_number = str_trim(case_number, side="both")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "") %>%
  distinct(case_number, .keep_all = TRUE)
#Adding ryan somerset case rescrape from Sat Dec. 5
somerset <- read_csv("somerset-sequential-rescrape.csv") %>%
  bind_rows(read_csv("somerset-missing-rescrape.csv")) %>%
  mutate(filing_date = mdy(filing_date)) %>%
  mutate(year = year(filing_date)) %>%
  filter(str_detect(case_type,"failure to pay rent|tenant holding over|wrongful detainer|breach of lease")) %>%
  rename(plaintiff = landlord) 

#All data for OKC analysis
okc <- read.csv("okc_rescrape_nov_2015-2020.csv") %>% # scraped OKC court data
  filter(str_detect(case_type,"forcible entry")) %>%
  mutate(file_date = mdy(file_date)) %>%
  mutate(year = year(file_date)) 
okc_rent <- read.csv("okc_rent.csv") # OKC rent records from the housing authority
okc_records <- read.csv("okc_pha_final_1204.csv") # all records from the OKC housing authority
# cleaning OKC records
okc_records <- okc_records %>%
  mutate(short_case_number = case_number) %>%
  mutate(case_number = paste0('sc-', year, '-', short_case_number),
         pha_file_date = file_date,
         pha_judgment = judgement,
         pha_writ = writ
         ) %>%
  inner_join(okc, by="case_number")

#All data for Minneapolis analysis
minneapolis <- read.csv("hennepin_1202_pha.csv") # scraped Minneapolis court data, filtered for housing authority cases, updated 12/2
minneapolis_all_cases <- read.csv("minneapolis_all_cases.csv") %>% # all scraped Minneapolis court data for question about rank
  mutate(date_filed = mdy(date_filed)) %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed))
minneapolis_eviction_records <- read_xlsx("minn_rent_filings_FINAL.xlsx") %>% # records from Minneapolis PHA about nonpayment cases
  mutate(case_number = tolower(case_number))

#All data for Richmond analysis
richmond <- read.csv("richmond_ha_clean.csv") # scraped Richmond court data, filtered for housing authority cases, updated 12/2
richmond_records <- read.csv("df.final_richmond.csv") # all Richmond records from the housing authority

# Create list of CoCs 
coc_list <- c("MD-513","SC-500","MN-500","VA-500","OK-502")

# Read in Zillow inflection homeless study
coc_rate <- read_csv("") %>%
  clean_names() %>%
  mutate(nat_avg_homeless_rate = mean(estimated_homeless_rate_percent)) %>%
  filter(co_c_number %in% coc_list) %>%
  select(co_c_number, co_c_name, homeless_rate = estimated_homeless_rate_percent, nat_avg_homeless_rate)

# Create list of county fips codes
county_list <- c("45019","24039","27053","51760","40109")

# Get by income Median Gross Rent as Percent of Household Income

median_gross_rent_as_pct_household_income <- get_acs(geography = "county",
              variables = c("B25071_001"), geometry = FALSE, year=2018) %>%
              rename(median_gross_rent_as_pct_household_income = estimate) %>%
              select(-variable, -moe) %>%
              filter(! %>%
              mutate(nat_avg_median_gross_rent_as_pct_household_income = mean(median_gross_rent_as_pct_household_income)) %>%
              filter(GEOID %in% county_list)

# Crosswalk

crosswalk <- tribble(
  ~co_c_number, ~fips,

## Get eviction data 
state <- "US"
# Define path to S3 eviction lab bucket and get it
object_path <- paste0(state,"/counties.csv")
object <- get_object(object_path, bucket = "eviction-lab-data-downloads")
# Read in data from bucket and conenct 
to_character <- rawToChar(object)
connection <- textConnection(to_character)
evictions <- read.csv(connection)

# Filter to only get 2016 eviction filings and filing rate, plus additional cleaning
evictions_2016 <- evictions %>%
  filter(year == 2016) %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  mutate(GEOID = as.character(GEOID)) %>%
  mutate(GEOID = str_pad(GEOID, width=5, side="left", pad="0")) %>%
  select(county_fips = GEOID, cty_eviction_filings_2016 = eviction.filings, cty_evictions_2016 = evictions, cty_eviction_filing_rate_2016 = eviction.filing.rate, cty_eviction_rate_2016 = eviction.rate, cty_rent_burden_2016 = rent.burden, cty_pct_rent_occupied_2016 = pct.renter.occupied) %>%
  select(county_fips, cty_eviction_filing_rate_2016, cty_eviction_rate_2016) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(avg_eviction_filing_rate = mean(cty_eviction_filing_rate_2016),
         avg_eviction_rate = mean(cty_eviction_rate_2016)) %>%
  select(-avg_eviction_rate, -cty_eviction_rate_2016) %>%
  filter(county_fips %in% county_list)

# Bind homeless, rent burden and eviction data together

local_stats <- coc_rate %>%
  inner_join(crosswalk) %>%
  inner_join(median_gross_rent_as_pct_household_income, by=c("fips" = "GEOID")) %>%
  left_join(evictions_2016, by=c("fips"="county_fips")) %>%
  select(fips, name=NAME, homeless_rate, nat_avg_homeless_rate, median_gross_rent_as_pct_household_income, nat_avg_median_gross_rent_as_pct_household_income, eviction_filing_rate = cty_eviction_filing_rate_2016, nat_avg_eviction_filing_rate = avg_eviction_filing_rate)

Story Fact Check


Sentence: “But in Crisfield, a city of 2,600 on the Chesapeake Bay, the housing authority is one of the leading eviction filers.”

Discussion: The Housing Authority of Crisfield accounted for 1,756 of 8,335 filings in Somerset County Maryland between Jan. 1, 2017 and Nov. 30, 2020 – or about 1 in 5 filings. By that measure, they are among the most active in the county.

