This R markdown document describes the methodology and results of the data cleaning portion of the data analysis conducted for a reporting project examining the effects of climate-change driven temperature increases on the health of people who live in cities. The project was done in partnership with the University of Maryland Philip Merrill College of Journalism, Capital News Service, the Howard Center for Investigative Journalism, NPR, Wide Angle Youth Media and WMAR. It also moved on the Associated Press wire.
Here are links to stories in the series published by participating organizations:
Associated Press
Geographic Units: Several geographic units are used throughout the analysis. The geographic units are:
A Note About ZCTAs:
#### Load Packages ####
library(lubridate) # For working with dates
library(tidyverse) # For data science goodness
library(janitor) # For cleaning names
library(weathermetrics) # For calculating heat index
library(readxl) # For reading in Excel files
library(corrr) # For correlations
library(spelling) # For spellchecking
# Turn off scientific notation in RStudio (prevents accidental coersion to character type)
options(scipen = 999)
# Define path to root of data input folder
path_to_data <- "../../data/input-data/"
Researchers at Portland State University in Oregon and the Science Museum of Virginia provided temperature data from their Urban Heat Island Temperature study, which captured micro-level temperature variations for all of Baltimore City on August 29, 2018.
Temperature data was compiled in three batches for morning, afternoon and evening, in a raster image with one temperature value (in degrees celsius) per pixel.
For each time period, reporters used the open-source mapping program QGIS to calculate zonal statistics (mean, median, min and max) for the temperature in several geographic units.
After calculating the zonal statistics, reporters exported the files from QGIS as CSV files, loaded them into R and joined them into master tables for further processing and analysis.
# Convert celsius values to fahrenheit (could later replace with weathermetrics, which produces same values in multiple tests
c_to_f_convert <- function(x) (x * (9/5) + 32)
###### Afternoon ######
# define specific folder in input data
folder <- "urban_heat_island_temperature/afternoon/"
# Afternoon temperatures by Block
temp_aft_block <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "temp-by-block_af.csv")) %>%
filter(COUNTYFP10 == "510") %>%
rename(temp_mean_aft = temp_mean,
temp_median_aft = temp_median,
temp_min_aft = temp_min,
temp_max_aft = temp_max) %>%
mutate_at(vars(contains("temp")), c_to_f_convert)
# Afternoon temperatures by ZCTA (ZIP Code Tabulation Area)
temp_aft_zcta <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "temp-by-zcta-not-clipped-to-balt-city-border_af.csv")) %>%
rename(temp_mean_aft = t_af_mean,
temp_median_aft = t_af_median,
temp_min_aft = t_af_min,
temp_max_aft = t_af_max) %>%
mutate_at(vars(contains("temp")), c_to_f_convert)
# Afternoon temperatures by Neighborhood Statistical Area (best representation of true city neighborhoods)
temp_aft_nsa <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "temp-by-nsa_af.csv")) %>%
rename(temp_mean_aft = temp_mean,
temp_median_aft = temp_median,
temp_min_aft = temp_min,
temp_max_aft = temp_max) %>%
mutate_at(vars(contains("temp")), c_to_f_convert)
# Afternoon temperatures by Community Statistical Area (small groups of city neighborhoods)
temp_aft_csa <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "temp-by-csa_af.csv")) %>%
mutate(temp_median = temp_media) %>%
select(OBJECTID, CSA2010, temp_mean, temp_median, temp_min, temp_max) %>%
rename(temp_mean_aft = temp_mean,
temp_median_aft = temp_median,
temp_min_aft = temp_min,
temp_max_aft = temp_max) %>%
mutate_at(vars(contains("temp")), c_to_f_convert)
###### Morning ########
# define specific folder in input data
folder <- "urban_heat_island_temperature/morning/"
# Morning temperatures by Block
temp_am_block <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "temp-by-block_am.csv")) %>%
filter(COUNTYFP10 == "510") %>%
rename(temp_mean_am = temp_mea_3,
temp_median_am = temp_med_1,
temp_min_am = temp_min_1,
temp_max_am = temp_max_1) %>%
mutate_at(vars(contains("temp")), c_to_f_convert)
# Morning temperatures by ZCTA (ZIP Code Tabulation Area)
temp_am_zcta <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "temp-by-zcta-not-clipped-to-balt-city-border_am.csv")) %>%
rename(temp_mean_am = t_am_mean,
temp_median_am = t_am_median,
temp_min_am = t_am_min,
temp_max_am = t_am_max) %>%
mutate_at(vars(contains("temp")), c_to_f_convert)
# Morning temperatures by Neighborhood Statistical Area (best representation of true city neighborhoods)
temp_am_nsa <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "temp-by-nsa_am.csv")) %>%
rename(temp_mean_am = temp_mean,
temp_median_am = temp_median,
temp_min_am = temp_min,
temp_max_am = temp_max) %>%
mutate_at(vars(contains("temp")), c_to_f_convert)
# Morning temperatures by Community Statistical Area (small groups of city neighborhoods)
temp_am_csa <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "temp-by-csa_am.csv")) %>%
mutate(temp_mean_am = temp_mea_2,
temp_median_am = temp_med_2,
temp_min_am = temp_min_2,
temp_max_am = temp_max_2) %>%
select(OBJECTID, CSA2010, temp_mean_am, temp_median_am, temp_min_am, temp_max_am) %>%
mutate_at(vars(contains("temp")), c_to_f_convert)
###### Evening ########
# define specific folder in input data
folder <- "urban_heat_island_temperature/evening/"
# Evening temperatures by Block
temp_pm_block <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "temp-by-block_pm.csv")) %>%
filter(COUNTYFP10 == "510") %>%
rename(temp_mean_pm = temp_mea_4,
temp_median_pm = temp_med_2,
temp_min_pm = temp_min_2,
temp_max_pm = temp_max_2) %>%
mutate_at(vars(contains("temp")), c_to_f_convert)
# Evening temperatures by ZCTA (ZIP Code Tabulation Area)
temp_pm_zcta <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "temp-by-zcta-not-clipped-to-balt-city-border_pm.csv")) %>%
rename(temp_mean_pm = t_pm_mean,
temp_median_pm = t_pm_median,
temp_min_pm = t_pm_min,
temp_max_pm = t_pm_max) %>%
mutate_at(vars(contains("temp")), c_to_f_convert)
# Evening temperatures by Neighborhood Statistical Area (best representation of true city neighborhoods)
temp_pm_nsa <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "temp-by-nsa_pm.csv")) %>%
rename(temp_mean_pm = temp_mean,
temp_median_pm = temp_median,
temp_min_pm = temp_min,
temp_max_pm = temp_max) %>%
mutate_at(vars(contains("temp")), c_to_f_convert)
# Evening temperatures by Community Statistical Area (small groups of city neighborhoods)
temp_pm_csa <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "temp-by-csa_pm.csv")) %>%
mutate(temp_mean_pm = temp_mea_1,
temp_median_pm = temp_med_1,
temp_min_pm = temp_min_1,
temp_max_pm = temp_max_1) %>%
select(OBJECTID, CSA2010, temp_mean_pm, temp_median_pm, temp_min_pm, temp_max_pm) %>%
mutate_at(vars(contains("temp")), c_to_f_convert)
###### JOIN AM, AFTERNOON, PM ########
all_temp_block <- temp_am_block %>%
left_join(temp_aft_block) %>%
left_join(temp_pm_block) %>%
mutate_at(vars(matches("STATEFP10"), matches("GEOID10")), as.character) %>% # Recast non-calculable variables as characters
rename_all(tolower) %>% # Standardize variable naming capitalization
select(-statefp10, -countyfp10)
all_temp_csa <- temp_am_csa %>%
left_join(temp_aft_csa) %>%
left_join(temp_pm_csa) %>%
mutate_at(vars(matches("OBJECTID")), as.character) %>% # Recast non-calculable variables as characters
rename_all(tolower) # Standardize variable naming capitalization
all_temp_nsa <- temp_am_nsa %>%
left_join(temp_aft_nsa) %>%
left_join(temp_pm_nsa) %>%
rename_all(tolower) # Standardize variable naming capitalization
all_temp_zcta <- temp_am_zcta %>%
left_join(temp_aft_zcta) %>%
left_join(temp_pm_zcta) %>%
mutate_at(vars(matches("ZCTA5CE10"), matches("GEOID10")), as.character) %>% # Recast non-calculable variables as characters
rename_all(tolower) # Standardize variable naming capitalization
#### Remove unneeded files ####
rm(list=setdiff(ls(), c("all_temp_block", "all_temp_zcta", "all_temp_nsa", "all_temp_csa", "path_to_data")))
The U.S. Forest Service and the University of Vermont Spatial Analysis Lab Spatial Analysis Lab created detailed maps of Baltimore’s tree canopy in 2007 and 2015 using LIDAR and aerial imagery data (Citation: O’Neil-Dunne J. 2017. GIS Shapefile, Tree Canopy Change 2007 - 2015 - Baltimore City. Environmental Data Initiative.