# count of Crisfield housing authority cases 

crisfield_housing_authority <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  group_by(plaintiff) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  summarise(total_cha = sum(total))

# Count of all cases 
somerset_all_cases <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  summarise(total_filings = n())

# All cases by plaintiffs
somerset_all_plaintiffs <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  group_by(plaintiff) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%

# print results

crisfield_housing_authority %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
somerset_all_cases %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
somerset_all_plaintiffs %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
plaintiff total
housing authority of crisfield 1483
umes blvd llc 489
umes blvd llc dba arden’s run 477
somerset reserve lllp/reserves at somerset 288
housing authority of crisfield/housing authority of crisfield 284
princess anne owner lp 268
enterprise homes/reserves at somerset 231
somerset commons lllp 189
queens grant llc 188
somerset reserve lllp 180
umes blvd llc dba ardens run 175
heritage estates inc 142
sommer place associates 125
talons village 123
enterprise homes/somerset commons 113
umes blvd., llc 108
northern chesapeake mgmt 100
oceans alliance llc 100
umes blvd iii llc dba ardens run iii 79
somerset commons lllp/somerset commons 75
talons village llc 73
acg princess anne llc 69
heritage estates inc. 69
shelter properties/somerset commons 64
crisfield, housing authority of 59
enterprise homes 59
heritage estates 56
johnson, janie t 54
klc llc 53
somerset commons 48
princess anne owner, lp 46
samuel chase associates 45
somerset reserve, lllp 44
northern chesapeake management 42
queens grant 42
a shore fit 41
university park apartments 39
thornton properties llc 36
cmr llc 32
mid-pine estates 32
princess anne townhouses 31
commons, somerset 28
lunnermon, jason 28
wilson landing mhp, llc 28
somerset, reserves at 27
butler, kenneth d 26
donohoe, david 26
goodman, alan 26
housing authority of crisfield housing 24
muir enterprises 23
oceans alliance , llc 22
grant, queens 20
somerset meadows 20
enterprise homes/ reserves at somerset 18
enterprise homes/ somerset commons 18
housing authority of crisfield/housing auority crisfield 18
janie t johnson 18
princess anne owner,lp 17
umes blvd, llc 17
university park apts/somerset property mgmt/deborah k farrow 16
village, talons 16
davis, eric 15
preen investment, llc 15
princess anne townhomes 15
somerset reserve lllp/reserve at somerset 15
somerset village 15
thornton properties, llc 15
wilson landing 15
winn companies llc 15
620 naylor mill rd llc 14
anchored property services 14
marshall, patricia 14
klc, llc 13
smith management group 13
thornton properties 13
somerset commons lllp/ somerset commons 12
somerset village apartments 12
umes blvd, llc dba ardens run 12
w.t.h. inc. 12
winncompanies llc 12
estates, heritage 11
frey, stephen 11
heritage estates, inc 11
run iii, ardens 11
somerset reserves lllp/reserves at somerset 11
university park apts 11
holland, christopher 10
johnson, janie 10
princess anne, acg 10
umes blvd iii, llc 10
umes blvd llc dba arden run 10
university inn 10
heritage estates/deborah farrow, agent 9
preen investment llc 9
somerset reserve lllp/ reserves at somerset 9
umes blvd iii llc dba arden’s run iii 9
university park apts/somerset property mgmt 9
heritage estates/deborah farrow,agent 8
housing auth of crisfield 8
oceans alliance 8
stewarts neck apartments 8
the myers group llc 8
620 naylor mill rd, llc 7
eden estates, inc. 7
nelson family trust 7
queens grant, llc 7
umes blvd 7
anchored property services 6
bn properties llc 6
enterprises homes/ somerset commons 6
llc, klc 6
priness anne owner lp 6
robert kirk corp 6
somerset commons, shelter properties 6
somerset property management 6
tawes, scott 6
the myers group, llc 6
umes blvd ucdba arden’s run 6
c.m.r. llc 5
delmarva management group llc 5
eden estates, inc 5
enterprise homes/ reserve at somerset 5
muir enterprises inc 5
oceans alliance ,llc 5
parker, uvonda 5
r miller properties llc 5
robinson, patricia 5
ume blvd llc dba ardens run 5
university park apts. 5
university park apts/som prop mgmt 5
value enterprises llc 5
30505 prince william llc 4
ace princess anne llc 4
arden’s run 4
butler, kenneth d.  4
caldwell banker for cq investments 4
cmr, llc 4
enterprises, muir 4
farrow, deborah 4
henon, thomas 4
hosuing authority of crisfield/housing authority of crisfield 4
jason lunnerman 4
llc, acg princess anne 4
loretta village apartments 4
pruitt, jonathan 4
r&a financial enterprises llc 4
robert kirk corporation 4
rtp properties, llc 4
run i, ardens 4
somerset reserve, lllp/ reserves at somerset 4
sp rentals llc 4
tm-somerset meadows 4
umes blvd llcdba arden’s run 4
umes blvd llcdba ardens run 4
umes blvd,llc dba ardens run 4
umes blvd. ii llc 4
value enterprises, llc 4
wilson landing mhp 4
wilson realty inc. 4
11825 hytche llc 3
adams, stephanie 3
alaniz, ira l 3
ames, maurice l 3
blue hedge group inc 3
blue hedge group inc. 3
catalla, leovelito t 3
coiro, charles 3
collins, livingston a 3
david donohoe 3
dba arden run iii, umes blvd llc 3
deas, aaemanuel f 3
decatur property management llc 3
eden estates inc 3
enterprises homes/ reserves at somerset 3
evans, stephen 3
fit, a shore 3
francis, dwight 3
hall, donald 3
heritage estates inc/deborah farrow agent 3
housing authoirty of crisfield 3
independence hall llc 3
jason linnermon 3
johnson, janie t. 3
kenneth d butler landlord / uvonda parker property mgmt 3
kenneth d butler, landlord 3
marshall, patricia t 3
maryland hawk corporation 3
messenger, joseph 3
mt. vernon group, llc 3
our house properties, llc 3
princes anne llc, acg 3
properties, thornton 3
pyles, r michael 3
robert-kirk corp 3
stewart neck 3
stewart neck apartments 3
thaxton, cyrano 3
townhouses, princess anne 3
umes blvd ii, llc 3
umes blvd llc dba ardens run 3
umes blvd llc dba arden’s run 3
umes blvd, llc dba arden’s run 3
univ park apts/ som prop mgmt 3
university park/apts/som prop mgmt/deborah farrow 3
wilgus rentals llc 3
winn companies, llc 3
wth, inc. 3
yazdani, shawn 3
11825 hytche, llc 2
620 naylor mill rd , llc 2
a shore fit llc 2
acg princess anne, llc 2
apts, stewarts neck 2
azam rentals inc 2
ballard, kenneth 2
ballard, kenneth e 2
benton, andrew 2
benton, arthur 2
bloom, gary e 2
blosveren, sheila 2
blue claw props/deborah farrow,agent 2
blue hedge group, inc 2
blue hedge group, inc. 2
bn properties, llc 2
brady, wendell 2
brown, iva j 2
butler, kenneth 2
butler(landlord uvonna park), kenneth d 2
caldwell banker for ryt rentals 2
carter, rudy 2
chase, samuel 2
cochran, thomas 2
david donohue 2
davis strategic development 2
davis, roger 2
dba ardens run iii, umes blvd llc 2
decatur property mgt, llc 2
delmarva management group, llc 2
dennis, karen 2
dixon, clarence 2
enterprises homes/reserves at somerset 2
fairwinds apartments 2
farrow, deborah k 2
gonzalez rentals llc 2
gpl llc 2
group, delmarva mgmnt 2
harbour properties, inc. 2
heritage estate inc/deborah k farrow agent 2
heritage estates, inc. 2
hosuign authority of crisfield 2
hosuing authority of crisfield housing 2
housign authority of crisfield 2
housing authoirty of crisfield housing 2
housing authority of crisfield authority of crisfield 2
housing authority of crisfield/housing authority crisfield 2
inv., northern chesapeake 2
johnson, bascil 2
johnson, richard j sr. 2
kenneth d bulter (landlord) 2
lane, christopher 2
leudemann, david 2
llc, cmr 2
lundegard, brinson 2
lunnerman, jason 2
lynch, donna 2
maurice cotton/the roop group pa 2
meryton, llc 2
moore, william 2
moyer, patrick d 2
mt. vernon group llc 2
murphy, robert 2
  1. chesapeake mgmt.
nagle, bill 2
nelson, danny 2
northern chesapeake investments lll 2
ocean alliance , llc 2
oceans alleance llc 2
oceans alliance, llc 2
palmer, kerry 2
pamela latmer/the roop group pa 2
peake bay properties llc 2
preen investments, llc 2
princess anne owners, lp 2
pyles, r. michael sr. 2
queens grant iii 2
  1. miller properties, llc
r&a financial enterprises, llc 2
r&a throncial ent. llc 2
raab, stephen 2
raab, steve 2
rosenberg & associates, llc 2
rtp properties llc 2
somerset commons lllp/someset commons 2
somerset commons, lllp/ somerset commons 2
somerset reserve lll/reserves at somerset 2
somerset reserve lllp/ reserve at somerset 2
somerset reserve lllp/reservers at somerset 2
somerset revers lllp/reverse at somerset 2
somerset reverse lllp/reserves at somerset 2
sommer place associates, 2
sp rentals 2
stephen frey 2
stewarts neck apts 2
talons village , llc 2
talons village, llc 2
tenant buyer options, llc 2
timmons, patricia a 2
tri-county rentals llc 2
tuthill, rachel carlton 2
umes blvd i llc dba arden’s run i 2
umes blvd iii llc/dba ardens run iii 2
umes blvd ll dba arden’s run 2
umes blvd llc dba ardens’s run 2
umes blvd llc iii dba ardens run iii 2
university inn, inc 2
university inn, llc 2
university park apt/som prop mgmt 2
university park apts / somerset property mgmt 2
university park apts/deborah farrow 2
village llc, talons 2
w.t.h. inc 2
willey, william 2
wilson realty inc 2
wolf, debbie 2
yazdani ( long foster agent), shawn 2
1620 naylor mill rd, llc 1
30369 pine st llc 1
620 naylor mill rd, llc 1
a & a realty inc. 1
a shore ft 1
ace prince anne llc 1
ace princess anne, llc 1
acg princess anne llc. 1
addison court apartments 1
adkins, victoria l 1
ag solutions / somerset property mgmt / deborah farrow 1
alan goodman 1
alaniz, reymundo 1
alec enterprises llc 1
allen, william 1
annapolis specialty houses 1
aravanis, joseph 1
assoc., samuel chase 1
associates, samuel chase 1
austin, shanette 1
azalu rentals llc 1
azam rentals llc 1
b n properties, llc 1
bailey, katherine 1
baker, joseph 1
baldwin land holdings, llc 1
barbara slvia/deborah farrow,agent 1
barker, ruth 1
barkley, tramika n 1
barrett, virginia 1
basail johnson/somerset property mgmt/deborah farrow 1
bascil johnson 1
bascil johnson/som prop mgmt/deborah farrow,agent 1
bascil johnson/somerset property management 1
bascil johnson/somerset property mgmt 1
bennett, ruth 1
bivens, charles 1
blue claw props 1
blue claw props/deborah farrow/agent 1
bn properties 1
booze, patricia l 1
borden, eugene q 1
brady, wendell e 1
bretthouer, joy 1
briddell, karen 1
bridell, karen 1
butkler(landlord uvonna park), kenneth d 1
butler (landlord uvonna park), kenneth d 1
butler(landlord uvonda park), kenneth d 1
campbell, barbara 1
catalla, leovelito 1
catalla, leovelito t. 1
cathell, jason 1
caz rentals inc 1
caz rentals inc. 1
cfen holdings 1
chatham, daphne f 1
christopher holland 1
coates, renee 1
collins, lois 1
connor, marcellus l 1
constance davis 1
cunnerman, jason 1
cyrano thaxton 1
dallas lewis, ipm for 1
damen, peter 1
damon, peter 1
daniel & lisa nagley c/o j garrett sheller esq 1
david wheatley/deborah farrow-prop mgt 1
davis & mcdermott holdings 1
davon jones 1
dba arden run i, umes blvd llc 1
dba arden run iii, umes blvd llv 1
dba ardens ram, umes blvd llc 1
dba ardens run i, umes blvd llc 1
dba ardens run i, umes blvd llc 1
dba ardens run iii, umes blvd llc 1
dc watkins properties llc - david c. watkins 1
deas, aaemanuel f.  1
debard, emmett 1
debold, zimmah 1
debord, emmett 1
decatur property mgt llc 1
dees, aaemanieel f 1
denise walls and vicky rhoades/deborah farrou agent 1
dohohue, david 1
donahue, david d 1
donohoe, david d 1
donohog, david 1
donohue, david 1
donophan, walter 1
donuoio (winson realty inc. agent), lawrence 1
dryden, demettris 1
eaddy, michael 1
eastern shore judgment recovery 1
eby, michael lowell 1
eden estates inc. 1
eden states inc. 1
emmett debord 1
enterprise home/ somerset commons 1
enterprise homes./reserve at somerset 1
enterprise homes/reserve at somerset 1
enterprise, homes/ somerset commons 1
enterprises homes/ somerset commons 1
enterprises homes. reserve at somerset 1