The original shapefile data was presented in terms of “no change,” “gain,” and “loss” categories. To perform the following analysis, we restructured the data within QGIS to represent 2007 and 2015 canopy coverage and calculated zonal statistics (mean and median) at each year. They then exported the data from QGIS into CSVs, loaded them into R and joined them into master tables for further processing and analysis.
# Define specific folder in input data
folder <- "tree-canopy/"
###### Blocks #########
# 2007
tree_block_lidar_2007 <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "by_block/btree_statistics_by_block_2007_lidar.csv")) %>%
# 2015
tree_block_lidar_2015 <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "by_block/btree_statistics_by_block_2015_lidar.csv")) %>%
# Join 2007 to 2015
tree_block_lidar_2007_2015 <- tree_block_lidar_2007 %>%
left_join(tree_block_lidar_2015) %>%
lid_change_percent = (`15_mean`-`07_mean`)/`07_mean`,
lid_change_percent_point = (`15_mean`-`07_mean`)
) %>%
rename("07_lid_mean" = "07_mean",
"15_lid_mean" = "15_mean") %>%
# Recast non-calculable variables as characters
mutate_at(vars(matches("geoid10"), matches("statefp10"),
matches("countyfp10"), matches("blockce10")
###### CSAs ###########
# 2007
tree_csa_lidar_2007 <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "by_community_statistical_area/btree_statistics_by_csa_2007_lidar.csv"))
# 2015
tree_csa_lidar_2015 <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "by_community_statistical_area/btree_statistics_by_csa_2015_lidar.csv"))
# Join 2007 to 2015
tree_csa_lidar_2007_2015 <- tree_csa_lidar_2007 %>%
left_join(tree_csa_lidar_2015) %>%
lid_change_percent = (`15_mean`-`07_mean`)/`07_mean`,
lid_change_percent_point = (`15_mean`-`07_mean`)
) %>%
rename_all(tolower) %>%
select(-matches("17\\-*")) %>%
rename("07_lid_mean" = "07_mean",
"15_lid_mean" = "15_mean") %>%
# Recast non-calculable variables as characters
mutate("objectid" = as.character(objectid))
###### NSAs ##########
# 2007
tree_nsa_lidar_2007 <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "by_neighborhood_statistical_area/btree_statistics_by_nsa_2007_lidar.csv"))
# 2015
tree_nsa_lidar_2015 <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "by_neighborhood_statistical_area/btree_statistics_by_nsa_2015_lidar.csv"))
# Join 2007 to 2015
tree_nsa_lidar_2007_2015 <- tree_nsa_lidar_2007 %>%
left_join(tree_nsa_lidar_2015) %>%
lid_change_percent = (`15_mean`-`07_mean`)/`07_mean`,
lid_change_percent_point = (`15_mean`-`07_mean`)
) %>%
rename_all(tolower) %>%
rename("07_lid_mean" = "07_mean",
"15_lid_mean" = "15_mean") %>%
select(-matches("nbrdesc"), -matches("color_2")) %>%
# Recast non-calculable variables as characters
mutate("objectid" = as.character(objectid))
# Remove unneeded files
rm(list=setdiff(ls(), c(
"tree_block_lidar_2007_2015", "tree_nsa_lidar_2007_2015", "tree_csa_lidar_2007_2015",
"all_temp_block", "all_temp_zcta", "all_temp_nsa", "all_temp_csa", "path_to_data")))
The only recent demographic data available for neighborhood proxy areas is from the Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance, a CSA-level analysis from 2017. The U.S. federal government has not collected demographic information at many micro-geographic levels with reasonable margins of error since the 2010 Census, which this analysis determined is generally too old to be useful. The exception to this is the annual American Community Survey, which we used at a ZCTA-level geographic grouping. Additionally, this analysis used the 2010 population numbers at the block level to filter out low-population blocks. This portion of the analysis did not use demographic information at the NSA level, because the data did not exist in a readily available format with reasonable error margins.
# Common file path to raw demographics data
folder <- "demographics/"
#### Blocks ####
# Read in 2010 population data, SF1 U.S. Census data by block. Used only to filter out no population blocks before doing analysis. Otherwise, 2010 data is too old to use.
demographics_block <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "by_block/2010_SF1_Baltimore_City_Population_by_Block.csv")) %>%
rename_all(tolower) %>%
mutate("geoid10" = as.character(geoid10))
#### CSA ####
# Data from BNIA, reading in 2017 values.
# Clean column names and remove citywide values for Baltimore City so it joins correctly.
demographics_csa <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "by_community_statistical_area/VS_Indicators_2017_Only_BNIA.csv")) %>%
clean_names() %>%
rename_all(tolower) %>%
filter(csa2010 != "Baltimore City")
#### NSA ####
# No available demographic data, because these are shapefiles constructed by the city from census blocks, not an actual U.S. Census product. Block groups and tracts stretch across the boundaries. Therefore, the only available valid data is from the 2010 Census.
#### ZCTA ####
# From American Community Survey, 5 year averages 2017.
demographics_zcta <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "by_zcta/acs_2017_baltimore_zctas.csv")) %>%
rename_all(tolower) %>%
filter(zcta != "CITYWIDE")
Once the individual component data frames have been created and cleaned, they can be merged and saved for use in the analysis.
#### Blocks ####
# Demographics at this level only used for removing low population blocks
blocks_tree_temp_population <- all_temp_block %>%
rename_all(tolower) %>%
left_join(tree_block_lidar_2007_2015) %>%
left_join(demographics_block) %>%
rename_all(tolower) %>%
select(-"countyfp10", -"statefp10", -"tractce10", -"blockce10", -"name10", -"mtfcc10", -"uace10", -"uatype", -"funcstat10", -"name", -"ur10") %>%
mutate(lid_change_percent = ifelse(is.infinite(lid_change_percent) | is.nan(lid_change_percent), NA, lid_change_percent)) %>%
select("geoid10", "population_2010", everything())
# Merge check: All three files have 13598 records, as does the merged file
#### CSA ####
csa_tree_temp_demographics <- all_temp_csa %>%
left_join(tree_csa_lidar_2007_2015) %>%
left_join(demographics_csa) %>%
rename_all(tolower) %>%
select(-"id") %>%
mutate_at(vars(csa2010), tolower)
# Merge check: All three files have 55 records, as does joined file
#### NSA ####
# Note: no demographics for this
nsa_tree_temp <- all_temp_nsa %>%
left_join(tree_nsa_lidar_2007_2015, by=c('nsa_name' = 'label')) %>%
rename_all(tolower) %>%
filter(nsa_name != "Unnamed") %>%
select(-matches("color_2")) %>%
select("objectid", everything()) %>%
mutate(lid_change_percent = ifelse(is.infinite(lid_change_percent) | is.nan(lid_change_percent), NA, lid_change_percent)) %>%
mutate_at(vars(nsa_name), tolower)
# Merge check: the difference in the number of records between the temperature data frame (279) and the tree data frame (278) is because temp has an extra record for Unnamed areas, because of slight differences between the extent of the temperature raster and the NSA shapefile. Here, we drop the unnamed column on join.