enterprises homes/ somerset crossing 1
enterprises homes/ somerset gardens 1
enterprises homes/ somserset commons 1
enterprises homes/reserve at somerset 1
entrprises homes/reserve at somerset 1
equity & help, inc. 1
erika castro 1
estate inc, heritage 1
estate of betty jane langenfelder 1
estates inc, heritage 1
estates inc., heritage 1
estates, inc, heritage 1
evans, michele 1
evans, stephen c 1
fair winds lp 1
fetzer, mark 1
finazzo, thomas 1
gary d williams 1
george test 1
george test and donna test/ somerset property mgmt 1
george test/ som prop mgmt 1
george test/somerset property management 1
georgie&donna test/deborah farrow(agent 1
giancerlo orozco/wilson realty inc, agent 1
glovier, george 1
gonzalez rentals, llc 1
gousing authority of crisfield 1
gpl llc alkerson properties 1
grant llc, queen 1
grant iii, queen 1
grant, frederick 1
grant, frederick sr. 1
greenspring home buiders llc 1
greg plaskon 1
group inc., bluehedge 1
group, blue hedge 1
hamilton, irene l 1
haouing authority of crisfield 1
harbour properties inc 1
hardester, kathy 1
harford property services 1
hartford property services 1
hayward, deandre v 1
hayward, j 1
hayward, lucille 1
heritage estate, inc 1
heritage estate/deborah farrow 1
heritage estate/deborah farrow agent 1
heritage estate/deborah farrow, agent 1
heritage estates inc, 1
heritage estates, inc 1
heritage estates,inc 1
heritage estates/deborah farrow agent 1
heritage estates/deborah farrow/agent 1
hiousing authority of crisfield 1
hochberg, karen j 1
hoffman, robin 1
houisng authority of crisfield 1
housing auhority of crisfield 1
housing authority crisfield housing 1
housing authority of crisfield hosuing 1
housing authority of crisfield housing authority of crisfield 1
housing authority of crisfield/houisn authority of crisfield 1
housing authority of crisfield/houisng authority of crisfield 1
housing authority of crisfield/house authority of crisfield 1
housing authority of crisfield/housing 1
housing authority of crisfield/housing athority of crisfield 1
housing authority of crisfield/housing auority of crisfield 1
housing authority of crisfield/housing authority ford 1
housing authority of crisfield/housing of authority of crisfield 1
housing authority of crisfield` 1
housing authority of crisfields 1
housing authorty of crisfield 1
housing authrity of crisfield 1
housing authroity of crisfield 1
housong authority of crissfield/housing authority crisfield 1
hunter, florence 1
huosing authority of crisfield 1
inn, university 1
ira l alaniz 1
iva i brown 1
iva j brown 1
iva j brown “jenny” 1
jackson, kevin 1
jamarp llc 1
james a briddell 1
james blvd llc dba arden’s run 1
jason cumenuth 1
jason lonnermon 1
jason lunnermon 1
jbg realty 1
jeffrey seiler 1
jesse watson 1
john price 1
johnson, vicki 1
jones, chris 1
jones, george 1
joseph, dorling 1
kaja holdings llc, c/o vision property management llc 1
kane, tracy 1
kauffman, russell a. 1
kenneth butler landlord/uvonda parker 1
kenneth butler landlord/vonda parker 1
kenneth butler, landlord uvonda parker 1
kenneth d butler (landlord)uvavda parker mgtm office 1
kenneth d butler (landlord/uvonda mgnt office 1
kenneth d butler (landlord/uvonda parker mgmt 1
kenneth d butler landlord/uvonda park ofice mgmt 1
kenneth d butler landlord/uvonda parker asst prop manager 1
kenneth d butler,prop,/uvinda parker, prop mgr 1
kenneth d butler/ uvanda parker 1
kenneth d butler/ uvonda parker 1
kenney, jacquelin 1
kingston properties - everett jackson 1
klc llc 1
klc,llc 1
knell, wayne j 1
kurt d hohman sr 1
labo, mary 1
lamb, michael 1
lane, chris 1
lewis, latoya 1
linda windsor 1
livingston a collins 1
livingston collins 1
llc, iklc 1
llc, sp rentals 1
loretta village 1
loretta village apts 1
lrc, value enterprises 1
lumerman, jason 1
lunnermon, mary 1
lusby, mark jr. 1
maggitti, peter 1
malcolm l stonnell, iii 1
maple shade/wilson realty inc 1
maple shade/wilson realty inc. agent 1
mariner, paul w 1
marlene adkins 1
marshall, david 1
marshall, david s. 1
marshall, patricia t. 1
martin ndumu/the roop group 1
martin ndunu/ the roop group pa 1
maurice cotton / the roop grap 1
maurice l ames 1
mayo, charlotte 1
mccray, joseph 1
mcgee, janell 1
md, princess anne 1
meryton llc 1
meryton, llc. 1
mesfwo, genet 1
mgmnt, northern chesapeake 1
michael corbin / wilson realty inc. 1
michael corbin/wilson realty inc agent 1
michael lamb/wilson realty inc 1
michael lamb/wilson realty inc agent 1
miles, jerry 1
miller, cheretha 1
miller, julie 1
mobley, william h 1
mohawk corporation 1
moore, gentry 1
morris, marissa 1
mt vernon group, llc 1
muir enterprises inc. 1
muir, wayne 1
murphey, robert 1
my trust llc 1
nawn yazdani agent of long & foster 1
nelson’s real estate 1
northern cheapeake mgmt 1
northern cheasapeake mgmt 1
northern chesapeak mgmt 1
northern chesapeake invest. 1
ocean alliance, llc 1
onceans alliance ,llc 1
oprincess anne owner, lp 1
orozco, giancereo 1
our house properties 1
our house properties llc 1
parks, keith 1
parkwood limited partnership lllp 1
patricia t marshall 1
patricia timmons 1
patrick and tanya jenson/debora 1
patrick jensen and tonya jensen 1
peter damen 1
piraevs realty 1
porter, lamont 1
preen investment 1
premier properties rental manor 1
premier properties rental mgmnt 1
prime properties llc / wilson realty inc. 1
princess anne owen, lp 1
princess anne owner 1
princess anne owner ,lp 1
princess anne properties 1
princess anne townhouse 1
princess estates/deborah farrow,agent 1
priness anne owner, lp 1
properties, rock point 1
properties, rtp 1
property frameework for cq investments 1
property framework for cq investments 1
property frameworker for leonard nimmerichter 1
property frameworks 1
pruitt, leslie grant 1
pyles, r michael sr. 1
queen grant iii 1
queen grant llc 1
r&a financial ent. llc 1
realty, wilson 1
renae coates 1
renee coates/deborah farrow,agent 1
rentals, b&l 1
rentals, caz 1
reserves at somerset 1
reserves at somerset, enterprise homes 1
reserves at somerset, somerset reserve lllp 1
richard walters/som prop mgmt/deborah farrow ,agent 1
rick russell/somerset park apts/deborah farrow 1
rick russell/somerset property mgmt/deborah farrow 1
riggen, james p 1
ring, roy 1
rlc, llc 1
rnth mgmnt, premier properties 1
robert kirk corp. 1
robert-kirk corp. 1
robinson, patricia m 1
rock point properties 1
rock point properties, llc 1
roop and miguel tapia 1
roop group property management 1
roop group property management p a 1
rosenberg associates, llc 1
s lee smith jr inc 1
  1. lee smith jr. inc.
samuel chase associates, 1
sanvi inc./somerset property mgmt 1
scarborough, preston iii 1
schultz locagno llc 1
schultz-locigno llc 1
schultz, john 1
schumer investments llc 1
selafani/wilson realty inc, agent, veinc 1
shajeb m chendihy 1
shawn yazdani ( long & foster) 1
shelter properties/ somerset commons 1
shumer investments llc 1
smigloski, frank j. 1
smith management group, llc 1
smith, james e 1
smith, lindi anne 1
snee brothers inc 1
so0merset commons lllp/somerset commons 1
someret commons lllp/somerest commons 1
someret reserve lllp/reservers at somerset 1
somerset sommons lllp/somerset commons 1
somerset comm lllp/somerset commons 1
somerset common lllp/somerset commons 1
somerset commons lllp/ somerset commmons 1
somerset commons lllp/ somserset commons 1
somerset commons lllp/someerset commons 1
somerset commons lllp/somerset comnnons 1
somerset commons lllp/somerset comons 1
somerset commons lllp/somerst commons 1
somerset property mgmt, university park apts 1
somerset property mgnt, university park apts 1
somerset reserve lll reserves at someret 1
somerset reserve lllp reserves at somerset 1
somerset reserve lllp/erserves at somerset 1
somerset reserve lllp/preserve at somerset 1
somerset reserve lllp/reserve at someset 1
somerset reserve lllp/reserves at comerset 1
somerset reserve lllp/reserves at someset 1
somerset reserve lllp/reservres at somerset 1
somerset reserve lllp/reverse at somerset 1
somerset reserve lllp/reverse/at somerset 1
somerset reserve, lllp/ reserve at somerset 1
somerset reserves lllp/ reserves at somerset 1
somerset reserves lllp/ reserves at somerset 1
somerset reseve lllp/reserves at somerset 1
somerset revers lllp/reserves at somerset 1
somerset reverse lllp/erwserves at somerset 1
somerset village apts 1
somerst commons lllp 1
somerst commons lllp/somerset commons 1
somerst reserve lllp/ preserve at somerset 1
somerst reserve lllp/reserve at somerset 1
somerst reserve lllp/reserves at so0merset 1
somerst reverse lllp/reserves at somerset 1
someset commons, lllp/ somerset commons 1
sommerset reserve lllp/reserves at somerset 1
sp rentals, llc 1
st james united methodist 1
steawrt neck 1
stephen evans 1
stephen raab 1
stephens frey 1
stewarts neck 1
stewarts neck apts. 1
sylvia, shawn 1
talon village llc 1
talon’s village 1
talons llc. 1
test, george 1
the meyers group,llc 1
the robert kirk corporation 1
the roop group pa 1
thomas cochran/ wilson realty inc, agent 1
thomas cochran/wilson realty inc. 1
thomas, emily marie 1
thompson, robert h sr. 1
thornes, larry 1
thornton properties llc. 1
tirado, devante 1
todman, marshall 1
tony golden/co / sheila blosveren 1
townhouse, princess anne 1
tpm rental properties, llc 1
tracy kane 1
tricounty rentals llc 1
tyler, virginia darlene 1
uems blvd llc dba arden’s run 1
ujmes blvd llc dba arden’s run 1
umbes blvd llc dba ardens run 1
umed blvd llc dba arden’s run 1
umed blvd llc dba ardens run 1
umes blvd llc dba ardens run 1
umes bl;vd, llc dba ardens run 1
umes bld llc dba ardens run 1
umes bldv llc dba arden’s run 1
umes blvd , llc dba ardens run 1
umes blvd b104 llcdba arden’s run 1
umes blvd blvd llc dba arden’s run 1
umes blvd dba arden’s run 1
umes blvd dba ardens run 1
umes blvd i llc 1
umes blvd i llc dba arden run i 1
umes blvd i llc/dba ardens runs ii 1
umes blvd ii llc dba arden’s run i 1
umes blvd iii llc 1
umes blvd iii llc dba arden’s run 1
umes blvd iii llc dba ardens run iii 1
umes blvd llc dba arden’s run 1
umes blvd llc adb arden run 1
umes blvd llc adb arden’s run 1
umes blvd llc dba arden’s run 1
umes blvd llc dba ardens’ run 1
umes blvd llc iii dba arden’s run 1
umes blvd llc, i. dba ardens run i 1
umes blvd llc,iii dba arden’s run iii 1
umes blvd llc. dba arden’s run 1
umes blvd llcdb ardens run 1
umes blvd llcdba ardnes run 1
umes blvd llci dba ardens run 1
umes blvd lll dba arden’s run 1
umes blvd v104 llcdba arden’s run 1
umes blvd, llc dba ardens run 1
umes blvd. 1
umes dba llc dba ardens run 1
umesb blvd, llc dba ardens run 1
univ park apts/ som prop mgt 1
university aprk apts/som prop mgmt 1
university park apt 1
university park apt/somerset property mgmt 1
university park apts/ som prop mgmt 1
university park apts/ som prop mgt 1
university park apts/ somerset property mgmt 1
university park apts/som prop mgnt 1
university park apts/somerset property managment 1
university park apts/somerset property mgmt/deborah farraw 1
universtiy park apts/somerset property mgmt/deborah farrow 1
univesity inn 1
uumes blvd llc dba arden’s run 1
uvonda parker mgt. asst prop, kenneth d butler (landover) 1
value enterprises 1
village llc, talons 1
walters, richard 1
walters, rick 1
ward, sarah l. 1
washburn properties llc 1
waters, frederick rolan 1
wells, clementine 1
wheatley, david 1
white jr., bernis 1
white, albert 1
white, bernis 1
white, diane 1
whitenmon, jasan 1
william & linda willey 1
william moore properties llc 1
willing, marl 1
willing, mary 1
wilson landing mhp llc c/o j garrett sheller,esq 1
wilson landing mhp mhp,llc c/o j garrett sheller esq 1
wilson landing mhp,llc c/o j garret sheller,esq 1
wilson landing mhp,llc c/o j garrett sheller esq 1
wilson landong mhp, servicesc/o j garrett sheller esq 1
wilson realty co. 1
wilsos rentals llc 1
winn campanies, llc 1
winn companies 1
winn companies , llc 1
winn companies,llc 1
winn companis, llc 1
wm moore property, llc 1
workman, jennifer 1
wright, lyndon 1
wth, inc 1