#### ZCTA ####
zcta_temp_demographics <- all_temp_zcta %>%
right_join(demographics_zcta, by=c('zcta5ce10' = 'zcta')) %>%
rename_all(tolower) %>%
rename(zcta = 'zcta5ce10') %>%
select(-"geoid10", -"classfp10", -"mtfcc10", -"funcstat10")
# Merge check: All tables have 55 records
#### Remove unneeded files ####
rm(list=setdiff(ls(), c("blocks_tree_temp_population", "zcta_temp_demographics", "nsa_tree_temp", "csa_tree_temp_demographics", "path_to_data")))
Baltimore’s urban forestry division tracks each tree and potential tree site across the city and provided this analysis with a database of those records and accompanying documentation.
The raw data arrived as a .shp file, which reporters joined together with the various core geographies and exported as a CSV for processing in R. The analysis focused on NSA-level geographies.
# List of NSAs of interest for our analysis
target_nsas <- c("Berea", "Broadway East", "Oliver", "Middle East", "Biddle Street","Milton-Montford", "Madison-Eastend", "CARE", "McElderry Park", "Ellwood Park/Monument", "Patterson Place", "Patterson Park Neighborhood", "Baltimore Highlands", "Highlandtown", "Upper Fells Point") %>%
# List of nearby NSAs of interest for our analysis
counterpoint_nsas <- c("Butcher's Hill", "Canton", "Washington Hill") %>%
# Common file path to raw demographics data
folder <- "street-trees/csv/"
#### Load in the data ####
street_trees <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "by_nsa/street_trees_nsa_join_table.csv")) %>%
select(-COLOR_2, -LABEL) %>%
rename_all(tolower) %>%
mutate_all(tolower) %>%
# Eliminate the "stump w" (typo), group "sprout" with "stump"
mutate(condition = ifelse((condition == "stump w")|(condition == "sprouts"), "stump", condition)) %>%
mutate(condition = ifelse(condition == "n/a", "unknown", condition)) %>%
# Make "condition" a factor so it can be ordered
as.factor) %>%
mutate(condition = fct_relevel(condition,
)) %>%
mutate_at(vars(matches("tree_ht"), matches("dbh")), as.numeric)
### Add categories of planting difficulty ###
#### Levels of difficulty to plant ############
# Live tree exists = NA = live tree #
# Absent and not potential = 1 = easy #
# Stump or dead = 2 = moderate #
# Absent and potential = 3 = hard #
# Absent and "not suitable" = 4 = unsuitable #
# All others = 0 = unknown #
# Note on trees marked as "Not suitable" in 'spp' or 'common' colunms:
# "A space exists to plant but it may be too small or near a hazard or obstruction,"
# per Nathan Randolph, GIS Analyst at Department of Recreation and Parks.
### Add categories
street_trees_categorized <- street_trees %>%
# Add col for top-level category
mutate(has_live_tree = ifelse(
(condition == "poor")|
(condition == "fair")|
(condition == "good"),
T, F)) %>%
# Add col for second-level category as a number
mutate(difficulty_level_num = case_when(
# Difficulty of planting NA if tree already there.
has_live_tree == T ~ NA_integer_,
# Difficulty level 1 if...
condition == "absent" & # No tree,
!str_detect(space_type, "potential") & # Not marked "potential" aka doesn't require breaking concrete,
(!str_detect(spp, "not suit") | !str_detect(common, "not suit") # Not marked unsuitable.
) ~ 1L,
# Difficulty level 2 if removal of dead tree required.
condition == "stump" | condition == "dead" ~ 2L,
# Difficulty level 3 if...
condition == "absent" & # Marked absent (AND by elimination also marked potential),
(!str_detect(spp, "not suit") | !str_detect(common, "not suit") # Not marked unsuitable.
) ~ 3L,
# Difficulty level 4 if marked unsuitable
str_detect(spp, "not suit") ~ 4L,
# Catches all others at difficulty level 0 (9 erratta: "unknown")
) ) %>%
# Add col for second-level category as plain language
mutate(difficulty_level = case_when( ~ "has live tree",
difficulty_level_num == 1L ~ "easy",
difficulty_level_num == 2L ~ "moderate",
difficulty_level_num == 3L ~ "hard",
difficulty_level_num == 4L ~ "unsuitable",
TRUE ~ NA_character_
) ) %>%
# Add col to denote target NSAs
mutate(is_target_nsa = case_when(
nbrdesc %in% target_nsas ~ T,
)) %>%
# Add col to denote counterpoint NSAs
mutate(is_counterpoint_nsa = case_when(
nbrdesc %in% counterpoint_nsas ~ T,
)) %>%
# Lightly clean the genus field
mutate(genus_clean = if_else( | str_detect(genus, pattern = "\\.|,"), word(spp,1), genus)) %>%
mutate(genus_clean = case_when(
genus_clean == "horsechestnut" ~ "aesculus",
genus_clean == "goldenraintree" ~ "koelreuteria",
genus_clean == "honeylocust" ~ "gleditsia",
genus_clean == "japanese pagodatree" ~ "styphnolobium",
genus_clean == "mimosa" ~ "albizia",
genus_clean == "royal paulownia" ~ "paulownia tomentosa",
genus_clean == "tuliptree" ~ "liriodendron",
genus_clean == "tree of heaven" ~ "ailanthus",
genus_clean == "yellowwood" ~ "cladrastis",
genus_clean == "blackgum" ~ "nyssa",
genus_clean == "boxelder" ~ "acer",
genus_clean == "douglas-fir" ~ "pseudotsuga",
genus_clean == "katsuratree" ~ "cercidiphyllum",
genus_clean == "kentucky coffeetree" ~ "gymnocladus",
genus_clean == "persian parrotia" ~ "parrotia",
TRUE ~ genus_clean
### Basic count tables, required for later queries ###
# Count total spaces that are tracked, both with and without trees
spaces_count_by_nsa <- street_trees_categorized %>%
group_by(nbrdesc) %>%
dplyr::summarize(all_tracked_spaces = n()) %>%
# Add ranking so we can say NSA is #x citywide
arrange(nbrdesc, all_tracked_spaces) %>%
mutate(rank_all_tracked_spaces = rank(desc(all_tracked_spaces), na.last = "keep", ties.method = "first"))
# Count total spaces with live trees (later we want to know the percent *of existing trees* at each condition)
live_count_by_nsa <- street_trees_categorized %>%
filter(has_live_tree == T) %>%
group_by(nbrdesc) %>%
dplyr::summarize(spaces_with_live_trees = n()) %>%
# Add ranking so we can say NSA is #x citywide
arrange(nbrdesc, spaces_with_live_trees) %>%
mutate(rank_spaces_with_live_trees = rank(desc(spaces_with_live_trees), na.last = "keep", ties.method = "first"))
# Count total spaces without live trees (includes dead trees and stumps)
empty_spaces_count_by_nsa <- street_trees_categorized %>%
# Only spaces without a live tree
filter(has_live_tree == F) %>%
# Use difficulty level to categorize by suitable/unsuitable
mutate(is_suitable = case_when(
difficulty_level_num == 4 ~ F,
)) %>%
group_by(nbrdesc, is_suitable) %>%
dplyr::summarize(count_spaces = n()) %>%
tidyr::spread(is_suitable, count_spaces) %>%
suitable_without_tree = "TRUE",
unsuitable_without_tree = "FALSE"