Sentence: “The agency owns just 330 units yet filed 718 times in 2019, all over late rent.”

cha_2019_filing_ct <- somerset %>%
  filter(year == 2019) %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%

cha_2019_filing_type <- somerset %>%
  filter(year == 2019) %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  group_by(case_type) %>%

cha_2019_filing_ct %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
cha_2019_filing_type %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
case_type n
failure to pay rent 718

Sentence: “In nearly 30% of those cases, records show, tenants owed less than $100.”

# Filter 2019 cases and join to ewrit dat
cha_2019_case_less_100_pct <- somerset %>%
  filter(year == 2019) %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  select(case_number) %>%
  left_join(crisfield_ewrit) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(amount_due_category = case_when(
    amount_due < 100 ~ "less_than_100",
    TRUE ~ "greater_than_or_equal_to_100"
  )) %>%
  group_by(amount_due_category) %>%
  summarise(total_cases = n()) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from=amount_due_category, values_from=total_cases) %>%
  mutate(total_cases=less_than_100+greater_than_or_equal_to_100) %>%
  mutate(pct_less_than_100 = round(less_than_100/total_cases*100,2)) %>%

cha_2019_case_less_100_pct %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")

Sentence: “The Housing Authority of Crisfield has filed 1,756 evictions since 2017, all for failure to pay rent.”

crisfield_housing_authority_all <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  group_by(plaintiff) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  summarise(total_cha = sum(total))

cha_filing_type_all <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  mutate(case_type = str_remove_all(case_type," - mobile home")) %>%
  group_by(case_type) %>%
crisfield_housing_authority_all %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
cha_filing_type_all %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
case_type n
failure to pay rent 1765

Sentence: “The annual count more than tripled from 207 in 2017 to 718 last year…”

# group by file year to compare annual filing numbers

cha_by_year <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  group_by(year) %>%

cha_by_year %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
year n
2017 207
2018 506
2019 718
2020 325

Sentence: “Although the records are not clear on all of the outcomes, it appears most settled up or left on their own. However, records indicate that approximately 50 households were forcibly removed — with about half occurring since the beginning of 2019.”

crisfield_households_removed <- somerset %>%
  filter(year > 2016) %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  filter(warrant_outcome == "evicted") %>%
  select(case_number, warrant_outcome, year) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%

crisfield_households_removed %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
year n
2017 16
2018 7
2019 23
2020 4

Sentence: “In Crisfield, Tawna Renee Thomas, 26, received her first eviction filing in March 2018…In total, Thomas received five eviction filings in an 18-month period, according to court records…She hasn’t been served an eviction notice so far in 2020…”

tawna_thomas <- somerset %>%
  filter(filing_date > "2016-12-31") %>%
  filter(str_detect(plaintiff, "cris")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(title,"umes|UMES")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(tenant_address_total,"umes blvd")) %>%
  filter(case_number != "d022lt20000833") %>%
  filter(str_detect(tenant, "tawna")) %>%

tawna_thomas %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
case_number filing_date case_status court_system case_type court_location tenant tenant_address_total plaintiff landlord_address_total disposition dismissal warrant_petition warrant_ordered warrant_executed warrant_outcome warrant_comment title year
d022lt18000370 2018-03-29 closed district court for somerset county-civil failure to pay rent somerset thomas, tawna 252 somers cove crisfield none none housing authority of crisfield p o box 26 crisfield md 21601 04/09/2018 none none none none none none housing authority of crisfield vs. tawna thomas 2018
d022lt18000769 2018-06-07 closed district court for somerset county-civil failure to pay rent somerset thomas, tawna 252 somers cove crisfield none none housing authority of crisfield 115 south 7th street princess anne md 21601 06/18/2018 none none none none none none housing authority of crisfield vs. tawna thomas 2018
d022lt18002213 2018-12-06 closed district court for somerset county-civil failure to pay rent somerset thomas, tawna 252 somers cove crisfield none none housing authority of crisfield 115 south 7th st. crisfield md 21601 none 12/17/2018 none none none none none housing authority of crisfield vs. tawna thomas 2018
d022lt19001886 2019-08-01 closed district court for somerset county-civil failure to pay rent somerset thomas, tawna 252 somers cove crisfield none none housing authority of crisfield 115 south 7th st. crisfield md 21601 08/19/2019 none none none none none none housing authority of crisfield vs. tawna thomas 2019
d022lt19002080 2019-08-21 closed district court for somerset county-civil failure to pay rent somerset thomas, tawna 252 somers cove crisfield none none housing authority of crisfield 115 south 7th st. crisfield md 21601 none 09/09/2019 none none none none none housing authority of crisfield vs. tawna thomas 2019


Sentence: “The Housing Authority of the City of Charleston manages 1,753 units and averages nearly 1,200 eviction filings each year, making it one of the county’s leading eviction filers.”

# create a year column from the date_filed column

charleston_pha_year <- charleston_pha_all %>%
  mutate(year = year(date_filed)) %>%
  filter(!year %in% c("2015","2016","2020")) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  summarise(yearly_average = mean(total))

# use charleston_all to find rank of housing authority in terms of all plaintiffs -- also note that Magnolia Downs is a property owned by the housing authority

charleston_rank <- charleston_all %>%
  group_by(plaintiff_one_name) %>%
  summarise(total = n()) %>%