) %>%
# Include the total (KI: Should just be a rowsum but can't get that to work.)
left_join(street_trees_categorized %>%
filter(has_live_tree == F) %>%
group_by(nbrdesc) %>%
dplyr::summarize(spaces_without_live_trees = n())) %>%
# Add ranking for each category so can say NSA is #x in terms of each category citywide
dplyr::arrange(nbrdesc, unsuitable_without_tree) %>%
mutate(rank_unsuitable_without_tree = rank(desc(unsuitable_without_tree), na.last = "keep", ties.method = "first")) %>%
dplyr::arrange(nbrdesc, suitable_without_tree) %>%
mutate(rank_suitable_without_tree = rank(desc(suitable_without_tree), na.last = "keep", ties.method = "first")) %>%
dplyr::arrange(nbrdesc, spaces_without_live_trees) %>%
mutate(rank_spaces_without_live_trees = rank(desc(spaces_without_live_trees), na.last = "keep", ties.method = "first"))
# Combine all counts into single table of COUNT of LIVE/EMPTY/(SUITABLE/UNSUITABLE)/ALL
spaces_count_by_nsa_all <- spaces_count_by_nsa %>%
left_join(live_count_by_nsa) %>%
# Find PERCENTs of trees/spaces/suitable/nonsuitable:
tree_as_percent_of_spaces_by_nsa <- spaces_count_by_nsa_all %>%
# 1. percent of trees compared to total spaces
mutate(perc_spaces_treed = round(100*(spaces_with_live_trees / all_tracked_spaces), 2)) %>%
# 2. percent of non-tree'ed spaces compared to total spaces
mutate(perc_spaces_nontreed = round(100*(spaces_without_live_trees / all_tracked_spaces), 2)) %>%
# 3. percent of non-tree'ed spaces are suitable non-tree'ed spaces
mutate(perc_of_nontreed_are_suitable = round(100*(suitable_without_tree / spaces_without_live_trees), 2)) %>%
# Add ranking for each category so can say NSA is #x in terms of each category citywide
dplyr::arrange(nbrdesc, perc_spaces_treed) %>%
mutate(rank_perc_spaces_treed = rank(desc(perc_spaces_treed), na.last = "keep", ties.method = "first")) %>%
dplyr::arrange(nbrdesc, perc_spaces_nontreed) %>%
mutate(rank_perc_spaces_nontreed = rank(desc(perc_spaces_nontreed), na.last = "keep", ties.method = "first")) %>%
dplyr::arrange(nbrdesc, perc_of_nontreed_are_suitable) %>%
mutate(rank_perc_of_nontreed_are_suitable = rank(desc(perc_of_nontreed_are_suitable), na.last = "keep", ties.method = "first"))
### Difficulty of planting ########
# COUNT spaces AT EACH DIFFICULTY in each nsa
empty_spaces_by_diff_by_nsa_count <- street_trees_categorized %>%
group_by(nbrdesc, difficulty_level_num) %>%
dplyr::summarize(num = n()) %>%
tidyr::spread(difficulty_level_num, num) %>%
num_unknown = "0",
num_easy = "1",
num_moderate = "2",
num_hard = "3",
num_not_suitable = "4",
num_spaces_with_live_trees = "<NA>"
) %>%
# PERCENT of total empty spots AT EACH DIFFICULTY in each nsa
empty_spaces_by_diff_by_nsa_perc <- street_trees_categorized %>%
group_by(nbrdesc, difficulty_level_num) %>%
dplyr::summarize(num = n()) %>%
# Join totals for perc calc
left_join(tree_as_percent_of_spaces_by_nsa %>% select(nbrdesc , spaces_without_live_trees)) %>%
mutate(perc_difflvl_to_empty_spaces = round(100*(num/spaces_without_live_trees), 2)) %>%
select(-num) %>%
tidyr::spread(difficulty_level_num, perc_difflvl_to_empty_spaces) %>%
select(-"<NA>") %>%
perc_of_nontreed_unknown = "0",
perc_of_nontreed_easy = "1",
perc_of_nontreed_moderate = "2",
perc_of_nontreed_hard = "3",
perc_of_nontreed_unsuitable = "4",
num_spaces_without_live_trees = "spaces_without_live_trees"
) %>%
# Join into master DIFFICULTY table
empty_spaces_by_diff_by_nsa <- empty_spaces_by_diff_by_nsa_count %>%
left_join(empty_spaces_by_diff_by_nsa_perc) %>%
# Rearange for readability
select(1, 6:7, 2:5, 8:11)
### Tree condition by nsa ############
# Tree condition by neighborhood starting table
tree_condition_by_nsa_long <- street_trees_categorized %>%
# Filter for tree-able spaces with live trees, because we want to know the percent *of existing trees* at each condition
filter(has_live_tree == T) %>%
group_by(nbrdesc, condition) %>%
dplyr::summarize(num_trees = n()) %>%
# Find percent of live trees are in each condition?
# Join table to get total number of live trees
left_join(tree_as_percent_of_spaces_by_nsa) %>%
mutate(perc_condition_to_live_trees = round(100*(num_trees/spaces_with_live_trees), 2))
# Tree condition percent by nsa
tree_condition_perc_by_nsa_wide <- tree_condition_by_nsa_long %>%
# Select cols to spread
select(nbrdesc, condition, perc_condition_to_live_trees) %>%
tidyr::spread(condition, perc_condition_to_live_trees) %>%
poor_perc_of_live = poor,
fair_perc_of_live = fair,
good_perc_of_live = good
# Tree condition count by nsa
tree_condition_count_by_nsa_wide <- tree_condition_by_nsa_long %>%
# Select cols to spread
select(nbrdesc, condition, num_trees) %>%
tidyr::spread(condition, num_trees) %>%
poor_count = poor,
fair_count = fair,
good_count = good
# Join condition info tables into final
tree_condition_by_nsa <- tree_condition_perc_by_nsa_wide %>%
left_join(tree_condition_count_by_nsa_wide) %>%
left_join(tree_as_percent_of_spaces_by_nsa %>% select(nbrdesc, spaces_with_live_trees)) %>%
# Rearange for readability
1, 8, 5:7, 2:4
### Tree height/diameter by neighborhood ###
# Tree height/diameter
tree_height_diam_by_nsa <- street_trees_categorized %>%
filter(has_live_tree == T) %>%
group_by(nbrdesc) %>%
dplyr::summarize(combined_ht = sum(tree_ht),
avg_ht = round(mean(tree_ht), 2),
combined_diam = sum(dbh),
avg_diam = round(mean(dbh), 2)
# Add to tree_condition_by_nsa
tree_condition_by_nsa <- tree_condition_by_nsa %>%
left_join(tree_height_diam_by_nsa) %>%
# Drop combined totals cols
select(-contains("combined")) %>%
# If fewer than 50 trees, make a new cols for height and diameter, replace number with NA
mutate(avg_ht_controled = ifelse(
spaces_with_live_trees < 50, NA_real_, avg_ht),
avg_diam_controled = ifelse(
spaces_with_live_trees < 50, NA_real_, avg_diam)
) %>%
# Add ranking for each category so can say NSA is #x in terms of each category citywide
dplyr::arrange(nbrdesc, avg_ht_controled) %>%
mutate(rank_avg_ht = rank(desc(avg_ht_controled), na.last = "keep", ties.method = "first")) %>%
dplyr::arrange(nbrdesc, avg_diam_controled) %>%
mutate(rank_avg_diam = rank(desc(avg_diam_controled), na.last = "keep", ties.method = "first"))
master_street_trees_by_nsa <- tree_as_percent_of_spaces_by_nsa %>%
left_join(empty_spaces_by_diff_by_nsa) %>%
left_join(tree_condition_by_nsa) %>%
# Add ranking for perc good
arrange(nbrdesc, good_perc_of_live) %>%
mutate(rank_good_perc_of_live = rank(desc(good_perc_of_live), na.last = "keep", ties.method = "first")) %>%
# Add ranking for perc poor
arrange(nbrdesc, poor_perc_of_live) %>%
mutate(rank_poor_perc_of_live = rank(desc(poor_perc_of_live), na.last = "keep", ties.method = "first")) %>%
# Add col for is/isn't NSA of interest
mutate(is_target_nsa = case_when(
nbrdesc %in% target_nsas ~ T,
#### Remove unneeded files ####
rm(list=setdiff(ls(), c("blocks_tree_temp_population", "zcta_temp_demographics", "nsa_tree_temp", "csa_tree_temp_demographics", "street_trees_categorized", "redlining_tree", "master_street_trees_by_nsa", "path_to_data")))
This analysis used QGIS to compute tree canopy for geographies based on redlining shapefiles downloaded from the Mapping Inequality project.
# Common file path to raw redlining data
folder <- "redlining-data/"
# Load data
redlining_tree <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "HOLC_Redlining_2015_tree_canopy.csv")) %>%
select(-matches("name"), -matches("area_descr")) %>%
mutate(grade_descr = case_when(
holc_grade == "A" ~ "best",
holc_grade == "B" ~ "still desirable",
holc_grade == "C" ~ "definitely declining",
holc_grade == "D" ~ "hazardous",
T ~ NA_character_
)) %>%
select(holc_id, holc_grade, grade_descr,
count_all_pix_15 = `15_count`,
sum_canopy_pix_15 = `15_sum`,
mean_pix_15 = `15_mean`)
We acquired historical temperature data for National Weather Service monitoring stations at both BWI airport (BWI) and the Inner Harbor monitoring station (DMH) and used it in various parts of our analysis. We got this data from the Iowa State University Iowa Environmental Mesonet, which contains information for global ASOS monitoring stations. We captured temperature, humidity and dew point data, which we used to calculate heat index.
# Store folder path
folder <- "baltimore-weather-stations/"
# Load BWI and DMH data
bwi <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "BWI-1-1-45-current.txt"))
dmh <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "DMH-5-1-98-9-2-2019.txt"))
# Clean BWI data
bwi <- bwi %>%
select(-relh) %>%
filter(tmpf != 'M', dwpf != 'M') %>%
mutate(tmpf = as.numeric(tmpf),
dwpf = as.numeric(dwpf)) %>%
mutate(date = as.Date(valid, format="%Y-%m-%d")) %>%
mutate(year=year(valid)) %>%
mutate(month=month(valid)) %>%
mutate(day=day(valid)) %>%
mutate(hour=hour(valid)) %>%
distinct(valid, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
mutate(heat_index = heat.index(t=tmpf, dp=dwpf, temperature.metric = "fahrenheit", round=0)) %>%
mutate(relative_humidity = = dwpf, t = tmpf, temperature.metric = "fahrenheit")) %>%
select(date, year, month, day, hour, tmpf, dwpf, relative_humidity, heat_index) %>%
group_by(date, year, month, day, hour) %>%
summarise(avg_hourly_temperature_bwi = mean(tmpf),
avg_hourly_dewpoint_bwi = mean(dwpf),
avg_hourly_relative_humidity_bwi = mean(relative_humidity),
avg_hourly_heat_index_bwi = mean(heat_index)
) %>%
# Clean DMH data
dmh <- dmh %>%
select(-relh) %>%
filter(tmpf != 'M', dwpf != 'M') %>%
mutate(tmpf = as.numeric(tmpf),
dwpf = as.numeric(dwpf)) %>%
mutate(date = as.Date(valid, format="%Y-%m-%d")) %>%
mutate(year=year(valid)) %>%
mutate(month=month(valid)) %>%
mutate(day=day(valid)) %>%
mutate(hour=hour(valid)) %>%
distinct(valid, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
mutate(heat_index = heat.index(t=tmpf, dp=dwpf, temperature.metric = "fahrenheit", round=0)) %>%
mutate(relative_humidity = = dwpf, t = tmpf, temperature.metric = "fahrenheit")) %>%
select(date, year, month, day, hour, tmpf, dwpf, relative_humidity, heat_index) %>%
group_by(date, year, month, day, hour) %>%
summarise(avg_hourly_temperature_dmh = mean(tmpf),
avg_hourly_dewpoint_dmh = mean(dwpf),
avg_hourly_relative_humidity_dmh = mean(relative_humidity),
avg_hourly_heat_index_dmh = mean(heat_index)
) %>%
# We have 75 years of dew point and temperature data for BWI, which allows us to calculate heat index
# We have 20 years of dew point and temperature data for DMH (Inner Harbor), which allows us to calculate heat index.
# Dan Li, a climate researcher at Boston University who has studied variation in urban heat island temperatures between suburbs in different seasons and different hours of the day, said a pretty good way to calculate the difference in urban v suburban heat island, and create a longer estimated historical record of temperatures at DMH would be:
# Join the 20 years of DMH data to the 20 years of BWI data. Join on date and hour, so we end up with a data frame of values for both DMH and BWI for each date and hour in our data set. Do an inner join, so that if for some reason DMH is missing an hour from its data set (or vice versa), it doesn't mess up our averages. Calculate new columns with difference in temperature, dew point, relative humidity and heat index between BWI and DMH. Since in almost all cases BWI will be colder than DMH, make it so the difference is positive if DMH is greater than BWI.
dmh_bwi <- bwi %>%
inner_join(dmh, by = c("date", "hour")) %>%
rename(year = year.x, month = month.x, day = day.x) %>%
select(-year.y, -month.y, -day.y) %>%
mutate(temperature_difference = avg_hourly_temperature_dmh - avg_hourly_temperature_bwi,
dew_point_difference = avg_hourly_dewpoint_dmh - avg_hourly_dewpoint_bwi,
relative_humidity_difference = avg_hourly_relative_humidity_dmh - avg_hourly_relative_humidity_bwi,
heat_index_difference = avg_hourly_heat_index_dmh - avg_hourly_heat_index_bwi)
# Group by month and hour and calculate the AVERAGE difference in temperature, dew point, relative humidity and heat index.
dmh_bwi_monthly_by_hour <- dmh_bwi %>%
group_by(month, hour) %>%
summarize(avg_temperature_difference = mean(temperature_difference),
avg_dew_point_difference = mean(dew_point_difference),
avg_relative_humidity_difference = mean(relative_humidity_difference),
avg_heat_index_difference = mean(heat_index_difference))
# Go back to the original 75 years of BWI data (after it's been cleaned, not on raw import). Write case when function adjusting the temperature and dew point values based on table created in step 4. Create two new columns to recalculate heat index and relative humidity (see cleaning function above, weathermetrics package has a nice way of doing this). Call them adjusted_heat_index, adjusted_relative_humidity
estimated_historical_dmh <- bwi %>%
inner_join(dmh_bwi_monthly_by_hour, by = c("month", "hour")) %>%
mutate(projected_temperature_dmh = avg_hourly_temperature_bwi + avg_temperature_difference,
projected_dew_point_dmh = avg_hourly_dewpoint_bwi + avg_dew_point_difference,
projected_heat_index_dmh = heat.index(t=projected_temperature_dmh, dp=projected_dew_point_dmh, temperature.metric = "fahrenheit", round=0),
projected_relative_humidity_dmh = = projected_dew_point_dmh, t = projected_temperature_dmh, temperature.metric = "fahrenheit")) %>%
select(-matches("bwi"), -matches("avg"))
We obtained from Baltimore City EMS calls between 2014 and 2018. Each call included information about conditions and ZIP code of each call.
# Folder path
folder <- "baltimore-ems/"
# Load in five CSVs, one for each year
EMS_2014 <- read.csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "2014.csv"))
EMS_2015 <- read.csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "2015.csv"))
EMS_2016 <- read.csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "2016.csv"))
EMS_2017 <- read.csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "2017.csv"))
EMS_2018_partial <- read.csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "2018-1.1-11.30.csv"))
# Bind together into one dataframe
EMS_all <- bind_rows(EMS_2014, EMS_2015, EMS_2016, EMS_2017, EMS_2018_partial)
# Remove all dataframes from our environment but EMS_all
# rm(list=setdiff(ls(), "EMS_all"))
#### Clean EMS Data #############
# Rename columns to get rid of funky codes
EMS_all <- EMS_all %>%
rename(incident_date = Incident.Date,
incident_number = Incident.Number,
primary_impression = Primary.Impression,
arrived_on_scene_time = Times...Arrived.on.Scene.Time,
zipcode = Incident.Postal.Code..E8.15.,
destination_patient_disposition = Destination.Patient.Disposition..E20.10.,
destination_code = Destination.Code..E20.2.