# print results

charleston_pha_year %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
charleston_rank  %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), font_size = 14, fixed_thead = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "600px", height = "200px")
plaintiff_one_name total
the housing authority of the city of charleston 5723
magnolia downs apartments 2110
ashley oaks apartments 2070
planters crossing 1735
magnolia downs 1071
the space company 1046
peppertree apartments 837
pine crest - vtt charleston, llc 811
springhouse apartments 755
waters at magnolia bay 630
amberwood townhomes 597
port city properties & rentals llc 573
colonial grand at commerce park 568
fairwind and oakfield 557
brackenbrook apartments 485
tommy broach property magnt inc. 473
village square apartments 470
avian place apartments 469
the palms apartments 445
greenwood at ashley river llc d/b/a greenwood at ashley rive 437
trubild 421
cooper’s pointe 367
the charleston property company 366
palmetto rental properties 350
palmetto rental properties, inc. 348
southwood sabal palms inc. dba sabal palms 342
north bluff 338
myriam ellis / magnolia downs 307
strebor properties 291
fairwind & oakfield apts 290
sandover apartments 288
tommy broach jr property management inc 273
bradley square 270
ashley village llc 266
chester place apartments 261
reserve at ashley river 260
space company 260
anchorage apartments 253
colonial village at westchase 253
dorchester village apts 248
west village apartments 248
kwm enterprises 245
thomas daniels agency 239
ashley village 238
collins park villas 231
oasis at west ashley 231
the housing authority of the city eastside 230
colonial village at hampton pointe 229
larry a singletary dba sing realty 229
west yard lofts 223
alta shores 220
vtt charleston llc dba pine crest apartments 218
spanish oaks 211
lake ashley park 209
northwoods townhomes 205
dorchester gardens apartments 199
bmw of north charleston 198
843 real estate 196
willow lake apartments 196
psms llc 193
bees ferry charleston, llc dba shadowmoss pointe 192
plantation flats 192
adalease property management 189
1735 ashley grove, llc & bonaparte marseilles dba latitude 187
bolton landing apartments llc dba bolton’s landing apartment 185
jamison park 182
lake oakridge townhomes 182
dorchester village apartments 180
1735 ashley hall llc dba ashley grove apartments 179
charleston home rentals 170
jamison park apartments 169
fairwind and oakfield apts 167
palmilla apartments 167
reef properties llc 167
brackenbrook 165
harbour station 164
psms 2 llc 162
psms 3 llc 161
windjammer apartments 160
avenues at verdier pointe llc dba the avenues at verdier 159
tommy broach jr property management 157
ashton woods 156
castlewood townhouses 156
palmetto grove apts 156
hawthorne city mhc 154
heron reserve apartments 154
harbor pointe 151
donaree village apartments 150
radius at west ashley llc dba radius at west ashley 148
willow ridge town homes llc 147
port city properties 143
wedgewood townhomes 143
bolton landing apartments llc dba bolton’s landing apts. 141
james towne village apartments 141
scott, henry sr 141
tri-county apartments 140
reef properties 139
property management of charleston 137
yes companies dba sweetgrass estates 135
harbor pointe apartments 133
burbage brothers mhp 129
passco 1000 west mt, llc dba 1000 west apartments 126
townhouse village apartments 126
monument plantation flats llc 125
sterling campus center 124
just rentals inc 122
total properties llc 122
hampton oaks apartments 121
krc wedgewood townhomes 121
clemons realty llc 120
gardens at montague 120
middleton cove apartments 120
peppertree 120
2245 greenridge road d/b/a jamison park 118
bridgeview village apartments 118
mulberry place apartments 118
northlake townhomes 116
aster owner 1, aster owner 2, aster owner 3 dba aster place 115
bridgeview village apts 115
cchra 114
the space co 114
palmetto creek townhomes 113
alston lake apts 112
derrick, george 111
krc chester place 111
peppertree sc llc 110
planters trace apartments 110
bell, ruby 109
jac dar realty inc 109
the housing authority of the city (oshn) 109
j warren sloane dba sloane realty 108
brown, frederick h 107
charleston home investment 105
paul adare llc 105
comline properties llc 103
cypress cove apartments 102
elder, tommy 101
mtb properties 100
port properties llc 100
sc property management experts, llc 100
ashford riverview llc dba ashford riverview 99
bradford apartments 99
north area homes llc 99
riverland llc dba riverland woods 99
gardens at ashley river 98
simmons, f.w. 98
plantation flats apartments 97
planters property llc 97
ingleside plantation 96
ridgeway properties 96
twenty-four seven rentals llc 96
1751 dogwood llc dba oasis at west ashley 95
chester place 95
gallery homes llc 95
bees ferry fca llc dba bees ferry apartment homes 94
port properties 92
summerfield townhouses 92
the gardens at ashley river 92
latitude georgetown charleston llc, dba the carlyle 91
ashford palmetto square llc dba ashford palmetto square 90
willow lake apts 90
dorchester village mhc llc 89
parish place 89
gardens at montague intermark management 88
hampton oaks apartments, llc d/b/a hampton oaks apartments 88
westchase apartments 88
carroll uspf vi charleston iii springhouse owner 86
sam dom charleston equity llc 85
hibben ferry 82
sea island apartments 81
simmons, bill 81
plantation acres mhp, llc 80
mundys trailer park 78
nc trailer park, llc 78
tri-county apt 78
barber, russell 77
mmc investments llc 77
sam dom charleston 77
singletary, larry a. 76
dcpms llc 75
shree ganpati llc 75
birchwood apts 74
lowe v sanders llc 74
twenty four seven rental llc 74
colonial village at westchase apartments 73
cooper pointe apts 73
gladden, james p 73
mrs management 73
oak terrace community 73
the palace apartments 73
wilson, bobby 73
1751 dogwood llc dba oasis at west ashely 72
arium saint ives 72
summerfield town homes l l c 72
bmw of north charleston, llc 71
ellis, myriam 71
yes communities, llc 71
abberly at west ashley apartments 70
ashley grove apartments 70
charleston carolina bay llc dba element carolina bay 70
parish place apartments 70
ridgeway properties llc 70
thomas daniels agency, inc 70
4791 apartment llc d/b/a wedgewood townhomes 69
crickentree apartments 69
gardens of ashley river 69
orleans gardens apartments 69
filbin creek apartments 68
charleston palmetto property llc 67
lurin real estate holdings v llc 67
pyramid properties and mgnt, llc 67
tideland commercial svn 66
doug shorter prop mgmnt 65
hibben ferry apartments 65
yes companies exp llc dba sweetgrass estates 65
yes companies, l l c, exp d/b/a sweetgrass estates 65
carroll uspf vi charleston iii springhouse ow 64
charleston islands llc dba the islands apts & town homes 64
the agent owned realty company 64
alta shores apts 62
mrw limited partnership 62
palmetto grove apartment 62
burbage mhp 61
forestdale llc 61
hicks, norman 61
krc chester place llc 61 dba 61
the shires apartments 60
charleston village mhp 59
island properties management, llc 59
sterling campus center apts 59
tommy broach property management inc. 59
agent owned realty 58
tbr ingleside owner llc, dba ingleside plantation apartments 58
17 south apartments, llc dba 17 south apartments 57
arium north charleston 57
charleston islands llc & charleston islands ii llc 57