# Filter EMS_all to remove the dispositions we don't want.
EMS_all <- EMS_all %>%
filter(destination_patient_disposition != "" &
destination_patient_disposition != "No Patient Found" &
destination_patient_disposition != "Cancelled en Route/On Arrival" &
destination_patient_disposition != "Cancelled Prior to Response" &
destination_patient_disposition != "Provided ALS personnel to scene, no transport" &
destination_patient_disposition != "Standby Only - No Patient Contacts" &
destination_patient_disposition != "Cancelled On Arrival" &
destination_patient_disposition != "Operational Support Provided Only")
# Remove N/A and blank values
EMS_all <- EMS_all[-which(EMS_all$arrived_on_scene_time=="" | EMS_all$incident_date) | EMS_all$incident_number=="" | EMS_all$primary_impression=="" | EMS_all$zipcode=="" | EMS_all$destination_patient_disposition==""), ]
# remove all characters from ZIP code field
v1 <- c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0")
EMS_all$zipcode <- gsub(paste0("[^", paste(v1, collapse=""), "]+"), "", EMS_all$zipcode)
# Create an array of Baltimore ZIP codes used in our analysis
balt_zips <- c("21201","21202","21205","21206","21207","21208","21209","21210","21211","21212","21213","21214", "21215","21216","21217","21218","21222","21223","21224","21225","21226","21227","21228","21229", "21230","21231","21234","21236","21237","21239","21251")
# Filter out handful of unneeded ZIPs
EMS_all <- subset(EMS_all, zipcode %in% balt_zips )
# Create full datetime object of arrival time
EMS_all <- EMS_all %>%
mutate(arrive_time = as.POSIXct(paste(incident_date, arrived_on_scene_time), format="%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S")) %>%
# mutate(date = as.Date(arrive_time, format="%y-%m-%d" tz="")) %>%
mutate(year=year(arrive_time)) %>%
mutate(month=month(arrive_time)) %>%
mutate(day=day(arrive_time)) %>%
mutate(hour=hour(arrive_time)) %>%
mutate(date = make_date(year = year, month = month, day= day)) %>%
select(date, year, month, day, hour, arrived_on_scene_time, zipcode, primary_impression)
# Working from the original primary impression field, crated a new field called primary impression group that keeps the names of things we care to examine, and lump everything else into "other" category. Also create a higher level primary impression category that groups like conditions together.
EMS_all <- EMS_all %>%
mutate(primary_impression_group = if_else(primary_impression %in% c("Pain", "Other", "Abdominal Pain/Problems", "Weakness", "Other Illness/Injury", "Nausea/Vomiting (Unknown Etiology)", "General Malaise/Sick", "Back Pain (Non-Traumatic)", "Headache", "OB/Gyn - Vaginal Hemorrhage", "Fever", "Unknown Problem", "Poisoning", "Drowning/Near Drowning", "Electrocution", "Inhalation Injury (Toxic Gas)", "Lightening Strike", "Depressurization/Scuba", "SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)", "Traumatic Injury", "OB/Gyn - Other", "OB/Gyn - OB/Delivery", "Sepsis", "Other CNS Problem", "Migraine", "Allergic Reaction", "Abuse / Neglect", "Stings/Venomous Bites", "Airway Obstruction", "Anaphylaxis", "Hypovolemia/Shock", "Overpressurization", "Hazmat Exposure - Chem, Bio, Rad", "Inhalation - Smoke", "Sexual Assault/Rape", "Other Endocrine/Metabolic Problem", "Bowel Obstruction", "Apparent Life-Threatening Event", "Diarrhea", "Burn", "Pregnancy/OB Delivery", "G.I. Bleed", "Other GU Problems", "Patient Assist Only", "Not Applicable", "Other Abdominal/GI Problem", "No Apparent Illness/Injury"), "Other", primary_impression),
primary_impression_category = case_when(
primary_impression_group %in% c("ETOH Abuse", "Withdrawal/Overdose ETOH", "Withdrawal/Overdose Drugs", "Altered Level of Consciousness", "Substance/Drug Abuse") ~ "Substance abuse",
primary_impression_group %in% c("Cardiac Arrest", "Cardiac Rhythm Disturbance", "Hypotension", "Hypertension", "CHF (Congestive Heart Failure)", "Chest Pain/Discomfort", "Chest Pain - STEMI", "Other Cardiovascular Problem", "Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm" ) ~ "Heart/circulatory",
primary_impression_group %in% c("Heat Exhaustion/Heat Stroke", "Hyperthermia" ) ~ "Acute heat conditions",
primary_impression_group %in% c("Diabetic Hypoglycemia", "Diabetic Hyperglycemia") ~ "Diabetes complication",
primary_impression_group %in% c("COPD (Emphysema/Chronic Bronchitis)", "Asthma", "Respiratory Distress", "Respiratory Arrest", "Croup") ~ "Respiratory",
primary_impression_group %in% c("Stroke/CVA", "TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack)") ~ "Stroke",
TRUE ~ primary_impression_group
# Join to temperature data
EMS_all <- inner_join(EMS_all, dmh, by=c("date","hour"))
## Adjust for Urban Heat Island and Calculate Adjusted Heat Index
# For each call, we now have the temperature and heat index value as recorded at the Inner Harbor station at the date and time of the call. But we have not yet accounted for the fact that, in Baltimore City, temperatures can vary greatly between the Inner Harbor and other parts of the city. We obtained urban heat island raster images, showing block-by-block temperature variations in Baltimore calculated using mobile temperature sensors and satellite data on August 29, 2018. (Citation: Shandas, V.; Voelkel, J.; Williams, J.; Hoffman, J. Integrating Satellite and Ground Measurements for Predicting Locations of Extreme Urban Heat. Climate 2019, 7, 5. and processed them in QGIS to obtain median afternoon temperatures for each ZIP code in our analysis. We then adjusted each call's Inner Harbor temperature to account for the delta between the Inner Harbor monitoring station's ZIP code (21230) temperature in the urban heat island study and each call's ZIP code temperature in the urban heat island study. Using the adjusted temperature, we recalculated the heat index using the dew point reading captured at the Inner Harbor.
# Adjust for Urban Heat Island and Calculate Heat Index ##
# Load urban heat island data with morning, aft and night median temperature.
all_temp_zcta_ems <- zcta_temp_demographics %>%
select(zcta, temp_median_am, temp_median_aft, temp_median_pm) %>%
mutate(zipcode = zcta)
# Calculate difference between Inner Harbor (KDMH) station temperature. A positive value in difference columns means warmer than inner harbor KDMH weather station at Science Center. A negative value means cooler.
all_temp_zcta_ems <- all_temp_zcta_ems %>%
mutate(temp_median_am_kdmh_zip = 79.6,
temp_median_aft_kdmh_zip = 95.3,
temp_median_pm_kdmh_zip = 89.8,
am_difference = temp_median_am - temp_median_am_kdmh_zip,
aft_difference = temp_median_aft - temp_median_aft_kdmh_zip,
pm_difference = temp_median_pm - temp_median_pm_kdmh_zip,
zipcode = as.character(zipcode)
) %>%
select(zipcode, matches("difference"))
# Join urban_heat_zcta to EMS_all
EMS_all <- EMS_all %>%
inner_join(all_temp_zcta_ems, by=c("zipcode"))
# Create columns with adjusted temperature
EMS_all <- EMS_all %>%
mutate(adjusted_temperature =
case_when(hour >= 20 ~ as.character(avg_hourly_temperature_dmh + pm_difference),
hour >= 12 ~ as.character(avg_hourly_temperature_dmh + aft_difference),
hour >= 4 ~ as.character(avg_hourly_temperature_dmh + am_difference),
hour >= 0 ~ as.character(avg_hourly_temperature_dmh + pm_difference)
adjusted_temperature = round(as.numeric(adjusted_temperature), 0)
# Now that we've adjusted temperature, calculate the adjusted heat index
EMS_all <- EMS_all %>%
mutate(adjusted_heat_index = heat.index(t=adjusted_temperature, dp=avg_hourly_dewpoint_dmh, temperature.metric = "fahrenheit", output.metric = "fahrenheit"))
## Create Heat Index Buckets
#In order to examine the impact of extreme temperatures on EMS calls, we need to assign each call's adjusted heat index value to one of four temperature buckets we've created to align with the National Weather Service's heat index safety threshold table.
#The NWS heat index formula assumes conditions of light wind and shade, noting that exposure to full sun can increase heat index values by up to 15 degrees. We didn't feel comfortable adjusting heat index values to account for this, so this is where we are. We were also unable to obtain the necessary data to calculate "wet bulb globe temperature", which the NWS says can be a better measure of heat stress in full sunlight.
#The NWS heat index buckets are:
#* < 80 = not unsafe temperatures for heat
#* 80-89 = caution
#* 90-102 = extreme caution
#* 103-124 = danger
#* Approximately 125+ = extreme danger
# Create a NWS temperature bucket in our joined calls-temp data set with a five-part NWS temperature danger scale.
EMS_all <- EMS_all %>%
mutate(adjusted_heat_index_nws_five_scale_bucket = case_when(
adjusted_heat_index <= 79 ~ "not_unsafe_under_80",
adjusted_heat_index >= 80 & adjusted_heat_index <= 89 ~ "caution_80_89",
adjusted_heat_index >= 90 & adjusted_heat_index <= 102 ~ "extreme_caution_90_102",
adjusted_heat_index >= 103 & adjusted_heat_index <= 124 ~ "danger_103_124",
adjusted_heat_index >= 125 ~ "extreme_danger_125_plus"
# For later calculations, we're also going to have to create these NWS temperature buckets in our temperature data set.
dmh_ems <- dmh %>%
mutate(heat_index_nws_five_scale_bucket = case_when(
avg_hourly_heat_index_dmh <= 79 ~ "not_unsafe_under_80",
avg_hourly_heat_index_dmh >= 80 & avg_hourly_heat_index_dmh <= 89 ~ "caution_80_89",
avg_hourly_heat_index_dmh >= 90 & avg_hourly_heat_index_dmh <= 102 ~ "extreme_caution_90_102",
avg_hourly_heat_index_dmh >= 103 & avg_hourly_heat_index_dmh <= 124 ~ "danger_103_124",
avg_hourly_heat_index_dmh >= 125 ~ "extreme_danger_125_plus"
## Filter Data Only for Summer Dates
# We only want to examine last summer in Baltimore (2018), so we need to filter our full_data and temp_data sets.
EMS_all <- EMS_all %>%
filter(`date` >= date("2018-06-21") & `date` <= ("2018-09-21"))
dmh_ems <- dmh_ems %>%
filter(`date` >= date("2018-06-21") & `date` <= ("2018-09-21"))
From the Health Services Cost Review Commission in Maryland, we obtained detailed records of inpatient and outpatient hospital visits, with one record per visit, between 2013 and 2018. The code for processing the data is included here, but we cannot store the original files that are processed by that code, per our memorandum of understanding with the HSCRC.
# Common file path to raw EMS data
folder <- "hscrc-hospital-data/"
# Function to make correlation matrix
make_correlation_matrix <- function(dataframe) {
# Read in hospital data and join it to demographics by zipcode
temp <- left_join(dataframe, zcta_temp_demographics, by=c("ZIPCODE" = "zcta"))
# Filter data for needed columns and remove unneeded zipcodes
temp <- temp %>%
) %>%
# Add merged temperature + condition dataframe to environment
table_name <- paste0(deparse(substitute(dataframe)), "_disease_heat")
assign(table_name, temp, envir = parent.frame())
# Build correlation matrix
correlation_matrix <- temp %>%
select(-ZIPCODE) %>%
as.matrix %>%
correlate() %>%
focus(-matches("_prev")) %>%
select(matches("rowname|_%$|_f$|_d$|_a$|^temp_|_mean$")) %>%
# Add merged temperature + condition dataframe to environment
table_name <- paste0(deparse(substitute(dataframe)), "_correlation_matrix")
assign(table_name, correlation_matrix, envir = parent.frame())
# Load inpatient hospital admissions percentage by zipcode
ip_full_zip <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "ip/ip_full_zip.csv"))
ip_full_zip <- ip_full_zip %>%
filter(ZIPCODE != "CITYWIDE", ZIPCODE != "21251") %>%
select(ZIPCODE, matches("asthma"), matches("kidney"), matches("diabetes"), matches("copd"), matches("heart"), matches("angina"), matches("artery"), -matches("count"), -matches("percap"), -matches("population") )
# Load inpatient hospital admissions percentage by zipcode, broken down by medicaid status
ip_full_zip_medicaid <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "ip/ip_full_medicaid.csv"))
ip_full_zip_medicaid <- ip_full_zip_medicaid %>%
filter(ZIPCODE != "CITYWIDE", ZIPCODE != "21251") %>%
select(ZIPCODE, matches("asthma"), matches("kidney"), matches("diabetes"), matches("copd"), matches("heart"), matches("angina"), matches("artery"), -matches("count"), -matches("percap"), -matches("population"), -matches("not"), -matches("commercial")) %>%
select(ZIPCODE, matches("medicaid"))
# Load ER hospital admissions percentage by zipcode
op_er_full_zip <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "op_er/op_er_full_zip.csv"))
op_er_full_zip <- op_er_full_zip %>%
filter(ZIPCODE != "CITYWIDE", ZIPCODE != "21251") %>%
select(ZIPCODE, matches("asthma"), matches("kidney"), matches("diabetes"), matches("copd"), matches("heart"), matches("angina"), matches("artery"), -matches("count"), -matches("percap"), -matches("population") )
# Load ER hospital admissions percentage by zipcode, broken down by medicaid status
op_er_full_zip_medicaid <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "op_er/op_er_full_medicaid.csv"))
op_er_full_zip_medicaid <- op_er_full_zip_medicaid %>%
filter(ZIPCODE != "CITYWIDE", ZIPCODE != "21251") %>%
select(ZIPCODE, matches("asthma"), matches("kidney"), matches("diabetes"), matches("copd"), matches("heart"), matches("angina"), matches("artery"), -matches("count"), -matches("percap"), -matches("population"), -matches("not"), -matches("commercial")) %>%
select(ZIPCODE, matches("medicaid"))
# Execute function to create correlation matrixes and data frame for each function.
We built temperature and humidity sensors, using this “Harlem Heat” project guide created by WNYC public radio for their Harlem Heat Project. We placed them in several homes in Baltimore in summer 2019 and joined them with outdoor temperature to examine how heat index varied indoors and out.
# Common file path to raw EMS data
folder <- "temperature-sensors/"
### Define column headers for sensor readings data ###
sensor_col_names <- c("sensor_id", "unix_time", "datetime", "temperature", "relative_humidity", "battery_life")
##### Sensor Processing Function ######
process_sensor_data <- function(person_location) {
# parse date objects and remove unneeded columns
temp <- person_location %>%
mutate(date = date(datetime)) %>%
mutate(year = year(datetime)) %>%
mutate(month = month(datetime)) %>%
mutate(day = day(datetime)) %>%
mutate(hour = hour(datetime)) %>%
mutate(minute = minute(datetime)) %>%
select(datetime, date, year, month, day, hour, minute, temperature, relative_humidity) %>%
mutate(heat_index = heat.index(t=temperature, rh=relative_humidity, temperature.metric = "fahrenheit")) %>%
left_join(dmh, by = c("year", "month", "day", "hour")) %>%
select(-contains(".y"), -contains("dew")) %>%
rename(date = `date.x`) %>%
mutate(indoor_temperature_difference = temperature - avg_hourly_temperature_dmh,
indoor_heat_index_difference = heat_index - avg_hourly_heat_index_dmh)
# calculate average temperature by day for the sensor, and store it as temporary object
temp_humidity_heat_index_day <- temp %>%
group_by(date) %>%
summarise(mean_indoor_temperature = round(mean(temperature),1),
mean_indoor_heat_index = round(mean(heat_index),1),
mean_indoor_relative_humidity = round(mean(relative_humidity),1),
mean_outdoor_temperature = round(mean(avg_hourly_temperature_dmh),1),
mean_outdoor_heat_index = round(mean(avg_hourly_heat_index_dmh),1),
indoor_temperature_difference = mean_indoor_temperature - mean_outdoor_temperature,
indoor_heat_index_difference = mean_indoor_heat_index - mean_outdoor_heat_index)
table_name <- paste0(deparse(substitute(person_location)), "_day_averages")
assign(table_name, temp_humidity_heat_index_day, envir = parent.frame())
# calculate average temperature by day and hour for the sensor, and store it as temporary object
temp_humidity_heat_index_day_hour <- temp %>%
mutate(date_hour = make_datetime(year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour)) %>%
group_by(date_hour) %>%
summarise(mean_indoor_temperature = round(mean(temperature),1),
mean_indoor_heat_index = round(mean(heat_index),1),
mean_indoor_relative_humidity = round(mean(relative_humidity),1),
mean_outdoor_temperature = round(mean(avg_hourly_temperature_dmh),1),
mean_outdoor_heat_index = round(mean(avg_hourly_heat_index_dmh),1),
indoor_temperature_difference = mean_indoor_temperature - mean_outdoor_temperature,
indoor_heat_index_difference = mean_indoor_heat_index - mean_outdoor_heat_index)
table_name <- paste0(deparse(substitute(person_location)), "_day_hourly_averages")
assign(table_name, temp_humidity_heat_index_day_hour, envir = parent.frame())
# calculate average temperature by minute for the sensor, and store it as temporary object
# Note: because temperature collection is done at intervals that are sometimes greater than a minute, won't have exactly one value per minute.