cooper’s pointe apartment 57
donaree village 57
j & c properties llc 57
johnson, as agent, curt 57
northwoods townhomes, llc 57
oak hill mobile village llc 57
sk charleston jamison 57
charleston home investments llc 56
greenwood at ashley river 56
palace apartments 56
palmetto exchange apartment llc 56
whittaker, howard 56
catalina 5043 llc 55
loebsack & brownlee, pllc 55
brk ashley river l.p. 54
property concepts inc. 54
windward longpoint 54
janiga, ivan 53
pyramid properties llc 53
bluewater horizons llc 52
bulwinkle, t. d.  52
derrick, barbara 52
property solution providers 52
atlantic on the avenue 51
edgewater plantation 51
sam dom charleston borrower llc 51
strive communities llc dba deerhaven 51
bmw of north charleston d/b/a atlantic palms 50
mosby ingleside 50
moss creek apartments 50
summerfield townhomes 50
fred holland realty 49
woodbridge apartments 49
ashley crossing apartments llc dba hawthorne westside apartm 48
bean, sherril 48
herron properties 48
jac dar realty 48
sterling campus center apartments 48
vaughan properties llc 48
bradley square apartments, inc 47
bridgepoint property management 47
carroll uspf vi charleston ii coopers pointe 47
franklin, kyle 47
gray property 5001, llc dba alta shores apartments 47
latitude at west ashley 47
sherwood community llc 47
shree ganpait llc 47
tommy broach property management 47
brk st ives lp d/b/a palmetto grove 1 46
charlestowne village mhp 46
the boulevard 46
timms, mark 46
windward longpoint apartment 46
bell, steve 45
cypress river apts. 45
dove creek 45
eme apartments 45
fairwind and oakfiled 45
gray property 5001 llc 45
oak terrace village llc 45
residences at proximity, llc 45
alta shores apartments 44
barony place apartments 44
charleston property company 44
greenwood at ashley river, llc 44
ivy ridge apartments 44
jayspen properties 44
melette, corwyn j 44
north area homes 44
thickett apartments 44
tricounty apts 44
avr msp charleston llc dba atlantic at grand oaks 43
gallery homes 43
rivers edge townhomes 43
ankajo properties, llc 42
bean, garrett 42
conroy, shawn 42
doug shorter property management 42
doug shorter property management inc 42
taylor, calvin 42
tommy broach jr. property mangement 42
belle hall apartments 41
da silva, roberto r 41
georgetown apartments 41
hosseini, jaffar 41
nm palm pointe llc 41
quarterdeck at james island 41
arig 3340 shipley investor lp 40
bartlett enterprises 40
remax pro realty 40
shipley street owners, l.l.c. 40
palmetto creek 39
palmetto property management 39
paramount group sc 39
readen mhp, llc 39
tideland commercial 39
ashley arbor 1 38
charleston ingleside ii 38
corwyn j melette and associates llc 38
deer run apts 38
doug shorter management 38
harmon, cheryl 38
westarel llc dba hawthorne westside apartments 38
whitfield properties 38
young, steve 38
ashley crossing apartments llc dba hawthorne westside apts. 37
dasag ashley west, llc dba 1800 ashley west 37
kings crossing 37
ncha liberty hill place 37
readen mobile home park llc 37
summerfield 37
the agent owned realty co 37
wando east townhomes 37
abbott arms associates dba palmilla apartments 36
adkinson, randy 36
ashley river owner llc dba ashley river apartments 36
greentree north apartment 36 36
rivarel llc dba ashley river apartments 36
thomas connor llc 36
west ashley apartments llc dba woodfield south point apts. 36
chester place apts 35
msp rivers mf, llc 35
twenty four seven rentals inc 35
vaughn properties 35
king, samuel b jr 34
oak trust properties 34
rikard, martin 34
the apartments at shade tree 34
windjammer apartments lp 34
broach, tommy jr 33
harbor pointe apts 33
riviera at seaside apartments 33
the sage 33
butler, james 32
charleston rental properties 32
collins park villas, llc 32
factor properties llc 32
highland park llc 32
island properties management 32
north village 32
planters trace 32
readen mobile homes llc 32
sloane realty 32
tommy broach jr property mgmt, inc 32
vincent, linda 32
ashley arms apartments 31
boneworks llc 31
j & c properties 31
jm & j properties 31
kre ch heyward owner llc dba the heyward 31
m r s management/megan boulton 31
sam dom charleston borrower 31
adalease property mgm, llc 30
dorchester investment group, llc 30
fairwind apartment 30
indigo apartments llc 30
marshview place apartments 30
morris, jerry 30
t&r apartments llc 30
willow ridge 30
alston arms 29
bell, james 29
braekenbrook apts 29
brown, jeffery 29
centre pointe charleston llc dba centre pointe apt homes 29
elite palmetto rentals 29
fitzhenry, mark 29
hall, keel 29
island companies of charleston llc 29
lerhman, michael 29
morris, george 29
oak hollow, l.p. 29
palm pointe 29
pc peppertree sc, llc 29
avr charleston riviera llc, dba riviera at seaside 28
dabit, abraham 28
deer run apartments 28
doug shorter prop. management 28
krc wedgewood llc 28
oak terrace village 28
runaway bay apartments 28
spiveys mobile home park 28
american asian investments 27
corwyn j melette and assoc. 27
foley, patrick 27
forest at fenwick 27
haddon hall apartments 27
horizon village/dba barony place apartment 27
ideal rentals 27
oak trust property management 27
parsonage point dev, llc 27
remount townhouse/christopher simmons 27
thomas daniel agency, inc. 27
yes companies llc 27
access trailer park 26
av charleston investco, llc 26
charleston ingleside ii llc d/b/a cypress river apartments 26
cypress river apartments 26
evanston properties 26
harbour station apartment 26
highland park 26
lord, sho chen 26
riverwood apartments 26
russelldale apartments 26
sam dom charleston llc 26
simmons, gary 26
the watch on shem creek 26
craig & co real estate, inc 25
ingleside plantation apt 25
just rentals 25
latitude georgetown charleston, llc dba georgetown apts 25
mid america apartments lp dba colonial village at westchase 25
the space company, inc 25
total properties 25
windward long point apartments, llc dba windward long point 25
1000 west apartments 24
abbott arms associates dba palmilla parkside apartments 24
amaris llc 24
conrex property management 24
corwyn j melette & associates,llc 24
fuerte, juan 24
indigo apts llc 24
msp rivers mf, llc dba atlantic on the avenue 24
paramount management group 24
pinecrest apartments 24
pyramid properties 24
radcliffe manor 24
raia sc spe tx-1 llc & raia sc sp shot 1 llc dba spyglass 24
sweetgrass landing 24
the shires 24
woodfield south point apartments 24
arthur ravenel jr company 23
bridgeside at patriot point 23
conrex property management llc 23
harborstone, llc 23
james towne village llc 23
meach llc c/o southeastern management group, inc. 23
ncr liberty hill llc 23
oakfield apartments 23
oakridge townhouses 23
raia properties montville llc dba spyglass seaside 23
southeastern property group 23
w.a burbage mhp 23
agent owned 22
alston lakes lp 22
arthur ravenel jr co 22
atlantic palms apartments 22
barber, russell a 22
charleston arms apartments 22
crowne at live oak square 22
forestdale 22
joseph paul apartments 22 22
new heights property management 22
new lo, llc 22
palmilla parkside 22
pine forest properties 22
plantation oaks apartments 22
sc property management experts 22
smith, leroy 22
suaifan, maher 22
summit lane capital llc 22
thorp properties 22
tr boulevard corp dba the boulevard 22
trubuild 22
carroll uspf vi charleston iii coopers pointe owner lp 21
dobbins, agnes mccrackin 21
fyall, leroy 21
gonzales, james e