temp_humidity_heat_index_day_minute <- temp %>%
mutate(date_hour_minute = make_datetime(year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour, min = minute)) %>%
group_by(date_hour_minute) %>%
summarise(mean_indoor_temperature = round(mean(temperature),1),
mean_indoor_heat_index = round(mean(heat_index),1),
mean_indoor_relative_humidity = round(mean(relative_humidity),1),
mean_outdoor_temperature = round(mean(avg_hourly_temperature_dmh),1),
mean_outdoor_heat_index = round(mean(avg_hourly_heat_index_dmh),1),
indoor_temperature_difference = mean_indoor_temperature - mean_outdoor_temperature,
indoor_heat_index_difference = mean_indoor_heat_index - mean_outdoor_heat_index)
table_name <- paste0(deparse(substitute(person_location)), "_day_minute_averages")
assign(table_name, temp_humidity_heat_index_day_minute, envir = parent.frame())
#### Read in Data ####
# Stephanie Pingley bedroom
stephanie <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "stephanie/stephanie.TXT"), col_names = sensor_col_names)
# Michael and Alberta
michael <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "michael/michael.TXT"), col_names = sensor_col_names)
# Tammy first floor
tammy <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "tammy/tammy-first-floor.TXT"), col_names = sensor_col_names)
# Audrey unknown location
audrey <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "audrey/audrey.TXT"), col_names = sensor_col_names)
To calculate how average annual temperatures in Baltimore changed compared to the U.S. over the last century, we pulled data from NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center on average annual temperatures for both geographies.
# Common file path to raw temperature data
folder <- "1895-2019-average-temp/"
# Read in temperature data files for US
us_change_temp <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "us-change-temp.csv"))
# Read in temperature data files for Baltimore
baltimore_change_temp <- read_csv(paste0(path_to_data, folder, "baltimore-change-temp.csv"))
# Clean date and select only needed columns for Baltimore
baltimore_change_temp <- baltimore_change_temp %>%
mutate(Date = (Date - 12)/100) %>%
# Clean date and select only needed columns for Baltimore
us_change_temp <- us_change_temp %>%
mutate(Date = (Date - 12)/100) %>%
To examine how climate change will drive up the number of extreme heat index days in the future, we used data from researchers at the Union of Concerned Scientists and the University of Idaho, described in the research paper: “Increased frequency of and population exposure to extreme heat index days in the United States during the 21st century”. The data we used is available here.
# Common file path to raw temperature data
folder <- "heat-index-projections/"
# Read in data
heat_index_projections <- read_xlsx(paste0(path_to_data,folder, "killer-heat-data-by-city.xlsx"), sheet="cleaned_all_cities")
The following generated files are necessary for future portions of this analysis.
### Define root save path
save_path <- "../../data/output-data/"
### Write to CSV
## Tree Canopy, Heat Island Temperature, Demographics
# Define folder
folder <- "tree_temp_demographics/"
# Write out csvs
write_csv(blocks_tree_temp_population, paste0(save_path, folder, "blocks_tree_temp_demographics.csv"))
write_csv(csa_tree_temp_demographics, paste0(save_path, folder, "csa_tree_temp_demographics.csv"))
write_csv(nsa_tree_temp, paste0(save_path, folder, "nsa_tree_temp.csv"))
write_csv(zcta_temp_demographics, paste0(save_path, folder, "zcta_temp_demographics.csv"))
## Street Trees
# Define folder
folder <- "street_trees/"
# Write out csvs
write_csv(street_trees_categorized, paste0(save_path, folder, "street_trees_nsa_categorized.csv"))
write_csv(master_street_trees_by_nsa, paste0(save_path, folder, "street_trees_nsa_summarized.csv"))
## Redlining
# Define folder
folder <- "redlining_trees/"
# Write out csv
write_csv(redlining_tree, paste0(save_path, folder, "redlining_tree.csv"))
## EMS
# Define folder
folder <- "ems/"
# Write out csvs
write_csv(EMS_all, paste0(save_path, folder, "EMS_all.csv"))
write_csv(dmh_ems, paste0(save_path, folder, "dmh_ems.csv"))
## Weather stations
# Define folder
folder <- "baltimore_weather_stations/"
# Write out csvs
write_csv(estimated_historical_dmh, paste0(save_path, folder, "estimated_historical_dmh.csv"))
write_csv(dmh, paste0(save_path, folder, "dmh.csv"))
write_csv(bwi, paste0(save_path, folder, "bwi.csv"))
## Sensor Data
# Define folder
folder <- "temperature_sensors/stephanie/"
# Write out csvs
write_csv(stephanie_day_averages, paste0(save_path, folder, "stephanie_day_averages.csv"))
write_csv(stephanie_day_hourly_averages, paste0(save_path, folder, "stephanie_day_hourly_averages.csv"))
write_csv(stephanie_day_minute_averages, paste0(save_path, folder, "stephanie_day_minute_averages.csv"))
# Define folder
folder <- "temperature_sensors/tammy/"
# Write out csvs
write_csv(tammy_day_averages, paste0(save_path, folder, "tammy_day_averages.csv"))
write_csv(tammy_day_hourly_averages, paste0(save_path, folder, "tammy_day_hourly_averages.csv"))
write_csv(tammy_day_minute_averages, paste0(save_path, folder, "tammy_day_minute_averages.csv"))
# Define folder
folder <- "temperature_sensors/michael/"
# Write out csvs
write_csv(michael_day_averages, paste0(save_path, folder, "michael_day_averages.csv"))
write_csv(michael_day_hourly_averages, paste0(save_path, folder, "michael_day_hourly_averages.csv"))
write_csv(michael_day_minute_averages, paste0(save_path, folder, "michael_day_minute_averages.csv"))
# Define folder
folder <- "temperature_sensors/audrey/"
# Write out csvs
write_csv(audrey_day_averages, paste0(save_path, folder, "audrey_day_averages.csv"))
write_csv(audrey_day_hourly_averages, paste0(save_path, folder, "audrey_day_hourly_averages.csv"))
write_csv(audrey_day_minute_averages, paste0(save_path, folder, "audrey_day_minute_averages.csv"))
## Hospital Data
## Inpatient by Zip Code
# Define folder
folder <- "hospital_data/ip/"
# Write out csv
write_csv(ip_full_zip_correlation_matrix, paste0(save_path, folder, "ip_full_zip_correlation_matrix.csv"))
write_csv(ip_full_zip_disease_heat, paste0(save_path, folder, "ip_full_zip_disease_heat.csv"))
# Medicaid Inpatient by Zip Code
# Write out csv
write_csv(ip_full_zip_medicaid_correlation_matrix, paste0(save_path, folder, "ip_full_zip_medicaid_correlation_matrix.csv"))
write_csv(ip_full_zip_medicaid_disease_heat, paste0(save_path, folder, "ip_full_zip_medicaid_disease_heat.csv"))
## Emergency Room by Zip Code
# Define folder
folder <- "hospital_data/op_er/"
# Write csv
write_csv(op_er_full_zip_correlation_matrix, paste0(save_path, folder, "op_er_full_zip_correlation_matrix.csv"))
write_csv(op_er_full_zip_disease_heat, paste0(save_path, folder, "op_er_full_zip_disease_heat.csv"))
# Medicaid Emergency Room by ZipCode
# Write csv
write_csv(op_er_full_zip_medicaid_correlation_matrix, paste0(save_path, folder, "op_er_full_zip_medicaid_correlation_matrix.csv"))
write_csv(op_er_full_zip_medicaid_disease_heat, paste0(save_path, folder, "op_er_full_zip_medicaid_disease_heat.csv"))
### Clean up the workspace